Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 126 115. The Clown on the Stage

Chapter 126 115. The Clown on the Stage
It was dark and dilapidated, and the ruined walls silently witnessed everything.

Dark red blood flowed down the bright long sword.

Drop by drop, small puddles formed under Hades' body.

This sword definitely has anti-coagulant drugs and other toxins on it.

Hades half-knelt on the ground, gritted his teeth, and stared at the visitor in front of him.

The knife directly pierced the position of his first heart, and Hades could feel hot blood gushing out of his body.

The injury was fatal enough, but it hung Hades' life on the edge of the cliff.

The artificial meninges began to slowly and irreversibly initiate the suspended animation procedure.

Hades' pupils constricted, and his strong willpower made him postpone the process of feigning death.

"Don't sleep, honey."

A brass-colored gun slowly arrived at Hades' neck, exerting a little force, as if threatening.

The pure black leather and the plaid cloth mixed with bright red and green contrasted each other, and the strange light fluctuations caused by the visual disturbance field made his clothes corners emit fluorescent blue arcs.

"Hello, the established one, I am his believer, and I only come here to follow the flow of fate and the future."

On the weird mask, a huge and funny smile is clearly visible.

Of course Hades knew what he was—

Harlequin of the Eldar!
The Eldar, once one of the overlords of the Milky Way universe, also had a glorious and blissful era.

Highly developed technology, extremely excess productivity, the stability of the existing domain, and the blessing of many Eldar gods, the Eldar used to be the most extravagant race in this galaxy.

However, behind the long life of stability and happiness, the desire of the Eldar to be dissatisfied with having fun is getting stronger and stronger.

With high technology and absolute security, they began to pursue their desires.

Plays that can stimulate the senses, and madness that can satisfy desires, gradually swept the entire Eldar.

However, frantic and unrestrained play, indulgence that slides into the abyss, will eventually bring disaster.

Amid the unbridled desires of the entire Eldar, more and more emotions began to form a single entity in the warp.

The first cry tore down the barriers between the Warp and the physical universe, and Slaanesh seized His power.

At present, the four largest seats in the subspace finally ushered in a new owner.

The birth of Slaanesh also directly tore up the extremely prosperous spirit empire. Since then, a small number of spirit tribes have scattered and lived, and they have never regained their former glory.

And clown.
When the Eldar are about to fall into the abyss of desire, there are always a few sober survivors, and the cunning and sober buffoon is one of them.

They believed in Sigaoqi, the Laughing God of the Eldar, and satirized the ugly indulgence of the Eldar with their funny performances on the stage on the eve of everyone's fall.

Under the leadership of Xi Gaoqi, most of the clowns escaped the catastrophe of the birth of Slaanesh, and since then they have been hidden among the intricate webways, never appearing on the bright side of history.

But on the dark side of the stars, under the brilliance, the buffoons with strong prophecy are still active on the stage they have built.

But for humans
Hades gritted his teeth and stared at the smiling face. Under his power armor, adrenaline and other stimulants began to inject slowly.

Alien will be wiped out after all!

Hades, whose heart had been punctured, suddenly jumped up. He directly blocked the gun on his neck with his left arm. The obituary pierced the air and screamed!

Hades never thought that Hades, who was already on the verge of death, could jump up, and the clown opposite him immediately jumped away, trying to avoid the attack.

Harlequins are more inclined to avoid attacks than to accept attacks.

At the same time, the gunshot rang out, but it was bounced off by Hades, who had expected it for a long time, with his thick shoulder armor.

Hades followed up with a set of fierce chops, and the speed of each strike was increasing!

Chop, pick, hook!
The sharp sickle directly tore the hem of the clown's clothes, and the blood fell from the air in the shape of beads.

For the first time, Hades hated himself so much for not putting some poison on the scythe.

However, with the sudden violent movement, Hades felt blood gushing to fill his chest.


His speed slowed down, and finally he slowly stopped in place.

Hades braced himself with the scythe to prevent himself from falling again.

He can also detonate a bomb here.
Hades' consciousness became more and more blurred, but he still waited for the opportunity.

On the opposite side, the clown who was originally performing according to the established script was disturbed and kept silent angrily, not doing those absurd and exaggerated performances.

It seemed that there was a problem with the performance, and other behind-the-scenes personnel also stepped onto the stage to check the situation.

The light in the visual interference field flickered one after another. Including the clown just now, a total of six clowns in different clothes appeared in Hades' field of vision.

[He is the established one, and we can no longer let him behave in ways that do not conform to the prophecy. ]
[Different means change, end this quickly. ]
The clown shook his head dissatisfied.

He stepped in front of Hades again, but this time, he kept a distance from Hades.


He spoke again.

"We are not your enemy."

Ridiculous, ridiculous!
"Inspired by him, we are here to deliver advice for the future."

"Please believe in the prophecy."

An aria-like sound began to echo, and a set of cards appeared in the Harlequin's hand.

He drew a card and flashed it in front of Hades.

+ What should you believe?Be human. +
+ What should you refrain from?as the same. +
The blue face of the card was shining brightly, and when the face of the card was turned, it turned gray again.

+ What do you want?When nothing is desired. +
+ What do you not want?Do what you want. +
The red cards flashed, the cards were reversed, and the chaotic variegated colors flashed.

Then the clown opposite Hades tried to draw a third card from the pile, but he acted as if the card was firmly bitten by the pile, and he swung his hand violently, and the card was drawn and fell directly on the spot.

A double-sided black card is held up by a buffoon lying on the ground.

+When you feel your left ear is itchy and your right ear hurts, run directly, the faster you run, the better. +
Words that were completely inconsistent with the previous words were said——

Then the Harlequin turned the cards over, and it was still pitch black.

+ I wish you a good appetite. +
After saying the last sentence, the clown rolled over and jumped directly from the ground.

He bowed to Hades flamboyantly and ostentatiously.

A clown seemed to throw some kind of healing spray on Hades. After ensuring that Hades would not die, the whole troupe bowed slowly.

In this crazy corner of the city, they exited through the previously laid webway.

Hades, who had heard the inexplicable prophecy of the Eldar, could no longer restrain himself from the state of suspended animation. He slowly closed his eyes, forced himself to stand, and fell into the darkness.

The dry wind blows slowly.

After an unknown amount of time, a trace of blue fluorescent light flowed across Jin's screen.


The engine was forced to start.

With a highly mechanized body, Jin with four spare processors and three artificial brains slowly propped up his body from the pile of corpses.

Do these mentally handicapped aliens still think that the brain is his core?

He staggered to the side of Hades who was still supporting the obituary, mechanical parts fell off from his body from time to time.

He put Hades down, and briefly performed emergency treatment.

The atmospheric anomaly covering the entire planet also dissipated with the activation of the obelisk before, and the distress signal edited by Jin was sent out smoothly.

After placing Hades, Jin limped and turned his head, heading towards the Kirkland Sage's position.

The body of the sage Kirkland was cut off at the middle, and the scorched crater was clearly discernible on the central processing unit.

Kirkland Sage's biomass storage tank had already exploded when it was intercepted by the Rotten.

Without the blow of the alien, the sage would surely die.

Kim stared silently at the shattered form of Kirkland Sage.

Before he lost his ability to dream, this picture had appeared in his dreams thousands of times.

The sage who abused himself and regarded himself as a tool finally died.

Staring at the sage's body, Jin unzipped the compressed package Kirkland sage sent him.

That was the huge compressed package passed to the Kirkland sage the moment he was thrown off by the Rotten's whip.

The first stream of data flashed into his processor,

[This is all my anti-psychic research papers so far. ]
[You have been with me for so long, you can pick up these. ]
[For the God of Myriad Opportunities, for the Om Messiah. ]

It's a pity that the sage Kirkland has already removed Jin's tear ducts.

 Thank you for subscribing, I wish you a happy reading (ω`)
(End of this chapter)

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