Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 130 Want to Buy Regret Medicine

The golden beam of light covering Grandmaster, Flender, and Liu Erlong also shattered, and the corners of the mouths of the three of them overflowed with blood.

Dugu Bo put his hands behind his back again, looked at the three masters with undisguised admiration, "Your martial soul fusion skills are really powerful, the difference is that your soul power is too low, and the level difference between each other is too big. big."

Liu Erlong wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, "It's because we are not as skilled as others, so let's kill if we want, there are so many nonsense."

Dugu Bo raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, and came in front of the three of them from more than ten meters away, "In such a hurry to die? I can kindly fulfill your wishes."

The master pulled Liu Erlong behind him, his expression returned to his usual indifference, as if he didn't care about anything, he looked at Dugu Bo steadfastly, and said: "Tang San is my disciple, and Ning Wanwan is also my disciple. I teach, it has nothing to do with other people, you let them go, and I'm at your disposal."

"Xiao Gang, what nonsense are you talking about? How could I leave you alone!" Liu Erlong grabbed Grandmaster's shoulders, pulled him behind him, and looked at Dugu Bo with eyes full of anger.

"It's easy to kill us, but can you bear the consequences of killing us? I don't know if you can see that Xiaogang and I are from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family from your Title Douluo's perspective?"

The master's face darkened, and he shouted in a low voice: "Second dragon!"

If they don't say anything, they might still survive, but if they say it, it becomes a reminder. Dugu Bo has already offended the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and he definitely doesn't want to offend the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family again.

But things have happened, their enmity has been settled, if Tang San really died, he can't pretend nothing happened, so the safest way is to silence everyone who knows.

Sure enough, Dugu Bo didn't change his expression when he heard that they were from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Instead, he smiled arrogantly: "So what? As long as you are all dead, who will know that I killed you?
Although there are not as many soul beasts in the Sunset Forest as there are in the Star Dou Great Forest, there are still quite a few powerful soul beasts. Isn't it unusual for a few soul masters to die? "

"I'm afraid things won't go as Senior Dugu wished." Ning Wu looked a little embarrassed, but luckily he wasn't hurt, "We knew we were going to face Titled Douluo, but do you think we will come to die unprepared?

Before we came, people had rushed back to the Zongmen to report the news. Counting the time, someone should already be on the way.Senior Dugu is trying to fight against the two sects of the upper three sects with his own strength? "

Flender also said: "Not only the two sects, but also the awesome and longed-for existence. If he knows that you killed his son, he will find you even if you go to the ends of the earth."

Dugu Bo sneered and said: "An existence that makes people awe and yearn for? Still chasing me to the ends of the earth? Why didn't I know that there is such an existence in the world of soul masters?"

"Of course, the youngest titled Douluo on the continent, title: Haotian." Flender twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered: "As a titled Douluo, you must have mentioned the deeds of Haotian Douluo Bar?"

Back then, Tang Hao seriously injured the former pope of the Wuhun Palace, causing him to die. The news spread throughout the soul master world, unless he hid in a corner and retreated, and didn't care about world affairs for ten or decades, he might not have heard of it. Over Tang Hao's name.

Sure enough, after Flender finished speaking, Dugu Bo's face suddenly changed, "You said Tang San is Tang Hao's son? Impossible! Tang San's martial spirit is just the most common blue silver grass!"

The master said in a deep voice: "How is it impossible? The inheritance of the martial soul is related to both parents, and it is not necessarily inherited from the father's martial soul. And how do you know that he only has one martial soul?"

Dugu Bo feels that his brain is not enough, what does this person mean?
Tang San has more than one spirit?
" mean, Tang San has twin spirits?"

Did he poke trouble?
"So what, as long as you kill you and leave here immediately, it is not so easy for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to find someone on the entire continent. What's more, Tang Hao himself is still full of troubles, where did he come from?" time and energy to seek revenge on me."

The words were spoken lightly, but Dugu Bo had already started to scold himself in his heart for why he wanted to provoke those two little bastards, they were the two little ancestors!

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, otherwise he would go bankrupt and buy one!
"Really? Why didn't I know that our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School can't even find anyone? Do you, Dugu Bo, underestimate our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, or do you think too highly of yourself?"

A loud voice sounded in midair, and then two figures, one black and one blue, appeared in front of them.

"Elder Jian, Elder Gu, you are here!" Ning Wu was completely relieved when he saw the person coming, and then hurriedly said: "The two elders, Dugu Bo said that the eldest lady is..."

Although he thought it was unlikely, what if it was true?

Dugu Bo's poison is no joke.

"What nonsense!" Bone Douluo moved his neck and wrists, stared at Dugu Bo and gritted his teeth, and said, "Since you are tired of work, I'll give you a ride today with a good deed. Cramps, skin, bones Hui, which one do you want to choose?"

Bone Douluo didn't believe that Dugu Bo really dared to do anything to Wan Wan. Wan Wan was not stupid, and she didn't reveal her identity when she was arrested. As long as Wan Wan revealed her identity, her life would not be in danger.

Although Dugu Bo is a Douluo with the title, he has no power behind him, and his family is also withered. Now the closest bloodline is left to his granddaughter.If you want to go against Da Zongmen alone, if you don't have absolute confidence in your own strength, then you are a fool.

Facing Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, the calm mask on Dugu Bo's face instantly shattered, and he said in astonishment: "Wait, Gu Rong, don't think about fighting all day long, I can explain this matter."

Knowing that Ning Wanwan was the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he guessed how favored she was, but he also thought that the most of the two Titled Douluo would come, but he didn't expect that both of them would come!

His soul power is not as good as theirs, and now he is two against one, how can he fight in this fight!

"I'll explain it after you've been beaten. Don't you just play with them casually because you think you're stronger than them? Now I'll play with you too."

After Bone Douluo finished speaking, he immediately possessed his spirit, his bones protruding all over his body, as if he was wearing an armor made of bones.

Sword Douluo had a cold face, and he hadn't said a word since he appeared, but judging from his silent release of the martial soul, he also wanted to teach Dugu Bo a lesson.

Dugu Bo couldn't care about anything now, dodging left and right, not to mention fighting back, dodging soul skills had already consumed most of his energy and soul power.

But in the face of the wrath of two Title Douluo with spirit power above level 95, can Dugu Bo escape?
Obviously not.

Under the attack of Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Dugu Bo became in a panic in no time, his clothes were torn, his face was bruised and purple, and his long hair was cut off by the sword energy.

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