Chapter 43 Funeral
"General Feng is suffering from tuberculosis." An old Chinese doctor with white hair said.

"Night sweats during sleep, fever in the afternoon, cough, lassitude, lack of drinking, and even phlegm, spit out, bleed, fever, are all symptoms of tuberculosis." The old Chinese doctor sighed.

Tuberculosis was a terminal disease in ancient times, there was no effective treatment, and life and death depended on God.

Therefore, after Feng Xifan woke up, he almost fainted again when he heard what the doctor said.

"It's all right, how could I have tuberculosis!" Feng Xifan was puzzled.

"Boss, you have to cheer up. If you practice martial arts every day, your health will definitely recover quickly." Feng Xifan's wife comforted her.

Unfortunately, what Feng Xifan got was not tuberculosis, but paraquat poisoning.

Time passed day by day, and in less than a month, Feng Xifan's breathing became more and more difficult. A generation of veterans in the battlefield and future treacherous ministers came to an end like this.

When he was dying, Feng Xifan was unable to speak, and only his wife and a few children were left beside him. They were crying and shouting, but it was of no avail.

Because the doctor diagnosed him with tuberculosis, the important figures of the Mingzheng Group did not dare to come to see him in order to prevent infection.

Feng Xifan's consciousness became weaker and weaker, and he still struggled to sit up, because he still didn't want to die, and he still wanted to see his son-in-law Zheng Keshun become King of Yanping, and he still wanted to hold the power.

Slowly, he could no longer breathe, leaving only resentment in his eyes, a mutilated body, and the wailing of the people around him.

The news of Feng Xifan's death overwhelmed most people in the Mingzheng Group. The people who were active on the battlefield a few days ago had entered the underworld in a blink of an eye, which made people feel infinitely moved.

"Fufu, I drank tea with Xifan (Feng Xifan's word) a few days ago. It's only been a while, so I'm leaving first." Zheng Jing attended Feng Xifan's funeral.

If there was no future coup in Dongning, Feng Xifan could be said to be loyal to Zheng Jing, and even asked him to come to Tuogu when Zheng Jing died. Unfortunately, Feng Xifan did not fulfill his promise to Zheng Jing.

"The dead are gone, and the living are like this. Presumably Xifan's last wish must be to restore the homeland of China, and we living people must help him fulfill this last wish." Chen Yonghua really overestimated Feng Xifan.

"Hey, posthumously designate Feng Xifan as loyal uncle, I hope he will have a good journey." Zheng Jing looked at the coffin in front of him and sighed.

Zheng Jing will not treat those who are loyal to him badly. It is absolutely no problem to confer a title of Earl, with Feng Xifan's status in Ming Zheng.

"No! I will arrange this matter for Xi Fan tomorrow." Chen Yonghua replied.

Zheng Kezang was also at the funeral. Hearing the passionate suona sound in his ears, he felt a little lost. The enemy of his life left just like this. Whose turn will it be next?

It will be Kang Mazi's turn next, and he will not be as easy to deal with as Feng Xifan, but it doesn't matter, Zheng Kezang is not afraid.

The next day, Zheng Jing rarely attended the court meeting, just to pursue the title of Feng Xifan, and usually he would directly let Zheng Kezang attend by himself.

No one objected to Feng Xifan's posthumous title ceremony. After all, they were all dead, and they didn't care about a dead earl.

But the real highlight is the distribution of the guard town.

The court meeting was full of voices because of this incident, like a scene where vultures were dismembered.

"I recommend General Liu Guoxuan to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Guards and Township Department, Dudu Tongzhi." The official Hong Lei suggested.

Zheng Jing was hesitant and didn't know how to distribute it.

At this time, Zheng Kezang suddenly said: "The candidate for the commander-in-chief of the guard town, I think it will be put aside for the time being. There is no suitable candidate at present. General Liu Guoxuan is already the commander-in-chief of Zuo Wuwei and You Wuwei. It is suitable to serve as a guard town again, people's energy is limited."

Everyone can hear the meaning of the words, Liu Guoxuan is too powerful in the army, so he is not suitable for this position.

"It's better to select General Zhengbei Zeng Rui as the commander-in-chief of the guard town." Military officer Chen Shengwu recommended.

Soon, they fell into quarrels, some supported Liu Guoxuan, some supported Zeng Rui, and they couldn't argue for a long time.

"I have a plan. It's better to assign the soldiers from the original guard town to the left and right Wuwei towns. The guard town will not be developed for the time being. Wait for the right opportunity to rebuild the guard town." Zheng Kezang suggested.

It was a compromise plan that quickly won the support of Zheng Jing and others, and Liu Guoxuan was also satisfied. Although he didn't get the position, it also gave him real benefits, and no one suffered a loss.

Moreover, the establishment of one less town is a good thing for the current Dongning. The population of the island is not large, so it can no longer be militarized.

As for whether the guard town should be rebuilt, it all depends on Zheng Kezang's mood.

After Feng Xifan died, Zheng Kezang was in a particularly comfortable mood, and a major hidden danger in the future was eliminated. At the same time, his younger brother Zheng Keshuang would not have any conflicts with him because of this. It was the best of both worlds.

Zheng Kezang, who was in a good mood, decided to do some shopping in the system mall.

"System, please give me the memorabilia in 1680 AD." Zheng Kezang said to the system.

He has not changed much about history now, and it is very cost-effective to buy memorabilia during this period.

[Deduct 5 points, the balance is 30 points]

[Memorabilia has been shipped, please check]

Zheng Kezang picked up the memorabilia in 1680 on the desk and began to read carefully:
There was nothing to do in January. In February, Emperor Kangxi issued a decree to set up the Wuying Hall Manufacturing Office, which is responsible for the engraving, printing, and decoration of books in the inner government.

Seeing this, Zheng Kezang thought to himself, if he has enough points, he should also develop printing technology, develop the newspaper industry, and become his mouthpiece.

Continue to see, nothing happened in March and April. In May, the Qing court put down the war of the "San Francisco" rebellion. It lasted seven years and achieved a decisive victory. Emperor Kangxi held a banquet in the main hall of Yangxin Hall.

It seems that Wu Sangui's grandson, Wu Shifan, can't hold on any longer. It's a pity that we can't buy him more time.

Continue to look at, in May, Zhu Tiangui, the naval officer of the Zheng Army, led more than 5 men and more than 2 ships to Xiantongshan to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, and the coastal islands returned to the Qing Dynasty.

Damn, Zhu Tiangui surrendered and took away [-] troops. What's going on, the Zheng family still has this number of people, so hurry up and call old eunuch Li to find out.

It turned out that Zhu Tiangui was born as a fisherman. Because of his outstanding talent, he became the governor of the left and commanded the 28 towns of the Navy, stationed in the Tongshan area.

Zhu Tiangui's surrender must never happen. We have to find a way to change history. No wonder Ming Zheng was defeated so quickly. It turned out that the "Navy Commander" ran away.

A total of three hundred warships surrendered to the enemy. He had to find a way to stop this. He could not let the Qing army's navy become stronger, so that he could do whatever he wanted on the southeast coast and be free to conquer the Luzon Islands.

If the Qing army had so many warships and could come and steal his home at any time, how could they have the opportunity to avenge the Chinese people in Luzon Island.

What happened in May, there is still a chance now.

Fortunately, Feng Xifan died, and Zheng Kezang had the opportunity to integrate Dongning's existing naval and army forces, and then raided Tongshan and Dongshan Island with lightning speed, rescued the lost general Zhu Tiangui, and then sent the warship and Bring everyone back to Dongning Mansion, great things will happen!

After having an idea, Zheng Kezang did not panic and continued to read the memorabilia of 1680.

(End of this chapter)

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