Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 822 The Mongolian Japanese pirates attack (please subscribe!)

In fact, digging a canal of hundreds of miles is not too difficult, it’s just digging. The difficulty of the Suez Canal is far less than that of the Panama Canal!
Ancient Egypt can be dug, let alone the new Daming.

It’s just that after the collapse of the Roman Empire, there were no giant countries in Europe (not counting Rakshasa). Naturally, there were few such huge projects. Their engineering efforts were spent on building forts and churches. Only the Dutch built The sea embankment is magnificent.

Kangxi Khan saw the faces of the two Westerners, smiled and said: "As long as the Frankish Empire and the Holy See can support the Great Mongolia as the protector of the Mongolian Ocean, I will try to prevent the excavation of the Suez Canal."

Jed looked at Emperor Kang Mazi, "Khan, can you really stop the excavation of this canal? What can you do?"

Kangxi Khan laughed and said, "I can send a navy to occupy Sotra Island, guard the entrance to the Red Sea, and garrison troops there for a long time!"

Sotra Island is just opposite Somalia, and it is indeed an important sea traffic.

"That's a way."

Jed thought for a while, and then put forward another condition, "But we are worried that your Mongolian navy is not enough to complete the task of controlling the Indian Ocean. Can your navy hold back Ming's naval fleet? So we hope to form a large Mongolian navy." The combined fleet headed by the fleet is joined by the navies of Frank, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and other countries to carry out the mission of defending the freedom of navigation and trade in the Indian Ocean!"

Kangxi smiled and said, "Jade, if we really make such a request, the Emperor Ming would not accept it, because Zhu Kezang regards the Mongolian Ocean as a buffer zone between Southeast Asia and Europe."

What Kangxi said is also reasonable. If this is the case, Ming Dynasty will definitely strengthen the sea power in the Indian Ocean, and even break out of conflicts. This is not what Kangxi wants to see.

In fact, Kangxi didn't even think about stopping Daming from building the Suez Canal. He just wanted an excuse to add some strength to Qing's Mongolian navy.

"However, we can stipulate in the secret agreement that the ships of the navies of Frank, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and other countries can fly the flag of the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia to join the Qing Dynasty's Mongolian naval fleet, and jointly carry out the sacred mission of defending the freedom of navigation in the Mongolian Ocean! "

Jed thought carefully for a while, and finally nodded: "Okay, that's how it is arranged! So, have our positions in the negotiation with Ming been completely unified?"

Kangxi Khan laughed, and without waiting for Longkodo to translate, he replied directly in Latin: "Unified, we will advance and retreat together in the future, and have a good talk with Daming about how to carve up the world!"

Kangxi thought very well, but with the arrival of the Japanese pirates sent by Daming, Kangxi's life became more and more difficult.

Because those Japanese devils are so annoying!
With his toes, he knew it was sent by Zhu Datou. Kangxi had no choice but to strengthen the defense of the coastline.

In 1695, autumn came.

The world lost two heavyweights at once.

One is that the Ottoman Sultan Ahmed II died of overwork due to overworked state affairs.

The Ottoman sultans were really short-lived after succeeding to the throne. Since Suleiman II, no one has ruled for more than ten years after succeeding to the throne.

The new sultan is Mustafa II.

This is a proactive and hard-working sultan.

Mustafa II was the son of Muhammad IV. Ahmed II died in 1695, and Mustafa II came to the throne after being designated as the heir by the former sultan.

Mustafa II attempted to restore the power of the sultan in the latter part of his reign. When Mehmed IV handed over administrative power to the Grand Vizier in the mid-[-]th century, the power of the sultan was only symbolic.

Mustafa II's strategy was to establish the status of the irregular cavalry, an alternative power base, while the Ottoman cavalry was hereditary and therefore loyal to the sultan.

However, in history, Mustafa II was deposed after the failure of the reform in 1703.

The second heavyweight person to die was Huang Zongxi, a great thinker of the Ming Dynasty. Even with the treatment of the Royal Hospital of Ming Dynasty, Huang Zongxi's life could not be saved.

The death of the two heavyweights made Daming's court feel sad.

Because in Zhu Kezang's harem, there is a concubine who is the daughter of Ahmed II.

And Zhu Kezang has a close relationship with Huang Zongxi, so it is inevitable to be sad.

Autumn gradually became stronger in the Ming Dynasty. There were many trees in Emperor Zhu's Forbidden City, and now the leaves began to scatter.

The palace guards put on neat brocade robes or small padded jackets and walked in and out of the palace, but all of them looked solemn, and no one dared to make any noise.

Even when pedaling the bicycle, he moved lightly, for fear of disturbing the emperor who was in a bad mood.

Emperor Zhu is in a bad mood these days, it's better to be careful, don't offend Longyan
With a bang, the chess piece landed lightly on the board.

A chess game is coming to an even match.

On the black side, one knight and one rook have been lost, but they still blindly attack and take the lead, which means that they will kill the old man of red chess with all his might.

As for Huang Baijia, the son of Huang Zongxi, who was holding the red chess, he clearly had the upper hand and only lost one horse and one shot, but he was still holding a big cart and didn't know where to play, his brows were wrinkled.

Huang Baijia is the deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the famous thug censor of the New Daming Metropolitan Procuratorate. He is famous for fighting!

He has been good at boxing since he was a child, and he studied under Wang Laixian, an internal boxer in Yin County, and is proficient in internal boxing.

When it comes to corrupt officials, it is a merciless one.

After seeing the emperor today, he was going back to his hometown, Ding You, to keep his father's filial piety for three years.

Never expected that the emperor would play chess on a whim.

This makes Huang Baijia very anxious, can he not be anxious?

He is such a loyal minister and the emperor's gold medal fighter, how could he let the emperor lose?

Of course, he couldn't be blamed for this matter, and he didn't expect Zhu Kezang to be such a bad chess player.

Such a stinky chess player was able to compete with his recently passed away father Huang Zongxi for so many years. His father is obviously a very good chess player.
It must be that His Majesty the Emperor was overly sad because of the loss of Zhongliang, and even his chess skills have declined. It is so touching!

Thinking of this, Huang Baijia, the gold medal thug of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, burst into tears
Zhu Kezang also saw Huang Baijia shed tears inexplicably, and thought: "Look, filial son!"

Just when Huang Baijia was exhausted and wanted to let Zhu Ke Zangying, a voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Your Majesty, please see Ye Xingde."

"Your Majesty, Sangye Gyatso has sent you a letter."

Sitting opposite him, Huang Baijia, who was full of filial piety, stopped crying and said to Zhu Kezang: "Your Majesty, a few years ago Jin Yiwei and Xueyu Minister Yamen reported that Sangye Gyatso, the person responsible for Tibetan Buddhism, had crossed the mountain and went to Tianzhu. He should have gone to see Kang Mazi!"

But Zhu Kezang said: "I think this Sangjie's intention is not simple, let's read his letter together."

Zhu Kezang opened the envelope and took out the letter paper. After opening it, he looked at it carefully. After opening it for a while, his face turned dark, and he let out a cold snort.

(End of this chapter)

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