Chapter 192 Preparation, Xisha Undersea Tomb
Xisha, Jude Kao?
Xisha Undersea Tomb!
Su Mo suddenly realized, thinking of the disappearance of Wu Sansheng, he soon thought of the Xisha Seabed Tomb.

The disappearing Wu Sansheng, the snake-browed copper fish, Jude Kao, and the nursing home, all the secrets are related to the Xisha submarine tomb!
Not only that, but the Xisha submarine tomb is related to another person!
Wang Zanghai!
For the sake of longevity, the founder of the Wang family left a lot of research results in the Xisha submarine tomb.


Su Mo murmured, "Xisha...Wang family!"

Mentioning the Wang family, Su Mo's eyes became sharper. Since the last Yuan Dynasty stronghold incident, the Wang family has been doing something for some reason. There has been no news, as if they have completely disappeared from the world.


Wang Yueban who was on the side heard Su Mo muttering to himself, seemed to have remembered something, patted his head, and shouted: "Master Su...not master, A Ning sent me a message a few days ago, and let me I'm going to Xisha..."


Thinking of this, a message flashed in Su Moye's mind. He quickly turned on his phone and looked through the call records of the past few days.

Sure enough, in the call log, Su Mo found a missed call.

The display is foreign!

Su Mo thought it was an ordinary scam call and didn't take it seriously.

After thinking about it, Su Mo still called back.


After about ten seconds, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello? Master Su?"

It was Aning.

Su Mo said bluntly, "Tell me, what do you want to tell me?"

It was reasonable for Aning to be able to contact Wang Yueban, but Su Mo was a little surprised to take the initiative to contact himself. You must know that he had grievances and disputes with these mercenaries.

Aning said, "Our boss found an ancient tomb in you want to come and have a look?"

Su Mo licked his lips, "Did you call the wrong number? Are you sure you are looking for me?"

On the other end of the phone, Aning said: "Nothing is impossible. The enmity between the Wu family and our boss can be traced back to the last century, but just a while ago, Wu Sansheng approached us and offered to cooperate with his company. Let's work together to salvage sunken ships in the ocean..."


Su Mo was silent for a moment, and said, "How is Wu Sansheng doing now?"

Aning said truthfully, "According to the information provided by Wu Sansheng and our company's equipment, the cooperation between our two parties went smoothly, but just two days ago, the ship Wu Sansheng was on suddenly lost its signal..."

Su Mo said, "Does Wu Xie know about this news?"

Aning: "I have already sent him a message in the name of Wu Sansheng. Wu Sansheng also explained before that if something happens to me, let me find Wu Xie!"


Su Mo said: "I'll think about it..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Aning to speak, Su Mo hung up the phone directly.

【Ding! 】

The system sound sounded as promised, [Congratulations to the host for triggering the selection system! 】

[Option [-], reject Aning's invitation and reward the corpse language (the same style as Zhang Qiling)]

[Option [-]: Go to the tomb alone, brush the Xisha underwater tomb alone, and reward the nine-grabbing hook secret skill (the same style as Chen Pi Asi)]

[Option [-]: Accept Aning's invitation, go to the tomb under the sea, and reward the illusion (the same style as the blue-eyed fox)]

The choice reward this time is quite refreshing.

There was an obvious change on Su Mo's face.

"Brother Su, do you want to fight upside down?"

Wang Kaixuan said eagerly: "Take me, take me, I haven't been to the grave for a long time, Fatty, my hands are already itchy..."

Lao Hu and Zhang Yingying also looked over, everyone had a lot of free time, and everyone was restless. They were really afraid that Su Mo would secretly fight behind their backs like last time.

"it is good!"

Su Mo laughed loudly, "Don't worry, everyone will go this time!"

Corpse language, in Su Mo's opinion, is too tasteless. He has always opened the way when he goes to the grave, builds a bridge when encountering water, and pushes all the way to communicate with the corpse... Kneeling and begging for mercy, Su Mo can't do it.

As for Chen Pi's four-nine grappling hook secret technique, Su Mo didn't like it at all, and Chen Pi at his peak might not be able to hold 10 tricks in his hands.

It's ridiculous to learn Chen Pi's stunt.

It was the illusion of the blue-eyed fox corpse that moved Su Mo a little.

In the original book, the illusion of the blue-eyed fox corpse caused a lot of trouble for Wu Xie and the others. Wu Sanxing, Wu Xie and others all followed its way. It can be described as a group killing skill with powerful power.

If Zhang Qiling hadn't chopped off the head of the green fox corpse, two generations of the Wu family might have died in the tomb of King Lu of Seven Stars.

Su Mo said to Lao Hu, "This inversion is no different than before. On the bottom of the sea, let Xue Liyang prepare a boat. The boat should be bigger, to be safe!"

Now that we have decided to go to the underwater tomb, some things need to be prepared in advance. The international salvage team, Su Mo, has already arranged it more than ten years ago, and it has already blossomed and borne fruit.

"it is good!"

Lao Hu nodded, "There are also diving equipment... We haven't been to the grave together for a long time..."

Together, there is no way to go to hell except hell. There is no tomb in this world that can trap several of them at the same time.


Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

With his head held high, Xiao Cun Nail yelled loudly, indicating that he would go too.


pS; The tomb under the sea begins... Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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