Chapter 79 Militia
The winter of 1680 was extremely cold. Zheng Kezang got the news that the Qing Dynasty was a little ready to move, and he had to return to Yizhou Island to preside over the overall situation after the year.

Then, the Luzon Protectorate must have a military force that the Spaniards dare not go ashore.

However, if the expansion of the army is too fierce, it will become militaristic. Zheng Kezang called officials from the Luzon Protectorate and many military officers to have a meeting to discuss it.

The theme of the meeting was: not only saving military pay, but also creating a group of soldiers who can win the war.

The topic full of contradictions came out of Zheng Kezang's mouth, and everyone fell silent for an instant.

Most people think that it is impossible. It is impossible for the horse to run and the horse not to eat grass.

Just like the guards, the combat effectiveness can only keep up with good treatment.

"Your Highness, why don't you learn from the Spaniards and let the natives be forced to serve as soldiers, only eat and drink, and don't pay the soldiers." Liu Guoxuan suggested.

"It's not right. Sooner or later it will lead to backlash. We can't let the aborigines master force now." This method is a double-edged sword, and it will cut himself. Zheng Kezang thinks it can't be done.

Liu Guoxuan's method was rejected, and the others couldn't think of a better way to pay attention, so the scene fell into silence.

Seeing this, Zheng Kezang had no choice but to say what he thought of, "Actually, it can't be solved, so let me throw bricks to attract jade."

Zheng Kezang went on to say: "My method is very simple. The population statistics and distribution of the Luzon Governor's Mansion have been sorted out. We can recruit some strong Chinese from each village and organize them into an army that is both an army and not an army. It is not only the people, but not all the people's team!"

What Zheng Kezang said made the people present puzzled.

"Your Highness, what is that, you should just say it directly, we bastards don't understand!" Liu Guoxuan spoke first.

"Yes, yes!" Everyone echoed.

Zheng Kezang smiled and said, "I call them militiamen. They receive training from the Guards during their slack seasons, and go to farm and produce during busy seasons."

"In this case, the soldiers are hidden among the people. Once a war breaks out, we will call them to fight and pay them."

Isn't this the simplified version of Ming Taizu's Weisuo system?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar. Fortunately, the notorious military household system was not bound, otherwise everyone would not support this matter.

In order to enrich the martial arts virtues of Luzon Chinese and save money, everyone agreed with Zheng Kezang's idea.

It is winter during this period, and it happens that there is not much farm work, which will not affect food production.

Zheng Kezang then explained the detailed plan: All Chinese men aged 16 and under 30 were selected from each village to go to the nearest station of the Guards to receive training from the Guards. After a month of intensive training, the job was over. , just going home to prepare for the New Year.

The food for this month is also fully taken care of by the Luzon Protectorate Mansion. They provide two meals a day and arrange meat for the next day to ensure that they have no complaints and everyone wants to come again.

By the way, the militiamen with better military quality will be registered as guards, and they will get two taels of silver every month.

After training, if you want to continue to be a militiaman, you must participate in five days of training every month, but it is not for nothing, and you will be given a subsidy of three taels of silver at the end of the year.

A militia headquarters is set up in each village. Once a war breaks out, the Luzon Protectorate will order the militia captain to lead the team to the guard station to fight against the incoming enemy.

In addition, the militia headquarters will provide the militiamen with military uniforms, knives and matchlock guns.

There are a lot of military uniforms in Dongning Mansion. Since the water spinning machine was introduced, there has been an overproduction of cloth, and there is no place to use it.

As for the matchlock guns, those captured from the Spanish army are basically enough.

For knives, they can be given to the militia for use, but the matchlock guns must be stored in the militia headquarters and can only be used in the event of a war.

The plan was agreed upon, everyone knew what to do, and the war machine of the Luzon Protectorate began to launch.

Soon, the Luzon Governor's Office issued an order: the Chinese in each village are young and strong, come and be a militia, and take care of their food!
Through the propaganda of the Luzon branch of Dongning Daily, the common people understand the benefits of being a militia.

Everyone has no objection to the conditions offered by the Luzon Protectorate's Mansion. Anyway, there is no work to do, so staying at home might as well serve as a militiaman for the supervisory country. At least one month's food can be spent!
Because of this idea of ​​pulling wool, in just half a month, all Chinese villages in the Luzon Islands formed militia teams.

In addition, for this militia training, nearly [-] strong Chinese men gathered in the Luzon Dufu Mansion, and the momentum was huge.

The training standards of the militia will never be lowered, but the requirements will be based on the template of the Guards, because Zheng Kezang wants a militia that can win the battle.

For those who steal and play tricks during training, the punishment of the guards is also very simple.

Those who make trouble during the training and do not cooperate with the training will be directly registered, and if there is any good thing in the future, they will not be allowed to participate.

Now their identities are all registered and managed very well.

With this rule in place, the militiamen did not dare to steal and play tricks, and obediently listened to the guards. Anyway, the food was so good, and they did not dare to ask for too much.

On this day, Zheng Kezang and Liu Guoxuan rode horses together and visited several villages near Mingyan City. All they saw were hot scenes of training and promoting production.

Liu Guoxuan was filled with emotion, and said: "Supervising the country is really a good way. With the militia, I no longer have to worry about the Xiyi and the aborigines returning their carbine."

"Uncle Wu Ping, I'm still worried about Xiyi. The aborigines don't need to take it to heart. They don't have the courage. Besides, after a few years, they may not be aborigines anymore."

Zheng Kezang has already seen the future of the aborigines. He is not a bloodthirsty person. He welcomes the aborigines who are willing to join the embrace of Chinese culture with both hands. Otherwise, he will not be soft-hearted.

Zhang Dahai is an ordinary Chinese farmer on Luzon Island. He escaped the Spanish butcher knife several times by hiding in the ravine.

One day, their family of five sat around the stove to enjoy the fire. Zhang Dahai picked up a piece of charcoal, lifted the stove cover and threw it in.

"Dahai, the coals in the stove haven't been burned yet, how many times have I told you, can you save a little!"

Zhang Dahai's wife is a woman who knows how to live a life, and she is clear about everything. Recently, she often complains about him spending money randomly.

Zhang Dahai is very helpless to his wife who cares about everything, but he also knows that she has good intentions.

He said: "You little girl, you have to worry about burning coal. Tomorrow, I will serve as a militiaman for His Highness Jian Guo, and I will save you a month's food expenses."

Hearing the angry words, Zhang Dahai's wife hurriedly put down the work in hand and said, "Dahai, who won't let you, an old man, eat."

Zhang Dahai's wife thought about it, and was a little worried: "By the way, if you are militiamen, you won't be arrested and never come back again. I remember that the civilian husbands captured by Xiyi a few years ago never came back?"

"Absolutely not, can His Highness Jian Guo be the same as those brutal Westerners! I wish I could be caught as a soldier in the Guards and not come back."

Zhang Dahai was really envious of the treatment of the guards. He received two taels of silver a month and 24 taels a year, and the chance of dying in battle was low.

The treatment of the guards is several times higher than that of coolies like him who repair cement roads.

That's right, Zhang Dahai is already a worker of Zheng Kezang, and thanks to working for Zheng Kezang, the wages are full, so he straightened up and became a man at home.

During this training, he heard from the captain of the militia that if he performed well, he could enter the Guards!

He is going to show off and see if he has a chance to get into the army coat of the Guards. His wife's worry will not stop him from pursuing advancement!
(End of this chapter)

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