The Heavens: Beginning with the role of a young boy, Broken Waves

Chapter 39 Fire Lin Unsheathed!Divine Seal Mage!

Chapter 39 Fire Lin Unsheathed!Divine Seal Mage!
The deck of the Yuanting transport ship was rained with blood and full of potholes.

After Xie An used the cloud-dispelling palm, although he dealt with the dozen or so Yuan army soldiers closest to his position with one move.

However, due to the destructive force of his palm, after his palm, in addition to various broken limbs and pieces of meat, countless deep cracks inevitably appeared on the deck of the ship around him.

But even so, the battle still continued.

Stepping on the broken deck under his feet, Xie An's figure exploded again.

"Moving through the clouds."

"Wearing the clouds and wearing the moon."

"The clouds and the rain."

But in an instant, Xie An made three moves in a row.


Countless congenital energy spurted out, forming a large thick cloud on the deck of the ship.

On the deck of the entire Yuan court transport ship, the deck of the ship within a radius of six to seven meters with Xie An as the center gradually began to crack.

In such an earth-shattering situation, Xie An's body was boiling with energy, and his palms suddenly made hundreds of cloudy palm images in front of him.

In an instant, the Yuanting transport ship was on board.

A large group of soldiers who managed to escape from Xie An's previous palm had no room to resist, and were smashed to pieces by Xie An's cloudy palm on the spot, screaming and wailing It suddenly shattered into chunks of meat all over the ground.

On the deck, there was a mist of blood.

In the entire Yuanting transport ship, a large blank area was instantly vacated.

And at this moment, Xie An, standing alone in this large blank area, did not make any defensive preparations at all, just silently recovering the true energy in his body.

At this moment, due to the explosive attack just now, Xie An no longer needed to take any precautions.

On the entire Yuanting transport ship, all the guards of the Yuan army who were a little closer to his position had no possibility of being alive at this moment.

As for the remaining one or two hundred elite Yuan army soldiers far away from the ship's deck, their faces now completely lacked the fighting spirit they had before.

Under Xie An's terrifying combat power, the group of them had completely lost their courage to fight.

After all, even though each of them has the reputation of being an elite on the battlefield, their courage still has a limit after all.

With ordinary flesh and blood, and in the name of the elite of the world, they are certainly not afraid of any fight on the human battlefield, but this does not mean that they have the courage to fight against an inhuman monster like Xie An.

It's just that their group of Yuanting soldiers lost their courage to fight.

But Xie An didn't.

A short break of a few seconds passed.

Xie An looked at the cowering soldiers of the Yuanting Navy on the deck in the distance, and a cruel smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And in his eyes, there was also a bloody glint flowing quickly.

Step forward slowly, step by step calmly.

Xie An was full of oppressive aura, forcibly forcing the Yuan Court soldiers on the opposite side to follow his footsteps, and kept retreating towards the rear.

After a few breaths, the Yuanting soldiers on the deck gradually came to the end of their retreat, and the distance on the rear deck could no longer accommodate them to continue retreating.

In such a situation, there was no other choice but among the group of Yuanting's elite sailors, there was finally someone who could no longer bear this oppressive atmosphere.

"Come on, let's all attack together!"

"With so many of us, even if one of us chopped off a piece of his fingernail, we could force him to retreat with serious injuries."

"Brothers, if we go on like this, then we are completely doomed! Instead of continuing to suffer, it is better to fight to the death!"

At the end of the deck, someone who was the first to speak up shouted.

In short, under his first vocal mobilization, it was only a blink of an eye or two.

At the end of the deck, the soldiers of the Yuanting Navy, whose atmosphere had been suppressed to the extreme, finally gave up all their worries, and swarmed directly towards Xie An's position.

Facing such a large group of soldiers from the Yuanting Navy, Xie An, whose strength had already reached the second level of innate qi transformation, was fearless.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

A large piece of air-split palm was shot.

Before those Yuan court soldiers rushed in front of him, Xie An directly killed the enemy with his palm power from the air, smashing six or seven heads in an instant.

However, in the face of the despair of being slaughtered, no matter how fierce Xie An attacked.

This group of Yuanting sailors who have been completely forced into the Jedi, they are still fearless.

Because of the huge number of people who swarmed together, they even forcibly resisted Xie An's palm attack, and rushed to Xie An directly after paying [-] or [-] lives.

And after rushing to Xie An's surroundings with great difficulty, this group of crazy elite soldiers of the Yuanting Navy, each of them was extremely fierce with their knives, waving the long knives in their hands hysterically and crazily towards all parts of Xie An's body swing down.

In desperation.

Surrounded by the dense crowd of people around, Xie An's palms had no room to rest at all, and could only keep attacking the surroundings crazily.

On the deck, tyrannical palms continued to strike frequently.

Large pieces of skulls, like broken watermelons, mixed with countless dripping scarlet juices, gradually gathered in piles on the ground.


In such a situation facing the siege of nearly 200 people at the same time, Xie An, who has never had such a crazy fighting experience, has been going smoothly since he first received the inheritance of the youth breaking the waves.

He finally couldn't control the killing intent in his heart anymore, and he couldn't bear the limitation of waving his palm anymore.

In an instant, the Fire Lin Evil Sword that had always been slanted around his waist was finally revealed to the world for the first time after two months of entering this world.

The blade of the sword is bright red and extremely hot.

The sudden unsheathing of the Fire Lin Sword from Xie An's waist immediately attracted the attention of the besieging soldiers around him.

And the performance of Huo Linjian did not disappoint them.

On the deck, with the undulating swing of the Fire Lin sword, dozens of fiery sword lights suddenly penetrated within ten meters of Xie An.

No survivors were left at all, and dozens of unlucky Yuan Court soldiers were cut into pieces by the blazing sword light without any resistance at all.

And it's not just them.

Because they were also within ten meters of Xie An's body.

On the Yuanting transport ship, even the large mast, which was as thick as a person's arms, was also affected by the fiery sword energy of the Fire Lin Sword, and its section was burnt black and suddenly fell down.

Only the huge hull of the entire Yuanting transport ship was smashed on the spot so that it tilted by a small half.

"damn it!"

"Don't be afraid, keep going! If this continues, our ship will sink!"

"According to the value of the goods transported on this ship, even if you are all dead, your family will still suffer!"

"I will let Master Shenyin cooperate with you now! If you don't want to affect your family, quickly fight with your life!"

"I will chop off the limbs of this Chinese pig and tie him to the broken mast of our warship as a dog!"

On the Yuanting transport ship, they saw the main mast of the transport ship break.

As the supreme commander of this transport fleet, Aributa roared angrily, and directly issued threatening orders to the remaining soldiers on the deck.

And at the same time, at this moment, Ali Buta, he also no longer cared about his previous thoughts of looking down on martial arts people in the world, and directly planned to use his own representative of the highest force on the transport fleet --- the court enshrined Tantric divine seal mage.


"Aributa, you're finally willing to call me! I'm here to help you!"

On the river, there was the sound of Alibuta's desperate roar.

A few thin figures came all the way riding the waves, and suddenly broke into Xie An's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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