Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 12 Situation

Chapter 12 Situation

In the Chen Mansion, Weng and his son-in-law, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, chatted happily. While drinking Chaozhou tea, they talked about state affairs.

"Father-in-law, how is the battle going with the King Father and the others?" Zheng Kezang asked suddenly as he put down his teacup and sipped the green tea in his mouth.

"Qinshe, the situation is very serious now. Geng Jingzhong is a villain again. After returning to the Tartars, he tried his best to show his loyalty to his master. But if my army of King Yanping is weak, the emperor of the Tartars will not need him. You are a rebellious dog, really stupid." Chen Yonghua sighed.

"Many acts of unrighteousness will lead to self-death. We don't need to worry about the fate of this villain Geng Jingzhong. It must be very bleak." Zheng Kezang shook his head and said affirmatively.

As soon as he talked about the current battle situation, Chen Yonghua frowned, because Wu Sangui died of illness suddenly, and the situation of his Great Zhou Kingdom was very bad. A large area of ​​Hunan had been captured by the Qing court. The two strongholds of Jin and Xiamen, which had been firmly defended, may be taken by the Qing army and Geng Jingzhong at any time. Seeing that the situation in the Western Expedition is getting worse and worse, Chen Yonghua feels very uncomfortable.

In fact, before Wu Sangui raised his army, he used Yunnan as his old home, worked hard for many years, and was very powerful. However, the Qing Dynasty had been in peace for a long time, and there had been no wars for many years. The Qing army could be said to be collapsed in front of Wu Sangui's old Guanning troops.

Around 1677 A.D., Wu Sangui occupied Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi, Gansu, and Shaanxi, plus Fujian and Guangdong occupied by King Jingnan and King Pingnan, occupying a total of ten provinces.

At that time, Wu Sangui was sitting on half of the country, ruled by the Qing Dynasty, and entered the peak state of life, but why did Wu Sangui develop so well in the early stage, but fell into the current situation?

First, Wu Sangui died suddenly of illness, which was the direct cause of the failure of the army.

Wu Sangui was born as a general, good at riding and shooting, and also passed the examination of Wu Juren in the Ming Dynasty. He has relatively strong military command ability. He once defeated Li Zicheng, Li Dingguo and others back then, and fought all the way from Shanhaiguan to Yunnan.

The Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty were at their peak at the beginning of their entry into the customs, and they have been in decline ever since.In the Qing Dynasty at that time, there were almost no generals who could compete with Wu Sangui.

In the "San Francisco Rebellion", Yi Libu, Ha Kesan, Shuo Dai, Tuo Dai, and Yi Sixiao, who were relatively capable in the Qing army, were all defeated by Wu Sangui.

At the same time, many generals of the Qing Dynasty were in a wait-and-see state. They did not work hard, wasted their troops, and wasted military pay, which made Wu Sangui's territory bigger and bigger.

However, Wu Sangui was able to defeat the Qing army, but lost to the years.

Wu Sangui was 61 years old when he joined the army.

The average age of the people in the Qing Dynasty is very low, and people over the age of 60 are relatively rare.

Although Wu Sangui was in good health, he was an elderly person after all. After several years of fighting, his physical condition became worse and worse. He finally died of illness in Hengzhou at the age of 67.

After Wu Sangui died of illness, the rebel army lost its backbone, and the successor Wu Shifan's ability was far inferior to Wu Sangui's. How could he not lose the battle?
Therefore, in just two years, the Qing Dynasty put down the rebellion.

Second, although Wu Sangui has a large number of people, he is not united internally.

Wu Sangui has worked hard in Yunnan for 12 years, and his old subordinates are distributed as officials in Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces.

When Wu Sangui raised his troops, these ministries echoed each other in various provinces, with great momentum.

For a while, Wu Sangui had a large number of people, and the number of troops he could command and mobilize reached 40 at most.

However, 40 troops is only a theoretical figure.

In fact, many of Wu Sangui's old subordinates are opportunists.When Wu Sangui's state goes smoothly, these old subordinates will naturally unite under his banner.

But once Wu Sangui's state became rough, these old subordinates would seek refuge in the Qing Dynasty every minute for their own benefit.

This point is illustrated by taking Wang Fuchen as an example. Wang Fuchen was Wu Sangui's old subordinate, and Wu Sangui served as the admiral of Shaanxi when he raised troops.

In 1674, Wang Fuchen led his troops to respond to Wu Sangui, with 8 troops under him.

However, in 1676, Wang Fuchen, who was at both ends of the first mouse, surrendered to the Qing Dynasty again under the temptation of Emperor Kangxi.

Not only that, Wu Sangui's allies are also two-faced.

Zheng Jing and Geng Jingzhong had many conflicts, and internal strife continued.Geng Jingzhong was attacked by the Qing army and Zheng Jing's army and was forced to surrender to the Qing Dynasty.

In this way, the Qing army can concentrate its forces to attack Wu Sangui.

In addition, Shang Kexi and Shang Zhixin are father and son, but Shang Kexi is loyal to the Qing Dynasty, and Shang Zhixin responds to Wu Sangui, wooing both ends and betting on both ends.

Third, Wu Sangui raised his troops too hastily, making it difficult to fight a protracted war.

After Wu Sangui guarded Yunnan, he developed his own power and surpassed the other two vassals King Jingnan and King Pingnan.

However, Yunnan is located in the southwestern border, many places have not been developed, and the economic conditions are very poor, which cannot support Wu Sangui's ambition to annex the world.

What's more, the reason why Wu Sangui raised his troops in the first place was because Shang Kexi was going to return to Liaodong to retire, and Emperor Kangxi planned to withdraw Wu Sangui along with him.

The incident happened so suddenly, Wu Sangui never expected that Emperor Kangxi would take quick action.

Wu Sangui launched the rebellion hastily without sufficient preparation.

He led an army out of Yunnan, into Hunan, conquered half of the country, and had already used the resources he possessed to the extreme.

We can imagine that even if Wu Sangui had not died of illness in 1678, the rebel army would not have the ability to fight the Qing Dynasty for a long time.

The Qing Dynasty had a vast buffer zone, a stable rear, and the affluent Jiangnan region. Sooner or later, Wu Sangui's rebels would be dragged to death.

"Father-in-law, why don't we make a bet?" Zheng Kezang said to Chen Yonghua with a smile.

"It's not a good habit to bet if you don't learn well at a young age." Chen Yonghua glared at Zheng Kezang.

"You don't care about trifles. I bet that in July this year, there will be a big earthquake in the capital of the Tartars." Zheng Kezang said suddenly.

Zi didn't talk about ghost power and confusion, but adhering to the idea that he would rather believe what he had than what he didn't, Chen Yonghua asked: "Qin She, why are you so sure? Is it another warning from Taizu and Guo Xingye's dream?"

Zheng Kezang nodded and said, "As expected of father-in-law, you can guess right, this is God's punishment for sins committed by Tartars."

"Then Qinshe, what's the bet?"

Perhaps it was the previous A4 paper, or Zheng Kezang's recent performances, which made Chen Yonghua believe that the earthquake might not be nonsense.

"If divine punishment comes down from heaven, please ask my father-in-law to help me keep an eye on Feng Xifan. If I lose, I will also promise my father-in-law one thing." Seeing that the goal has been achieved, Zheng Kezang expressed his thoughts.

At this time, someone may ask: Zheng Kezang didn’t study history, so how did he know about the earthquake in the capital in July 1679? This is unscientific.

Of course Zheng Kezang didn't know, it's just that he has a system, don't forget that he still has 25 brilliant points left.

(End of this chapter)

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