Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 2 2. Don't catch me ehhhhh? !

Chapter 2 2. Don't catch me ehhhhh? !
Barbarus, at night, in a medium-sized village.

Hades held a crossbow in his hand, leaning against the dirt wall, aiming the crossbow tightly at the door, his whole body tensed up, motionless.

There were rustling chuckles outside the door, the wooden door panel seemed to have been scratched with fingernails, and yellow-green poisonous gas could not stop seeping into the room from the crack of the door.

Hades stared at the door.

A strangely slender pale finger protruded from the top crack of the door, and it was still stained with black and purple mucus.

It slid down unhurriedly and reached the position of the door bolt. The moment the slime touched the iron door bolt, the rust instantly climbed up the iron, and a half-new iron door bolt was immediately rusted.

Hades made a prediction and raised his crossbow. He only had one chance.

The chuckle started again, caressing Hades' ear.

With a flick of the finger, the bolt was smoothly cut like tofu, and fell to the ground with a muffled sound, ending its working life.

A huge, strange human face stuck close to the top of the door, and the pale pupils that occupied half of the face peered into the room curiously, looking for its toys.

In a blink of an eye, at the moment when the alien probe entered the room, Hades instantly buckled the crossbow, and the arrow shot straight through the air towards that ridiculously huge eye!

At the same time, without hesitation, Hades picked up the dagger, a crossbow in one hand, and a dagger in the other, and rushed towards the door. This alien body called the Pale Laugher was like a long-legged spider. Even if the door was blocked, Hades would Can run out from under its legs!
Hades thought it over, rushed out and ran into the cornfield. This kind of alien is not the slave capture team of the lords, but a group of guys wandering in the poisonous fog. The IQ is very low. They attack the village just to eat.

Ordinary pale laughers would not leave the herd, and they moved slowly, which meant that as long as Hades ran out of their sight and out of the hunting circle of the monsters, they would have a chance of surviving!
The weird smiling face seemed unaware of Hades' resistance, and the arrow pierced straight into the monster's pupil.

"Hah ha ha ha ha ha ah ah ah ah!!!"

Crimson blood spurted from the eyes, stuck in the doorway, and the monster's legs danced wildly and twitched!The huge pain made the smile on his face even weirder!
Hades ran out from under the monster's feet. He blocked those long dancing legs with his dagger, but he was still hit hard by his left arm!Blood splatter!

Running out of the house, Hades saw that there were four or five pale laughers wandering around the village, and their tragic corpses were held high above their heads. He recognized Heidila who used to play with him, her Viscera spilled over the pale laugher's face, limbs still struggling—

Hades felt his teeth bit his lower lip, a trace of blood flowed out, anger and unwillingness clenched him tightly at the same time, his brain was running rapidly——

——The gap is too big, so I can only run away.

Without any hesitation, the adrenaline magnified his senses to the extreme, and he ran desperately towards the white corn field outside the village, his heart pounding and the wind blowing past his ears.

The pale laugher followed him closely, its insect-like pointed feet pawing the soft ground with creaking and creaking sounds.

Hades could feel its anger, the monster screaming behind him.

- almost there!
Hades jumped into the towering cornfield, the corn leaves scratched his face, he ran desperately, the poisonous fog billowed beside him - he was running to a place where the poisonous gas was thicker, But he has no choice!

When you're weak, there's nothing you can do but run away!

Hades didn't know how long he had been running, he kept running, running, running, the sound behind him gradually became smaller, and the hoarse roar fell to the far back, gradually, only the sound of wind and corn remained in his ears The sound of leaves crackling.

——The monster is back—

This kind of gregarious monster won't run too far by itself. In Babarus's food chain, they are also the middle and lower levels.

He was right.

When Hades reached the edge of the cornfield at the very edge of the village, he stopped running.

The effect of the adrenaline subsided, and Hades's chest hurt. He didn't know whether it was the pain from the pounding of his heart, or it was caused by inhaling too much poisonous gas—or both.

His legs were trembling, and his left arm was dripping with blood. Under the effect of the poisonous gas, the wound had begun to show signs of pus.

Hades first looked around to make sure there were no monsters around.

He tried to tear off his clothes and bandage himself. In Barbarus, bleeding is extremely dangerous, which means that you are more likely to be spotted by predators, and it also means that poisonous gas can pass through your wounds and kill you.

That's why Hades decided to bandage up first, and then find a place to sleep. Wandering around with blood was not a good choice.

He tried it a few times, and then found that his hands were almost frozen—they held rigidly the dagger and crossbow.

He had to wait a little longer, trying hard to regain control of his hand. Finally, the sensation in his hand was restored, and he used the dagger to cut off a hem of the long-sleeved shirt inside to make a cut for his left arm. A simple bandage.

No herbs, damn it, he forgot to bring them.

Finally, he shook his left arm, the blood stained on the torn sleeve, there was still a bloody smell, but the blood had stopped.

There is no way to clean the wound and wash away the smell of blood. The water that can be obtained directly on Babarus is polluted, and the drinkable water needs to be filtered in advance.

Hades realized that he was still too careless. He could have brought a water bottle and herbs, but he was suddenly interrupted by the attack and only took a weapon and a gas mask.

Still careless.

This means that the rest of the time is also difficult.

Hades gritted his teeth. Now there is no pain in his body. The little porridge he drank for dinner was not enough for the activity just now. His limbs were weak and his mind was empty.

In other words, as long as a poisonous toad attacked him now, he would have to kneel.

He reloaded the arrow on the crossbow, put it back in his arms, took the knife, and walked staggeringly in the cornfield. He knew that there was a small newly dug grave in the nearby cornfield, and the carriage with the dead body was also there. There, he could find some cover there.

In fact, however, Barbarus never showed mercy to the weak.

Noisy voices sounded from a distance, and Hades hurriedly drilled into the depths of the cornfield. He was half prostrate, covering the wound tightly with his hands to prevent the bloody smell from overflowing.

As time progressed, Hades could clearly distinguish those voices.

Footsteps, wailing, the unique roar of steam vehicles, and the rattling of tank tracks.

Fuck! ! !Fuck! ! !
It's the fucking high alien lord's slave catcher! ! !

Is he, Hades, really going to send it here today? ? ! !
Although the puppets who were subjected to witchcraft by the lord were irrational, they could easily distinguish the smell of blood in the poisonous gas. Hades didn't expect that he would not be discovered.

In an instant, the huge net soaked in venom fell precisely on Hades' head.

Hades didn't struggle, because he couldn't struggle to get rid of this kind of thing, he could only make a desperate choice of temporarily not moving and maintaining his strength.

He was dragged out of the cornfield and roughly packed into the back of an overcrowded truck.

He looked around numbly, men, women, children, all were crying in despair.

There is no chance of winning, no chance of winning at all, a huge power gap, in this world full of absolute malice.

This is the world of Warhammer, where weakness is always the original sin.

He couldn't save anyone, not even himself.

Desperation and exhaustion seized Hades at the same time, and he passed out.

Hades was crying like a toe-stomped fart today too.

 Uh, abuse, abuse, abuse, little abuse, there are still a few chapters in the fate of the protagonist, Caiji, after all, it is still young at this time, and it is the world of grimdark.

  The author tries to balance between being abused and unparalleled.

  Later, after becoming the death guard Astarte, the male protagonist will have a unparalleled moment.

(End of this chapter)

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