Chapter 54
As soon as they boarded the boat, everyone was shocked.

Where is this a boat, this is clearly a miniature version of the big family courtyard.

Outside, tall buildings stood upright, with various rare and exotic beasts carved on the walls, and white brocades fluttered in front of the hollowed-out windows.

The eaves are covered with tents embroidered with gold and silver threads, and the pillars around are all made of white marble.

On the facade of the building, there is a black and gold plaque with the inscription - Mrs. Wang.

Not only that, behind these tall buildings, there are many low buildings.

They are arranged in a staggered manner, five steps to the first floor, ten steps to one pavilion, forming this extremely luxurious building complex.

If you look at it from the outside, the boat looks big, that's all.

And inside, you can experience its grandeur and incomparable luxury.

Afterwards, the steward Wang began to arrange the residences of the people. After all, it is impossible to live on the deck all the time.

Xiantian and grand masters can only live under the cabin, and only grand masters can live in the back building.

This statement naturally caused dissatisfaction among many people:
"Steward Wang, why do we have to live in the dark cabin?"

"Yes, we want to live on it too!"


Hearing this, the originally kind Guanshi Wang changed his countenance:
"If you don't have enough strength, then live below. If you want to live above, break through to the Great Master, understand?!"

"Also, don't think about making trouble, or you will bear the consequences!"

As soon as the words fell, the people who were stationed by the boat pulled out their knives one after another.

Han Fei noticed just now that these people were wearing black clothes with the word king printed on them, and they should be the original people on this ship.

Moreover, there are a large number of them, roughly estimated to be 600, not to mention that this is just the people at the bow, and there must be others in other places.

These people are not weak in martial arts, so they should be used to watch over them.

There are so many people on the opposite side, these people from the rivers and lakes can only misfire.

But at the same time, a haze has come to their hearts, and things seem to be a little different from what they thought...

Seven days had passed since boarding the boat, and during these seven days, everyone could see clearly Wang's face.

Not only is the living here poor, but the food is also very bad.

The Xiantian realm only had some dry grain rice cakes, and the Grandmaster realm could only eat some rice, vegetables and a little bit of fat.

Only great masters can eat ordinary three dishes, one soup, and some wine.

Although these people in the rivers and lakes are not rich, they have always gorged on meat and alcohol. How can they endure this situation now?
Therefore, during these seven days, many conflicts broke out.

But every time they were suppressed by Wang's people, and the leader was hacked to death with random knives, and then thrown into the lake.

Some great masters couldn't bear it, and united with them.

But when his head was shattered by that sickly young man, all the great masters fell silent.

The rest of the congenitals and masters couldn't make a splash at all, so they could only continue to live this miserable life.

And the boat has been sailing for several days, it is obviously not feasible to jump off the boat and swim back.

The Heaven-Human Realm can communicate with the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and the power in the body can be effectively replenished, but they can't.

If you can barely survive here, jumping into the lake is basically a certain death.

Han Fei originally thought that these people were here to be cannon fodder, but looking at it now, it seems that this is not the case.

After all, to be cannon fodder, you have to eat enough to have strength.

And these people are more like pigs, they can only be slaughtered and discarded at will.

At this time, a loud noise spread to every corner of the entire ship:

"Everyone come out!"

Han Fei came to the deck first, he wanted to see what tricks this Wang was up to.

At this time, there were many men in black standing on the deck.

They looked serious, and each of them had drawn their knives, as if they were about to enter a battle.

After that, other people came out of the cabin one after another.

The Grandmaster's state is not bad, at least it supplements the daily needs, but those who are congenital are already sallow and emaciated, with weak limbs.

Quite a few people even walked like wolfs and wolves, which was very difficult.

Everyone stood on the deck, waiting for the next fate.

Steward Wang saw that everyone was here, and then waved his hand: "Go."

Those people in black clothes ran into the crowd one after another, and then caught some people who were almost unable to stand up.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?!"

Many people shouted and tried to stop their actions.

The man in black didn't talk nonsense, and whoever dared to stop him would slash with his knife.

Many people fell to the ground immediately, blood slowly flowed out, and then lost their lives.

The rest of the people didn't dare to stop any more, but looked at the captured people with sad expressions.

In a short while, more than 30 people were arrested, basically all of them were in the innate realm.

Afterwards, Guanshi Wang said indifferently: "Let them bleed, and then throw them into the lake with the people who just died."

As soon as these words came out, the pot exploded immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"Damn it!"

"Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?!"

There was another commotion among the crowd, and they had no choice but to speak out. If these people were all dead, they would probably be the next one.

Among the 30 people, there was an old man with a miserable face, he asked tremblingly:

"Wang Guanshi, even if you die, you have to tell me to wait until you die, don't you?"

After pondering for a moment, Guanshi Wang said: "According to the records, this Xuelong likes to eat the blood of warriors, and this is the place where he used to haunt."

"So you use me as bait?" a man said.

"That's right." Steward Wang said with a cold face, "Finding a dragon in this lake is like finding a needle in a haystack, so I can only fish it out with you."

"No last words, right? Then do it."

Following an order, those men in black raised their butcher knives and slashed at these people.

"You must die!"

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"Please let me go!"

"Forgive me!"

Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, while others resisted directly, but it was of no avail.

Even in their heyday, they may not be the opponents of these people, let alone have been hungry for so many days.

After a while, these more than 30 people were bled and thrown into the lake.

But the other Jianghu people on the boat were full of horror, with bursts of sadness in their hearts.

Han Fei couldn't stand it anymore. These people really regarded people as animals, but he couldn't do anything.

While these people deserve sympathy, it's impossible to put yourself in a dangerous situation for a group of strangers.

He is not a saint and cannot be so impartial.

What's more, even if he did it, he might not be able to save him.

He has been quietly surveying the ship these days, except for the heavily guarded main building, he has already checked everything else.

He found 5 of them in Heaven and Human Realm alone, not to mention how many masters there are in that master number.

If he really does, the probability of his death is much higher than the probability of saving everyone...

On the other hand, after throwing these people into the lake, the boat stopped driving at this time.

Instead, it stopped on the lake, quietly waiting for the snow dragon to come.

But from morning to night, there was still no trace.

Guanshi Wang ordered: "Wait here for three days, and all those who dare to resist will be killed and thrown into the lake together."


Then the men in black drove many Jianghu people back to the cabin.

 Post another one or two tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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