Chapter 107 Battle of the Forbidden City
A policeman said loudly: "Jiang Lei is the only one who has been to the agency room today!"

"Jiang Lei? This is impossible!"

Everyone couldn't believe it at all.

Because Jiang Lei has been in Six Doors for many years, and he has been conscientious and kind to others.

He has friendship with many people and is a well-known good old man.

Ji Yaohua also thinks it is impossible, but now he is indeed the most suspicious.

So he asked: "Where is Jiang Lei? Where is he now?"

Everyone whispered, but no one knew Jiang Lei's whereabouts.

"Go and find him!"


The detectives acted one after another.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Yaohua came to Han Fei and thanked him: "Thanks to Han Daxia for what happened just now!"

"It's a trivial matter, don't be polite."

Han Fei looked at her with a smile. This woman was really contradictory. She couldn't bear to do bad things.

What happened at the six doors directly shocked the entire capital.

First of all, not to mention the death of Catcher, as the earliest and most fortified dungeon, it was also destroyed in one fell swoop.

Many arresters and prisoners inside died tragically in the sea of ​​fire.

This incident made people in the capital panic even more, and the rumors intensified.

More and more people choose to believe in the words of the so-called evil spirits descended from heaven.

Although the emperor ordered the beheading of many people, the situation still did not improve.

After all, the most difficult thing to stop in this world is the mouth of the world.

At the same time, a large number of counterfeit banknotes circulated all over the country, causing public grievances.

The money in the hands of the people is about to become waste paper.

All in all, the entire dynasty is now like a powder keg, as long as there is a spark, it will all explode.

Against this backdrop, the eye-catching Battle of the Forbidden City is coming.


Inside the Xinghua Building.Han Fei and Lu Xiaofeng sat at the same table.

"This is what you want."

Lu Xiaofeng handed a few pieces of paper to Han Fei.

Han Fei glanced at it, then put it in his arms.

This is the personal paperwork of Jiang Lei, Jiang Butou, which records his background and recent experiences.

"How's it going over there?" Han Fei asked.

Both of them knew that that was referring to the matter of Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng.

"The situation is very bad." Lu Xiaofeng looked serious.

"Oh?" Han Fei was a little curious: "You think Ximen Chuuxue can't win?"

"Do you think he can win?" Lu Xiaofeng asked back.

Of course, Ximen Chuuxue couldn't win. A big difference in realm cannot be bridged by swordsmanship.

Moreover, Ye Gucheng's swordsmanship is equally superb.

Even putting aside his cultivation, Han Fei didn't think Ximen Chuuxue had any hope of winning.

Now that he has a home, a lover, he also has concerns.

To a ruthless swordsman, these things are often fatal.

Even though he is still not afraid of death, he still strives to embark on the path of swordsmanship.

But in the end there will be reluctance, worry, and no one knows whether he can concentrate on it when he is fighting for his life.

And between masters, a slight difference could lead to death.

And according to the original book, Ximen Chuuxue, who has a concern, is not Ye Gucheng's opponent at all.

It's just that Ye Gucheng wanted to die with all his heart, and the sword in his hand deviated a little, otherwise Ximen Chuuxue must have died.

To sum up, if it is a head-on fight, Ximen Fuxue has no hope of winning.

That Lu Xiaofeng was also aware of these things, that's why Ximen Chuuxue was worried about him.

"What about Ye Gucheng?"

Last time, Han Fei told Lu Xiaofeng that Ye Gucheng might also be involved in the rebellion.

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head: "I don't know, he never showed up."

Replenish your energy, it seems that you are indeed preparing to do a big business.

Han Fei was looking forward to how Ye Gucheng would intervene in this conspiracy.

According to the original book, the method of replacing the real emperor with a fake emperor is definitely not acceptable.

But now, with the help of An Yunshan and some mysterious people, it might cause a storm.

"there's one more thing."

Lu Xiaofeng said suddenly: "The gold medals I asked you to distribute a few days ago are now all over the street."

"The fake gold medal is exactly the same as the real one, and the guards in the palace can't tell the difference."

Regarding this, Han Fei just smiled: "It has nothing to do with me, I have already handed over this task to Mu Taoist of the Wudang faction."

At this time, Taoist Mu was suffering and couldn't tell. Originally, he only wanted a gold medal, but he didn't expect to have to take on the task of distributing gold medals.

Now that something happened to the gold medal, the responsibility naturally fell on him.

Jin Yiwei was about to destroy his guest room, and kept asking questions, which made him extremely annoyed.

Fortunately, Han Fei didn't know, otherwise... he would have to laugh a lot.

In the end, this battle that needs to be watched by "VIP" can only be changed to free.



The gate of the palace is already crowded with people, and countless people with sharp knives are queuing up to enter.

It can be seen that these people are all people from the quack.

However, although you can go in, you must leave the blade in your hand.

The emperor can generously invite you into the palace, but he will not give you the ability and opportunity to commit chaos.

Although everyone couldn't accept it, in order to go in and watch the battle, they could only obey.

In addition, some ordinary people also followed them.

Some of them simply join in the fun, while others want to learn more.

After all, this palace is not accessible to ordinary people.

After entering the palace, they waited there.

The emperor also brought some ministers and guards to watch the battle in person.

After all, even though he is the most honorable person in the world, he has never seen such a scene.

After all, the emperor has many restrictions and cannot act recklessly.

Gradually, the sun went down completely, and the stars were unusually bright.

A huge full moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight swayed down, dyeing the world a light silver.

Ye Gucheng, dressed in white, first appeared above the eaves.

Under the moonlight, his aura seemed lonely and ethereal, and there was a touch of loneliness in the depths of his eyes.

Through the look of the emperor, Han Fei could clearly see that this Ye Gucheng was himself, not a substitute in the original book.

Afterwards, Ximen Chuuxue, who was also dressed in white, walked in from the palace gate.

Holding a black scabbard sword in his hand, with an indifferent face, he walked forward step by step.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see the excitement hidden in his heart.

Having an opponent is also a great blessing in life.

Coming under the eaves, Ximen Chuuxue jumped and stepped on the smooth eaves.

The two looked at each other, speechless for a while.

But Han Fei knew that they would soon have a long speech.

The old man is good at everything, but when the masters are fighting, he always likes to write a lot of words.

From the martial arts learned, to the principles of life, and sometimes some topics related to philosophy.

as predicted.

"This sword is a sharp weapon in the world. The blade is three feet and seven inches, and the net weight is seven catties and 13 taels."

Ximen Chuuxue pulled out his black sheath sword and introduced it with a blank expression.

"Good sword." Ye Gucheng praised sincerely.

Immediately afterwards, he also drew his long sword.

"This sword is made of overseas cold iron. It blows hair and breaks hair. The sword's edge is three feet three, and its net weight is six catties and four taels."

"Good sword."

Ximen Chuuxue also gave a face-saving response.

The dialogue between the two fully revealed the temperament of a master.

It's just that the four words "I am a master" are not engraved on the forehead.

The next moment, the two stopped procrastinating and drew their swords directly.

Under the moonlight, the war is imminent.

 How about changing the wording?Have any readers commented?
(End of this chapter)

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