Chapter 63 The Secret
It was the disguised man that Han Fei met who spoke.

At this time, his face was ferocious, with unimaginable hatred in his eyes.

He said word by word: "When you arrive at the underworld, Lord Yan will tell you."


As soon as the words fell, the remaining 30 or so great masters in the original crowd went berserk, and they rushed towards Wang Feng desperately.

It turned out that at some point, he had already controlled everyone.

After a while, everyone beside him except Han Fei rushed over.

The man looked at Han Fei and was immediately confused: "Why don't you do it?"

He obviously has controlled everyone, why is there nothing wrong with this one.

"Ah." Han Fei pointed at himself: "Me? Should I do it?"

In fact, he also didn't understand why everyone was controlled?
The two sides looked at each other, and the scene was once very awkward.

At the same time, those mad masters have been killed.

The gap between celestial beings and great masters cannot be filled by the number of people.

Not to mention more than 30, even more than 60, it's just food delivery.

However, it could be seen that this man's purpose was not to kill the enemy, but just to cut off Wang Feng's retreat.

Everyone is dead, who will bring food?
After that, the field fell into a strange situation.

Li Yu and his three elders were in a corner and did not participate in anything.

Wang Feng was surrounded by five celestial beings, and two more fell to the ground and were dying.

Han Fei was a little weird here, he stared at the man, not knowing what to do.

In the end, it was Wang Feng who broke the silence: "Who the hell are you?"

Seeing this situation, Han Fei didn't intend to hide anymore.

His face twisted for a while, and then returned to its original appearance.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

One is Wang Feng, and the other is the man next to him.

Han Fei smiled: "It is indeed me."

"So that's how it is!" Wang Feng suddenly realized: "These madmen and Mr. Miao were all done by you."

"Sure enough, he is very calculating and cruel!"

"Hey, hey." Han Fei quickly retorted, "Don't spit blood!"

"You can't eat or talk indiscriminately, you say so, shopkeeper Li!"

With that said, Han Fei turned to look at the man beside him.

Seeing his identity revealed, the man no longer hides.

He reached out and tore off the human skin mask on his face, revealing a familiar face, which was the bearded shopkeeper of the inn.

"How did you guess it was me?"

Shopkeeper Li was very puzzled. He felt that he should have hidden it very well, otherwise it would have been impossible for someone to find out for so long.

"I'm just guessing." Han Fei smiled: "Because I have always doubted you, so I guessed."


"I remember that you were not there when someone died in your inn for the first time. Where were you when such a big thing happened?" Han Fei asked.

"I went to buy wine at that time, didn't I come back the next day?" Shopkeeper Li said with a blank expression.

Han Fei nodded: "The waiter at the inn also said so."

"The strange thing is, I asked the shopkeeper of the tavern, and he said that you haven't been there for a long time."

"So, where did you go?"

Shopkeeper Li was speechless and unable to refute.

"Also, when the third homicide happened in your inn, you said you went to deliver food and found them dead inside, right?" Han Fei continued to ask.

"So what?"

"That's strange. You, an ordinary person who doesn't know martial arts, must be very panicked when you see the corpse."

"Can you hold the food steadily? But the scene is very clean, there are no broken plates or things falling on the floor."

"Obviously, you knew they were dead."

"Just these two points? It doesn't seem to be enough to prove that I am the murderer." Shopkeeper Li smiled.

"Of course more than that." Han Fei shook his head: "I once smelled a very special fragrance."

"This fragrance, no matter in the three murders of the Snow Mountain School."

"Also in the two sites of the Pooh, even at the beginning of the outbreak of madness, I also smelled it on the corpse"

"Before, when Mo Shiku released the coercion at the inn, you once leaned towards me, and I smelled the same fragrance on you."

"Even when I picked up food yesterday, I smelled it on you."

Han Fei had a half-smile: "You won't tell me, this is some kind of very common sachet, it's so common that it's found on every corpse."

"Clap clap clap~"

Shopkeeper Li clapped his hands: "I thought my concealment was perfect, but I didn't expect you to see it."

"But what makes me feel strange is, why didn't you expose me at the beginning?"

"Expose you?" Han Fei gave him a strange look: "Why should I expose you?"

"Before you only attacked the Xueshan faction and the Pooh tribe, maybe it was just because you had a big enmity."

"Until I figure out what's right or wrong, I never comment, nor will I make a move."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would kill innocent people indiscriminately, and even make so many crazy people."

Shopkeeper Li smiled, his eyes full of helplessness: "I don't want to, but I have no choice."

At this time, Wang Feng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: "How did you get so many crazy people?"

This is also the question Han Fei wanted to ask, did shopkeeper Li create "that virus"? .

Now that things have come to this point, shopkeeper Li no longer hides:

"In the west of Saibei, there is a big snow mountain, which is rich in a kind of flower called "cyclamen", also known as "ice mandala".

"Using this kind of flower, combined with medicine, you can practice "Controlling Soul Powder". This kind of medicine can completely control a person's actions. If you overdo it, you will become that kind of crazy person."

"So that's it!" Han Fei suddenly realized: "Those people who died before?"

Shopkeeper Li gave an affirmative answer: "That's right, they are all under my control, I didn't kill them, they committed suicide."

In this way, it can be explained why the scene is so clean, why there is no sign of resistance, and why there is no trace of it.

It turned out that because these people committed suicide at all, Han Fei should have thought of it long ago.

Whether it is the Snow Mountain Sect or the Pooh Clan, they all practice ice-attribute exercises.

Just before committing suicide, use internal force to form a sharp blade, cut yourself, and the blade will naturally dissolve after death.

It was mixed with blood, so there was no trace of it.

And those lunatics are even more involved. They add medicine to food every day, and when the medicine accumulates in the body, they will naturally erupt.

No wonder it was all congenital problems at the beginning, and then it was the turn of the great master, because the resistance of the great master is stronger than that of the innate realm.

What made Han Fei a little strange was how the shopkeeper Li relied on to activate these people.

It can't be the brain wave connection, right? After taking my medicine, you have to act according to my thoughts?
The sound was also wrong. When the madman broke out before, there was no loud sound.

Otherwise he would have been caught long ago.

It seems that there are still many secrets in it.

On the other side, Wang Feng couldn't bear it long ago, if it wasn't for figuring out the truth.

He had chopped shopkeeper Li into pieces a long time ago, now that he understood.

How could he be so carefree.

"Chazi, Yanhong, go over and catch him!"

(End of this chapter)

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