Let you raise pigs?But kicked me out of the classmate group?

Chapter 172 Defeating 3 Stars!Kick the richest man in Bill!

Chapter 172 Defeat Samsung!Kick the richest man in Bill!
"It's only 5000 million euros!"

"Are you willing to take it out to embarrass yourself?"

"Do you have the ability to add a little more?"

"Who is the poor ghost?"

"I'm directly 53 billion!"

Qin Hao naturally continued to respond to them in his mother tongue.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether the other party understands or doesn't understand.

It doesn't matter.

Who told the other party to look down on others first?
Qin Hao raised the price again by more than 1 million.

Anyway, this time Lugia is packaged and sold, I must win it, and I will not let anyone take away this huge opportunity to make money.

Spending a little more money is not worth mentioning to a cheating boy like Qin Hao. If this place is spent, if you change to another place, won't you earn it back?
I just want to clean up this very dancing Koryo stick.

See how he can still jump.

"Wow! This mysterious company from the East has added a price of 1.5 million this time!"

"It's really amazing!"

"It seems that this mysterious company is already a package sale of Logia, and it is bound to be won, and no one can take it away."

The white female auctioneer spoke very excitedly at the moment.

When the voice fell, he also looked at the Samsung representative of Korea.

After all, she knew it too.

It seems that these two sides are snapping up right now.

I kept saying in my heart, grab it, grab it, the highest price will be raised a lot more.

Anyway, you rich people, whoever pays more money later can strike up a conversation with me during the transaction.

If you want to have a shot or something, you can do it.

Of course, how should I say it?

Why would the female auctioneer choose a super, super beautiful girl.

In fact, this is the reason.

Everyone already knows.

Complete rules.

"Fuck your sister, this Chinese person is so arrogant!"

Facing Qin Hao's price increase again and again.

The representative of Korea is already a little numb.

Originally, I thought that the Logia this time would definitely be won for around 53 billion.

But the current price has begun to exceed their budget.

Therefore, even in the face of the eager gaze of the auctioneer, the man from Gaoli did not dare to increase the price casually.

You know, this is the euro, not their Korean won.

"Hehe, is this the group of people?"

"Play cash flow for me? Are you worthy?"

Qin Hao chuckled.

It's just beating the dog in the water.

Of course, Qin Hao's company is likely not as valuable as the other party's market value.

But Qin Hao's cash flow can definitely beat 90.00% of the companies in the world at 99:[-].

Why do you say that?
If you think about it carefully, their company is large and their market value is large, so they need a lot of funds to take care of many gaps.

This is the big disadvantage.

Why do some companies grow to a certain extent, and then want to eat all kinds of business, and finally fail to turn over funds, and then go bankrupt.

Therefore, the Samsung Group, which is worth 3000 billion US dollars, naturally has a cash flow of 2000 billion yuan, which must be available.

But does a company as big as your own ignore it?

Can it be compared with Qin Hao?
Qin Hao spent all of his 1000 billion yuan in cash flow, and it didn't hurt his Jiangshan Group Company at all.

For a company with a lot of cash flow like this, the ability to resist risks is really too strong.

Therefore, even if Samsung Group has a market value of 3000 billion U.S. dollars, to Qin Hao, compared to cash flow, they are all rubbish.

"These Chinese people, don't be too complacent!"

The Korean man squinted at Qin Hao.

His eyes were full of anger.

At this time, almost all the people in the audience looked at him.

Facing so many people watching.

If their own Samsung company does not make some counterattacks, where will they put their faces in the future?
Although the Korean man didn't even bother to find an interpreter for what Qin Hao said, but it must be some mocking words.

"Hehe, you still take a look at me, right? Don't look at me, do you have the ability to add money?"

"Didn't it belong to the poor and the poor just now? Did you scold me happily?"

"Hmph! I'll let you know how great my uncle's cash flow is!"

Qin Hao chuckled, looking at the other party's deflated look, that was a joy.

Labor and management sat here without saying a word.

How dare you secretly scold labor and capital in Korean bird language?

Do you think labor and capital have no talents?
Can't understand your bird language?

"I'm out!"

The Korean man could no longer bear Qin Hao's blatant and disdainful eyes, and was about to raise his sign.

But he was immediately persuaded by his companions.

This has already exceeded their budget for this visit, and it would be uneconomical to continue competing.

"Hehe, rubbish!"

Qin Hao rolled his eyes when he saw that the other party was not raising his card, and said with disdain in his heart.

"This mysterious oriental company has already bid 53 billion. Is there any bidder? Offer a higher price!"

The female auctioneer, despite her endless expectations, even looked at the Korean man with winking eyes.

But the Korean man never bid.

They could only turn their attention to other bidders.

In fact, in her heart, the price of 53 billion is already a very high price.

"53 million once!"

After waiting for a while, no one raised the price.

According to the process, the auctioneer should pay back the number of times.

As long as no one bids three times.

Then you have to go down with a hammer.

It's called a one-shot.

"53.1 billion!"

"The bidder for number 37 added another 1000 million to the price!"

When the female auctioneer felt that today should end here. ,
A man with a western face raised his sign.

"Someone still raised the price!"

"I think that with so many patents, so many devices, and such a powerful Lugia sold in a package, there will be no competition!"

I heard someone raised the price.

The female auctioneer must have gotten excited again.

Then, she turned her charming gaze to Qin Hao.

It's like waves and water again, I have to say, these white people are so sexy.

good body shape.

Tuanzi is invincible.

Also the skin is snowflake white.

There is a wildness.

Especially the one on the stage, it is even more golden ratio, and the face is very beautiful.

With a perfect score of 100, she can be a beauty with 97 points.

"Hehe, this is my final opponent!"

The person who saw the number 37 raised his sign.

Qin Hao naturally knew that it was people from Microsoft who made the move.

It seems that I have been watching the competition between myself and Samsung just now.

"54 billion!"

Qin Hao didn't think about anything, and just raised his sign.

After all, he has already made plans to compete with the opponent, so there is no reason to back down.

This time Lugia is packing, Qin Hao will never give up no matter what.

Because the profits are simply too great.

"Wow, 54 billion! This mysterious company in the East, I think it should be Huaxia's company!"

"In recent decades, China's economy has developed rapidly, and many powerful companies have emerged!"

"They're really rich!"

"I hosted an auction a few times ago, and a foreign antique was also bought by a wealthy Chinese for 31 billion!"

Of course.

The female auctioneer is very good at stirring up the atmosphere.

He deliberately praised Qin Hao vigorously.

Then I want Microsoft to continue to increase the price.

Of course, the bid at this moment has almost reached the budget price on both sides.

Because the price is higher than this, it is a bit too expensive.

Therefore, Microsoft was silent for a while.

Everyone in the audience looked at Qin Hao with strange eyes, wondering which Huaxia company was this inhumane company?
How can it be so grand?
Just beat Samsung?

Kick Microsoft again?
"How can this Huaxia company that popped up out of nowhere be so determined to win Lokia?"

The representative of Microsoft, Western man Wallace, frowned fiercely.

"Mr. Wallace, the price has reached 54 billion, which is the budget price given to us by the boss!"

Wallace represented the side assistants.

It was a small reminder.

When I came here, the boss had explained that the budget price was between 50 billion and 55 billion euros, and it was optional.

Obviously, this number is almost approaching.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it!"

Wallace spoke slowly.

This time Lokia, they really want to win.

But at present, the opponent who suddenly appeared is very troublesome.

To be honest, such an unscrupulous price increase has stunned Wallace.

Is this the same as punching the old master to death?

Most likely.

Although Microsoft is tyrannical, it will not spend money indiscriminately.

If you increase the price yourself, what if the other party increases the price?
Therefore, if the competition continues, I will not be able to please myself.

But give it a try anyway.

After all, the price has not reached the final budget price given by Boss Bill.

Anyway, the boss said that it cannot exceed 55 billion, and other prices can be opened at will.

"I will pay 54.4 million!"

Wallace raised his card directly.

He knew that raising the placard this time might be the last time he raised the placard.

If the other party doesn't want it.

Then they buy it at this price.

If the other party increases the price by more than 55 billion.

They choose to give up.

"Hehe, 55 billion!"

As soon as Qin Hao saw the price of the other party's placard, he added 6000 million to it without hesitation.

The reason why Qin Hao is so fierce.

That is to beat the old master to death.

Otherwise, when people react, I may have to spend a lot of money.

"Oh my god, this person is too crazy, forget it, I'd better tell the boss, let's give up this time!"

Wallace, as a representative of Microsoft, can't help but consider that this is 55 billion euros, and every [-] million is added, such an amount is still very scary.

In fact, the boss is not so optimistic about the prospect of Lokia's career change.

To be really that optimistic.

The budget price given will not be capped at 55 billion, will it?

Generally, as long as you are more optimistic about something, the higher the cap price given by the boss will be.

This is inevitable.

"55 million once!"

We chatted for about a minute.

The auctioneer is deliberately waiting for Microsoft to increase the price.

But the opponent still didn't make a move.

Then the auctioneer must start shouting three times.

"55 million times!"

"The bidder for No. 37 is still under consideration. Will they make another bid in the end?"

"55 million three times!"

"A deal!"

"Congratulations to this mysterious company from China, it has already sold Lugia as a package!"

"55 billion euros! We congratulate them!"

When the female auctioneer knocked it down with a hammer.

It means that the things must belong to Qin Hao.

Of course, to officially take over, Qin Hao will have to pay 55 billion for others.

Of course, the current Qin Hao has a cash flow of 1000 billion and 55 billion euros, which is definitely affordable for Qin Hao.

In future news, Microsoft only spent 53 billion euros.

It seems that although they are optimistic about Logia's career change, they are not so optimistic. Otherwise, they wouldn't just give in like this, right?
"Clap clap clap!"

Immediately there was thunderous applause at the scene.

Many company representatives became curious.

What does Huaxia's Jiangshan real estate mean?
In my impression, isn't it a [-] billion company?

How can there be such a strong strength?

To know.

55 million euros.

That is almost 400 billion yuan.

Can a company with hundreds of billions of dollars casually spend half of its assets in cash flow?

Such companies are really rare.


Not less and less.

I have never seen such a strong cash flow company.

It takes Microsoft's market value of several trillion.

Can they come up with a trillion cash flow?

Obviously not!
"What is the origin of this group of people? Is Jiangshan Company just a name? Someone else actually took the picture of Lokia?"

"Otherwise, how can you spend so much cash flow?"

The male representative of Korea was also very speechless.

Of course, he also expected that Qin Hao couldn't come up with so much money, and waited to see a joke.

But obviously.

Since people dare to shoot, why don't they give money.

Afterwards, Qin Hao took his assistant Liu Ruyan and his own team to the backstage. After the successful payment, Logia officially became Qin Hao's property.

After about 2 hours, the contract was fully signed, and it went smoothly.

"Mr. Qin, congratulations, you have become the new owner of Lokia!"

"If you have time, I can take you to the company to have a look!"

Then, a western face came over.

A lot of kind words were said.

Because it is English.

It could only be Liu Ruyan translating in her ear.

Now Qin Hao knows that the English he learned in key universities is only half-baked and half-understandable when he really uses it.

"Your name is Maxey?"

After Liu Ruyan's translation, Qin Hao was shocked when he knew the other party's name.

Because of the name.

In the future news, after Lokia changed careers, Microsoft sent him to be the president of Lokia.

"Look at Mr. Qin's reaction, do you know him?"

Maxey is also very good at observing words and expressions, and he saw it immediately.

"Of course I know you. If you want to buy your company, you have to know about it, right?"

Qin Hao smiled and said.

In the future news, I am still clear about this person's ability.

It was he who led Logia, Dama Jindao, and started to produce telecommunications equipment in a hurry.

And it was proposed to clean up the "ashes" and just add new firewood to the loggia.

"Really? Mr. Qin, it's really an honor to be known by you!"

Maxi also said in surprise.

Of course, Qin Hao didn't know if he was honored or not. If he didn't have so much money to buy Logia, he probably wouldn't even have the qualifications to talk to others, so let's not talk about honor.

"Since this is the case, as soon as possible, I have to go back to China, so let's go to your Logia company today to have a look!"

Qin Hao smiled. Now Maxey is the general manager of Logia.

In contrast, the future president of Logia who has the power of life and death.

Status is not a star and a half day difference.

From the looks of it, it's no wonder that Logia went bankrupt, and it doesn't know how to employ people at all.

But it's okay, if this guy can join me, I will definitely mention him as the president.

"Well, Mr. Qin, in order not to waste your time, let's go there now!"

Maxi nodded immediately.

Leading the way very respectfully.

After today, the other party will be his boss.

Of course, Maxey also intends to watch to see what level this boss is. If he just messes around, he won't stay.

Along the way, sitting in the car, Maxey kept chatting with Qin Hao about the current situation of Lokia.

Discovering this guy is very insightful about the current status of Logia.

It just doesn't get reused.

It seems that after telling Qin Hao so much, he also hopes that Qin Hao, the new emperor, can see his talent and reuse him.

Talking, talking, Maxi felt that the other party seemed to appreciate him very much.

I also guessed in my heart.

At that time, how should the other party reuse themselves?

Of course, Qin Hao's idea is very simple, let him tinker with everything, but he is a Westerner after all.

I have to find someone to partner with him, so that I can monitor him and suppress him.

(End of this chapter)

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