Chapter 9 Fight against Zuo Lengchan!
Ming Xiaozong Hongzhi 17th year (AD 1504), Henan Prefecture, Dengfeng County.

Inside the tallest and largest restaurant in the city, which is also expensive.

After a night of sound sleep.

Xie An stretched his waist with some nostalgia, and lazily got up from the soft bed.

Just arrived in Dengfeng City yesterday afternoon.

The first major thing Xie An did was to find himself a place to rest his feet and wash his hands.

Having just gone through half a month of hard work, the first thing he wanted to do the most was not to attack Mount Song with one sword.

Instead, his wish was simple.

That is to take a shower first.

This journey was hard work, with a distance of three thousand miles. Xie An really didn't eat well, didn't sleep well, and at the same time, he couldn't take a refreshing bath.

Now that the destination has been successfully reached.

As a man of high art and courage, he had no intention of avoiding the eyes and ears of the Songshan Sword Sect in the city because of his confidence in his postmortem peak cultivation.

He was so comfortable, without any nervousness or fear, he stayed in the most luxurious box room in the Fugui Building and slept soundly for a night.

until now.

Because all the exhaustion has been sloughed off, the five internal organs in my abdomen also start to be hungry after waking up early.

At this time, Xie An stepped out of his room for the first time since entering the house yesterday afternoon.

Xie An, who stepped out of the door of his private room, walked leisurely all the way to the third floor of the restaurant.

After casually finding a seat by the window, I started ordering seriously.


From the time he left the room to when he sat down at the table, a little time had passed.

Before he had time to drink any sip of wine and meat, he waited for any dish he ordered to be served.

A large group of uninvited guests had already swaggered and blatantly arrived in front of him.


"Are you here so early?"

"Left Leader, have you had your breakfast? If not, let's have some together first."

"Even if a fight is imminent, there is still food to eat."

"Originally, I was thinking that after I finish my meal slowly and at ease, I will go to the gate of Songshan Mountain and have a good communication with you, Zuozongmen. I didn't expect you to come so fast, but I was a little caught off guard."

Sitting on the big wooden chair with the back of the wine table.

Without even raising his head, Xie An casually greeted Zuo Lengchan lazily.

He hadn't had time to eat a mouthful of hot food, so he wasn't very interested in fighting at the moment.

"Ha! Master Eclipse Sword Breaker! You are worthy of being a hero!"

"Seeing someone from my left come here in person, you are still worrying about your own food and drink. You are so bold and courageous!"


"Someone from my left never thought that one day someone would dare to come to the foot of Songshan Mountain to drink and eat meat without fear after publicly killing my three juniors. It's still a little lower!"

"As for someone from my left, his status in the arena is still not high, not the peak!"

"Otherwise our Songshan Sword Sect wouldn't be able to, and one day we would be openly touched by a brat like you!"

Zuo Lengchan's voice was extremely cold and chilling.

It was obvious from his facial expression.

Regarding the casual laziness in Xie An's attitude, his emotions were so stimulated at this moment that he couldn't control the murderous look on his face.

As for the elites of the Songshan Sword Sect standing behind him, all of them had the same expression on their faces as Zuo Lengchan.

For Xie An, the chief culprit who blatantly killed the three high-ranking members of his sect at the Hengshan Liu Zhengfeng Golden Basin Washing Ceremony, they also felt extremely hatred in their hearts.


"Leader Zuo, you are so boring! You can't even make a joke."

"After all, I am also a traveler from afar, and you are the master of this place. I have traveled all the way to come here, and you don't even leave time for me to have a meal with peace of mind."

"It's boring, it's boring!"

"You guy, the only thing that satisfies me is that you didn't bother me immediately when I was eating and sleeping last night."

"Although I don't know whether it was because you didn't receive the information in time last night, or because you felt that a sneak attack was not very useful, so you didn't attack me late at night."

"But just look at this, I'll leave you a whole body later! Hahahaha!"

While speaking, Xie An couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then his right hand suddenly moved.

With a clear choking sound, the Qingfeng long sword in the scabbard behind his back suddenly jumped out deftly.

With a sharp and cold light all over the sky.

Xie An didn't hesitate at all.

He directly broke the dawn with a style of Baiyang, and launched an attack with all his strength towards Zuo Lengchan and the many members of the Songshan Sword Sect behind him.

Many lingering diners in the restaurant, seeing this situation, refused to settle their bills, and ran away desperately.

And during this process, no one stopped the whole process.

The shopkeepers and guys in this restaurant.

As early as one or two minutes ago, they disappeared here early together with those diners with sharp brains.

It is possible to open a hotel in Dengfeng County at the foot of Songshan Mountain, and it is also the most luxurious and largest hotel.

The shopkeepers in this wealthy building are quite alert.

In these years, they have seen a lot of Songshan Sword School's domineering style, and they will not have any chances to stay where they are, to sit and watch the battle between Xie An and the head of Songshan Sword School.

The third floor of the empty restaurant.

Seeing Xie An suddenly move with the sword, the blade in his hand was extremely sharp, Zuo Lengchan couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

Knowing Xie An's previous brilliant achievements, he didn't pretend to be brave at all, and directly gave up the previous situation of fighting the enemy empty-handed.

Instead, he was very cautious, and chose to use the Seventeenth Songshan Sword Sect to confront Xie An head-on.

I saw Zuo Lengchan's body moving slightly, the Songshan Greatsword with a rather wide blade at his waist suddenly came out of its sheath, and slashed down fiercely in the air with the sound of whistling wind.

Xie An's swiftly stabbing Qingfeng long sword was intercepted and stopped by him in mid-air.

Zuo Lengchan's sword is called Wanyue Chaozong.

This is the common starting move in the Songshan Sword School's [-]-way swordsmanship.

When the disciples of Songshan Sword Sect fight against the elders of the sect, they often use this move to say hello first.


Regarding Zuo Lengchan's sword, Xie An didn't know much about its meaning.

Otherwise, according to his consistent disposition, it is estimated that he has already started laughing and laughing at Zuo Lengchan at this moment, teasing that he is deliberately using swordsmanship to meet his elders.

However, Xie An, who didn't know the hidden meaning of Zuo Lengchan's sword technique at this moment, after seeing Zuo Lengchan's extremely fierce sword.

He didn't think much about it at all, but he was seriously impressed by the austerity, majesty and majesty of Songshan swordsmanship.

But despite this, although he was impressed by the strictness of Zuo Lengchan's swordsmanship, Xie An was more confident in his own strength.

During his movements, he deliberately struck fast, stabbing dozens of hundreds of swords in a few blinks.

Directly using the rain of swords all over the sky, Zuo Lengchan had to give up his original strict rhythm of swordsmanship, and he could only use the same fast and fast method to constantly confront and collide with his education.


Such a rhythmic situation did not last long.

Although Xie An's idea is good, Zuo Lengchan has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has been through the rivers and lakes all the way. His rich experience is not a vegetarian.

Although at the very beginning of the fight, Xie An did disrupt his rhythm for a short time.

But soon, Zuo Lengchan calmly emphasized the rhythm of the sword in his hand, and directly defended Xie An's sword in a way that does not change and adapts to all changes.

During this process, the long sword in Zuo Lengchan's hand was galloping continuously like thousands of horses and horses. Under Xie An's fierce eclipse sword technique, Zuo Lengchan forced himself to enclose the ground like a wall. Created a three-foot safe field.

In this safe area of ​​three feet, no matter how hard Xie An stepped up his attack, Zuo Lengchan would always take it all without saying a word.

"The idea is tricky, let's work together!"

At the same time, it was just outside the scope of the struggle between Xie An and Zuo Lengchan.

Seeing that the head of his family was not in a good state, Deng Bagong, one of the thirteen Taibao of Songshan, roared angrily, and led the crowd to the front without hesitation.

The reputation and dignity of the Songshan Sword School, at this moment, was completely abandoned by the magic whip Deng Bagong following Zuo Lengchan's poor condition.

For the Songshan Sword Sect.

Fame, dignity, etc., you don't have to for the time being, anyway, you can earn it back in the future.

But if the leader of the family is dead, then everything will be really big.

In the next few decades, the Songshan Sword Sect will completely lose all possibility of rising.

And this is something that everyone in the Songshan Sword Sect will never allow to happen!

The hero Zuo Lengchan, no matter how vicious and vicious he may be in the eyes of outsiders, in the eyes of all the disciples of the Songshan Sword Sect, he is the best leader!

(End of this chapter)

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