Chapter 171
Wu Sansheng explained: "Water Bandit Cave, the ancient circle is close to the square, and this cave has been around for some years. It seems that there must be universe in this cave."

The boatman said: "This brother seems to be well-informed. You are right. The whole mountain here is an ancient tomb. There are countless large and small water pirate holes nearby. The water level was not so high before. Dry cave!"

Wu Sansheng didn't expect this boatman to know so much about tomb robbery: "It seems that you are also an expert!"

The boatman shook his head and said: "I can't be called an expert. I also listened to people who came here before. After listening to a lot, I can naturally say a few words, but what I said is superficial."

At this moment, the boatman probably guessed what the group of people were doing here.

The boat entered the water hole, and when it turned again, the water hole was pitch black.

Everyone turned on their flashlights one after another, and saw many black coffins on the wooden frame built next to the mountain!
Very weird!
Young Master He sighed: "Oh, it's a good thing Chen Chengcheng didn't come over, if he came over, he would be scared to death!"

Wu Xie said with concern: "I don't know how Chen Chengcheng is doing now, there is no news at all..."

Chen Chengcheng?
The one who claims to be Wu Sansheng's good niece?
Su Mo smiled, she knew that this woman was not a good person.

Another walk.

Zhang Qiling sat on the bow and raised his hand to remind: "Everyone, listen to the sound!"

Su Mo also heard the voice, not only heard it, but he also saw the black shadow in the water one step earlier than everyone else.

Su Mo said: "Corpse, be careful..."

Pan Zi stood up and subconsciously looked at the boatman and the guide, but they were both missing.

Everyone was shocked, and the two living people just disappeared from sight.

Hey Shao was surprised, "Could it be that there are ghosts?"

Su Mo was speechless, and thought to himself, if Lao Hu and Fatty were here, he would definitely be much more relaxed.

It is absolutely taboo to go down to the grave and bring two newcomers.

Su Mo said: "Okay, it's not that mysterious, when they just passed a low rock top, they climbed up..."

Pan Zi was about to open his mouth to say something again, but Su Mo interrupted, "Stop talking, the turtle ahead is here..."

Everyone hurriedly called forward with their flashlights.

After two or three seconds.

There was a sound in front, and countless black shadows appeared underwater.It is moving to the position of everyone.


The group of black shadows hit the wooden boat, and the wooden boat immediately began to shake from side to side.

Just when a group of black shadows were about to hit the wooden boat of Su Mo's five men, Chaos got up, took a step forward, and roared, "Go away!"

An indistinct murderous aura rushed away, and all the black shadows who were about to approach the wooden boat of Su Mo's five began to detour.

This is the self-contained skill of the four fierce generals. Although it is not as good as Su Mo's Longwei, it is naturally not a problem to dispel this low-level corpse.

The black shadow in the water receded, and when he saw it, Chaos smiled with satisfaction, and sat next to Su Mo again.

Wu Sanxing looked at Chaos in surprise, "The famous four fierce generals on the road really deserve their reputation. My father once said that there were masters in the late Qing Dynasty who could drive flies and ants back with blood. I didn't believe it before, but today I have learned a lot. ..."

Chaos is very humble, "It's just heresy!"

Although the three boats stopped, fortunately they were going downstream, and the wooden boats continued to float in the water.

I don't know how long we have been walking, but the front is getting colder and colder, and everyone's mood is getting lower and lower. There is no guide, and the boatman is lost. Many people are already retreating.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit dull, Su Mo took the initiative to say, "The river is getting lower and lower, and our boat is wider. It is impossible to turn around now, and we can only walk to the end!"

Su Mo just finished speaking...


There was a confusing sound that disturbed the brain.

Except for Zhang Qiling, Su Mo and the other five, everyone else had a headache.

This voice directly stimulated the nerves in everyone's minds, like Tang Seng's magic spell.

Wu Xie stood up with blank eyes, like a marionette.

Seeing Wu Xie's situation, Su Mo shouted: "There is a problem with the sound, everyone plug your ears!"

Zhang Qiling made a quick decision, kicked Wu Xie into the water, then kicked Pan Zi, Wu Sansheng, Hey Shao into the water, and then jumped into the water urgently to find Wu Xie.

Su Mo stood up and looked at the situation in the water. He knew that the sound should come from the bronze bell on the corpse turtle.


After half a minute, Wu Xie was the first to emerge from the water, and began to breathe in the air with great gulps, obviously holding back heavily.

After a while, Pan Zi also emerged from the water.The two looked confused, and after looking at each other, they saw a corpse with only the upper body and covered in blood floating on the water.

The death was extremely tragic.

The two were shocked!
At this moment, a corpse turtle bit Pan Zifei.Pan Ziyu was so shocked that he didn't notice at all.

At the critical moment, Su Mo erupted suddenly, covering the waters.

Compared with more than 20 years ago, Su Mo's strength is stronger now, and the coercion of Huanghuang Tianwei emanates from Su Mo.

Wu Xie and Pan Zi woke up immediately, and a sense of suffocation followed. The corpse turtle that flew towards Pan Zi also paused in the air, and then fell into the water again.

In an instant, all the turtle corpses in this water area disappeared without a trace.

Su Mo smiled faintly, retracted the awe of the dragon,

All the people who entered the water emerged from the water one by one.

Su Mo and the four fierce generals pulled everyone up one by one.

The little brother was handsome, grabbed the side of the boat with one hand, and jumped onto the boat.The movement is very elegant.

Hey took a few breaths and suddenly looked at the boatman floating on the water.

"he died…"

It was the first time for Young Master He to see a dead body, and his body softened, and he sat down on the board of the boat.

Wu Sansheng was thoughtful, "It seems that this boatman wants to leave our luggage here, and take our luggage away after we die..."

"But cleverness was misunderstood by cleverness, but he died here today!"

"Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long..."

As he said that, Wu Sansheng picked up the wooden paddle on the boat and took the initiative to row the boat, and several people followed suit.

Everyone paddled for about an hour.

Wu Xie looked at the surrounding rock walls in surprise and said, "Third Uncle, look at this whole rock wall, how did the ancestors in ancient times dig it out?"

At this moment, Wu Xie was full of curiosity, "Even now, there are not tens of thousands of people who can't dig such a deep ancient cave..."

Wu Sansheng also looked at the rock wall and said, "This cave should be very old. The person who dug this robbery cave must be an official!"

official profiteering?
Wu Xie was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

"Officials are troops dedicated to fighting against each other."

Speaking of the downfall, Wu Sanxing glanced at Su Mo intentionally or unintentionally.

His identity in Yanjing is not a secret, so Su Mo did not hide it, and said proactively: "That's right, General Faqiu Zhonglang and Captain Mojin are the tomb-robbing army set up by Cao Cao, that is, officials. It is also the most famous official party in history, and it still has a legacy."

Wu Xie was surprised and said, "Now there is still Captain Mojin?"

Su Mo thought of his brothers, and smiled: "Why not? In today's world, there are still four orthodox Captain Mojin!"

Hearing this, Wu Xie couldn't help but look at the four fierce generals beside Su Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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