Chapter 89

Sweep away the entire Hell Mansion.

All the buildings were smashed to pieces.

After such a release of demon nature, Xie An, who was possessed by demons, did not deliberately pursue those remaining fleeing people in the Hell Mansion.

Even, probably because such a destructive sweep greatly released the demonic nature in his heart.

At this moment, Xie An's eyes gradually began to have some sober flashes of light.

Although this lucid aura, it definitely can't let Xie An get out of the enchanted state immediately.

But there is no doubt that judging from the current trend.

In a month or so at most, Xie An will be able to return to his normal state again, and once again assume the title of the third Nanlin Swordsman in the world's weapon list.

In addition, he was finally able to enjoy life normally again, instead of fighting and killing people every day like now, living in a daze among swords and blood.

Speaking of which, probably due to the gradual increase in the level of acting, the duration of Xie An's enchantment this time has been significantly shortened compared to the previous few times.

Especially compared to the exaggerated situation when Xie An entered this Lu Xiaofeng's world for the first time, he was directly obsessed for three or four months.

Xie An is now possessed by Nie Demeanor, although he is only in his early 40s, but he has only recovered a little bit of sanity immediately after a killing.

Such a progress may sound a little slow, but it is really much faster than before.

And within the large ruins of the Yan Mansion, as Xie An successfully recovered from the state of being enchanted, bit by bit he regained his sobriety.

Following the obsession in his heart, he forcibly searched for more than half an hour in the huge Hell Mansion, and forced himself to piece together a bright red dress and a bright red cloak.

Only then did he put on the bright red silk satin and fiery red cloak contentedly, and then continued to run rapidly towards the southeast along the well-built and well-maintained avenue in front of the Yan Mansion.

So quickly, after leaving the Weishui area, with the increasing number of pedestrians on the road, within a few days, Xie An came to the gate of a big city closest to the location of the Yan Mansion.

And this city is the core of the Guanzhong area, one of the commonly used capitals in the past dynasties, and now the center of Shaanxi Road-Chang'an!

In order to reach this big city, Xie An set off from Yan's Mansion, crossed many mountains in the west of Shaanxi Road without knowing the direction, and then crossed the land of Qinchuan for hundreds of miles, and finally came here.

For this reason, Xie An's whole body at this moment, except for the original bright red robe and red cloak, which he has carefully maintained has not changed.

All the other items on his body, whether it was shoes, shin coats, knee pants and other clothing, or his long hair, had become quite messy and dusty.

But for these things, although Xie An was quite attentive when he was in a normal waking state, he was deeply in a state of obsession at the moment.

Except for the red clothes and red cloak that he is obsessed with, he cares a lot about other things.

Therefore, at this moment, when Xie An raised his eyes and saw that he had finally come to a big city, he didn't even think about anything other than the instinctive desire to find a big restaurant to eat because of his hunger.

He just followed the desire in his heart and walked towards the city gate.

It's just that at the gate of Chang'an City at this moment, several tax collectors and city guards are checking and frisking one by one in front of the checkpoint.

Except for a very small number of figures with extremely high martial arts, they would use lightness kung fu to easily cross the Chang'an city wall, which is several feet high, without going through the inspection of the guarding soldiers.

Everyone else, no matter if they were traders entering the city or general martial arts practitioners, they were seriously queuing up at the moment, waiting for the guards to search and check themselves.

The demonic Xie An was so ignorant, while brushing away the flow of people in front of him, he hurried to the city gate inspection office.

Without any concept of being inspected in his mind, he didn't even look at the patrolling soldiers at the gate of Chang'an City, and stepped across the checkpoint in front of these guarding patrolling soldiers, and walked towards the city ahead.

And the patrolling soldiers at the city gate were naturally flustered by Xie An's actions.

Some of the youths among them looked at the red clothes and red cloaks on Xie An's body, and immediately drew out the blades in their hands, intending to step forward to attack him.

Just wait until they get close.

A leader of the guarding soldiers in this group of people, after seeing the red blood in Xie An's eyes and smelling the strong blood that lingered all over his body, he was completely frightened by his ass. Limp on the ground.

"Let... let go!"

"Hurry up and give it to me, hurry up and let it go!!!"

Sitting limply on the ground, he ignored the gradually yellowing mark on his crotch.

For the first time in his life, this emaciated soldier leader in his thirties with high cheekbones wanted to kill all his men, so he hoarsely shouted at the men behind him with a trembling and broken voice. Shouting to let go.

Hearing the sharp and piercing voice next to his ear, the demonic Xie An striding forward in the passage of the city gate, he couldn't help frowning for a moment.

But fortunately, although Xie An's mind is still in chaos at the moment, after experiencing the previous massacre in the Yan Mansion, his mind now has a little bit of fuzzy resolution ability.

After roughly realizing that the screeching voice behind him might be speaking for him, although Xie An was frowned by the harsh voice.

But in the end, he still didn't say a word, so he quickly passed through the city gate and entered the bustling city in front of him.

After being possessed by demons, Xie An was of course extremely murderous.

But there is a fact that must be unbelievable to outsiders. In fact, Xie An, who is in a state of enchantment, has almost never taken the initiative to start a killing for no reason.

Most of the time.

Usually someone provoked his anger first, and then it turned into a bloody disaster.

In the enchanted state, Xie An at this time is actually like an ignorant child who has no distinction between good and evil in his heart but holds a big killer.

If someone treats him with kindness and is affected by the evil energy in his body, although Xie An will not smile at that person, he will never take the initiative to have murderous intentions.

However, if someone took the initiative to provoke Xie An who was in a state of enchantment, then he would probably face ten times more fierce counterattacks, or suffer a bloodbath.

Just like in the Yan Mansion before.

Speaking of which, even though Xie An had already been possessed by demons at that time, he was actually able to suppress his demonic nature barely at first, and did not intend to do something inexplicably.

However, affected by the obsession at the time, after seeing the weapons on the waists of the gate guards in front of the gate of Yan Mansion, he instinctively wanted to take one of the long knives and use it as his own weapon.

As a result, the guards of the Hell's Mansion chopped it up on the spot.

If it wasn't for Xie An's extraordinary strength, in such a ignorant state, he would definitely have been stabbed a few times.

And this directly stimulated Xie An's murderous intent to explode in an instant, and he grabbed the knife and swept across the entire Yan Mansion on the spot.

At the same time, Su Shaoying, one of the three heroes and four talents in Emei, Huo Tianqing, the chief manager of the Yan Mansion, and Lu Xiaofeng, the four-haired eyebrow who happened to be unlucky to investigate the matter, all three died and one was seriously injured. cost.

At the gate of the city, the leader of the soldiers guarding the city sat limply on the ground, watching Xie Anda walk into the city.

It wasn't until Xie An walked away completely that the emaciated leader of the city guards, whose crotch was full of urine smell, finally stood up slowly with the support of his younger brothers.

And the first thing he did when he got up was to directly raise his hand and slap on the face of a guarding soldier next to him who had just drawn his sword first and planned to attack Xie An, only slapping him until his face turned blue instantly.

And even so, he was still extremely perplexed by the emaciated leader of the city guard, and soon kicked the unlucky city guard several times in a row.

It wasn't until such a severe beating to vent his anger that he finally vented his anger and said:

"During the time that person entered the city just now, no matter what he committed in the city, you all have to remember one thing, that is, you didn't see anything at all!"

"Even if he kills and sets fire on the street, or chops the head of our Chang'an Sheriff, you and I can only be spectators from a distance, do you hear me?"

"Anyway, I'm talking about my ugly words now. If I see someone who dares to commit crimes on purpose, I, Li Kui, will definitely stab him to death first, and then dismember the body and throw it to the dogs!"

"Hmph, don't say that you are unpredictable!"

After finishing speaking, Li Kui, the leader of the guarding soldiers, looked extremely sinister, and once again took a hard look at the beaten guarding guard beside him, spit out a piece of old yellow phlegm from his throat with a bah sound, and directly He spat it in his face.

"Boss, if you say so, my second dog will know the seriousness immediately. My second dog has never been as blind as some people. Those who can't afford to offend my second dog have always stayed away. Far."

"However, I dare to ask the boss... who is that person just now, and we need to do our best to avoid it."

"Anyway, we are also paid by the emperor. Could it be that the man just now is not even afraid of the emperor? He is not a so-called hero in the martial arts who specializes in killing corrupt officials, right?"

See the attitude of your boss.

Among the guarding soldiers at the gate of the city, Wang Ergou, a nimble soldier who has always had a good relationship with the thin leader, stepped forward to ask, nodding and bowing.

And he heard this guard soldier Wang Ergou who had always had a good relationship with him come forward to ask.

Li Kui, who had intended to explain to his rogue subordinates the seriousness of offending Xie An, immediately made no secret of it.

After he gathered Wang Ergou and others together, he spoke out all the information he had learned about the Xie Security Department in a ostentatious tone.

"I don't know much about that person just now, about two points."

"But just by listening to these two points, you will surely understand how untainted he is after listening."

"First of all, you all know that last year, a great villain broke through tens of thousands of forbidden troops in the imperial city, and finally went straight to the Forbidden City."

"My brother-in-law is a member of the Royal Guards of the Imperial City. He told me that the peerless villain who slashed the Imperial City was handsome, with an indistinguishable temperament, and a strong smell of blood was always lingering on his body. I love wearing red clothes."

"The man in the red robe and red robe just now, you have seen his face and appearance just now, do you think he is that big devil!"

"Hmph! Still afraid of the government and the emperor?"

"Last year, he even cut the Dragon Chair of our current Majesty into two halves with a single knife, greatly losing the dignity of the entire imperial court. Do you think he is afraid of the government and the emperor!"

"And the second point is the ranking of that person just now on the world weapon list!"

"Hmph! On the list of weapons in the world, that man's name just now ranked second! Even Ximen Chuuxue, the master of Wanmei Villa, Dugu Yihe, the master of Emei, and Ye Gucheng, the master of Baiyun City, the legendary martial arts masters are also ranked. Far inferior to him!"

"That's it, you pigs dared to provoke you just now! If it wasn't for my wit just now, the gate of our Chang'an city would have already been covered with blood and corpses!"

Speaking of it.

Li Kui, the leader of the guarding soldiers who had already calmed down a little bit of anger, couldn't help but kicked the unlucky guy next to him who had just wiped off the yellow phlegm on his face again, and kicked him again. a stagger.

But this time.

The guarding soldier who was kicked was probably because he already fully understood how messed up what he did just now.

So even though he was kicked again, he kept bowing and apologizing to Li Kui, and he no longer felt the anger he felt when he was innocently beaten.

Regardless of how the farce happened here at the gate of the city.

At this moment, it is said that Xie An himself is possessed.

After he strode into Chang'an City, he swayed forward along the bustling shops lined up on both sides of the official road at the gate of the city.

Unknowingly, he gradually came to a huge gatehouse with a height and width of three feet, and the whole body was wrapped in colorful silk woven into juanhua.

And when Xie An arrived at this moment, right in front of this huge gatehouse, there was a bustard dressed in heavy make-up and flamboyant robes leading several young masters to the gatehouse.

Seeing this, Xie An didn't even say hello to the bustard, and just followed her into the gatehouse.

When he arrived at the gatehouse, the first thing Xie An saw when he raised his eyes was dozens of scattered square tables.

Beside these scattered square tables, every few meters there is a waiter standing bowed, waiting to be greeted at any time.

Seeing that Xie An came in following behind the old bustard, one of them ran out quickly, greeted Xie An directly and asked him if he wanted to have dinner downstairs or go upstairs to ask "Xian Ji" to accompany him.

As he talked, the waiter in the shop winked and introduced to Xie An the characteristics of Immortal Fairy like his restaurant.

It's a pity that, in the enchanted state, except for a few obsessive things, Xie An's mind is completely at a loss when it comes to other things.

He didn't understand the eye-catching introduction of the waiter in the running hall shop at all, so it can only be regarded as a complete waste of the serious introduction effort by the waiter in the running shop.


"Go upstairs, eat, east, west."

Seeing the waiter's serious performance, Xie An frowned slightly.

After thinking hard for a while, he finally spoke slowly word by word.

And hearing Xie An's words, the waiter in the running shop secretly looked up and down Xie An's appearance from the corner of his eye, and then roughly saw the quality of Xie An's clothes from the corner of his eye.

With a smile all over his face, he directly led the whole way, and led the half-understood and half-understood Xie An to the second floor of the restaurant in a daze.

"There is a good guest upstairs, Xian Ji arranges it!"

Stepping up the wide wooden stairs to the second floor of the restaurant, he sat down in the beautifully carved box.

At the door of the box, the waiter in the running shop suddenly let out a loud cry.

For some reason, Xie An, who was originally full of evil thoughts, suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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