Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 810 Sophia's Bloody Mouth (Please Subscribe!)

Kangxi was right. Although they were both crouching dragons and phoenixes, the Ottoman Empire lived ten years longer than the Qing Dynasty in history.

Sophia agreed with Kangxi's statement, but couldn't help but want to refute, because Kangxi was sweating profusely, more or less looked down on Rakshasa!
She muttered in a low voice: "If the Raksha Kingdom can develop through reforms, it may be possible to regain Constantinople in two ways."

Sophia was still thinking about her military reform and serfdom reform.

"Where is it so easy?"

Kangxi smiled wryly and said, "How can the reform be bought as fast as zero yuan? Besides, the Raksha Kingdom has no good outlets to the sea. It is blocked by the Ottomans and the Crimean Khanate to the south, and there is still a long way to go from the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov. If you want to take the Baltic Sea to the west, you have to fight Sweden."

"If we didn't fight these two battles, the Raksha Kingdom would not even have a decent outlet to the sea. How could it become rich and powerful? If we want to fight, which one is easy to deal with?"

Kangxi's analysis was correct. The current Rakshasa has nothing to do with it. You must know that when Alexander I reformed, the Rakshasa Kingdom was at its peak, and of course it became stronger as it reformed.

In addition, the clever Louis XIV will allow the Raksha Kingdom to take Constantinople?
Taking a Baltic Sea export from Sweden is the right answer.

If Louis wants to use Rakshasa, he has to take care of it a little bit, and he doesn't even have an outlet to the sea. What can he do to help Louis attract the troops of the Ottoman Empire?
But that is absolutely impossible in Constantinople.After all, the Rakshasa that took Constantinople would become the real Eastern Rome, and Louis would not agree to anything.

Of course, the Raksha Kingdom will belong to the sons of Kangxi and Sophia, so Kangxi must not ignore Raksha.

Kangxi thought for a while and said: "Sophia, you will definitely represent the Raksha country at that time. Don't be coaxed by Louis XIV with the cake of Constantinople. Ten sheep are in sight, it is better to have one sheep in hand! Let Louis support Luocha. The most important thing is to take down the Baltic Sea estuary!"

"Besides, tell Louis again that our Great Qing Mongolia and the Raksha Kingdom are husband and wife countries, and this Great Khan firmly supports Raksha!"

Kangxi's words moved Sophia so much
Unexpectedly, Kangxi wanted to support Rakshasa because he did not hesitate to offend his good friends Louis XIV and Sweden!

Thinking of this, Sophia, who was deeply moved, suddenly hugged Kangxi, and before Kangxi could react, she kissed Kangxi Khan's pockmarked face with bloody mouth!
This is something that Kangxi never expected.


In this way, Kangxi Khan was still being tortured on the road, and the Versailles summit was already underway.

All parties gathered in Paris. In addition to major countries such as Rakshasa, Poland, and Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, and Venice also sent representatives to participate.

The United Kingdom and the Netherlands also want to participate, after all they are also part of the North Atlantic.

But was rejected by Louis XIV.

Having experienced the Eight-Power Allied Forces last time, Louis XIV knew that if something happened, England would be the first to run, a pure European spy.

The ruler of the Netherlands is the same as that of the United Kingdom, so they simply expelled their European citizenship together.

However, the meeting was not as smooth as Louis XIV imagined.

Because there are two things that are quite controversial. The first is whether to absorb the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia to join the North Atlantic Alliance.

Although Kang Mazi's empire has nothing to do with the North Atlantic or even the Atlantic from the map.

But there are still many European countries, such as Rakshasa and Spanish envoys, who hope to absorb the Qing Dynasty.

The reason is very simple, it is because none of these big countries want "NATO" to be decided by Louis XIV alone.

If the Qing Dynasty joins, then Kang Mazi's right to speak will not be small.

Although Kang Mazi was beaten up by Ming Dynasty, but with the size of the Qing Dynasty Mongolia, it is not inferior to France in Europe.

But other countries think that the Qing Dynasty is a heretic and cannot be pulled!
And the second issue that could not reach a consensus was how to treat Daming?

To make peace with Daming, or to declare war on Daming, or is there no war and no peace?

Countries such as Poland, Sweden, and Denmark, which have nothing to do with Ming Dynasty and have no big business, are all screaming for beatings and killings.

Anyway, Daming can't beat them, and it doesn't rely on Daming's trade, so fight them!

On the other hand, countries like Rakshasa and Portugal, which were beaten by Ming, chose to remain silent.

Although Sophia covets Ming's territory, she also knows how much the Raksha State has, and plans to reform it. If it really hits Daming, let alone reform, it is estimated that the east of the Ural Mountains will not be preserved.

Spain, which had been beaten by Da Ming, supported the declaration of war with Da Ming, because they were beaten to nothing by Da Ming.

Regarding the first question, Louis XIV agreed with the Qing Dynasty to enter the alliance, because the Qing Dynasty was too far away from Europe, and letting them join in was at best a mascot.

And this mascot, I heard that there are sugar reserves, and there are many in-demand products, so it is definitely not a loss to bring it in.

But to start a war against Ming Dynasty, that would be absolutely impossible...

France can't even reach the mainland of Ming Dynasty, so how can we go to war?
Besides, even if you can get it, you can't beat it!
In case Daming goes crazy, do we still want the French South India and the American Louisiana colony?

At this time, the European leader has always been reluctant to take a stand on the second question.

Because Louis couldn't say it about not going to war with Daming, otherwise he would seem a little cowardly.

While they were having a meeting, they waited for Sophia and Kang Mazi.

Finally, in the spring of 1695, Kang Mazi's torture ended and he arrived in Paris smoothly.

Because the combined national strength of the two countries is so terrifying, Louis XIV arranged a rather grand welcome ceremony for the group who were about to arrive.

Today, on February 1695, 2, Louis himself, the monarchs and ministers of European countries who gathered in Versailles, as well as the Parisians who were eating melons, were standing in the north of Versailles at the moment, on the banks of the Seine. on the pier.

They all stretched their necks, looking at the slowly approaching fleet on the river.

However, they were soon dumbfounded.

What about those grotesque figures standing on the approaching schooner from Normandy, so looking a bit like followers of the devil?
It's not a family, and they don't seem to be able to urinate into a pot at all. This will make those envoys from countries that support the Qing Dynasty's entry into "NATO" feel guilty.

Seeing the boats of strange-shaped people getting closer, the Europeans on the Seine pier began to talk about it.

"My God, who are these people on board? Why don't they look like Christians at all?"

"What does it mean not to be a Christian? Some of them don't even look like people at all."

"Is there a possibility that they are not Christians?"

"Wait, are those hooded people all Cultists? How did they come to Versailles?"

"Tianfangjiao, isn't that our mortal enemy?"

"It doesn't seem that some are Tianzhu believers! I have seen people dressed in the same way in the embassy of the Mongolian Kingdom of the Qing Dynasty."

"Look, there are still some people who look like the devil in the picture? Are they believers of the devil?"

"God, those people are followers of the devil. How did they come to the holy Versailles?"

"We Parisians do not welcome heretics!"

(End of this chapter)

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