Chapter 31. The Scythe Battle
Barbarus, the northern mountains, the territory of the alien lord Nacre, on the mountainside.

just now.
The gloomy sky pressed down, and the thick poisonous gas flowed slowly around the soldiers like a real river.

Mortarion swung his scythe, and the chains around the scythe rattled.

The edge of the blade whizzed, and the blade was unparalleled, and every time the sickle blade was swung, blood and rain were splashed.

Countless corpses piled up and fell at his feet, and black and yellow pus slowly flowed out from the large wounds, gradually soaking the ground under his feet.

Near him, the five guards led by Karastifone were also fighting with their sickles.

Countless aliens, countless puppets, raised their weapons high, shoved, howled, rushed forward, and were torn to pieces by the scythe.

A little farther away from them, Hades was also sweeping with his scythe.

He compressed the black area to five meters around his body, directly raised his sickle to kill in the dense crowd of puppets, twirled the sickle, and danced the dance of the dead among the puppets like a wild dancer.

When the high-level puppets angrily tried to rush over to fight, they would suddenly be overwhelmed by the soaring concentration of the black field, and temporarily lose their combat power.

What's more, he knelt down and trembled directly under the pressure of the surge.

Every time the sickle is rotated, a piece of life will be harvested.

Hades danced his scythe as if tirelessly, and his experience in the south had deeply trained him. This warrior is now familiar with how to gain the life of the enemy more efficiently and accurately in battle.

Only a short and precise death is the last mercy I can bestow on the enemy!

When only a few puppets collapsed and fled to the distance in the black puppets, they pressed down the sickle at the same time.

Haznir, Mortarion's bodyguard, removed his gun from his back and took aim at the sporadic fleeing golems.

A few shots were fired, and the puppet fell to the ground.

At this time, if someone looks up from the bottom of the mountain, they will see a road made of puppet corpses, like a twisted and meandering earthworm, tirelessly, twisting and slowly climbing up the mountain higher ground.

"It's going pretty well, I think."

Haznir's voice broke the silence first,

"Don't take it lightly, it's just the beginning."

Mortarion's muffled voice rose from his armor,
As if responding to what Mortarion said, Hades' voice sounded from a little distance away, where everyone was "invisible, unobservable".

"Dodge!!! Heaven!!!"

Echoing Hades' words, a bright red light flashed faintly in the air where the poisonous mist rolled.

The seven hurriedly ran and retreated towards the nearest obstacle pass, countless fine sparks splashed down beside them.

The tall body of the primarch ran wildly on the mountain at high speed, and Mortarion even picked up Murnau who staggered and almost fell during the run.
When the blood-red fireballs roared and revealed their ferocious faces from the sky——

——The creatures on the ground also roared out their anger.


Death Guard Morag stood beside a cannon, his scythe pointed at the sea of ​​fiery blood above the mountainside.

The artillery deployed in advance on the flat ground at the bottom of the mountain began to roar, and countless bright yellow ammunition screamed and pierced the poisonous fog that filled the sky.

This gorgeous bright yellow pierces through layers of mist and pierces straight into the sky!

Screaming shells, send out our deafening battle cry! .
When Mortarion dragged the severed Hades into the pass bunker, the bright yellow at the front collided with the blood red, biting and exploding in the air, the bright flowers exploded, and the fragments splashed, screaming Dive down to the ground.
After the first bright flowers bloom—

Hundreds of flowers began to compete for spring.

Its daybreak.
The alien lord Nacrei poured out all the remaining artillery fire, but it was cunning and never expected that the once small human beings also mastered the technology of improving and manufacturing artillery.

Oh, arrogant alien.

Today is your day of death!

When the roaring sky calmed down and the trembling ground subsided, the group of people who went up the mountain climbed out of the dilapidated pass bunker that had been hit by debris.

On the ground plowed by the shredded gunfire, countless broken corpses were burning, and the pungent smell of corpses could be smelled even by those who were wearing a closed breathing and circulatory system.

The fire burns quietly.

"Fortunately, working overtime can be regarded as setting up the artillery."

Hades' slightly relaxed voice sounded.

Before that, the death guard who had just captured the flat ground at the bottom of the mountain suddenly received a message from the old stronghold behind.

On the equator of Barbarus, a faint golden light appeared in the perennial poisonous gas.

Then, a messenger who claimed to be from Terra descended.

He claimed to have come to look for a friend and is currently waiting in the old stronghold.
Mortarion immediately changed his plan of climbing to the top of the mountain three days later, planning to start climbing immediately after the night passed.

Callastephon and Mortarion quarreled over this.

Karastifone believes that the Death Guards who have just finished fighting on the plain need to rest and recuperate. At the same time, if they try to climb that day, the heavy firepower and artillery will not be fully deployed.

Mortarion insisted on reaching the top immediately.

The so-called messenger from Terra.
Mortarion panicked. It's not going to be a good thing
Mortarion had questioned what he really was.

A baby that fell from the sky, where did Mortarion come from? .
In the dispute between Mortarion and Karastyphon.

Hades also joined in,

But Hades, who often advises playing it safe, stuck with Mortarion's plan, uncharacteristically.

"Give me one night. You don't need to arrange everything. You can focus on areas that may be attacked and set up artillery in a targeted manner."

The next day, the Death Guard Guards and Mortarion, who were simply resting, saw the artillery that was simply camouflaged and arranged at the foot of the mountain.

And a Hades with a chicken coop and black eyes.
Mortarion looked at the sky, the sky that had been shining brightly just now was silent again, and the poisonous mist rolled rapidly and turbulently again.

It seems that Hades's pre-judgment arrangement played a key role this time.

"...well done, Hades."

Hades shrugged, the armor shrugged and made a crackling sound.

"It's time to move on."

He looked up, and the upward mountain road was now winding its way to the summit.
Just like a piece of ice can feel the heat of the sun, Hades can also vaguely feel the golden power at the other end of the mountain.

What Hades has to do now is very simple.

Assist Mortarion in killing his adoptive father. If the move is successful, Mortarion's future rebellion will be reduced by one point.

Even if they don't succeed, the emperor will come to save them in the end, and there is a high probability that they will not die.

Hades knew that in this kind of game where I might not win, but I would never lose—

He generally likes to gamble.

 (ω) Happy reading
(End of this chapter)

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