Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 53 Your Majesty, Great Victory!

Chapter 53 Your Majesty, Great Victory!

"Master Wan, Minggou has retired, and they ran away."

"What, they retreated, where are they going, the Chaozhou government?" Wan Zheng said anxiously.

"It's not adults, they retreated to Yizhou Island, and they all ran away!" Li En said excitedly.

Wan Zhengse was stunned, he never expected that Zheng Kezang would choose to retreat bravely, he no longer knew how to comment, this man is too steady.

Before Wan Zhengse could make a sound, Wu Yangui took the lead and said excitedly: "Congratulations to Mr. Wan, the great victory in Zhugang, repelling [-] Ming Zhenghai bandits, severely injuring the false Ming prince Zheng Kezang, and recovering Tongshan City, great achievement!"

Wan Zhengse also reacted, and the haze of defeat was swept away, and he said happily: "Thanks to Master Wu for sending reinforcements to arrive in time, our army was saved from danger."

Those who can become admirals are all good people, and they will come up along the pole.

Immediately afterwards, Wan Zhengse's face was heavy again: "Our army faced [-] enemies and refused to give up an inch of ground. It was a bloody battle for three days and three nights, and [-] soldiers were killed in battle to achieve such a great victory. It is so sad."

If Zheng Kezang was on the scene, he would definitely say: Bah, Wan Laogou is so shameless.

Seeing this, Wu Yangui also sighed together, like a soldier who died of heartache.

After a lot of back and forth, Wu Yangui wrote down the battle situation in Zhugang at that time according to Wan Zhengse's intention with a swipe of his pen.

He described in words full of emotion that in order to guard the sea frontier of the Qing Dynasty, the Fujian Lvying fought more with less. Zheng Hai bandits [-] soldiers in the battle, finally repelled Zheng Kezang's [-] troops, recovered Tongshan City, and occupied Dongshan Island.

This great battle has brought out the prestige of the Qing Dynasty, and made the hypocritical forces no longer able to offend the Qing Dynasty, which is really a great achievement!
Such a sensual battle report made Wan Zhengse very happy, and he quickly signed his name on it.

"Lord Wan, I'll go to the post station to pass the battle report to the governor, and hurry up to present it to the emperor." After finishing speaking, Wu Yangui hurried out.

"Li En, gather the soldiers and have a celebration banquet!" Wan Zhengse said happily.


It wasn't long before Yao Qisheng circulated this battle report. After several layers of verification and signatures, it was finally sent to the capital in eight hundred li urgently.

As for the verification situation, Yao Qisheng didn't say much. After all, Tongshan City and Dongshan Island have been recovered, and the bandits have also retreated. They can indeed claim credit from the emperor.

At this moment, Kangxi was sitting on the imperial book case, and the prince, ministers of state affairs, academicians, ministers, and ministers gathered together.

The current minister of the Ministry of War is Guo Sihai, who is in charge of the red flag in Manchuria. He was originally going to discuss the encirclement and suppression of Wu Shifan today, and he talked about the war in Fujian.

Kangxi asked Guo Sihai: "Is there any news from Fujian?"

Guo Sihai is also a wonderful person, this person has neither education nor skills, but his official career has been prosperous all the way, relying on chicken thieves.

Here is an example.

One year, when Guo Sihai was the censor of Zuodu, he was ordered to preside over the examination.

As we all know, the general examination is the third hurdle in the imperial examination system, which plays a vital role in the fate of the examination.

The winner of the gold list becomes one of the ten thousand Jinshi, and looks down on the world as a "student of the son of heaven". The future is boundless, and those who fail to be famous can only return home in regret. If they don't continue to refer to it, they will spend their lives at the bottom of the countryside.

In view of the importance of the examination, before each examination, many candidates came to give gifts and bribes to the chief examiner, begging the chief examiner to show their respect.

On this day, a candidate came to bribe Guo Sihai.

It was summer and the weather was hot.

When the examinee came to Guo Sihai's mansion, he saw a strange thing: Guo Sihai was wearing a thick leather jacket, sitting around the stove and warming himself.

The examinee felt strange in his heart, but he didn't express it, and still presented the bank note to Guo Sihai respectfully.

Guo Sihai was also polite, and "smiled" the banknote.

Afterwards, the examinee exchanged a few pleasantries and left.

Because he gave the examiner a silver ticket, he felt that he would be sure to win the test this time, so he got up in high spirits and didn't study his homework seriously.

A few days before the exam, I even invited my friends to travel around the mountains and rivers, a posture that is bound to win.

However, fate made a joke for this candidate.

After the exam, after a while, the exam results came out.

The examinee excitedly ran to see the results.Who would have thought that after looking around, his name is not on the gold list-he has lost his name again.

The examinee was very angry and blamed Guo Sihai, accusing him of accepting the bank note but not doing things for him, and went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate to sue him.

When the Metropolitan Procuratorate was investigating the case, Guo Sihai stated that he did not know the examinee at all, and he did not accept his bank note.

The examinee was very angry: "I went to your house that day, and you received me personally!"

Guo Sihai said patiently: "Since you went to my house, tell me, what was the scene like? What clothes am I wearing and what am I doing?"

The examinee replied: "You forgot, when I went to your house that day, you were wearing a thick leather jacket, and you were sitting by the stove warming up!"

The other officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate laughed when they heard this.Wearing a thick leather jacket to enjoy the fire in summer, do you think Mr. Guo is a lunatic?As a result, the candidate was kicked out.

Guo Sihai passed the customs safely, which shows how cunning and treacherous this person is.

Back to reality, when he heard Kangxi's question, he quickly replied: "Your Majesty, there is good news! Fujian has won a great victory!"

"Your Majesty, great victory, great victory, the governor of Fujian rushed to report the victory at [-] li, and defeated the puppet Ming dynasty son Zheng Kezang five days ago, beheading more than [-] ranks."

Hearing that there was a great victory, Kangxi suddenly got up: "The detailed battle report, please submit it to me."

"Hey!" Guo Sihai scrambled and rolled, and hurriedly handed over the battle report that he had kept for a long time to the little eunuch.

The little eunuch didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly knelt down and presented it to Kangxi with both hands.

After a while, Kangxi read the battle report signed by Yao Qisheng, Wan Zhengse and others, and shouted: "Good! Good! Good!"

"The gang of thieves have finally been driven out of the sea!" Kangxi was very happy.

Seeing this, Hesheli Suo'etu, the minister of state affairs, said with a smile: "Fujian is a great victory! It all depends on the emperor's strategizing, and we will win thousands of miles!"

Wu Dali, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, turned his eyes, and he knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, my emperor is victorious!"

This old fox was really quick to flatter, and he was preempted again, and all the ministers hurriedly knelt down and shouted: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the emperor, my emperor is all victorious."

Hahaha, Kangxi blushed with joy, waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile, "You guys have said it before. I dare not take credit for it. It is the hard work of the soldiers that led to the great victory in Fujian."

Kangxi was very happy, and said again: "The Ministry of Households will allocate another 10 taels of silver to Yao Qisheng and Wan Zhengse. While rewarding the meritorious soldiers, they will also comfort the fallen soldiers! It is not too late, do it quickly, without delay!"

"Hey!" Hubu Shangshu Ethan Ah replied.

(End of this chapter)

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