Chapter 278 Gradually Clear
The night is dark and the wind is high, and the shadows of the trees are treacherous.

The three looked different, talking in low voices.


Di Renjie was a little puzzled: "Which foreign tribe, where did it come from, and what's its name?"

Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there have been countless foreign tribes who have taken refuge in them, but there should not be many such mysterious ones.

As long as you know the name, you may be able to find records related to it in the secret library.

"Sealing the Demon Clan." Cai Yunzi said in a deep voice.

"Feng Mozu?" Han Fei frowned.

This name seems... quite decent.

"That's right, it's called the Demon Sealing Clan."

Caiyunzi nodded and explained: "The Fengmo clan is from Tianzhu, and they are extremely proficient in alchemy. They are a well-known foreign clan."

"Even Master Sanzang's "Travel to Tianzhu" has many records about this, and calls it the race closest to "phantom."

"So powerful?" Han Fei was a little shocked.

You must know that Master Sanzang's name is known to everyone in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Even in later modern times, the name of Tang Monk Tang Sanzang is well known to every household, like thunder.

Such a character...his knowledge must be extraordinary.

He can give such a high evaluation, it can be seen that this demon clan is really not simple.

"Where did the demon clan go in the end?"

At this moment, Di Renjie asked a question.

As the newly promoted Minister of Dali Temple, he has never heard the name of Fengmozu, which is obviously unreasonable.

The only explanation is that the Fengmo clan, a foreign race, has disappeared into the long river of history.

"I don't know where they went."

Caiyunzi shook his head: "At that time, although I tried my best to inquire, but after all, my ability was limited, and I couldn't know too many secrets."

In any case, he is just a famous juggler, not a rich merchant, nor a high-ranking official.

This kind of thing that only the upper class can know is obviously not something that a street performer can understand clearly.

Seeing this, Di Renjie and Han Fei looked at each other.

This so-called Demon Sealing Clan is really mysterious.

Afterwards, Di Renjie cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, old man, I have already understood this matter, you can continue to rest."

Han Fei also cupped his hands: "Excuse me."

After speaking, the two turned their heads and walked out the door.

Now that the situation has been understood and there are no new clues, it is better to leave first.

The most urgent task now is to go back and check the records to find out the truth about the so-called Fengmo clan.

Just when they were about to leave, Cai Yunzi behind him suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The two turned their heads and saw him running quickly, and then said vaguely:
"I want to go with you. I have been looking for this Demon Sealing Clan for decades, and this time I will find them no matter what."

"This..." Di Renjie hesitated.

After all, they are investigating the case now, not children playing in the mud, anyone can come in and intervene.

Moreover, this case is dangerous, and the murderer is even more frenzied and murderous.

This can be seen from their wanton killing of civil and military officials under the watchful eyes of the public.

The old man is old and disabled, so there is no need to be involved in this turbulent whirlpool.

If it is targeted by the murderer, the consequences will be disastrous.

Putting innocent people in danger is not what he does and never will be.

Thinking of this, Di Renjie wanted to speak up, ready to reject Caiyunzi's request.

At this time, Han Fei suddenly said: "Take him, after all, he is proficient in tricks and knows about the Demon Sealing Clan, so maybe he can come in handy."

Hearing this, Caiyunzi showed hopeful eyes.

Seeing this situation, Di Renjie still hesitated:

"But his safety..."

"Leave it to me." Han Fei said confidently.

It is true that he dare not be invincible, but protecting an old man is more than enough for him.

With Han Fei's current cultivation base, there are not many people who can be called opponents.

"In that case, take it with you."

Now that we've talked about it, it's really hard for Di Renjie to continue to object.

"thanks, thanks."

Caiyunzi was very excited. It was his lifelong wish to find the Fengmo Clan, and now he finally had the opportunity to realize it.

For no other reason, he really wanted, really wanted, really wanted to see Tie Tse again.

Soon, the sound of horseshoes sounded.

On the quiet street, two steeds galloped at a high speed, just like when they just arrived.

The only difference is that there were only two figures when they came, but now there are three figures when they leave.


Dali Temple, Secret Library.

This is where secrets are stored.

Emperor Taizong personally ordered it, and the world's skilled craftsmen worked together to build it. Only the real high-level people can enter it.

Here, not only can you find the big and small affairs of the country, but you can also find all kinds of secrets that have been hidden for many years since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Half an hour ago, the three of Han Fei arrived here.

Afterwards, they chose to split up and search for records about the Demon Sealing Clan.

"found it."

At this time, Di Renjie's voice suddenly came.

Hearing the sound, Han Fei hurried over, as did Cai Yunzi next to him.

As soon as they walked over, the two saw Di Renjie with a serious face and opened a yellowed book in his hand.

"The Fengmo tribe originated from the Tianzhu Kingdom in the Western Regions. They are proficient in illusions outside the square. They often show their holiness in front of people and attract countless people to believe in them."

"In the first year of Yining, the Fengmo tribe took refuge in Emperor Gaozu, and led their troops to fight against the Sui army many times, making great military achievements for the founding of the country."

"Later, at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Fengmo Clan, who were supposed to accept the reward, were beheaded by the Emperor Gaozu's family because they were suspected of treason."

"Since then, it disappeared in the Great Tang."

After listening to this record, all three of them had strange faces.

Why does it sound so wrong?
Could it be that it was the emperor's ingenuity of hiding the bow and killing the rabbit again, which is why the revenge was attracted?
Di Renjie spoke first: "This matter should be as we thought."

"If the plot of treason back then was indeed fabricated out of thin air, then the Demon Clan will most likely come back to take revenge."

"For so many years, they may have been hiding in the Tang Dynasty and secretly developing their own power."

"That white-clothed man named Ji Ce may be a survivor of the Fengmo Clan, and he is also the vanguard hidden in the Great Tang."

"You're right." Han Fei nodded.

Di Renjie's analysis is very reasonable, no one will endure unreasonable grievances, let alone the deep hatred of ransacking one's family and exterminating one's family.

If he is a member of the Demon Sealing Clan, he will definitely spend his whole life trying to get justice for himself and others.

However, it has been many years since this matter happened, and it may not be easy to find out the twists and turns.

This is what Di Renjie is most worried about. Those who knew what happened back then are probably dead, and it would be as difficult to find out.

Moreover, although they knew about the Fengmo Clan, they were still not sure if they were the murderers.

The most important thing is that even if the Fengmozu is really the murderer, there is no way to find out now.

The number of people, the location, the purpose, and the power they have are all unknown, and there is not even the slightest useful clue.

How to check this?There is no way to check it!

(End of this chapter)

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