Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 593 Give the Ottomans a Little Shock in Ming Dynasty (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 593 Give the Ottomans a Little Shock in Ming Dynasty (Please Subscribe!)
Mustafa Pasha, who had fallen in love with Ming culture, almost betrayed his belief.

I almost believed in Confucianism.


Don't forget that the BUFF of Yuelu Academy is beneficial to the pagans in South China.

Mustafa Pasha came back to his senses, patted himself on the head, secretly hated himself for being disloyal to the Lord, and continued on the road.

Along the flat, spacious and comfortable concrete road, Mustafa Pasha, Moses and his party arrived at the outskirts near Hangzhou Prefecture comfortably.

Inside a four-wheeled carriage with the Ottoman star and moon flag flying, Mustafa Pasha and Schein, who were not firm in their beliefs, were discussing non-stop while looking at the scenery outside the car window.

"What a fertile piece of land!"

Mustafa Pasha couldn't help sighing.

Immediately, Mustafa Pasha asked people to stop the carriage, and got out of the carriage in a hurry. He wanted to observe Daming's agriculture.

When they came to a small hill, the group of them looked down at the land in front of them, their mouths were wide open.

The scene in front of them was an open, golden wheat field on the vast plain.

The wheat shone beautifully in the setting sun.

When the breeze blows, the wheat waves fluctuate, just like the tide of the sea, the waves are rough and beautiful.

But what surprised Mustafa Pasha most was not the beauty, but the steam harvesters standing side by side in the wheat field.

Accompanied by the whistling whistle, the steam harvester moved under Mustafa Pasha's disbelieving eyes.

I saw rows of steam harvesters lined up side by side, constantly advancing in the fields, and the wheat was completely harvested wherever they passed.

Soon, a bag full of wheat was pushed down from the steam harvester, and the straw was sorted to one side and arranged neatly.

The speed of the steam harvester is very fast. Dozens of steam harvesters harvest side by side. As soon as they drive past, a large wheat field is harvested, leaving only some bare stubble.

Among the wheat fields, there are Ming peasants directing white slaves and Dongying servants to carry sacks of wheat to the concrete road.

On the road, carriages were already waiting to be loaded.

The speed and accuracy of harvesting the wheat so efficiently were jaw-dropping. Mustafa Pasha, who had never seen a machine before, began to doubt his faith again.

I saw him staring blankly at the steam harvester, wondering what he was thinking.

Presumably this steam harvester must have shocked the "little" Ming Dynasty of these Ottomans.

"Oh, my God!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Schein, a Jew, was also deeply shocked, and couldn't help but say "God" in front of the Ottomans.

Usually they are very taboo about this.

If it was in Europe and the Ottoman Empire, many serfs would be needed to harvest such a large area of ​​wheat fields.

However, if we look at the Daming Agriculture in front of us, we can't see a few people at all. They just rely on big machines to easily complete the harvest of wheat.

"What kind of machine is this?" Mustafa Pasha asked in shock.

Schein, a knowledgeable Jew, did not understand either.

"My lord, I don't know either. I think we can spend some silver dollars and ask that Ming farmer."

Jew Schein felt that what he saw was far beyond his imagination.

This kind of monster that emits white smoke and makes loud noises from time to time, what kind of monster is it?

Is this a new creature tamed by the Ming people?

With all kinds of doubts, Mustafa Pasha didn't care about going to Yingtian Mansion earlier. He directly led the Ottoman mission into the field, wanting to see how these monsters harvested wheat.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west, and people who had been busy all day were also preparing to go home to rest. Dozens of steam harvesters stopped after the last pass.

Mustafa Pasha also seized the opportunity and hurried to the side of the steam harvester, groping around the steam harvester and looking around.

"You ghosts, haven't you seen our Daming steam harvester?"

Farmer Lao Liu looked at Mustafa Pasha, Schein and the others in front of him, and he knew from their appearance that they were not from Daming.

Farmer Lao Liu was the guy who discussed the steam harvester in Yingtian Mansion before, and he was very fond of the little fairies of the Qinhuai River.

Ever since he used the steam harvester, he has called it a bull fork!

Good guy, he was still a black steam harvester at the time, and it was really delicious in a blink of an eye.

He also contracted a large area of ​​land around Hangzhou Mansion from the government!

Now his farm is getting bigger and bigger, and his money is getting more and more.

Therefore, the current slaves of his family have changed from Nanyang natives to more expensive white slaves.

There are still a few female white slaves at home now, and the body tastes so good that he doesn't go to Qinhuai River now.

Mustafa Pasha has black lines all over his head. He can understand Daming dialect now. He was a little unhappy when he heard Lao Liu call him a ghost. We are foreign friends who yearn for the advanced culture of Daming. How can we call them? Where's the ghost?
But on other people's territory, you have to keep a low profile.

"This... sir, what kind of machine is this that can be used to harvest wheat?"

Mustafa Pasha looked at Lao Liu in front of him. He was a little dirty and spoke vulgarly. He should be an ordinary Ming farmer. He was the prime minister of the Ottoman Empire. He didn't know how to address him, so he showed respect.

Lao Liu was also taken aback. These ghosts who looked quite wealthy could speak clearly.

"Of course it is used to harvest wheat. This is the invention of the steam harvester by the Great Ming Gewuzhi College."

The cautious old Liu seemed to realize something, and asked suspiciously: "Who are you? What's the matter when you come to our Daming?"

Regarding the steam harvester, the Ming government has issued an explicit order: If any leakage is found, it will be severely punished!
He, old Liu, has to be careful, he hasn't enjoyed enough of the female white slave yet, we can't be fooled by the ghost.

"Sir, it's like this. We are envoys of the Ottoman Empire. We are going to Yingtian City of the Ming Empire to meet the emperor of the Ming Empire."

Schein also hurriedly replied on behalf of Mustafa Pasha. Although the Ming people in front of him were just ordinary people at the bottom, their self-confidence and arrogance, as well as the way they looked at them, seemed to be contemptuous. .

Schein felt that he had to reveal his identity quickly, otherwise the farmer of Ming Dynasty kept looking at them with his nostrils, so he was really upset.


Mr. Liu felt that he had heard these three words before.

"Osman! I remembered, there is a female white slave in my family who belongs to Osman. She has a great figure, and I dote on her very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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