Chapter 238 Inside the Giant
Ever since the Demon God of Soldiers appeared, Gong Shuchou had looked at the bronze giant excitedly, with a maddened look on his face.

Bronze opened his mouth to ask Gongshu.

Although the public loser can be said to be the pinnacle of mechanism skills in this era, it is difficult to create a bronze giant like this with the current technology of the public loser.

Now, hearing that Li Chen and the high priest were discussing to destroy this great technology, he didn't care to appreciate it any longer.

He hurried forward a few steps, looked at Li Chen and said frantically, "City Master, you can't destroy it, such a great thing should be seen by the world."

Li Chen stared at Gongshuchou for a while, and then said: "Why did I destroy it, you really don't understand?"

Gongshuchou was taken aback when he heard the words, then his eyes flickered, he looked at Li Chen and asked, "I don't quite understand what the city lord means."

Li Chen said with a sneer: "Gongshuban's fame is passed on to future generations, not because of the equipment he built to attack cities, but because of the various tools he invented to benefit the people."

"It's just that the descendants of the public loser have narrowed the road and focused on the mechanism that can conquer the city, but no one has studied the more important things that can benefit the people."

"If this Soldier Demon God doesn't destroy it, and I can't take it away, will you just let it go?"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before we go back, Daqin's army and people from the Yinyang family will find this place!"

Gong Shuchou's face was a bit ugly, and he looked at the Bing Demon God and said in a low voice: "But it would be a pity if such a thing is destroyed like this."

"Unfortunately? No, you are wrong."

"No matter how powerful this Soldier Demon God is, it's nothing more than an attacking weapon that can only cause killing."

"You shouldn't be limited to this. If you can manufacture or improve some tools that benefit the common people, then your reputation may catch up with your ancestors and be passed on to future generations."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Gongshuchou, turned around and said to Li Xue and the others: "You guys wait outside first, I'll go in and have a look."

Li Xue and the others nodded when they heard the words. Li Chen took a few steps forward, looked at the Bing Demon God slightly, and then jumped up and landed on the shoulder of the Bold Demon God.

After searching around, he got into the inside of the soldier demon god through the gap in the soldier demon god's big mouth.

He took out a luminous pearl from the ring, and carefully examined the internal structure of the soldier demon with the light of the luminous pearl.

Basically, there are some bronze gears inside, which are interlocked with each other.

Li Chen took out the Lishen Sword, and slashed at a linked gear beside him. The sharp blade slashed across, and the gear was cut from it, turning it into two halves.

Li Chen couldn't help laughing. He was worried that this soldier demon god was a product of another world, and he would not be able to destroy it. Now he was finally relieved.

Maybe I can't destroy the Bing Demon God at once like Xiao Li in the movie, but as long as it takes some time, I can completely destroy the linked gear bearings from the inside. At that time, the Bing Demon God will not be able to move at all.

Li Chen held the Lishen Sword in his right hand, radiated all his consciousness, and began to explore carefully among the soldiers and demons.

Even after thousands of years, it will take energy to move an inanimate object, let alone in this era.

Such a huge soldier demon god, if there is no energy to drive it, no matter how powerful the manufacturing technology is, it is impossible.

In the movie, the Warrior Demon God is activated by the dragon soul, but after the dragon soul is swallowed by the Pixiu, the Warrior Demon God can still operate, which shows that the Warrior Demon God must have other energy supplies, but there is no such thing in the movie. explanation for this.

And to make such a huge bronze giant move, the energy contained in this energy is absolutely impossible.

Li Chen's main reason for entering the Demon God was to find this energy source.

The control center of the Soldiers Demon God is located in the brain. Li Chen plans to destroy the control center first, so that even if he accidentally touches the Soldiers Demon God while looking for energy, it will not cause the Soldiers Demon God to move.

After a few jumps, Li Chen came to the control platform. Seeing some complicated patterns in front of him, Li Chen couldn't figure out how to control the Bing Demon God for a while, and he didn't dare to press randomly. The Loulan Kingdom outside may suffer a huge disaster.

Looking around, Li Chen jumped to the back of the console. Looking at the extremely complicated structure, Li Chen swung Li Shenjian and began to cut.

For this kind of bronze, cutting Li Shenjian on it is like inserting into the soil, and it can be easily cut through with a little force.

It took more than half an hour for Li Chen to separate the connection between the control center and the God of Soldiers, carefully inspected the control center, and found that there was nothing special about it, so he stuffed the entire control center into the storage ring .

"Now, the entire Warrior Demon God should be safe!" Li Chen muttered to himself.

Then, Li Chen looked down. Among the entire bronze giant, if energy is to be stored, the best place is the control center in front of it.

Since it is not found here, it should be below. As for the location where the dragon soul is stored in the movie, Li Chen has also carefully sensed it, and there is nothing.

Perhaps, the Dragon Soul is just something in the movie, and it doesn't really exist in this world.

Li Chen shook his head, then jumped forward, and his body went down.

After borrowing strength from several bearings and gears, Li Chen came to the giant's abdominal cavity.

Here, Li Chen actually felt a bit of scorching heat.

In fact, when he entered the hall, Li Chen had some doubts in his mind. If there is really magma under the hall, why would Loulan become the only oasis in this desert?
You know, this place is not very far from Loulan, and the distance in a straight line is only a hundred feet.

Unless, the thing below is not magma, but something that can generate heat like magma.

Li Chen slowed down his pace a little, crossed a partition, and the lower part was suddenly red, and the temperature rose again.

Li Chen searched carefully, only to find that the source of these temperatures and heat was actually a large stone embedded in the center of the abdominal cavity.

This stone is about one zhang square, with sharp edges and corners, and countless runes are engraved on it, like the seal of Chi You sword in the hall.

Li Chen looked around the boulder from a distance, and then the Li Shenjian in his hand burst out with sword energy, and slashed towards the stone.

It was found that apart from flying a few stones, there was not much reaction.

Li Chen couldn't help being a little speechless. Although he didn't use all his strength for the sword just now, it was equivalent to the full blow of a master of the first rank or so.

Such a sword, not to mention destroying gold and breaking jade, is not much worse, but this boulder did not respond much.

(End of this chapter)

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