Nanming: I can build wonders

Chapter 861 "My Struggle"

Because of Chen Yonghua's death, no one in the Ming Dynasty had time to take care of Suo'etu.

In addition, the death of the Prime Minister has just heightened the atmosphere of expelling the Tartars. Even if Zhu Kezang is willing to rule for Kangxi, he is afraid that he will be sprayed to death by the Ming Dynasty.

Suo'etu did not get the chance to let Kangxi enter the Ming Dynasty Royal Hospital for treatment, so he had to return to the Qing Dynasty in despair.

Shanghai County.

The genius is bright, but this future international city is rainy in spring.

Now is the rainy season.

Wearing a thin windbreaker, Brian walked through the thin rain curtain, walked through several streets, and then knocked on the door of a rather grand house.

A well-dressed maid opened the door.

Brian could tell at a glance that she was a maid from Rakshasa.

I only heard her say in proficient Ming Mandarin: "The master is not at home. He had a lecture at Gewu Zhizhi College last night and will not be back until this afternoon."

Brian secretly thought it was a pity.

He was an Irish nobleman.

His name means noble, honorable and strong in Irish Gaelic.

This Rakshasa maid seemed to have been told not to look down on a white man like him. The maid said gently: "But when he left, he said that there might be a white man wearing a cuckold coming to visit. Let me invite you in for a cup of tea." .”

Brian nodded cautiously and carefully wiped the mud off his boots on the blanket by the door.

The blanket has no texture, but is very strong.

Brian felt that it was stronger than the best blanket in England and must be an expensive industrial product.

Ming Dynasty is still too rich, but such a valuable blanket is just placed at the door to shine shoes.

If he hadn't lived in Daming for a while, he would definitely think that the owner here was a fool.

It seems that the affluence of the Ming Dynasty market left a deep impression.

That is the wealth of ordinary people.

Instead of a luxurious palace, separated by several streets like London, it may be a slum full of sewage, garbage everywhere, and even corpses.

As for feces, Brian promised that if you look carefully you can find it even in front of the Hampton Court Palace of the King of England.

But all of these things do not exist in Daming.

Ireland is now ruled by England, and starting in 1555, the King of England was officially considered the King of Ireland.

But in fact, England's rule over Ireland dates back to 1155.

England has been working hard to weaken Irish culture so that the disobedient Ireland can be more honest.

Irish nobles like Brian only knew a little native Gaelic.

Brian sat on a wooden chair, recalling all the experiences he had experienced in Ming Dynasty.

With the money brought by his family, Brian took the Ming Dynasty railway to visit many cities in the Ming Dynasty.

He was shocked to find that in Daming, there seemed to be no poor people...

Of course, there are relatively poor people too.

However, as a nobleman who understood the situation in Ireland, Brian knew that if the Irish people were allowed to choose, they would definitely rather be the poor of the Ming Dynasty.

Compared with the poor in Ireland, the poor in Ming Dynasty cannot be called poor at all!
As long as these "poor people" in the Ming Dynasty participate in the collective labor organized by the Ming Dynasty government and complete the work quota, they can obtain about 33 pounds of grain or flour or Ming Dynasty, 1 pound of meat, 1 pound of eggs, 0.3 pounds of vegetable oil, and basic food every month. Clothing and heating supplies.

Elderly people and disabled people who have lost the ability to work will also receive some supplies.

This is the humanistic care that belongs to the Ming Dynasty.

This information is absolutely true.

Because Brian heard this from a Spanish white slave after passing through the Taiyuan coal mine.

White slave……

The word initially made Brian, who is white, feel creeped out.

When I heard about black slaves before, I didn't feel anything at all. This time when I was a slave to a white man, I felt horrible.But Brian's terror soon dissipated.

Because Brian discovered that being a white slave in the Ming Dynasty didn't seem so miserable.

They work in mining and enjoy free bloodletting therapy every six months.

Part-time veterinarians from the Ming Dynasty government would also conduct physical examinations on them regularly.

These veterinarians were specialized in treating Ming army horses and farm cattle, but they also seemed to treat white barbarian slaves specifically.

At least the medical skills are sufficient.

They would have enough potatoes, sweet potatoes and even meat for three meals a day.

As for the work itself, because of Daming’s advanced underground equipment, strict mine risk warning system, and even the superb medical level of the part-time veterinarians...

In fact, the casualty rate is not that high.

Brian believed that the standard of living of white slaves was higher than that of free Irish people.

This is Bryan's inequality.

According to the old Spanish white slave, in the Ming Dynasty, white slaves had everything except freedom.

Why can Brian communicate so smoothly with the Spaniards, because both of them can speak some Ming Mandarin.

The old white Spanish slave bought Brian a glass of wine, and then half-jokingly told him that if one day the Irish could not stand the rule of the English, they might as well come to the Ming Dynasty to work as slave labor.

Survival is better than false freedom.

With that said, the Spanish white slave drank the inferior barley wine in one gulp and returned to the team in a hurry.

This is just a routine break time every month. If you delay the time to return to the team, you will be whipped by the Ming civil servants.

It was best that this old Spanish white slave told Brian about the life of the poor in the Ming Dynasty, and told him that if there was a chance, he must get the Ming Juka and become a real Ming Dynasty man.

Even for poor people in Ming Dynasty, life is not necessarily bad!

After three days in the coal mine, the old white Spanish slave cured the internal strife of the Irish nobleman Brian.

However, after Brian chatted with the old white slave for a while, he was almost arrested and worked as a miner.

Because the clothes he wears are not necessarily much better than those of white slaves.

After being almost taken away as a white slave, Brian continued his journey to the Ming Dynasty.

He found that what the old white slave said seemed to be true.

The poor people in the north of Ming Dynasty are really eating high-quality wheat flour.

And poor people in Ireland sometimes don't even have to eat dirt.

Such a strong contrast made Brian feel hopeless.

He was an aspiring Irish nobleman who wanted to resurrect Ireland from the ashes of England and escape the exploitation of the English.

So he came to Daming.

In addition to food, Brian also discovered that in Daming, even the poorest families also have decent housing.

It was a building called "bamboo-reinforced concrete".

Although these residential buildings cannot compare with those palatial villas, they are far better than slums.

In Ireland, the mansions belong to the British, and only the slums belong to the Irish.

He wanted to learn the real "dragon-slaying art" in Ming Dynasty.

With this belief in mind, Brian, who was in Shuntian Prefecture, boarded the train to Shanghai County.

It is said that Shanghai County is the most open place with the most opportunities in the Ming Dynasty.

However, this time when he went to Shanghai, he already had something in his arms that he had treasured for a long time.

An English version of "My Struggle" written by the Ming Emperor himself.

(End of this chapter)

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