Chapter 182 Zhang Liang Visits
Li Chen didn't know the attitudes of all parties outside, and didn't want to pay attention to them.

Since Shouchun returned, Li Chen replaced Li Xin and took charge of supervising the shops and government offices in the city.

It has been almost 20 days since Xiaoyao City was closed, and those people with evil intentions from various forces have also begun to have bad intentions.

The news from the outside could not come in, and the news from the inside couldn't be passed on. Even the civilians inside didn't know at all whether the Chu State sent troops.

Those spies didn't dare to wait any longer, so they could only choose the timing of their actions.

In just two or three days, more than a dozen accidents occurred, but Xiaoyaomen disciples were patrolling every area, and they did not cause much harm.

And this is the purpose of Li Chen's closure of the city this time, to get rid of all those unstable people.

Obviously, Li Chen achieved his goal.

Over the next ten days, Xiaoyaomen arrested a total of hundreds of people, some of these people were snare killers, some were spies from various parties in Chu State, and some peasant disciples.

There are only a few who have no background and just want to seek some benefits.

For those spies, Li Chen was not polite, and directly let the Xiaoyaomen disciples be killed, and those who were seeking profit, Li Chen spared them, and only waited for the closure of the city to drive them out of Xiaoyao City.

As for the common people in the city, the closure of the city did not have any impact on them.

Liu Tong was in charge of the construction of the city, and there was always a shortage of manpower. Those people who had nothing to do could go to work on the construction site, not only had something to eat every day, but also wages.

The only ones that are really affected are the restaurants and shops. There are no foreign merchants, and their business has decreased a lot.

However, the City Lord's Mansion gave them some compensation, or some discounts on goods, or tax relief.

All in all, the closure of the city, whether it is the residents or Li Chen, has gained a lot, but the various forces with evil intentions have lost a lot of manpower.

A month passed quickly, and Li Chen quickly opened the blockade of Happy City.

When the news came out, those businessmen who heard about Li Chen's deeds in the Chu Palace rushed in one after another, and Xiaoyao City returned to its previous grand occasion.

Not long after opening the door, Li Chen welcomed an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Zhang Liang Zhang Zifang, the grandson of Zhang Kaidi, the former Xiangguo of South Korea, is now the third head of the Confucian little sage Zhuang.

When the two met, they were in a daze. The last time they met was when Li Chen left Xinzheng. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and South Korea has been completely reduced to dust.

Li Chen was silent for a while, and said, "Brother Zifang, I haven't seen you for many years!"

Zhang Liang also said with some emotion: "Yes, brother Li, I haven't seen you in ten years, and brother Li has become the lord of a city."

Li Chen shook his head with a smile: "Zifang is joking, I'm just here to survive, unlike you, I became the third master of Confucianism without knowing it."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and then laughed loudly.

After a while, the laughter stopped, and Li Chen asked with a smile: "How has Quicksand developed in recent years?"

Zhang Liang sighed: "When Qin State used troops against Han, I went back to South Korea once. Miss Zi Nu and Brother Wei Zhuang were both pretty good at that time, but after the fall of South Korea, there was no news of them anymore."

Li Chen nodded slightly: "Since Brother Han left, Quicksand has lost its soul. I also invited them to Happy City, but they were rejected."

Mentioning Han Fei, Zhang Liang was silent for a while, then looked up at Li Chen, and asked seriously: "I heard from brother Wei Zhuang that the ninth son died at the hands of the Yin Yang family?"

Li Chen replied: "Yes, he died on the 'Six Souls Curse' of the Yin Yang family."

Zhang Liang nodded: "Brother Li has figured out what the Canglong Qisu is all these years?"

Li Chen thought for a while, looked at Zhang Liang and said, "There are some harvests, but I don't know if they are accurate. Confucianism has been passed down for hundreds of years, has Zifang seen relevant records?"

Zhang Liang shook his head: "Over the years, I have read many books and asked Old Master Xun, but I didn't have an accurate answer."

Li Chen sighed, then looked at Zhang Liang and said, "Why is Zifang here?"

Zhang Liang cupped his hands slightly: "This time I was ordered by Old Master Xun to come here to discuss the purchase of paper in Xiaoyao City with Brother Li. I hope Brother Li can make it easier."

Li Chen nodded and said: "Since Confucius was the first sage, Confucianism has also produced talents in large numbers. In today's world, Confucianism has the largest collection of books.

When paper was first created, I wanted to make a deal with Confucianism, but there was no way to do it. Now that Master Xun has opened his mouth, I can't wait to ask for it. "

Next, after some discussions, the two settled the paper business.

Afterwards, Zhang Liang bid farewell to Li Chen, intending to take a stroll in Happy City, and Li Chen also let him go.

Now Zhang Liang only has hatred for Qin in his mind. Although he has talent, he will not be used by Li Chen. Otherwise, Li Chen would like to keep him and manage Xiaoyao City.

Li Chen was thinking about it when Liu Tong and Zhang Qi walked in and saluted Li Chen: "Sir!"

Li Chen came back to his senses, looked at the two and asked, "How is it? Is there any result?"

Zhang Qi nodded and said: "According to reports from various city gates, after the city gates were opened, in just three days, tens of thousands of people entered the city alone. lost track."

Li Chen nodded and looked at Liu Tongdao: "Notify all government offices that anyone who wants to settle in Xiaoyao City or open a store in the city must go to the government office to register."

Hearing this, Liu Tong understood Li Chen's thoughts, and said, "Although some spies can be known in this way, many people will not choose these, and we will not be able to find out either!"

Li Chen shook his head and said: "As long as we open the city gate, we can't guard against those spies. As long as they don't cause trouble in Xiaoyao City, let them go."

The two nodded, and Zhang Qi continued: "By the way, sir, news came from Ximen that a woman entered the city alone this morning.

The deacon who guarded the gate saw that she had a good temperament and dared to go out alone, so he wanted to follow her, but he didn't expect that she disappeared as soon as she entered the city. "

Li Chen was taken aback when he heard this: Ximen, a woman, disappeared in an instant in front of a deacon who was at least the fifth rank. This kind of strength is probably the lowest at the peak of the fourth rank.

In the entire "Qin Shi Mingyue", such women are probably only from the Yinyang family.

Li Chen looked at Zhang Qi and said, "If you meet such a person in the future, don't follow him. I'm afraid this kind of person is coming for us, and the disciples below will not be able to stop him."

Seeing that Zhang Qi had figured it out, Li Chen looked at Liu Tong and asked, "How has the construction of Happy City progressed this month?"

Liu Tong said: "It's not bad, there are more than 20 people in total, and many places have basically been completed."

(End of this chapter)

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