Chapter 98
When going to Songshan Mountain, you will definitely meet a lot of acquaintances, such as Lu Bai who was beaten to death by Ye Chu last time and then rescued and beaten to death, or a group of female nuns from the Hengshan School.As for the others Ye Chu didn't know, but Ye Chu still wanted to meet Yue Buqun very much.

Although he is called a hypocrite, Yue Buqun's heart for Huashan is not even comparable to Feng Qingyang.

The school is almost gone, and the old man is still thinking of Si Guoya as his supreme elder, and he doesn't take care of the juniors at all.It doesn't matter that Lao Yue is really going to do his best for Huashan alone. For example, if Lao Yue is given a Dugu Nine Swords, do you think Lao Yue will choose to steal and rob to get the evil sword manual?
The situation has driven people to a dead end, so all the roads that can be seen are considered crooked and evil, and they are all called roads.

Ye Chu could understand Lao Yue, so Ye Chu couldn't hate Lao Yue, and even felt that Lao Yue was a little pitiful.

It's just that when Ye Chu appeared at the foot of Songshan Mountain, he didn't meet anyone from the Huashan faction. Instead, he met Linghu Chong who looked a bit silent with one person and one sword.

He was shaved bald by Ye Chu before, and stayed in the capital for a while. Now when he saw the Hengshan faction team approaching, what he saw head-on was Linghu Chong's astonishing short shawl hair.

However, Linghu Chong did not choose to make his hair look better, but let his hair loose. Seeing Ye Chu and a group of people behind Ye Chu, Linghu Chong stopped, wanted to say something, but held back, as if I don't know how to speak.

"Linghu Chong, where are your friends?" Ye Chu thought for a while and asked with a smile, "I saw many of your friends in Hengshan School that day, why can't I see them today?"

Linghu Chong shook his head: "I've already made it clear to them that the Hengshan School is a pure place of Buddhism after all, even if they intend to reform themselves, they shouldn't join the Hengshan School. After all, the Hengshan School is all women, and women are different, so Let them choose to go to Shaolin."

"Oh?" Ye Chu was a little curious, "You sent them to Shaolin, what happened?"

Linghu Chong smiled wryly, then looked at Ye Chu, as if he wanted to see clearly what was in Ye Chu's eyes.

"No one shaved or converted to the Buddhas. After all, they still chose to follow the previous path."

"Now that I think about it, was I right?" Ye Chu said with a smile, "At first I wanted to give you Wuwen Linghu Chong and teach you how to be a man. But after thinking about it, you didn't understand how to teach you how to be a man. Instead, I have completely become a big villain in your heart. I have no obligation to teach you about Jianghu, so the choice you make in the end is up to you to choose, and I am only responsible for watching the fun."

"What do you want to see?"

"I want to see you betrayed by all relatives, unaccompanied, lonely, and finally immersed in your own world and depressed for the rest of your life." Ye Chu's voice was full of laughter, but in the ears of others, it made people feel chills behind their backs .

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be Linghu Chong after all, not an ordinary character in the Jianghu. After breaking through, I got to know this Jianghu. Now I am looking forward to what you will be like in the future."

Linghu Chong was stunned when he heard the words. In his heart, Ye Chu seemed to have been targeting him everywhere.It was like this when the Hengshan faction took over the Grand Ceremony, forcing Tian Boguang to death in front of his own eyes, and it was the same when he was in the capital, making himself retreat in front of Dongfang.

But now listening to Ye Chu's words, Linghu Chong suddenly felt a little confused, whether this person was a good person or a bad person, and what his purpose was.

Ye Chu didn't care what Linghu Chong thought, but just asked: "Linghu Chong, I'm very happy that you appeared in front of the Hengshan sect again this time. If you come back this time alone, although I will change my impression of you, I won't How high do you think you are, now it seems that you have not forgotten the entrustment to you by the two masters of the Hengshan School. If you have faith, even if you make mistakes, you will not go too far."

Linghu Chong shook his head when he heard the words: "I just want to fulfill the entrustment of the two masters before they died, and prevent Hengshan from falling apart."

"So, going up the mountain today is for the position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains?" Ye Chu laughed.

"I don't know, maybe I just want to persuade Master to give up the Five Sacred Mountains Conference. The purpose of the Five Sacred Mountains Conference is nothing more than the grievances between the Five Sacred Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect. Such a big fight is just costing the lives of countless disciples."

"Do you think it's possible?" Ye Chu asked, forgive me and then looked at Dongfang, "Dongfang, I'm tired of talking, you should tell him about the Five Sacred Mountains Conference."

Dongfang narrowed his eyes when he heard the words: "Are you sure you want me to tell, I don't know much about the Wuyue Sword Sect either."

"At least clearer than this idiot."

Dongfang nodded when he heard the words: "Linghu Chong, do you know what the Five Sacred Mountains Conference means?"

"It means the supreme position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains!"

"Then do you know what the position of the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains means to your master? Or, if your master becomes the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, what does this news mean to the Huashan faction?"

Linghu Chong was silent, and after a long while, he suddenly smiled wryly, "It seems that I thought everything too simply. I am afraid that Master's obsession with the leader of the Five Sacred Mountains is completely beyond my imagination."

"You're wrong. Although Yue Buqun is a hypocrite, the position of leader of the Five Sacred Mountains was fought for the Huashan faction's status in the Jianghu. Linghu Chong, you forgot how much the Huashan faction faced the Songshan faction before that." Hum down!"

Linghu Chong was startled when he heard the words, memories of the past rushed into his mind, he seemed to have some incomprehension of Yue Buqun's actions before, but now he seems to understand a little.At the same time, Linghu Chong suddenly remembered his former self, unrestrained, seemingly disregarding everything, and he was free, but what about his master?

Ye Chu nodded in satisfaction, everyone has a carefree period, this period is called childhood.But it is impossible for a person to stay in childhood all his life. People will grow up eventually, and growing up means thinking about more things.

People should live for themselves, but while pursuing self-pursuit, they should still consider the ideas of people around them.

The current Linghu Chong, Ye Chu saw a bit of growth from him, so Ye Chu smiled with satisfaction, feeling quite relieved that my family's son was finally brought up by him.

It's just that growing up means that it's not easy to fool around. Linghu Chong was silent for a moment, and then he looked at Ye Chu seriously: "Ye Chu, I can meet you at the foot of Songshan Mountain, which means that you are here for the Five Sacred Mountains Conference. You are waiting I."

Ye Chu looked up in surprise: "Huh?"

"You are waiting for me, and you talk to me so much, Ye Chu, what do you want me to do?"

A completely happy smile finally appeared on Ye Chu's face: "Linghu Chong, you finally started thinking!"

Linghu Chong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but then Ye Chu's eyes froze.

"If you win the position of the head of the Five Sacred Mountains, will you be able to uphold the chivalrous and righteous way?"

(End of this chapter)

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