The Heavens: Beginning with the role of a young boy, Broken Waves

Chapter 127: Duke Yang's Treasure!Create peace for all generations? (Thank you, Big Brother Pig

Chapter 127: Duke Yang's Treasure!Create peace for all generations? (Thank you, Big Brother Pig, for rewarding 10000 coins)
Daye 13 years in October.

After solving all the troublesome things that I have accumulated and encountered in my own territory in recent days.

Xie An directly divided the internal power of the Tianxiahui into three and handed it over to Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, and Shi Long for the time being.

Then, under the guise of retreating, he directly performed his lightness kung fu at full speed and rushed to Daxing, the political and economic center of the Sui Empire, which was now crumbling.

And Daxing, that is, Chang'an, the new capital after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the location of this city is really a proper and rich foundation.

Not only is it surrounded by mountains on all sides, there are Qinling Mountains in the south and Beishan Mountains in the north, making it extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

At the same time, there are eight rivers irrigating the entire area, which have various economic and strategic advantages.

Therefore, since ancient times, no matter which dynasty or generation of kings and emperors are in power, they have all paid great attention to this place.

Those who get the land in the middle of the pass will be the one step ahead.

For 5000 years in China, Zhou, Qin, Han, Western Jin, Former Zhao, Former Qin, Later Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui and Tang all established their capitals here.

Zhou here prospers culture and martial arts, makes rites and plays music.

The Great Qin Empire swept Liuhe here, and the books and vehicles were in the same track, establishing the unified dynasty of the Central Plains for the first time.

The Han Dynasty dismissed a hundred schools of thought here, respected only Confucianism, and opened up a rich Silk Road starting from this city.

In addition, in the original history, in less than ten years, this is the world-class super capital city that the great Tang Empire forced all nations to come to court.

In such a place, if it wasn't really beyond reach, Xie An really wouldn't even give up a chance to others, Li Yuan.

But now that Li Yuan has raised his troops, and his troops have begun to expand everywhere, then such a huge city can only be missed by Xie An for the time being, and it has to fall into Li Yuan's hands for a while.

This time, the reason why Xie An ran all the way from Yangzhou to this place at a very fast speed alone was precisely because of this reason.

He was extremely worried that after the city was occupied by Li Yuan in the future, he would no longer have the chance to get the treasure of Duke Yang buried in the city.

After all, although Xie An did not appreciate the gold, silver, jewels, weapons and armor buried in Duke Yang's treasure, the Evil Emperor's relic in this treasure is really too precious!
Such a treasure, Xie An will never give up if there is even a slight chance to get it.


Daye's 13th year in mid-October.

Following Xie An's imperial envoy Qinggong flying all the way from Yangzhou, in just less than three days, he had already traveled all the way, crossing a long distance of two to three thousand miles to the outside of Daxing City.

But this is also because Xie An is strong enough.

Otherwise, with all the difficulties and obstacles on the road from Yangzhou to Guanzhong in this era, especially in the last years of the dynasty, just the various rebels, bandits, refugees, plagues, and rough terrain that you can meet on the way. , It is enough to cause a large caravan with hundreds of people to suffer.

In the last years of this turbulent dynasty, except for the interior of some large cities, or areas like Yangzhou that are strongly controlled by forces like the Tianxiahui, ordinary people are not safe no matter where they are.

Just like now, even though Xie An has already galloped all the way to the outside of Daxing City, his current location is only a few miles away from Daxing City.

But even at such a close distance, Xie An still found that there were many corpses of refugees beside the official road.

Many of them have died for too long, and their entire bodies have rotted and maggoted.

However, Xie An, who has stayed in the Yitian and Yuan Dynasty for several years and now has been in the world of Tang Shuanglong for more than a year, these cruel scenes beside the official road are really common to him. .

Therefore, besides hitting the official road by the side of the road with his palm, it took him more than ten seconds to throw the bodies of these unlucky ones together and hastily bury them.

Afterwards, they didn't even set up a mound of earth for them. They just performed lightness kung fu all the way and followed the official road into Daxing City, the Sui capital a few miles away.

And since it took Xie An about two and a half days to nearly three days to travel all the way, when he entered Daxing City, the capital of the Sui Dynasty, the sun was already setting in the sky.

In this evening, in Daxing City, which is the largest city in the world today, various shops and restaurants have already lit up the lights and candles prepared in their shops, and only a few main streets in Daxing City are illuminated as brightly as day. .

Xie An moved forward in such a turbulent crowd. For a while, even if he had seen several ancient capitals in different worlds, he couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed by the luxury and magnificence of this open version of the Sui capital. shocked.

After all, Daxing (Chang'an) in the Sui and Tang Dynasties in history was originally the world's number one giant city in terms of planning, population, business, etc. at that time.

And now the capital city of the Great Sui Dynasty, the court of the Great Sui Dynasty, happened to be in a world where the strongest could shatter the void, and the force value of Wu Xiaoqian was quite high.

That's the case.

The Great Sui capital that is presented before Xie An's eyes is not only the largest city of its time in the original history.

At the same time, in this Ssangyong world, it also has all kinds of black technology blessings. It is simply difficult to not be more prosperous and prosperous than in the original history.

Today's Daxing City is full of prosperity and wealth, even in the last years of the dynasty, it still maintains the splendid appearance of people rushing in like tides, lights like dragons, and infinite splendor.

And looking at such a prosperous scene in Daxing City.

Knowing that the world is about to see the scene of broken mountains and rivers and constant wars and conflicts in the world, and at the same time, he himself is destined to be one of the ambitious people, so Xie An's inner feelings at that moment were really incomparable Mixed feelings.

"Such a prosperous scene, such a glorious empire."

"Who would have thought that in less than a year, the world would be in such turmoil."

"In this era of the end of the dynasty, careerists like me are very happy, but in order to realize the idea of ​​changing the dynasty, we careerists will kill innocent people all over the world. How much more than tens of millions?"

"Even if it is the martial arts overlord Xiongba in Fengyunyuan World, will the number of martial arts masters and innocent people he killed in Fengyun World in his whole life be able to reach one-tenth of what my troops will cause in the future?" A destructive power?"

"Heh, for the vast majority of all living beings in this world."

"I think, no matter how rubbish and cruel the order is, it is probably much better than a chaotic and disorderly free chaos."

"In this way, since the world is destined to suffer such a catastrophe, if it is possible, I think I should unify the whole world as soon as possible, and try to return the world to all living beings a peaceful and peaceful scene as soon as possible."

I have such an idea in my heart.

In the extremely bustling Daxing City, Xie An just stood quietly and looked at the jubilant crowd all around in the extremely noisy and brightly lit streets.

Unknowingly, he suddenly had a feeling of extreme loneliness and loneliness in his heart, as if he had entered the world but left the world, left the world and was independent, completely incompatible with this world.

At this moment, Xie An even felt as if he had suddenly grasped a trace of the core principle of heaven and earth in the world of Tang Shuanglong by chance.

All of a sudden, not only his whole spirit, but also his spiritual strength suddenly became much purer.

At the same time, in this Great Tang Shuanglong world, the difficulty for him to successfully break through to the sixth innate realm to transform into a mortal in the future has also been greatly reduced and weakened.

The Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Great Tang Shuanglong Heaven and Earth is really too generous to all living beings in this world.

Therefore, even if it is Xie An who is so worried about people's livelihood at this time, he is willing to do his best to unify the world as soon as possible, so that all living beings in the world can return to peace and tranquility.

In fact, it was only because he had just watched the extremely prosperous scene in Daxing City that the flames were fueled and the flowers bloomed, and he suddenly had a superficial belief.

But in this Tang world, because the principles of the world itself are very biased towards the soul and faith.

At the same time, Xie An has now ruled more than half of Yangzhou, and he already has the image of a potential dragon competing in the world.

So even though Xie An had just realized it in a single thought, he was still like all masters above the master level in this world, and he decisively received the generous gift of the instinct of heaven in this world.

It's like the artistic conception of Kou Zhong's Jing Zhongyue in the original history, Song Que's artistic conception of Tiandao, the tranquility, simplicity and carefree artistic conception of Ning Daoqi, the world's number one master of bright faces in the Tang Dynasty, and the unrestrained and carefree artistic conception of the evil king. In the middle of wonderful philosophy like that.

In short, in this Tang Shuanglong world, any martial artist who has reached a certain level of martial arts in the world can successfully capture and comprehend a unique spiritual artistic conception that belongs to him by sensing the world and the existence of all things in the world. To greatly enhance their martial arts power.

Like Xie An right now.

Just because of the sudden realization just now, he has not only improved in both spiritual and spiritual aspects.

At the same time, in the future, as long as he is in the world of the Great Tang Shuanglong, the possibility of him breaking through to the sixth innate realm and successfully breaking the void is destined to increase by at least [-]% because of the favor of the consciousness of heaven.

However, I feel the generous gift of the Great Tang Shuanglong Heaven and Earth here.

For a moment, Xie An felt extremely determined in his heart that he would lead the Tianxia Association to unify the world as soon as possible, so that the people of the world could return to the peaceful and peaceful scene in Daxing City as soon as possible.

And Xie An also had a premonition in his heart.

That is, in the world of Datang Shuanglong, which majors in the cultivation of mind and character, and focuses on the martial arts system, since I was born just because of the touch of the soul, I will rule the world as soon as possible, so that the people of the world can quickly live in peace and tranquility. Big ideas for the day.

Then, after that, I didn't even have any extra adventures.

When I really clean up this troubled world and recreate a new dynasty.

I was also able to step over the huge gap in martial arts realm between the fifth innate state of King Kong and the sixth innate state of transformation in one step, and thus became one of the few innate sixth in the world of Tang Shuanglong. A world-shattering void-level expert.

After all, such things as xinxing artistic conception, in such a world of Zhongwu Shuanglong, which is extremely biased towards the xinxing system, are just like the great ambitions of Buddhism in the classical world of cultivating immortals.

As long as his wish is fulfilled, the speed of his martial arts realm can be improved so fast that it doesn't make any sense.

Even if Xie An's wish is big enough under the induction of heaven, the degree of completion will be excellent enough.

As long as it is supported by the world-level background of the Great Tang Shuanglong, even if his personal martial arts realm has reached the peak of the sixth congenital realm in this one step, it is not complete to reach another higher realm. impossible!
As a result, in Daxing City, Xie An who originally planned to come to this city to retrieve the Evil Emperor's relic in Duke Yang's treasure as soon as possible.

At this moment, while walking among the noisy crowd on the street, he gradually walked towards the Leaping Horse Bridge where Yang Gong's treasure was buried, but at the same time, he couldn't help feeling a sense of extreme ambition, hegemony and responsibility suddenly born in his heart.

After all, Xie An is an out-and-out Chinese descendant of Yanhuang.

He has no ability to resist at all in his bones when it comes to words such as Feng Lang Ju Xu, honoring the Ninth Five-Year Plan, calling the lonely and widowed, turning the tide and helping the building to collapse.

As for the great magic power possessed by the four sentences of Hengqu, to establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and to bring peace to all generations.

It can even make Xie An temporarily put aside his pursuit of a higher level of martial arts and longevity, and prefer to stay in this Tang Dynasty Double Dragon world for more time, and seriously establish a new dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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