Chapter 64 Entering the Passage
The next morning, Li Chen got up early as usual, made breakfast for everyone, and practiced the two sets of swordsmanship in the yard before going out to the clinic for consultation.

Before noon, Li Chen took a look and found that almost no one came to the medical hall, so he simply closed the door of the medical hall and walked towards the cold palace.

After arriving at the Leng Palace, Li Chen carefully checked the inside and outside of the Leng Palace, making sure that there was no change from before, and no one noticed it, so he came back to the lake.

The weather is just right now, and there are no tall buildings around the lake, so the entire lake is covered with sunlight, and the lake is still flowing, and the water surface is relatively clear. Standing on the shore, you can see some aquatic plants in the lake.

Li Chen looked around, found a hidden place, took off his shirt, put the clothes in the storage ring, and then jumped into the lake.

After coming into the water, Li Chen found that because the sun outside was just right and the light was sufficient, he could see a certain distance clearly even underwater.

According to Li Chen's thinking, if he wanted to hide something in this lake, or set up a secret door in the lake, then the place of entry and exit would most likely be on the embankment of the lake.

So after entering the water, Li Xian searched along the shore of the lake, but found nothing special.

After getting out of the water to take a breath, Li Chen carefully checked the places he had searched before, and made sure that he didn't find anything missing.

Only then did he find a hidden corner and got out of the water.Regardless of the wetness on his body, he stared at the lake in front of him, squeezed his chin with his hands: "It shouldn't be, did I guess wrong before, the treasure is not here? Or did I miss something?"

Li Chen looked at the entire lake again, there was nothing on the lake except for a corridor and a small island in the center of the lake.

Li Chen cast his eyes on the small island in the middle of the lake. The island is not big, it is about [-] to [-] square meters, and in the center stands a cherry blossom tree hugged by one person.

Now it is the weather in March and April, and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and look very beautiful.

If he had to say that he had missed something, it could only be this small island.

Li Chen first dried the pants he was wearing with internal force, then took out the clothes from the access ring, and put them on.

After reconfirming that there was no one around, he performed lightness kung fu, jumped on the water with a few taps, and arrived at the small island in the middle of the lake.

Standing on the island, Li Chen realized that there was something wrong with the island's terrain.

Since the position where it meets the water is set up with a slope, and the middle of the island is a flat place, so from a distance, the island is not very high from the water surface, just like a small pile of soil in the middle of the lake. heap.

After coming up, I discovered that the flat ground in the middle of the island is at least three meters above the water surface.

And the highest point in the middle of the island, that is, the root of the cherry tree, is probably four or five meters above the water.

Li Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, it seems that the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated, a simple design can fool people's eyes.

If you don't actually take a look, who would have thought that such a simple island in the middle of the lake would have such an exquisite design.

Li Chen can now be sure that the dark room is likely to be under the island.

I searched around the island, but found nothing. The entire island seemed to be piled up with soil, and there was no trace of a dark room below with the naked eye.

Thinking about it, so many years have passed, if Li Chen could find the darkroom so easily, then this treasure would have been discovered long ago. It seems that the door to the darkroom should still be in the water.

Li Chen took off his clothes again and jumped into the water.

The upper part of the island is indeed piled up with soil, while the lower part is made of stones and bricks.

Fortunately, the water flow in this lake is relatively slow, and the root system of the cherry blossom tree is well developed, otherwise the soil on it would have been washed away by the water.

After searching around the pile of stones and bricks below, but couldn't find the secret door, Li Chen was a little unconvinced, and felt that it was impossible for him to guess wrong again.

So he surfaced, took a breath, took out the Li Shenjian, and dived into the water again.

This time Li Chen was not polite any more, along the rocky pile of bricks at the bottom of the lake, every fifty centimeters forward, he used his internal force to insert Li Shenjian on the rocky pile until it sank into the hilt, and then he drew out the sword and moved forward .

In this way, after testing more than half of the distance all the way, Li Chen almost gave up, feeling that he had made a mistake and the treasure was not here at all.

As Li Chen progressed through the experiment, he was thinking about other possibilities in his mind.Suddenly, I found that the sword I inserted casually this time seemed to be a little different from the previous ones, and it didn't reach the hilt without much effort.

Li Chen cheered up in an instant, pulled out the Li Shenjian, and inserted it in the side position again.

Indeed, it saves a lot of effort than other places.

Li Chen suddenly became excited, that's right, it's here.

Withdrawing the long sword, Li Chen clenched his fists, exerted all his internal strength, and smashed towards the stone wall in front of him.

Immediately, the stone wall in front of him sank inward and collapsed, and a hole as tall as a person appeared in front of him.

Li Chen came up to the surface of the water again to change his breath, took out a night pearl from Ji Wuye's mansion from the storage ring, and returned to the water.

Come to the entrance of the cave, with the light of the night pearl, drill into it.

After swimming for a short distance, I found that the burrow gradually extended upwards obliquely, and after a while, it completely broke away from the water surface.

Li Chen stood up, evaporated the water on his body with his internal energy, and looked at the passage through the Ye Mingzhu, only to find that the entire passage was made of bronze, five feet high and three feet wide, and a grown man only needs to It's easy to pass with a slight stoop.

After settling his mind, Li Chen continued to move forward, and he came to the end of the passage in a short while.

A bronze door stood here, blocking the way, and there was a layer of beeswax on the bronze door.

Li Chen turned around and looked. The lowest point here is about one meter above the water surface. Even if the water rises in the rainy season, the water surface cannot extend here.

Looking at the door in front of him, Li Chen was silent for a moment. Without the key, he had to use violence to destroy it.

He raised the Lishen sword in his right hand, and held the Ye Mingzhu in his left hand. With concentration and calmness, he used his six senses to the extreme, and inserted the sword towards the keyhole.

In this world, there are many trick masters, who knows if there will be tricks here?
When inserting the sword, Li Chen's nerves were tense, and he was always paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Fortunately, the sword directly pierced through the bronze door, and no accident happened.

Li Chen suddenly lost his politeness, and blasted the bronze door open with his palm, and a passage that was the same as before appeared in front of him, except that it extended downwards.

(End of this chapter)

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