Chapter 440

Pushing open the glass window, the spring rain came into view. Recently, when shooting, this kind of weather is the most common background color, and there are not many sunny days.

Fortunately, such a climate background is also consistent with the story itself.

Jiang Yuan stretched and walked out of her room.

The restaurant on the first floor of the B&B is brightly lit, and the freshly baked toast and hot milk exude a faint aroma on the table, and an open script is placed next to it.

Looking at the scene of Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi sitting opposite each other having breakfast in the living room, Zhang Qing couldn't help but think of adjectives like "a happy family".

Ye Xuanqi happened to live next door, and since the filming started, she has become accustomed to visiting.

So much so that Zhang Qing had the illusion that the two had lived together for many days.

"It's almost time to get ready to go."

Seeing that the two were still chatting enthusiastically after breakfast, Zhang Qing looked at the time and could only remind him aloud.

"Understood." Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi stood up and put away the tableware together.

After packing up their things, the two got into the same nanny car with the script and headed to the shooting location.

In the early morning of the weekend, the drizzle covered the street with a layer of mist. There were not many pedestrians along the way, and it looked a bit cold from the inside of the car.

However, this coldness was broken when the vehicle approached the school where the shooting location was located.

With the development of the Internet, it has long been no secret that Jiang Yuan and the others filmed in Taiwan City.

It's fine on weekdays, but on weekends and holidays, many fans come to the campus gate to try their luck and squat with Jiang Yuan and others to commute to get off work.

Today is the same situation, very lively.

Before entering the campus, Jiang Yuan also rolled down the car window and waved to the fans at the scene.

By the way, let everyone go home early, but I don't know if anyone listens.

The vehicle drove into the campus driveway, and the school was much deserted than usual.

Entering the set, the crew has already started to operate in an orderly manner.

It has been more than a month since the filming of "The Unspeakable Secret" started.

"If there is no accident, there should be only a few days left in the shooting time." Seeing Jiang Yuan's arrival, He Jing said with some emotion.

So far, nearly 80.00% of the filming of "The Unspeakable Secret" has been completed.

This is still under the condition that He Jing deliberately followed the plan and carefully controlled the time.

Otherwise, it might be completed in a month. Even so, compared with other crews, this progress can be called rapid.

"The fastest, when will the movie be released?" Jiang Yuan asked curiously.

Compared with the rapid progress of the main line of music, the line of film and television made Jiang Yuan somewhat anxious.

For regular actors, being able to star in a TV series or a movie a year is considered a very benign plan.

But for Jiang Yuan, this was not enough.

And it also made Jiang Yuan think for a while, wanting to complete the task within a certain period of time.

Not only quantity is required, but quality is also very important.

It will also determine the film and television works that Jiang Yuan chooses to participate in in the future, and it also needs to be more carefully selected.

Hearing Jiang Yuan's question, He Jing pinched his fingers subconsciously to count the time.

"Our shooting is very regular, and it will be easier to do things like post-production."

"If you want to release it sooner, plus the time for the announcement and arraignment, it should be in the middle of this year at the earliest."

With such a calculation, He Jing was a little surprised, after all, who doesn't want the work he is responsible for to meet the audience as soon as possible.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan nodded, which basically meant that He Jing's schedule for the next period of time should not be available.

This also made Jiang Yuan think of finding a new director to cooperate with.

After all, a director's energy is limited, and He Jing is not good at all types of styles.

When He Jingzheng fell into the joy that the movie could be released as soon as possible, he didn't know that Jiang Yuan was already looking for other directors.

"By the way, tonight's scene is quite difficult. Are you okay?" He Jing asked Jiang Yuan after recovering.

Jiang Yuan also took a look at the scene when he heard the words. Not far away, the teaching building used for shooting has been surrounded by construction facilities.

The building used by the crew for filming really needs to be refurbished and rebuilt, which happens to be in line with the setting of the plot.

Tonight, it was basically Jiang Yuan's role alone.

In the later stages of the movie, the fantasy setting has also been revealed.

As long as you play the piece "Secret" on the piano in the old piano room, you can achieve the effect of traveling through time and space.

This was actually the last scene in Jiang Yuan's script.

However, in order to meet the school's construction period, it was slightly advanced a few days.

After discussing this scene with He Jing, Jiang Yuan also decided to use live-action shooting.

Among them, the scene that needs to climb the construction frame is still somewhat difficult, and He Jing obviously asked about this part.

"I'll give it a try when the time comes, it shouldn't be a big problem." Jiang Yuan replied after pondering.

After all, while working hard in the past two years, Jiang Yuan didn't stop exercising. In addition, he had previously prescribed buff skills related to physical strength, so he was quite confident about this scene.

"Okay, let's try a few more times." He Jing thought for a while and thought that if it really didn't work, he could use a substitute, but he didn't say anything.

"I'm going to put on makeup first." Jiang Yuan chatted with He Jing about the same, greeted him and started to concentrate on preparing for the day's scene.

The shooting during the day is relatively easy, the workload is not too heavy, and everyone is well prepared.

Although there were several scenes, the shooting time still passed quickly without knowing it.

Even as the filming of each scene was successfully completed, everyone in the crew knew that the filming had entered the countdown stage, which can be said to be one less filming.

The production crew rushed to wrap up so quickly, and everyone felt a little bit reluctant.

In the evening, Jiang Yuan and the others returned to the campus and started preparing for the evening scene.

The staff of the film crew concentrated on arranging the scene, while Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi were concentrating on cooking on the set.

Seeing this scene, a certain makeup artist showed an auntie smile, took out her mobile phone and began to "click" on the keyboard.

At the same time, he glanced to the side, as the shooting progressed.

Whether it is the cp-addicting army in the crew, or the lineup of the material production team has expanded.

Another make-up artist beside him has already recorded the picture of the two of them cooking together with hand-painted Q version.

So, less than half an hour later, this hand-drawn drawing appeared in Bingxueqiyuan cp super chat.

And it was accompanied by a simple text "Xiao Ye stayed in the crew to cook with Xiao Jiang at night when she had no part in the show".

The simple live literature without too many decorations also made a lot of cp fans express their true feelings.

In fact, at this time, it doesn't matter to cp fans whether the identity of the makeup artist is true or not.

Anyway, even if it is fake, everyone will take it seriously, no matter how bad it is, it can be called a good CP text.

Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi, who didn't know that they were being broadcast live again, cleaned up after dinner. Jiang Yuan took the script and went over what was going to be filmed tonight.

After resting for a while, Jiang Yuan came to the shooting location and began to practice acting.

"Actually, it's quite difficult to climb." He Jing also stood beside Jiang Yuan and looked up.

Jiang Yuan will climb nearly three floors through the wooden frame tonight.

"Let's try it first." After the staff arranged the mats, Jiang Yuan began to try to climb.

Many staff members gathered around to watch Jiang Yuan's rehearsal.

He Jing stood at the bottom and watched Jiang Yuan's movements a little nervously.

Jiang Yuan felt okay during the climbing process, and he could still hold on physically, but in the eyes of the people below, it was still more thrilling.

When Jiang Yuan reached the highest point, he glanced down and was startled. This height is somewhat scary.

After returning to the ground, seeing Jiang Yuan do it again, He Jing felt relieved.

"Let's take a look at the action just now." Jiang Yuan and He Jing came to the position of the monitor to check the clip just shot.

After all, it is one thing to be able to climb up, but it is another matter whether the movements are suitable.

Seeing Jiang Yuan's performance just now, the action director of the crew also started to guide.

Under the guidance, Jiang Yuan tried again and again to adjust it twice.

However, Jiang Yuan didn't dare to try too many times because he was afraid of exhaustion when the filming started.

When it got darker, the lights of the crew were turned on, the scene was completely set up, and Jiang Yuan also finished her makeup.

Ready to start shooting.

The general story background of this scene is that the hero knows that by playing "Secret" in the old piano room, he can go back to the past and see Xiao Yu again.

But at this time, the time for the demolition of the school has come, and the location of the old piano room has been sealed up.

The male protagonist rushed to the scene desperately, the entrance has been closed, and when the construction has started, he can only enter the piano room by climbing the shelf.

Jiang Yuan adjusted his emotions in recollection, and made an ok gesture to He Jing.

With He Jing's order, the filming officially started.

The camera followed, and Jiang Yuan began to climb up the shelf according to his own rhythm.

After rehearsal and adjustment of action guidance, Jiang Yuan's actions as a whole are more suitable for the role.

And in order to reflect that sense of danger, Jiang Yuan also deliberately acted unsteadily during the climbing process.

It seemed as if he had climbed to the highest place wobbly all the way, and the mood of the staff following the onlookers also became tense. He couldn't tell whether Jiang Yuan had really made a mistake, and he was afraid that Jiang Yuan would fall down if he was not careful.

But Jiang Yuan finally climbed to the top smoothly.

In fact, this part of the filming was carried out very quickly, but the nerves of everyone at the scene were in a state of high tension, and it felt thrilling that it had been a long time.

It wasn't until Jiang Yuan reached the top and He Jing called cut that the string that had been tense in everyone's minds was relaxed.

After this scene is over, it means that tonight's scene has kicked off.

Next, the filming of Jiang Yuan playing "Secret" in the piano room will also be shot in real scene blasting.

Two scenes in a row are not easy scenes for the crew.

Before sitting down at the piano, Jiang Yuan himself was much more relaxed than before.

He has practiced the song "Secret" for a long time, and now he is about to shoot live blasting.

On the contrary, it gave Jiang Yuan a more immersive sense of ritual, and he was in a very full state.

When it was time to start shooting, the scene quickly entered the state.

The only thing that made the crew feel pity was that they could not see Jiang Yuan perform, because the scene had to be cleared as much as possible.

There are not too few scenes of playing the piano in "The Unspeakable Secret". Every time it is filmed, many crew members are looking forward to it.

Especially Yu Yan, who watched from a close distance every time.

"Action!" He Jing shouted.

The on-site shooting started, and Jiang Yuan rushed to the camera and began to play attentively, showing extra devotion.

At the same time, the blasting at the scene also started together.

A series of sounds exploded in Jiang Yuan's ears, but it didn't affect Jiang Yuan's concentration, and the notes continued to flow.

He Jing looked at the extremely real scene in front of the monitor, feeling like a dream.

It was a feeling that the story was being staged in front of me with flesh and blood.

As if there was such a story, Ye Xuanqi saw the picture through the monitor.

The sense of substituting the characters is also very strong, and some emotions follow at this time.

Jiang Yuan filmed this scene several times.

It's not that the filming was bad, it's just that Jiang Yuan's state of performance, He Jing couldn't bear to interrupt.

But as the building collapsed during the performance, Jiang Yuan's makeup also changed accordingly.

For example, Jiang Yuan played some battle-damaged parts several times in order to maintain coherence.

After the scene was over, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but feel exhausted.

After finishing work and returning to the hotel, I fell asleep after a simple wash.

In the next few days, He Jing still led the entire crew, moving around in various scenes, filming the rest of the story.

After filming the last few important scenes step by step, He Jing also continued to check for gaps and make up for omissions, and made up some shots.

A week later, a rare sunny afternoon.

The sun shines on the lawn, which is a rare day in the continuous spring rainy season.

He Jing glanced at the picture in the camera, sunshine, green grass, blue sky, white clouds, and boys and girls in school uniforms.

Captured this scene with a camera, He Jing felt extremely relaxed.

Strictly speaking, after one and a half months of filming for "The Unspeakable Secret", it was basically ready to be announced yesterday.

And what we are going to shoot today is the last shot, the graduation photo of the hero and heroine standing together.

This scene can be regarded as an explanation for the ending of the story.

Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi were actually in a good mood, because of the long-lost sunny day, and also because they were going to take graduation photos together.

The group performers had also changed into their costumes at this time, and moved over excitedly.

Jiang Yuan and Ye Xuanqi stood together looking for a good position, the photographer yelled loudly and pressed the shutter to take pictures.

After finishing the last filming in the form of a graduation photo, He Jing shouted with a smile on his face, "The whole show is finished!"

(End of this chapter)

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