Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 526 The Holy Qing Mongol Empire (please subscribe!)

In 1689, the tenth day of September.

The Kuritai Conference, which decided the future of the Mongolian Empire of the Qing Dynasty and the people of Tianzhu, was finally held outside a huge golden-roofed tent outside Astana after the wedding of Kangxi Khan and Queen Sophia.

And now, Kangxi, as the Great Khan of Mongolia, sits on the throne with his queen Sophia.

Below are Fuquan, Cewang, Heshuote Khan, Khiva Khan, and Bukhara Khan.

In this Kulitai Conference, Kangxi Khan represented the Junggar Khanate, the Kazakh Khanate, and the Golden Horde. He has the claims of the three Khanates!

Because of the bed sheets with Kangxi all night, Sophia recognized Kangxi's claim to the Golden Horde on behalf of Raksha, but there was no actual land allocated to Kangxi.

Of course, Aurangzeb of the Mughal Khanate (Mughal) did not send anyone to participate in this Kuritai Conference-this will be the charge of Kangxi Khan's crusade against them!
To refuse to participate in the Kuritai Conference is to break away from the Mongol Empire and to oppose the ancestral system of the Mongol Empire!

It was justifiable for Kangxi Khan to crusade against them as the Great Khan of Mongolia.

Including the Mughal Khanate that did not participate, there are seven Khanates in total this time!
Kangxi, who was familiar with European history, decided to create a holy Mongolian empire in the Qing Dynasty.

How to do it.

Just copy the system of electing emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and their side is the system of electing khans.

For this reason, Kangxi Khan copied Shenluo's "Golden Edict" and formulated a "Huanglong Edict" with charter significance!
The edict stipulates that as long as five khans participate in the khan election meeting and four khan votes agree, a legal khan election meeting resolution can be formed!

And the resolution of the Election Khan Conference is the highest national policy of the Mongol Empire!
Kangxi has three khanates alone, and he can vote three times for himself!

As for the other khans, they all voted for him, and all the Mongolian khans who voted for the first term were Kangxi Kang Mazi!
He looked at the three election khans below, and at the nobles of the various khanates who attended the meeting but had no voting rights, as well as the grand lama in charge of monitoring, and an Orthodox archbishop, and then announced loudly:
"I was elected by the six Khans of the Golden Horde, Junggar Khan, Kazakh Khan, Heshuote Khan, Khiva Khan, and Bukhara Khan to become the first Khan of the Holy Qing Mongolian Empire. From now on, I will rule like Genghis Khan. Mongolia is the Khan of the Khans, the Lord of the Grasslands and the Desert, and the Khan of the World, who among you has any objections?"

Of course no one would dare to object.

So when Kangxi Khan's question came out, long live the Shanhu who answered him in various languages!

The feeling of being a saint is back.

"Long live, long live" shouted in Mongolian, Manchu, Chinese, Rakshasa, Turkic, and Tibetan were mixed together, and intertwined into the most beautiful sound in the world, which made the people who were beaten by Daming run away with their heads in their arms. Kangxi has regained the feeling of being the only one.

This feeling is really great!
The only pity is that the traitors from Monan and Mobei Mongolia did not come to this conference.

If those traitors saw such a grand occasion, would they regret it?
Kangxi was almost drunk, until the audience stopped cheering and all looked up at him in a daze, he was still savoring there!

I feel that my Qing Dynasty is thriving again!

Thinking of this, Kangxi Khan announced loudly: "Khan Aurangzeb of the Mughal Khanate dared to violate the ancestral system of our Great Mongolia, refused to attend the Kuritai Conference, and did not send envoys to apologize. This shows that he I want to become the Great Khan of Mongolia, and I want to be my enemy! Therefore, I decided to preemptively lead millions of soldiers from the four major Mongolian Khanates to attack the Mughal Khanate! I will not destroy Tianzhu, and I will never return to my division!"

"Destroy Tianzhu!"

"Destroy Tianzhu!"

When Kangxi's career was booming, Zhu Kezang was also inspecting the construction of railways across the country.

At present, the only railway that has been built in Daming is the Beijing-Hangzhou Railway (Yingtian to Hangzhou), and the infrastructure of Daming has yet to be developed.

Therefore, after the annual meeting of the Confucian scholars in 1689, the meeting passed the first five-year plan of Ming Dynasty!
That is, from the end of 1689 to the end of 1694.

In the plan, Ming decided to build the Shun-Han Railway (Shuntian to Wuhan), the Guangdong-Han Railway (Guangzhou to Wuhan)

At this time, because of the barrier of the Yangtze River, and the Ming Dynasty was unable to build the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, it could only follow the historical compromise plan.

If a person wants to go south from Shuntian City to Guangzhou, he needs to take the Shunhan Railway first.

Go to the railway station in Hankou, then carry your luggage to the Yuehan Wharf, take a special line ferry across the Yangtze River to the railway station, wait for the boarding again, and get on the Yuehan Line!
In addition, in order to connect Yingtianfu and Shuntianfu, a Shunyang Railway (Shuntian to Yangzhou) is still under construction.

With this railway, from Shuntianfu to Yingtianfu, you only need to transfer at Yangzhou Ferry to reach the imperial capital Yingtian!
These three major railways are planned to be constructed and opened to traffic within five years. With these railways, Ming Dynasty will enter a brand new industrial era.

In addition to these three big lines, there are several eye-catching small lines.

For example, the railway linking Datong and Shuntianfu attracts special attention.


Because Datong has the largest coal mine in Ming Dynasty!

When did the development and utilization of coal in Datong area start, there is no literature.

However, according to the historical fact that there are many coal outcrops in the Datong coalfield and long-term spontaneous combustion, the ancestors of the Emaokou site in Huairen County adjacent to Datong in the Neolithic Age had already used fire and were able to mine exposed three-dimensional coal from the slopes of river valleys. The interlayers of tuff and lamprophyre were used to make stone tools. It is inferred that the combustibility of coal may be discovered in the Neolithic period, and the coal was picked up and utilized from the outcrop of the coal seam.

The "Shui Jing Zhu" written by Li Daoyuan in the Northern Wei Dynasty is the earliest written record about the spontaneous combustion of coal seams and the development and utilization of coal in the Datong area.By the Song Dynasty, coal was widely used as fuel in metallurgy, ceramics and other industries, and the status of coal in the social economy became increasingly important. Coal was widely used in Datong area.

During the Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties, the coal mining industry in Datong area was well developed, and the iron smelting industry also lasted for a long time, which promoted the development of the coal mining industry.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, coal had been widely used in iron smelting, coin casting, sulfur smelting, and lime burning.

Due to the widespread use and popularity of the Ming steam engine, coal mines became more and more popular.

The Daming Shanxi State-owned Coal Mining Corporation came into being, and was responsible for the coal mines in Shanxi.

After resting in Datong City for one night, Zhu Kezang went to the Datong Coal Mine the next day accompanied by Lu Fan, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Last month, three accidents happened in this coal mine one after another, killing 41 miners and injuring more than 20 miners.

Fortunately, half of these dead miners were Manchurians, so there is no need to pay attention.

But half of them are hard-working people who make a living in Shanxi. They all have relatives, and the household department has registered the information in detail.

This time Zhu Kezang provided pensions to their relatives.

For the living miners and relatives, it is an inspiring event that the emperor came to express condolences in person.

Moreover, Zhu Kezang also brought the art troupe of the Ming Dynasty Guards to bring a unique art performance to the miners.

Of course, in addition to this, Zhu Kezang also prepared some condolences.It was [-] pieces of Yingtian ham provided by Yingtian Meat Factory as an extra meal.

Zhu Kezang also brought an important machine for his condolences: the steam water pump.

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