Chapter 199 The Sea Monkey and the Human Face

"Looking at the thickness of the rust, this ship has been in the sea for at least ten years..."

Su Mo analyzed for Wu Xie slowly: "However, it doesn't look like it sank on the bottom of the sea. You can see that this ship has no large area of ​​damage except for the traces of natural decay..."

"Therefore, I can infer that after the ship was killed that year, it should not have sunk, but has been floating in the sea..."

The two walked while talking, and came to another room.Wu Xie opened an iron cabinet.

Looking at the various personal items inside, Wu Xie took out a small cowhide bag.

Open the leather bag.

Inside was an old-fashioned notebook.

The two briefly flipped through a few pages and found that this was the notebook of the Xisha archaeological team.

"Put it away, go back and take a look!"

Su Mo is not interested in these past events, but these things are indeed important to Wu Xie, and will affect Wu Xie's growth in the future.

"Okay, thank you Master Su!"

Wu Xie put the notebook back into the leather bag, and then put it away.

at this time.

The human face appeared again.

I saw the human face grabbing a safety valve with its claws, twisting it hard, and directly opened the iron door, and a stream of foul-smelling rusty water gushed out.


A green-skinned creature crawled out from inside the iron gate.After climbing a few steps, the green-skinned creature stood up directly

Su Mo looked at the humanoid creature.

It has a head, hands, and feet.

Wu Xie said in horror, "What is this?"

Su Mo raised his gun to be on guard. At the same time, he did not forget to educate Wu Xie, "This is a sea monkey..."

"Looks like a human, with strength, agility, and physique, all of which are several times that of humans!"

Just as Su Mo finished speaking, he heard a piercing roar.


With a cry, the sea monkey rushed towards Su Mo and Wu Xie.

Facing the sea monkey, Su Mo took out his pistol and pulled the trigger without any panic.



Both shots hit the sea monkey, but the sea monkey didn't seem to be seriously injured. It slapped the iron cabinet next to it, and the iron cabinet immediately hit Su Mo.

Su Mo flipped back and easily dodged the iron cabinet. When he aimed his gun again, he found that the sea monkey had disappeared.

"Oh, I didn't expect this sea monkey to have some wisdom!"

The behavior of the sea monkey made Su Mo laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, Su Mo heard a faint gasp.

Su Mo suddenly looked up.

It was found that the sea monkey was really hiding above, and it was panting heavily at the moment.

Su Mo smiled slightly, unceremoniously, raised his gun and continued to shoot!


Three shots are all hits again!

"Boom!"The sea monkey fell heavily to the ground.

Su Mo smiled slightly, raised his pistol, aimed at the head, and was about to give the sea monkey a final blow.


The voice was clear and crisp, and Su Mo was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the gun was out of bullets.


At this moment, the sea monkey suddenly became excited, and rushed towards Su Mo with red eyes.

The corners of Su Mo's mouth curled up, and he smiled slightly, " play with you, you really take it seriously..."

Seeing the sea monkey flying towards him, Su Mofei kicked forward, and made several Kuixing kicks and fights, his feet were surprisingly fast, like shadowless feet.

The violent attack caught the sea monkey off guard.


The sea monkey slammed down on the ground suddenly, never thinking that because the ship was so decayed, the huge dive force broke the bottom of the ship.


A large amount of sea water poured out.

"Come on!"

Su Mo grabbed Wu Xie's shoulder, jumped up, and jumped directly onto the deck.

As a missing person, Zhang Qiling's disguised bald Zhang also came to Su Mo's side at some point.

Su Mo has long been accustomed to this, and ordinary people really can't look down on Zhang Qiling if they don't have any skills.


Su Mo looked down at the rusty ship and said, "Let's go, the keel of this ship is broken, and it will sink soon!"

"it is good!"

Wu Xie nodded, and also wanted to leave this place of right and wrong earlier.

"call out!"

Su Mo grabbed Wu Xie's shoulder and jumped onto the rope, and with light force, he returned to the deck of the ship.

Bald Zhang followed closely behind.

Aning stepped forward and asked, "Are you all okay?"

Su Mo put down Wu Xie, shook his head and said, "We're fine..."

With that said, Su Mo turned to the boss of the boat: "Boss of the boat, the boat opposite is about to sink, cut off the rope!"

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to me!"

The boat owner drew out the knife at his waist and slashed the rope a few times, and the rope broke.

At this time, the sky was still cloudy, but the rain had stopped.

It can be seen that this ghostly weather will soon pass.

The ghost ship next to it also slowly sank into the bottom of the sea at this time.

Su Mo said: "You all go to my boat..."

After experiencing this storm, Ah Ning understood that the ship under his feet could only sail at sea, and they were in danger of capsizing in case of a storm.

Too scary...

You can't even save your life, so what about archaeology!
Aning nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, go to your boat!"

The boss of the ship lowered the lifeboat, and Su Mo, Wu Xie, Bald Zhang, and Aning came to the [-]-ton freighter.

"Master Su!"

A brother on duty soon discovered Su Mo and others.

Several people boarded the ship, and Su Mo took Wu Xie and others to the rest area of ​​the freighter.

A group of brothers, Lao Hu, Wang Kaixuan, Zhang Yingzhen, Wang Yueban, and the four murderous generals all drank and ate here.

Looking at the dishes, it has almost bottomed out.

It can be seen that the storm just now did not have much impact on them.

"Master Su, you're back!"

Wang Yueban smiled when she saw Su Mo come back.

Su Mo nodded, and said to Taotie: "Go, let the kitchen warm them up with some hot soup..."

"梼杌, give them a clean change of clothes...

The two gladly accepted the order.

Looking at the crowd, Su Mo began to introduce: "This is Aning, this is Wu Xie, this is Zhang Qi...cough cough...this is the consultant Zhang invited by Aning, a marine expert!"

Bald Zhang: "..."

The bald man's face darkened, never expecting Su Mo to see through his disguise.

Everyone introduced each other and greeted each other.

Su Mo said: "Go and wash, don't catch a cold..."

Ah Ning and Wu Xie nodded, and each went to wash up.

Men are always the fastest to take a shower, and it doesn't take long.

Less than 10 minutes.

Su Mo, Wu Xie, and Zhang Gu finished washing, put on new clothes and came out.

The three of them sat on the sofa in the lounge area, and the chef came over with some bowls of hot soup and some side dishes.

Wu Xie came to Wang Yueban's side and said: Fatty, why are you here? , and, do you really worship that fat man as your teacher? "

Wang Yueban looked proud: "Naive, Ah Ning not only invited you, he also invited me..."

Then, Wang Yueban looked aside again, and said: "This is my master, the famous Wang Kaixuan in Yanjing, Lord Kai!"

"Naive, naive, you can't think of it, I am now Captain Mojin, a serious regular army, and I am no longer a guerrilla retail investor..."

Taking out the second-generation Mojin Talisman made by Su Mo, Wang Yueban became even happier, "Look, this is the authentic Mojin Fan..."

(End of this chapter)

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