Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 137 129. Nurgle, there is nothing you can do!

Chapter 137 129. Nurgle, there is nothing you can do!

"Left a bit! Down! Down!"

"Oh wait, turn to the left again!"

On a gentle hillside, Hades was directing the machine to lower the Blackstone Obelisk.

Placed on a movable base, the huge black stone obelisk landed slowly, making a dull sound.

On the sloping hillside, the higher the altitude, the stronger the poisonous gas became, and it became more turbid visible to the naked eye.

Some weeds and shrubs grow on this hillside, and two or three trees are lush and lush. From time to time, small bugs come out of the grass, or birds jump on the trees.

Several mechanical sages surrounded Hades and the black stone obelisk. Under the red robes, the detection instruments gleamed.

Of course, Hades believes that they will not detect anything, and the Blackstone Obelisk is immune to scanning such as detection.

"Sergeant Hades, are you sure this works?"

The leading environmental sage spoke, his appearance was almost completely simulated, which was different from the sages Hades had seen.

"I'm not sure."

Hades told the truth,
"So I chose to conduct a small-scale experiment first."

He specifically asked the mechanical sages to find a place with a relatively closed environment. Even if the ecological system in this area is destroyed, it will not cause damage to other areas.

The mechanical sage stretched out his hand, the indicator light was buried on his arm, and the red light flickered from time to time.

"Good luck then, Sergeant Hades."

"We sincerely hope that this experiment will be successful."

Several other sages in red robes also stepped forward one after another, nodding their heads, and blessings from countless binary chants.And the kind words of encouragement were sent to Hades' left brain.

Hades didn't say much, and asked Jin to take the sages to leave and go to a distant observatory to wait for the results.

On the observation deck not far from the minimum working range of the Blackstone Obelisk, Mortarion was leading many Death Guards waiting, and the remaining untouchables were also in the team.

Why does an experiment require such a big battle?There is no other reason, after all, this is a bold attempt in a place closely related to Nurgle.

Barbarus is a planet watched by Nurgle. Here, as long as it is a creature with strong spiritual talent, it will be contaminated with Nurgle's breath.

But this does not mean that Nurgle can directly intervene in the affairs of this planet. Reviving the dead alien lord is the limit of what Nurgle can do.

The physical world has its own laws, and the power to cross barriers is bound to be weakened.

Nurgle needed the psychic beings of Barbarus to spread his influence across the planet.

Before the alien lords were driven out, Nurgle had been using the alien lords to display his spiritual power.

But now, Nurgle has no means of directly interfering with the rest of the planet, save for a few beings who are clearly affected by Nurgle.

So Hades wanted to give it a try, but he was still worried that Nurgle would obstruct him, so he chose to bring a bunch of troops.

As for Mortarion, oh, he's here to join in the fun, but even here, Mortarion is still approving government affairs.

In the distance, the cipher text sent by the mechanical sage, telling Hades that he can start.

Looking at Hades and the strange black stone obelisk from afar,

Several sages were whispering among themselves using radio waves.

[Is this alien technology? 】

The light blinks.

[If you are on someone else's territory, don't worry about it, and the information he reported is about the legacy of the sage Kirkland, obviously avoiding words. 】

Another sage shook his body.

[It doesn't matter, I just hope his technology can work, we have been delayed on this planet for too long. 】

【That's because you didn't find the technology you want. 】

The sage next to him sneered,

[Yes, the topography and topography of this planet couldn't be more ordinary, a typical planet suitable for transformation into an agricultural world. 】

[But the creatures above]

As soon as these words came out, all the sages fell into silence.

In fact, before the arrival of Hades, the sages also realized that the creatures on this planet might be related to spiritual power.

But as biological sages or environmental sages, even if they dabble in mechanical aspects, it is still a bit difficult to dabble in spiritual energy.

Newly engineered organisms, even highly virulent anti-biotics tested, would die quickly after being thrown into Barbarus' environment.

In the constant testing, modification, and re-testing, year after year was wasted, and the patience of the sages was coming to an end.

[Just destroy everything and re-lay the land]

A sage speaks the voice of all sages.

[But there is a high probability that you will be hunted down by a legion. 】

Another sage gives a reason why they don't start burning glass now.

[Stop talking, let's start. 】

The leading sage stared at Hades in the distance with the main camera, and the tech sergeant stepped forward and turned on the switch.

In an instant, black lightning moved on top of the obelisk!
Mortarion turned off the working channel that was still in communication, put his hand on the pistol and the lamp, and was on guard at any time.

He stared at the anti-psychic obelisk.


Silence comes.

The area where Hades was located seemed to have faded. In an instant, the color and black and white pictures were in a trance, but in a blink of an eye, the scenery in front of him was obviously good, and the black and white just now seemed to be an illusion.

There was a desperate roar in the garden, and a smirk came from the maze.

Hades stood in the middle, watching all this in disbelief.

He stretched out his hand, and on the bone-white power armor, a thin layer of green frost quickly covered his palm.

Hades raised his head, as if sinking, the poisonous gas around him began to slowly fall, sink, and finally attached to the ground.

In places with high terrain, the poisonous gas descends faster, and the air there becomes transparent to the naked eye.

Like snow, small green crystals began to fall.

At the end of the range covered by the black stone obelisk, due to the change in air density, the poisonous gas outside is continuously being sucked in and then settled down.

As a result, a thick green mist formed a wall at the anti-psychic energy field of the Blackstone Obelisk like a barrier.


Hades turned his head quickly and saw the leaves falling.

The carcasses of the birds lay under the trees.

Hades held the scythe obituary, carefully trying to scratch the grass under his feet.

The weeds fell off one after another, leaving the ground with ease.

The corpses of insects rolled out from the grass, and the small black spots shrank into a ball, lifeless for a long time.

But Hades keenly discovered that some plants were still stubbornly clinging to the ground, and he could tell that they were the plants with less toxicity.

That is to say-

Those who rely on poisonous gas will die.

The pale green snow is still falling.

Hades took a deep breath and looked up at it all.

Supporting the sickle with one hand and raising it with the other, feeling the wonderful moment.

After a long time, after confirming that nothing else would happen, Hades closed the Blackstone Obelisk.

The poisonous gas barrier that originally blocked people's realization began to dissipate, and the poisonous gas flooded into this area again, but the color was obviously much lighter.

Hades turned his head and calmly stared at the stunned people outside the circle.

Mortarion and the Barbarusian Death Guard stood still as statues.

Pale green poisonous frost covered Hades.


He said.

With a "bang", it seemed that a mechanical sage's logic engine exploded.

 Thanks for reading, happy reading

  It is said that other Hammer Wen groups have been mixed in, the fineness of the setting, and the level of imagination... It's too fucking nb, it's so bad, I'll push it again.

  As long as you can accept the female original, and the rather hard-core style of writing, this book is true nb
(End of this chapter)

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