Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 89 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 89 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
But how to do it yourself is another key question.

Yang Wei holds a small box in his hand, and looks straight ahead.

Now that his freedom is restricted by him, and the signal of the bracelet has been stopped by him, he has to find a way to make a routine first, and find out where Feng Minghan buried all the bombs.

She put the locket back in place.

at this time.


The sound of the iron door opening brought Yang Wei back to his senses, and sat on the bed again, as if nothing had happened.

Feng Minghan came back, he opened the iron gate and approached Yang Wei.

Wearing a black suit and a black mask, he walked up to Yang Wei's side, making his already aggressive temperament even more mysterious, his eyes staring at her like that, with a deep meaning.

Yang Wei did the same, looking at him motionlessly.

Then, she looked at Feng Minghan, and slowly took off her mask, revealing his familiar face.

"You're back?"

Yang Wei didn't know what to say, and didn't know how to touch this guy's inner thoughts, so he could only talk nonsense like this.

Then, she looked at Feng Minghan, still staring at her like this, motionless.

Unfathomable thoughts.


"Yang Wei."

After a long time, Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei, from the moment he came in to now, he only uttered these two words.

"I ask you, do you really love me? I'll give you one last chance to answer."

Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei without moving, and now he is still struggling with this problem.

"Of course, I love you."

Yang Wei slightly moved his eyes twice, but there was obviously a feeling of disobedience in his heart.

"Okay, let me ask you, do you know that you are wrong? Would you like to come with me?"

Feng Minghan received Yang Wei's answer, he believed it.

"I was wrong."

Yang Wei looked into Feng Minghan's eyes, and the words in his mouth were still very sweet.

But the sweet knife is the deadliest for cutting people.

next second.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly remembered, Yang Wei asked again.

"I'll take you abroad, to the South Island, to a place where there are only the two of us, after City A has disappeared."

Feng Minghan had completely believed Yang Wei's words at this moment, he believed it again and again.

For the first time, he gave a person so many opportunities, and for the first time, he gave the person who hurt himself a chance.

Just because he was reluctant to touch Yang Wei.

"it is good."

Although he was a little flustered, Yang Wei agreed quickly on the surface.

In order not to let Feng Minghan see it, he had second thoughts about him.

However, she would not go to the South Island with him.

Just because, from the beginning of all this, there was a complete mistake between them!


"But these days, I won't let you go."

"The bomb has not been planted yet, the first bomb, I will blow up your damn ex-boyfriend first!"

"Next Wednesday, I will completely turn everything in City A, including your ex-boyfriend's police station, into complete ruins!"

Speaking of Li Zeyu, Feng Minghan's eyes showed viciousness again.

It's all because of this person who instigated Yang Wei, she used to love herself so much, but now she is willing to hurt herself, damn it!


Damn guy, that must die!


"During this period of time, you stay here obediently, and I will take you away after I finish washing."

Then, Feng Minghan looked at Yang Wei, from top to bottom, his eyes rested on the anklet on her foot, the thin ankle seemed so hard to hold.

In the end, he actually felt distressed, he stepped forward and opened the anklet on Yang Wei's feet, Yang Wei just looked at him like this.

But the door of the room, he did not open.

Of course it can't be opened, after the matter is over, he can take Yang Wei away completely.


The next day.

Feng Minghan looked at the computer, he had successfully obtained the last sum of money.

Now that he has been exposed, he has already canceled this company as early as yesterday, and dismissed all the employees to declare the company bankrupt.

Then, the top few state-owned enterprises that were originally still in City A were abandoned overnight and turned into empty shadows.

Now, he still has to go to the next location to plant the bomb.


Police station.

Li Zeyu is also sitting in front of the computer now, and they have traced Feng Minghan's new move based on the documents Yang Wei provided before.

It's a huge sum of money.

But now, there is still not enough evidence to catch him, and Yang Wei doesn't know where he went, this is what makes him worry the most.

Then, he noticed that Feng Minghan's company was completely canceled overnight!All employees are disbanded!
It's abnormal, absolutely abnormal.

And now that Yang Wei is disappearing again, will Yang Wei's disappearance have something to do with Feng Minghan?Will Feng Minghan be unfavorable to Yang Wei?

In an instant, [-] ways of committing crimes jumped in Li Zeyu's mind.

He has been a policeman for so many years and has seen so many criminals. The only iron rule he has studied is that he must not have any human hope for a person without conscience.

It's deadly!

So, no, no, I have to go to Yang Wei, otherwise he is really worried!
Li Zeyu checked the last place, and he found that the place where Yang Wei's last signal disappeared was in Feng Minghan's former company.

Then he will go here, he is really worried if he can't see Yang Wei.

So, driving, and in order to find out what Feng Minghan was going to do, he canceled all the companies.

Then, ten minutes later, Li Zeyu came to Feng Minghan's former company.

According to the information, Li Zeyu came here to an empty company.

Sure enough, the group that had been enjoying great success for the past two days unexpectedly collapsed in an instant, like a flash in the pan.

But where is Xiaowei?This is where the last signal disappeared, could she be here.

Li Zeyu stood at the door of Feng Minghan's former company, looking at the empty company in front of him, but it was not locked.

He went in.

However, he searched from upstairs to downstairs in the company, but he still couldn't find Yang Wei.

However, when he walked to the first floor, he looked at the wall beside him, and it seemed that something was stuck.

It is the same invisible signal disappearer!
The experience he had in handling cases for so many years was invisible to ordinary people, and based on his sixth sense, he stepped forward to turn off the signal canceller in operation.

Then, he glanced at his smart watch.

Yang Wei actually got a signal!

Li Zeyu looked at Yang Wei's online status that instantly lit up on the watch, and was instantly delighted in his heart.

They connected the location, now he hurriedly opened Yang Wei's location, and found that Yang Wei was actually in the company.

But he has searched the company from top to bottom, but there is nothing.

Could it be...underground?
Thinking of this, Li Zeyu hurriedly walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the basement floor.


A few minutes later, when the elevator door opened, what Li Zeyu saw was a basement-like prison.

His pupils shrank involuntarily, but the next second, Li Zeyu had just stepped out of the elevator with his right foot.

"Who! Courting death?"

(End of this chapter)

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