Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 566 The Great Ming Bicycle Cavalry Appears (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 566 The Great Ming Bicycle Cavalry Appears (Please Subscribe!)

The cavalry, whom Shaista Khan had placed high hopes on, once again completely disappointed him.

"Your Excellency, we need to retreat first and sum up our experience. We can't continue fighting like this. We know too little about the Ming people."

A subordinate from the imperial capital spoke out the aspirations of everyone.

They all felt that the fight could not go on like this, that it was hopeless.

And Shaista Khan's Bengali subordinates were all rotten, and they were all nestled in the rear!
Only after most of the Mughal "Beijing camp" died did they realize that it wasn't the Bengal pariahs who were useless, but that the Ming army was too strong.

However, the Mughal "Beijing Camp" believed that their failure was mainly due to ignorance of the Ming army.

As long as we learn more, sum up experience, and find out the weaknesses of the Ming army, we can still fight.

"Withdraw to Agra, let the army of Bengal be cut off!"

Shaista Khan gritted his teeth.

It is a bit cruel for a veteran who has won battles all his life to lose his life at the end of the season and suffer two consecutive defeats that determine the fate of the country.

Shaista Khan also knew that it was impossible to fight now.

If you continue to fight, you are just sending yourself to death.

Why are these Ming people so powerful?

Shaista Khan was very depressed. Daming's strength was beyond his imagination, which made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Shaista Khan arranged for a Bengali force to break the rear and then let the army retreat.

After the order was issued, the remaining troops immediately exploded.

"Why do you retreat, and we have to stay and deal with the group of eastern devils?"

"You Bengali untouchables, you hid at the back when you were fighting, what happened now?"

In the eyes of these soldiers, the Ming army has become a life-threatening devil.

People in the Mughal Empire were quite superstitious. When encountering incomprehensible things, they liked to talk about gods and ghosts.

In their eyes, the bullets, grenades and shells of the Ming army are the punishment of the devil.

Only ghosts and gods have this magical power.

"We can't fight the devil, that will anger the devil and be punished"

Some soldiers muttered in their mouths, not sure if they really thought so, or they wanted an excuse to escape.

In short, these Bangladeshi soldiers were unwilling to stay behind after seeing the tragedy on the battlefield.

However, he only dared to complain, but he didn't dare to mutiny directly.

They still lack an early bird, but an early bird is hard to come by.

This is Tianzhu!
Tianzhu, who entrusts his future life when encountering problems, this early bird will have to wait for hundreds of years!

In previous battles, the Mughal army killed at least 3 people and injured tens of thousands.

But even so, they still have nearly [-] soldiers left to fight.

It is not easy for this large army to retreat, and of course Qian Yan does not plan to pursue it deeply.

An army of [-] has the ability to fight back at any time.

Shaista Khan's main force was retreating, while the Imperial Guards and the Confederate Army of Japan were advancing side by side, slowly chasing after them.

They first fought against the Mughal's broken rear troops, and the Ming army took the initiative to charge, trying to defeat the opponent.

It is a rare opportunity for the Dongying Association to join the army, and everyone is quite excited.

Especially the soldiers from Kyushu Province, the Protectorate of Japan.

Since ancient times, the Kyushu area has been the poorest and most barbarous area on Wajima. Most of the soldiers here are tenacious and brutal, and they are real desperadoes.

Those who didn't know thought that they loved the Ming Empire very much in their hearts and wanted to serve the country.

In fact, they are just addicted to the thrill of crushing their opponents.

Of course, it was also to make a little credit, so that he could do better in the Ming Empire.

Although they are not soldiers from the Ming Dynasty, as long as they make meritorious service, they will be rewarded in the end.

Maybe there were five silver dollars awarded to the Han soldiers, and they only had one silver dollar, but at least there were.

Moreover, as long as they win the battle, they can also enjoy Daming's unique canned braised pork, which tastes delicious!

Since Ming Dynasty never lost a battle, Dongying people had more and more opportunities to eat meat.

Some Dongying people who are contented and happy, especially enjoy the days of fighting with Master Daming.

In this way, the ferocious Japanese soldiers rushed over, frightening the broken Bengalis to run away.

Before that, the Mughal soldiers tried every means to get close to the Ming army, but those who were killed could not move forward.

But now, the Ming army rushed out on their own initiative, but they didn't dare to fight, instead they ran away quickly.

This funny scene made those "Jingying" in Agra feel very confused and frustrated.

Since there is a chance not to fight melee, then what was the purpose of rushing desperately before?
Some people in the "Beijing camp" in Agra wanted to stay and turn things around, but unfortunately there were too few of them.

Most of them were rabble from Bangladesh. As soon as they saw their large troops retreating, and the Ming army rushed over again, the first thought in their mind was to escape.

Someone took the lead, and someone followed suit immediately, and those officers couldn't control it at all.

Even some officers are taking the lead in escaping.

A scattered army is useless no matter how large it is.

But having said that, I run as I go, the shiny bayonet is not a joke.

The Dongpu soldiers made a sudden charge and defeated this broken army!

The soldiers who tried to escape also failed to escape, and were stopped by the new arms of the Guards.

This new unit has a lot of background, they are the mountain bike cavalry brigade of the sixth guard town!
The guards who use bicycles are mostly equipped with firearms, which to a certain extent played the role of mounted infantry in the past. Bicycles can well undertake tasks such as patrolling, reconnaissance and information transmission in infantry units.

Although bicycles are far inferior to machine guns, heavy artillery, poison gas, automobiles, airplanes, tanks, submarines, aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons in terms of their role and influence on the war process, they still have considerable benefits in terms of supplementing mechanized forces. This is especially true for militaries with large territories or underdeveloped countries.

Therefore, Zhu Kezang is happy to see the emergence of bicycle cavalry, which is the first step of mechanized troops!
Since last summer, the Bicycle Cavalry Brigade of the Sixth Town has become famous.

Because they conducted a 3000-kilometer off-road test with bicycles instead of horses.

From Yingtianfu to Guangzhoufu, and from Guangzhoufu back to Yingtianfu, it took 34 soldiers 80 days, an average of more than [-] kilometers per day, and an average speed of about ten kilometers per hour.

At the end of the trip, they were all in good shape and the sum of all damage was only "seventeen tires and six bike frames".

The actual operation results of their trip showed that the bicycle corps of the Ming Army can be twice as fast as the cavalry or infantry under any circumstances, and it only needs to pay one-third of the cost and effort.

It is worthy of being a superman of Ming Dynasty who flies up with stacks of buffs!
This physical quality is jaw-dropping.

By the way, don't look at the lack of protection of bicycles and the fact that they are prone to tire blowouts. In fact, in actual combat, if used properly, bicycles can also be used for great purposes.

(End of this chapter)

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