Top-notch artist in entertainment

Chapter 41 I Don't Want To Let You Be Alone

Chapter 41 I Don't Want To Leave You Alone
"The singer who will be on stage next, he has won No.1 in the competition for two consecutive periods, and he is Jiang Yuan!"

After the host Qiyi called out Jiang Yuan's name, the audience in the audience cheered a lot.

Qi Yi felt a little emotional. I still remember the first time Jiang Yuan's name was called, and the audience's reaction was completely different from what it is now.

Hearing Jiang Yuan's name, Shang Yan'er in the kicking room also became interested, and she didn't expect to come so soon.

Jiang Yuan appeared on the stage wearing a well-tailored light purple suit. The silver chain on the suit as a pendant gleamed under the light, and it came from a certain brand's next season's show.

Under the light, Jiang Yuan's face was well-defined, matched with a pair of silver mirror frames, and her hair was parted in the middle, which was very elegant.

I have to admit that when the camera showed Jiang Yuan's upper body close-up, Shang Yaner's heart skipped a beat.

Back then, when she was in love with Jiang Yuan, she really liked this face, and even now it is still her favorite face.

"Jiang Yuan is really handsome in a suit." Liu Ya sighed again.

Chen Zhinan looked at Jiang Yuan on the screen, thinking that if he was so handsome, "Megalodon" might become even more popular.

The voices of the audience became more enthusiastic after Jiang Yuan stepped onto the stage.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jiang Yuan, and the song I'm going to sing next is "I Don't Want to Leave You Alone"."

Standing still in the center of the stage, Jiang Yuan introduced the repertoire of the performance.

As soon as she made the sound, Shang Yan'er came to her senses, and quickly shook her head, she couldn't be fooled by the beauty of the enemy, the man with this proper appearance was a scumbag.

Shang Yaner stared at the kick button, thinking that when Jiang Yuan's performance started, she would shoot it.

On the stage, Jiang Yuan signaled to the band that they were ready, and the performance officially began.

I saw Jiang Yuan sitting in front of the piano and began to play the prelude. Only a beam of light hit Jiang Yuan's body, and the camera gave Jiang Yuan's slender hands a close-up shot.

The piano played by Jiang Yuan is matched with the sound of strings. The moving melody is like a gentle wind, engulfing the audience into the world of songs.

"What do you mean, I know you're not here, but I still ask.

Air, but it cannot make a sound instead of you. "

"Habits are like stubborn wounds that never heal.

A thought tears the soul apart. "

At the beginning of Jiang Yuan's singing, he used the technique of upper chest resonance to make the singing voice fuller, and the superposition of emotional buffs made the lyrical slow tune more moving.

Almost as soon as the song was sung, the audience was dragged into the story in the song.

And Shang Yaner, who originally wanted to press the kick button at the beginning of Jiang Yuan's singing, seemed to have been pressed the pause button at this moment.

Can Jiang Yuan sing so well?Shang Yaner's head was a little empty, filled with this thought.

Although they were together before, Shang Yaner didn't care about Jiang Yuan's creation, what she liked was Jiang Yuan's face and person.

Shang Yaner also watched some clips of the previous performances, "Decent" could not impress her, she felt that the two broke up fairly decently.

Although "Once Upon a Time" is well written, she doesn't put it in that much, let alone "Handwritten Once upon a Time" is about first love.

But this song is just a section of the chorus, and Shang Yaner feels like she was hit suddenly, which is somewhat similar to the song she wrote after breaking up with Jiang Yuan.

In a trance, Shang Yaner felt that she had suddenly returned to the time two and a half years ago.

When Shang Yaner was in a daze, Jiang Yuan's singing continued. After the main song was sung, Jiang Yuan pulled the microphone and left from the piano.

"I don't want you to be alone, alone in the sea of ​​people.

I don't want you to go through the storm alone. "

In the chorus part, Jiang Yuan controlled her emotions well.

If we talk about the singing of the verse part, it is like the circumference of the sea water shrinking into a bunch of flower buds, a drop of blue water.

At this moment, the emotions are released, the bouquets are in full bloom, and the water drops are like waves breaking on the rock wall.

Accompanied by the sound of drums, the emotional progress of the song made the audience more immersed.

Backstage, Liu Shenglun and Ma Zhuo were confused by Jiang Yuan's singing. They looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

Jiang Yuan wasn't like this during the rehearsal?How did you perform so well as soon as you came on stage?
Especially Liu Shenglun, listening to it, he has a strong sense of substitution, as if the person in the song, he has a picture in his mind again.

And Shang Yan'er listened to the feedback at the scene, and she had a stronger sense of substitution. She suddenly felt that she had never entered Jiang Yuan's inner world before.

The music manager sitting next to Shang Yaner didn't dare to speak out, she noticed that Shang Yaner's eyes were red when she heard it.

After the chorus is over, turn to a verse first, which is the interlude of the song.

The interlude part is dominated by the melody of the guitar. Jiang Yuan stands in the center of the stage, brewing emotions.

The soul of the singer's scene lies in the injection of love songs, especially the expression of love songs, which requires the singer to immerse himself in the song.

Jiang Yuan is in such a state now, she is singing this song from the first perspective, and her eyes are red from singing.

"Maybe in the future you will find someone who understands you and loves you better,
In the next stage of your journey, you must be happier and richer! "

In the treble part of the song, Jiang Yuan's interpretation is not very good, even a little bit broken, in between.

But it is full of emotion, it is different from Xiao Ming's broken voice, and it is more moving.

The last paragraph of the song is narrated from the perspective of the breakup, wishing the ex a happy future.

"Just ask fate to take you on a brand new journey and fly to the horizon of happiness."

"Don't look back and run forward,
Please forget that I am still alone. "

Jiang Yuan sang the last verse trembling slightly, closed her eyes and listened to the accompaniment at the end of the song until the end of the song.

With a 4-minute song, the audience seemed to enjoy an interlude.

Singing is like a key, opening a heart door in the hearts of the audience. Behind the door is a gentle road that touches the emotional world of the listener.

Depending on how much emotion is substituted, there are different feelings. Some listeners have a strong sense of substituted, and as the song's emotion progresses, they cry.

Some listeners were slightly moved, but it is undeniable that Jiang Yuan's performance, the music is very pleasant, and the words are very moving.

Looking at Liu Shenglun, Ma Zhuo felt a little helpless, and he was listening through earphones.

As usual, after Jiang Yuan thanked the band teacher at the scene, the audience gave warm applause as if waking up from a dream, to thank Jiang Yuan for bringing a moving performance.

As for Shang Yaner, when Jiang Yuan finished singing and listening to the accompaniment, she hesitated for a long time whether to press the kick button.

But Jiang Yuan's singing finally touched the soft part of Shang Yan'er's heart, and unconsciously, even the eyes looking at Jiang Yuan became gentle.

After all, the kick button was not pressed.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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