My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 210 Fighting the Night Alliance Again

Chapter 210 Fighting the Night Alliance Again
Yanzhou prefecture followed Yemeng and Shenlong丨Baoji to give up one after another, and all of a sudden there was only one crane group left in place.

However, Yang Rui did not choose to go directly to other battlefields. Faced with the PY of Yanzhou Prefecture, which had already been brought to his lips, it was naturally impossible for Yang Rui to refuse.

At nine o'clock in the evening that night, the crane group, which had already surrounded the state capital with three floors inside and three floors outside, finally began to attack under the command of Yang Rui.

In less than half an hour, with the broadcast of the World Channel, Yanzhou Prefecture has been successfully taken into the pocket by He Tuan.

But this time Yang Rui kept his eyes open. Most of the members of the Crane Regiment did not choose to move to the city during the battle of Yanzhou. Instead, they fought against the fortress.

So until the state capital was successfully captured by the crane group, the moving CDs of the wandering army were still useless.

In the beginning, the reason why the members of the Crane Group were asked not to move to the city as much as possible, in fact, Yang Rui mainly wanted to wait until his position had advanced as far as possible to the face of the state capital before moving to the city, so that he could get twice the result with half the effort.

But who would have imagined that the two opponents he faced, Yemeng's inexplicable confidence at the beginning of the game directly collapsed for himself, and the other side Shenlong 丨 went back to the Gaoyuan battlefield inexplicably, it was purely a crooked fight .

After winning the state capital here, Yang Rui began to work on He Tuan's next move. The current situation is actually quite embarrassing for He Tuan.

As the world's most powerful thieves have just ended, there are probably less than a hundred wandering troops in the entire district, of which the Crane Group accounts for fifty.

The lack of enough wandering troops also means the lack of enough airports and connecting points. Now that the large forces of the crane regiment are gathered in Yanzhou, the difficulty of going to other places is definitely more than 01:30.

Just when Yang Rui was sitting in front of the computer and constantly scrolling through the game screen to worry, a new message appeared, interrupting Yang Rui's thoughts.

Click to open it, and the person who sent me the message is none other than one of my former teammates: the deputy leader of the Shenghan Dynasty, Han丨Pumpkin!

Han丨Pumpkin: Hey, do you want to go to Qingzhou?I can fly to Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Jingzhou.

Firework丨March: Good guy, what do you mean?
Han丨Pumpkin: Haha, I see that after you took the Yanzhou state capital, you are not in a hurry to leave. Guess you may be short of an airport and can’t find a place to fly, right?

Fireworks丨March: Well, indeed, there is no way, the wandering army is still a bit small, and I searched around but did not see a few links that can fly. I am already planning to lie in place for a few days and wait for the wandering cd to end.

Han丨Pumpkin: (644.1354), (1062.1186) (1249.1143) Here, Linzi, the capital of Qingzhou, Pengcheng, the capital of Xuzhou, and Jianye, the capital of Yangzhou, are the links between the three places. Let’s decide which one you want to go to. I told him to pave the way.

Fireworks丨March: Good guy, how many trumpets have you prepared to go up the mountain?

Han丨Pumpkin: Not many. On the day when the Wandering Army first opened, I arranged for [-] trumpets to go up the mountain with you, but luck was a bit unlucky, and these few places were good.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: After we go up the mountain, we are no longer in Dong Zhuo’s camp. If you help us like this, aren’t you afraid that you will fatten up the crane group and turn around and beat you?

Han丨Pumpkin: Hahaha, I’m afraid, of course I’m afraid, but you and I both know that now I have no choice but to support you, no, it’s a bit too much to say support, and I have no other choice but to help you as much as possible.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: That’s true, Shenlong丨Breaks a backstab, and now you are besieged on all sides.

Han丨Pumpkin: I am different from them. The Shenghan Dynasty absolutely cannot go up the mountain this season, otherwise all the previous efforts will be in vain. So, since your primary goal is to fight against the group of heroes, then I Of course I will do my best to help you.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Although I know you have deeper thoughts, but since you have said so, then I will not be too hypocritical. Let's spread it out in Linzi, we will land in Linzi by air, and we are going to kill Yemeng with one hand Chicken set.

Han丨Pumpkin: Haha, okay, I'll arrange it right away.


After finishing the chat with Han丨Pumpkin, Yang Rui couldn't help sighing in his heart that this Han丨Pumpkin is really not a good stubble.

On the surface, it is indeed as Han丨Pumpkin said, he has no other choice but to help the Crane Tuan, but one thing to know is that eating people's mouth is short and manpower is short, this is an eternal truth.

Besides, in today's favor society, the favor owed now will have to be paid back sooner or later. If Yang Rui is a leading soldier, then naturally everything is easy to talk about. I don't care whether you are favor or not?

But that's the problem here, Yang Rui is not a leader, even on the contrary, he is the leader of the top high-level battle group that can definitely rank among the top in the entire field of leadership: the crane group!
Yang Rui's every move represents not only himself, but also the whole crane group. If he wants to make the crane group go further, then Yang Rui's character design must stand still, at least not negative.

Besides, if Yang Rui is really just a big soldier, there's no need for Han丨 Pumpkin to tell him so much.

Now, as Yang Rui said, the Shenghan Dynasty is surrounded by enemies and is still a small boat in a precarious situation. If he makes a move to help Hetuan, everyone in the district will think that Hetuan is leaning on the side of the Shenghan Dynasty.

For such a view, even if the 50 members of He Tuan tried their best to oppose it, it would not be of any use at all.

And once such a view is confirmed, then in the next month and a half, no matter what the crane group does, it will probably be infinitely magnified by some caring people. After all, in their view, between the crane group and the Shenghan Dynasty, is fully bound.

"Forget the ball, anyway, I won't suffer in the short term, so why bother him so much?"

Shaking his head vigorously, trying to get rid of those conspiracy theories as much as possible, I have to say that Han丨Pumpkin is very efficient in handling things. I just finished talking with myself for a few minutes, and Linzi over there The airport in China has already begun to spread out its own link land.

Crane groups.

Firework丨March: @Everyone, brothers, pay attention!All enclave coordinates: 644.1354!Prepare to parachute to Linzi, the state capital of Qingzhou, and let the veterans of Yemeng feel the enthusiasm of our Erlian of Hetuan!

Brother Pingtou: Good guy, hammering once is not enough, you have to do it twice, right? It depends on the boss to kill people, haha.

Han丨Tiandao: If Linzi is also lost, no matter how cohesive the Yemeng is, they will probably suffer a lot. They lost two state capitals in a row in a few days, although PY cannot be counted as theirs.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: None of these things we need to worry about, in a word, Linzi, just do it!

(End of this chapter)

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