My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 21 The battle is imminent

Chapter 21 The battle is imminent

It seems that even Sanshi has understood how painful Yang Rui has been tormented by card drawing these days, and the group of heroes segregated the card pack unexpectedly smoothly.

At first, Yang Rui was even ready to be tortured crazily for two or three hours again, but when his hand clicked on the option of recruiting five times for the second time, a golden light flashed, and there was a burst of unique five-star generals. After the special effects, the man with red hair and his chin resting on his hand, thinking calmly in the rain of arrows, just like that, appeared in front of Yang Rui without any defense!

"Fuck! One shot into the soul!"


An hour later, World Channel.

[Cool] [Outside] Extreme丨Tianmen: Wuhu, this is interesting. I watched the local tyrant fireworks in Youzhou on the small TV丨March, did we have a fight with our destiny boss?The two of them have been smoking for an hour.

[Quiet] [Sunset Red] Absolutely丨Kizi: Does this mean that you want to compare and see who lasts longer?But I feel that the big guy in March should stop soon. I can see that he has drawn several Lu Meng.

【Jing】【君丨义字头头】Jun丨Jun Junjun: Open and open!A bet of [-] cents, bet on who will last longer.

【Yang】【君丨义字先生】Jun丨October: This is not comparable, is it?The boss of March seems to be picking Lu Meng, isn't the boss of Destiny picking Lu Xun?

[Benefit][Extreme丨Sword Pointing at Luoyang]Extreme丨Lingfeng: That's true, with the drawing method on the first day of the opening of the district in March, most of the out-of-print generals this season should have at least one full red.

[Green] [Just Red] Red Sleeve 丨 Take the lead: There is more than one card. We have all seen the card pool issued by the big guy in March. Both of him, Lu Xun, are full red. After such a long draw, the third one should be full red. Are you coming?
[And] [Extreme 丨 Bingfeng Direction] Extreme 丨 Deep Space: Immortals fight, I would like to call it a battle between two coal bosses.


It seems that the dog planner also knew that the Li Bing Mo Ma card pack was too harsh on Yang Rui. As one of the few card packs with the lowest shipment rate recognized by the locals, Yang Rui actually drew smoothly.

Even when there were nearly half of his jade talismans left, Guan Mei and Lu Meng had already reached full popularity.

Four Lu Meng, six Guan Mei, six Wei Guan Yu, ten Cao Zhi, thirteen Cao Pi, four Dalu Xun, and a total of 21 Sun Shangxiang!

"So, today it is called Sun Shangxiang Kabao instead of Cao Pi Kabao, right? I moved my family to tears."

Although Yang Rui's luck is not bad overall for the Pack of Heroes card packs, Yang Rui was really shocked by these 20 Sun Shangxiang cards. For a long time, the Pack of Packs for Packs of Warlords Separatist Wars has been dubbed the Cao Pi Card Pack by the majority of people who eat melons, and Cao Pi has always been It is the most easily drawn military general in the entire pack of separatist card packs.

But like today, Cao Pi only issued thirteen, but Sun Shangxiang issued a full 21, which is more or less unexpected.

After today's card draw is over, Yang Rui, who is full of contentment, has nothing to do. He slides the mouse on the big map at random, and before he knows it, the screen comes to one of the secluded gates: Huguan.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

I don’t know if I don’t see it, I was shocked when I saw it, when the big guys on the world channel were still immersed in the card packs of the separatist regimes, at this time, at the Huguan Pass, three pieces from the main alliance of Bingzhou appeared inexplicably: Extreme丨A battle-free field for the members of the front line!
And with regard to the three branches of the free zone, even a fool can understand what it means at a glance. This is waiting for the large army to spread.

"Is the war going to start three days after the zone is opened?"

Thinking about it carefully, Yang Rui’s last trip to the S season dates back to several years ago. At that time, the rhythm of the S season basically planted for a week and a half on both sides of the open area, and then had a tentative fight. One month after the opening of the zone, they are basically fully developed, and then they will start fighting with real swords and guns.

Like the current situation, when the zone was opened three days ago and the enclave pass was ready to break through, Yang Rui couldn't help but sigh after seeing it, saying that he has indeed gradually moved towards the road where there are more veterans than newbies.

Just when Yang Rui was about to send a private message to the narrator to tell the situation, with a swipe, a new unread message appeared in the lower left corner of Yang Rui's game screen.

When I clicked on it, it turned out that it was the narrator I was looking for just now.


Narrator: Mr. March, have you seen the Huguan Pass?Bingzhou is coming.

Firework丨Sanyue: Well, I just saw it too, and I was about to tell you about it.

Narrator: (280.1182) This piece is a land around the pass. I will send you an email to ask them to keep it for you later. You are our All-Union, no, you are the front row of our entire district.

Firework丨Sanyue: Ah, it’s not impossible, but of course it’s good to keep a ring, thank you.

Narrator: Hey, did you see someone else?Dugouba buddies, you're welcome.


After a while, with a swipe, the all-league email just released by the narrator appeared in front of Yang Rui.

[All emails] Narrator: Brothers!I believe that many of you have seen it, and feel that we are soft persimmons, and want to pick us first!Indeed, as a member of a separatist regime in the first season, compared to the brothers in the main league, our strength may indeed be a little weaker, but it is different now. We have the boss of March, and we are no longer the same as before!
He doesn't want to take us into surgery, so let's use practical actions to tell the other side what it means to steal a chicken without losing a lot of rice, let them bite into our rock, and run up and down their two big teeth!
Everyone, the enclave of Huguan, the fortress of the whole league, is ready to fight to the death with Bingzhou!In addition, pay attention to the land of the first ring pass (280.1182) reserved for the March boss!Brothers, don't fly, if you delay the problem, first agree that you will definitely go to the wild, come on!

Looking at the all-league email sent by the narration, Yang Rui seemed to suddenly understand why the S season in the new area has always been the most exciting existence.

Compared with the conquest season, the new players in the S season still account for the majority. The new players are always full of enthusiasm. This blood and passion belonging to the new players is destined to infect every player around them.

Even including Yang Rui, at this moment, they all began to look forward to the upcoming battle. Of course, the reason why Yang Rui felt so excited was that Mengxin's hot blood infection can only be said to be a small part, more, Or because of the upcoming Wu Xun.

Indeed, Ji丨Bingfeng's one-season three-separatist alliance, normally speaking, is basically a one-separatist alliance like Shangxihong.

But the current situation is very different, because there is such a martial arts idiot as Yang Rui in Youzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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