The Heavens: Beginning with the role of a young boy, Broken Waves

Chapter 137 Jiang Huai Got It!Song Que is here!

Chapter 137 Jiang Huai Got It!Song Que is here!
Du Fuwei, the commander of the Jianghuai Army, died.

As the most core strategic area of ​​the entire Jianghuai region, Liyang City was easily captured by Kou Zhong's Feiyun Army in just a few hours.

after all.

Although there are still many troops in Liyang City.

But with such a force, they can barely defend the city if they are facing an ordinary team.

But facing the army of the world with the help of Xie An, the world's ceiling-level powerhouse of Tang Shuanglong, it is simply looking for a dead end.

You don't need anyone's help at all.

After Xie An captured Du Fuwei and rushed to Liyang City, he faced the Liyang City made of stone with a thickness of several meters.

He just slapped it casually, and then the seemingly indestructible tall city wall of Liyang City suddenly collapsed on the spot, and it was shattered into cripples all over the place.

As for Liyang City, which still possessed a certain ability to resist, without the protection of the tall city walls, the only remaining Jianghuai troops in the city immediately lost their fighting spirit one by one, so they decisively chose to surrender and became captives of the Tianxia Army on their own initiative. .

And in such a process of surrender.

Except for a small number of lucky ones, because they saw the opportunity early and led many soldiers to surrender together, they received certain preferential treatment from Xie An.

The rest, whether they are officers, officials, or ordinary soldiers in the Jianghuai Army.

At this moment, they can only be detained by the Tianxia Army in several different camps. While enjoying the treatment of only providing one meal a day, they are waiting to be severely judged by the Tianxia Army.

Under such circumstances.

The captured Jianghuai soldiers in Liyang City, not only do they have no extra strength to resist because they are not full, but their eyes are more like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and they do not have any courage to resist at all. .

And this is precisely what Xie An wants to see the most.

Imprisonment, observation, release..., but anyone who disobeys will be wiped out directly, and no thorns will be allowed to be left behind. This is the situation that the captured Jianghuai army must face next.

After all, Xie An's subordinates never needed any thorns.

This iron rule is the same no matter for ordinary soldiers of the Tianxia Army or for those high-level managers in the Tianxiahui!

Compared with the treatment of soldiers of the Jianghuai Army in Liyang City.

Because when Xie An successfully entered Liyang City with nearly ten thousand soldiers from all over the world, many powerful families in Liyang City not only immediately sent many precious gifts to Xie An to express their family's heart, but also expressed their love to Xie An. Recommended to provide a group of their own elite children.

Therefore, Xie An's attitude towards these second- and third-rate powerful families in Liyang City who were somewhat on the sidelines when they were under the general manager of the Jianghuai River, Du Fuwei, but now directly bet their treasures on him, Xie An's attitude is relatively kind .

After all, judging from the current situation, even Xie An has already won Jianghuai.

Except for the remaining part of Yang Guang's other subordinates, Jiangdu City, where the Sui Ting's elite Xiaoguo army gathered, the entire Yangzhou has been completely unified.

But even so, whether it is the Li Mi Wagang Army occupying Qingzhou and Xuzhou, or the Northern Li Clan Army occupying Bing, Hebei, and Guanzhong, the advantages they currently have are still obviously better than those of the Tianxia who only occupy Yangzhou. The military advantage seems to be much greater.

In this case, since there are some powerful families who are willing to believe in their abilities so firmly, and are willing to gamble on the fate of the entire family for this.

Naturally, Xie An had to reciprocate a little bit for these good-looking speculators, and give their family children a good treatment.

After all, now that the major Liyangcheng families have chosen to follow him.

Then if he succeeds in fighting for the dragon, these small and powerful families who were originally only second- and third-rate in the world will naturally flourish and their status will rise in a straight line.

But if I am defeated, then even if these dependent families have their own means of survival, they will eventually be attacked by the real dragon force that has won the world in the future, and they will definitely only lose their vitality from now on .

There is even a high probability that it will not be able to fully recover its vitality in the next ten or even decades.

And in such a situation where the failure is so serious, although these families do have their own ideas, and they are indeed speculating for fame, but they really have great expectations for Xie An and his subordinates. I made up my mind.

This kind of love, even Xie An, who wants to fight hard to destroy some powerful families, can't help but accept it.

Moreover, these families in Liyang City are not only rare in this way.

At the same time, the most important thing is that each of them is of great help to the future development of the Tianxia Army and the current rule in the Jianghuai area.

With the help of these powerful and influential families in the Jianghuai area, Xie An was able to firmly control the Jianghuai area in a short period of time, stabilizing the hearts of all the soldiers and people in this area.

And this is destined to greatly save Xie An's time in sorting out the various complicated situations in his territories, and also allow him to complete the unification of the world more quickly.

As for the gradual entrenching of relying on powerful families in the future, Xie An also has his own calculations and liquidation methods in his mind.


Daye 13th November [-]th.

After nearly [-] days of breaking Liyang City, at this moment, the entire Jianghuai area has been completely unified by the army of the world.

During this process, Xie An single-handedly killed all those who were not convinced and surrendered obediently.

Even Fu Gongyou, the second most powerful figure in the Jianghuai army besides Du Fuwei, even though he finally gathered tens of thousands of troops to resist Xie An.

But in the end, he could only be extremely desperate, just huddled in the center surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers, and then was easily wiped out by Xie An like an ant was crushed to death, and he did not give him any resistance during the whole process room.

After all, with Xie An's current strength, if he wanted to kill someone, no matter who the target was, he was doomed to just obediently wait for death.

And so.

As the entire Jianghuai area was completely brought into the sphere of influence of the Tianxia Army, the Tianxia Army not only directly expanded the total number of troops under its command from only a little over [-] to about [-] in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the number of subjects under Xie An's command has also increased by a full [-] households in one fell swoop.

Calculated in this way, even the Jiangdu area where Yang Guang is located has not been completely conquered by the Tianxia Army.

However, the current overall population of Tianxiahui has reached an extremely large level of more than 40 households with a population of 270 million.

Next, if Xie An conquered the Jiangdu area where Yang Guang was located, then the total population under his command would probably increase by another 30 million, and break through the 300 million mark in one fell swoop.

However, during the process of conquering Jianghuai, Xie An actually ordered the killing of many people these days.

Whether it is the small number of stabbing soldiers and officers of the Jianghuai Army who did not obey the discipline of the original Jianghuai Army, or those former officials of Du Fuwei who were unwilling to obey the rule of the Tianxia Army.

Anyway, no matter what your identity is, as long as you don't want to be obedient.

Then those who should be exiled, those who should be killed themselves, those who should be exterminated, Xie An never showed any mercy at all.

In addition, in addition to such a large-scale killing.

In these days of gradually dominating the Jianghuai area, Xie An is still vigorously selecting and screening out the tens of thousands of Jianghuai troops who have been newly captured.

For Du Fuwei's subordinates who did not meet the physical fitness requirements, Xie An directly stripped them of their original status as soldiers, and then completely restructured them into members of the Tianxia Army.

And this is why the number of Jianghuai Army captured by Xie An's Tianxia Army in the Jianghuai area was obviously more than 2, but in the end the number of Tianxia Army only increased by [-].

There is no way, the overall quality of Du Fuwei's Jianghuai army is really bad.

Therefore, even if Xie An has lowered some of the standards for the newly recruited soldiers from all over the world, only [-] to [-]% of the original strength of the Jianghuai Army is still left.

As for the newly recruited [-] Jianghuai Army soldiers, Xie An allocated a quarter of them to Kou Zhong's Feiyun Army.

Only Kou Zhong's Feiyun army, which had been slightly damaged during the Jianghuai campaign before, not only returned to more than [-] troops in one fell swoop, but even increased to a huge number of [-] troops in one fell swoop.

But at the same time, when the strength of Kou Zhong's men is increasing so rapidly, he will continue to lead his troops to garrison in the Jianghuai area in the future, and will firmly defend Li Miwagang's army from then on.

As for the other [-] newly recruited soldiers of the Tianxia Army, Xie An also gave a quarter of them to his other disciple Xu Ziling, and did not deliberately favor one over another.

However, unlike Kou Zhong's mission of stationing Jianghuai, Xu Ziling was directly ordered by Xie An to fly south after receiving the reinforcement of the five thousand troops, only to destroy the Sui Emperor Yang Guang in the Jiangdu area in one go, and let the world The Hui forces completely ruled the entire southeastern region of the Sui Empire.


The Jiangdu area currently occupied by Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty is not actually the original Jiangdu area of ​​the Sui Empire.

Because the real Jiangdu is Yangzhou City where Xie An is currently located.

As for the real Jiangdu (Yangzhou City), Yang Guang, the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, of course hid here after failing to go to Goguryeo for the third time.

At the same time, at that time, he still had some ambitions to make a final fight to see if he could turn the tide and help Sui to rise again.

However, with the rapid rise of Xie An's Tianxiahui forces in Yangzhou, Sui Emperor Yang Guang, who sensed the threat, immediately led the last remaining soldiers of the Xiaoguo Army all the way northward, and finally only hid in Huai'an, the edge of Yangzhou. Lived a peaceful life again.

But even at this time, Sui Emperor Yang Guang still didn't give up completely.

It wasn't until Xie An killed the Yu Wenhuaji, Yuwen Chengdu, and Yuwen Wudi of the Yuwen Clan in one fell swoop, that the Sui Emperor Yang Guang, who originally had some ambitious ideas in his heart, really lost any ambition at all. Aspirations, all I want is to live a happy life for myself in the end.

So in this case.

After Yang Guang, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, relied on his own and some elite soldiers of the Xiaoguo Army to destroy the Li Zitong forces in the East China Sea near Huai'an, he immediately renamed Huai'an as Xinjiang Capital.

But now, what Xu Ziling's [-] kamikaze troops are planning to attack is Huai'an (Xinjiang Capital), the former remote area of ​​Yangzhou.

But it was just when Xu Ziling led his [-] kamikaze troops all the way to the south to attack Sui Emperor Yang Guang's last entrenched point, Xinjiangdu.

At such a time, Xie An, who had returned to Yangzhou City, the core of the Tianxia Army, suddenly met a person who was completely unexpected at such a time.

Heavenly Sword Song Que, one person with one sword, came to Yangzhou!


The realm of martial arts has been updated earlier, if there are still readers who feel confused, you can go and have a look.

 The update was late yesterday, sorry, I found that there are too many of them to be deleted, and I can't write about the details at all, because everyone just wants to watch the battle plot.

  In addition, I just found out that there are some big bosses among the readers of my book. Can you please give this book a little push? This book has been stuck at 480 and cannot be ordered. If there are less than 500 orders, there will be no full attendance for this book next month. Please push the book for me. ()

(End of this chapter)

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