Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 2 Monument Site Selection

Chapter 2 Monument Site Selection
The air on the outskirts of Dongning Mansion is extraordinarily sweet, with a breeze blowing by, bursts of fragrance will come to the nostrils, making people feel refreshed.

Zheng Kezang strode across the farmland, walked quickly along the winding stream, and disappeared into the field in a flash.

His father-in-law Dongning chief envoy and guards Mao Xing and Shen Cheng followed closely behind.

I don't know how long they walked, Zheng Kezang and his party came to a wide flat land not far from Dongning Mansion, Zheng Kezang looked around with great interest.

To build a spectacle, the first step is, of course, to acquire land and select a site.

The area around Tainan is where Yizhou Island was first developed. The terrain is mostly plains and fertile fields, which are very suitable for farming development.

For Zheng Kezang, the first spectacle is particularly important. It is related to his subsequent development and the first pot of gold in his glory points, so there must be no sloppy.

When choosing a location, you have to be careful.

The transportation in the seventeenth century was very inconvenient, especially on the newly developed Yizhou Island, where dirt roads were considered good.

Therefore, it should not be too far away from the populated area of ​​Dongning Prefecture, otherwise it would be inconvenient to dispatch people and transport materials, which would inevitably prolong the completion time of the spectacle.

Zheng Kezang can't afford to lose the time spent on the road alone, and now time is life.

As a conscientious "developer" in the seventeenth century, Zheng Kezang will definitely try his best to "hand over the house" to the system as soon as possible.

Moreover, the [Monument] sounds like a building with military bonuses, which is particularly important to the Zheng Xiao court in the Ming Dynasty.

In Zheng Kezang's vision, in the future, this open space will closely surround the monument and build his own military base.

That's right, this land has been chosen!

Suddenly, Zheng Kezang popped up a pop-up window that only he could see:

[Terrain entry successful.]

【The spectacle modeling is under construction.】

【Construction succeeded.】

[Host, do you choose this location? 】

【Yes or No】

The hidden function of the system was triggered, Zheng Kezang was overjoyed, and with a thought in his mind, he was crazily sure [Yes].

After confirming, the system beeps with a "ding" sound:
[Monument Construction Drawings.pdf has been successfully printed, please accept it from the host]

For a moment, Zheng Kezang's coat sleeves suddenly sank, as if there were some extra items.

While no one was looking around, he quickly raised his hand and took a peek at what was going on in the sleeve, only to see a stack of A4 papers in the sleeve out of thin air.

"This is too amazing. This pile of A4 paper will be my weapon to open up the situation. Whether I can successfully fool my father-in-law depends on them." Zheng Kezang muttered to himself.

Taking a deep breath, restraining the excitement in his heart, Zheng Kezang said loudly:

"Father-in-law, the current situation is getting more and more difficult. Please father-in-law go back and immediately dispatch a group of civilians to erect a stele here to commemorate our Chinese heroes and boost the morale of the soldiers and civilians on the island."

"What kind of stele does it look like? Let me see how many civilians need to be dispatched." Chen Yonghua pondered.

Before Chen Yonghua finished speaking, Zheng Kezang took out a large stack of A4 drawings provided by the system from his sleeve as if by magic.

Seeing this miraculous A4 paper, Chen Yonghua was stunned. Even though he traveled all over the world, he had never seen such a good quality, such pure white paper.

"This paper is so ingenious, it is really rare." Chen Yonghua couldn't help admiring.

Chen Zongzhi carefully touched the drawings with his hands, his eyes lit up, and he looked at them repeatedly.

Looking at the dense lines on the blueprints, Chen Yonghua couldn't quite understand them, but he could roughly feel from these blueprints that once the monument is completed, it must be a magnificent, beautiful and remarkable building.

But it will take a lot of money to build such a spectacle.

"Qinshe, this stele is very majestic and extraordinary. I think that building this stele will inevitably waste a lot of manpower and material resources. It is not suitable for large-scale construction at the moment. Let's put it aside first." Chen Yonghua said helplessly.

Zheng Kezang winked at the guards and signaled them to go to the other side to let the wind go first, and he wanted to have a private conversation with Chen Yonghua.

After the guards left, Zheng Kezang said solemnly: "Father-in-law, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, do you think these papers are from us or even from the Qing Dynasty? They are divine objects!"

Chen Yonghua was thoughtful.

"Yesterday I had a dream. In the dream, I was in a daze, as if I had broken into the fairy world, the realm of the Taoist ancestor Sanqing!
They are very distressed by the current situation of the land of China, bluntly saying that China is already in the most critical moment, if we don't think about changing, the last pure land of China will also fall.

Moreover, they (there are three Dao ancestors) told me that my father will definitely return from the Western Expedition this time, so we must beware of Feng Xifan who has returned.

At that time, I asked why I should be wary of Feng Xifan, my father's confidant.

They said that the secrets of the sky should not be revealed, but they can give me a little help. This stack of paper is a god bestowed by the Taoist ancestor of Sanqing.

Taizu and Grandpa told me that once the monument is built, it will become an important force for the revival of Ming Dynasty, and their strength will be passed on to our soldiers through the monument.

In this matter, my father-in-law must help me! "While speaking, Zheng Kezang eagerly took Chen Yonghua's hand.

The Taoist ancestors of the Three Qings are Taiqing Taishang Laojun, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, and they are the supreme gods of Taoism.

Although Chen Yonghua was not sure in his heart whether Zheng Kezang's words were true or not, his son-in-law Zheng Kezang would never target indiscriminately, so he chose to believe it at this moment.

For a moment, Chen Yonghua felt that someone must have bewitched his son-in-law, but the evidence on the A4 paper was convincing, and the ancients used the trick of fairy dreaming.

"His Royal Highness Jian Guo doesn't have to be like this. I will definitely help you with the construction of the stele. Please rest assured Jian Guo."

Chen Yonghua is a celebrity today, whether it is the surname of the country or his son Zheng Jing, no matter the military and state affairs, he listens to his opinions very much.

Moreover, he has outstanding talents. The cultural and educational system of Yizhou Island was almost built by him. Even the isolated and backward Gaoshan people were incorporated into the education system of Yizhou Island by him, which vigorously promoted Confucian culture and promoted the development of the island. amalgamation of different nationalities.

In addition, the people of Yizhou Island at that time could only make table salt by boiling seawater, so the quality of the salt produced was very poor.

In order to improve the production process, Chen Yonghua introduced the brine drying method. The process is roughly as follows: First, dig a ditch near the salt field, let the seawater pour on the sand to form saline soil, and then take the brine extracted from the saline soil to the crystallization pool to obtain it through sunlight. Each grain of salt improves the quality of salt.

In addition, due to the implementation of the decree of relocation by the Qing government, the price of Yizhou Island has risen, especially for fabrics.

Chen Yonghua suggested that Zheng Jing bribe the Qing army's coastal defense generals to carry out smuggling, so that the goods could flow into Yizhou Island and stabilize the price.

His contributions are too numerous to enumerate. It can be said that Ming Zheng's "Zhuge Wolong" and the prototype of "Chen Jinnan", the chief rudder of the Tiandihui in the Deer and Dingji, are Chen Yonghua.

In 1680, Chen Yonghua died of depression and depression. Li Guangdi, who was a cabinet scholar in the Kangxi Dynasty at the time, believed that the reason why Ming Zheng was able to hold on to the isolated island for so long without perishing was due to Chen Yonghua's good management. It will break.

Later, as he said, Mingzheng surrendered to the Qing Dynasty not long after being pushed by Feng Xifan and others.

Zheng Kezang believes that in addition to the system, Chen Yonghua is also the key to the revival of China. He must not die young like in history. He was only 45 years old when he died, and at least he should work until he was 60 years old before retiring.

Heart disease still needs heart medicine, everything can be done in time.

"Father-in-law, it should be sooner rather than later, let's go back and make arrangements." Zheng Kezang said seriously.

"Very good."

(End of this chapter)

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