Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 366 Chapter 356 Everyone was persecuted except Angron

Chapter 366 356. Everyone was persecuted except Angron

[Main Hall of Nicaea Theater]

Magnus panicked.

The Supreme Heaven was hinting to him that something was going to happen. He felt uneasy and vague panic. The flow of the river of psychic energy was no longer calm, and the dim light of the guardian elves also indicated that something was about to happen.

He tried to divine and predict the future——

The meeting of Nicaea, all the psychic rivers pointed to it, some unfortunate tragedy must happen here, Magnus took a deep breath, he might be able to think of the worst ending.

This is a murder, a conspiracy against the wise, the psykers, the forerunners of the empire, and the ignorant witch hunters will turn their prejudices into flames, screaming and burning his body.

Could his father, the Emperor, be deceived?Magnus wondered, would he be persuaded by the emotional but flawed words of Mortarion and Leman Russ?

The worst outcome would be the Emperor's trial against the Librarian, which would be a disaster. Thinking of Mortarion's ridicule after his victory, Magnus' brain trembled with rage.

No - he wouldn't let this happen.

Magnus comforted himself, but in his heart he listened to the uneasiness guided by spiritual energy. He entered the theater with fearless steps, but in the darkness after he sat down, he clenched the corners of his clothes uneasily.

He saw the Emperor, Sanguinius, Fulgrim, and the Librarians headed by White Scar who smiled at him, which made him feel warm.

But in an instant, he saw Mortarion and Leman Russ, rough and savage guys. They were all cruel and extreme people who would only tear anyone they didn't like into pieces.

Magnus took a deep breath, and Ahriman behind him saw the Scarlet King tapping his seat unconsciously.

But this was still not the last straw for Magnus.

His eyes turned to the empty seat facing the stage, and he saw the Sisters of Silence surrounding that seat, and the mechanical sages known for their ignorance and stubbornness were sitting silently around it.

Magnus felt his heart suddenly drop, as if his soul and reason suddenly fell into the abyss.

No-no, how could it be?
Magnus muttered to himself, staring in disbelief at the empty seat where there would undoubtedly be someone who was opposed to the psykers.

One, against psykers!
And he will be sitting in the main seat facing the podium!
Everything became clear in an instant. This was a hanging for an innocent victim. They disguised the foolish burning at the stake as a fair trial, laughing and wanting to see his struggle!
Is not likely to? !

Magnus was trembling slightly. He looked at the Emperor. He hoped that he would say something, express something, or give Magnus some hint that this seat was not deliberately designed, but the Lord of Mankind still looked like a sculpture. , standing still.

Magnus looked to the angel, to Fulgrim, hoping that his allies would see that this was an unjust murder, and he missed the sight of Mortarion standing up and walking to the podium - the Deathly Hallows. The Lord took the initiative.

Even the first shot of evil is pulled by the enemy.

Magnus felt desperate, felt that he had been deceived and teased, and he felt hot spiritual energy rushing through his body... No, maybe he should be optimistic.

Magnus's lips trembled into a self-deprecating or lucky smile.

The meeting has begun, but the guy in charge has not come yet, which shows that he still has hope. The biggest murderer is not present. As long as he can refute the words of Mortarion and Leman Russ and make his father believe him- —

Well, there is hope!
Magnus immediately became excited, but suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a familiar and terrifying figure in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

It's heading here.

Unable to breathe, angry, and desperate, Magnus stared at the empty space. He seemed to realize all this. Everything was irreversible. Is the fate he was about to suffer far more cruel than he imagined?

No - who will come, who will tell him that fate is not like this!Magnus hid his panting soul under his silent body. He knew that his fate was not so tragic!

But that step is getting closer.


[Nikaea Theater Promenade]

Hades scratched his head and looked at the sparse servitors in the corridor.
"We seem a little late?"

Angron shrugged indifferently,

[I don’t care about this, and, if it weren’t for me, you should be able to be on time and be a good person who likes them. 】

"All right,"

Hades spoke,
"I think they have already started debating. Let's go in quietly and not disturb them?"

He frowned momentarily when he looked at Angron, and the original body said roughly,

[Why, Hades?Both you and the World Eaters deserve a visible and respectful entrance. They should honor our presence. No gladiator will enter his battlefield like a thief. 】

Hardy paused,


Hades blinked, then he laughed,

"Perhaps we can enter separately? I prefer not to disturb others - you know, Angron, the Silent Order is suitable for silence."

Angron's frown deepened. Was Hades not confident?He realized this with shock. Didn't Hades realize that he deserved those people to stand up and salute him?He is stronger than 90.00% of the people in the empire, and those scumbags should show their necks for him.

Or... Angron remembered what Hades had said to him before. Hades seemed to be worried about what Angron's other brothers would think of him. This would be the first time Hades would treat him in front of most of the original bodies. An alternative formal identity appears.Could his brothers be hostile to Hades?
Angron thought angrily, he knew, he knew this feeling, Angron had also experienced that feeling in his violent past.

No, he would never embarrass Hades in front of his "brothers."

Angron laughed,

【Listen to you. 】

He said that he would make Hades realize that the World Eaters would be his strongest shield.


[Main Hall of Nicaea Theater]

[I have witnessed with my own eyes the corruption of countless innocent minds under the influence of witchcraft. They should have been citizens of the empire, fathers of children, and soldiers of generals, but they have turned into monsters that are neither human nor ghosts under the erosion of subspace. ! 】

Completely different from Mortarion's usual whispering voice, the high-pitched voice of the Lord of Death resounded throughout the theater. He shouted loudly, as if yelling at the wizards,

[Think about it, ladies and gentlemen!Witchcraft easily provides people with a shortcut to get something for nothing. It is like the sweetest honey, seducing people's minds and amplifying their deepest desires to infinity - just to make you stick out the tip of your tongue to it, like Eat it like a starving ghost. 】

No, no... Mortarion's voice turned into a buzzing in Magnus' ears. He felt the slow approach of the suffocating monster, and listened to the sharpness of the executioner's knife.

Magnus's sanity was shaky, but he still knew that he was right. He subconsciously and painfully refuted Mortarion in his heart,

Only a fool would use psionics unscrupulously. The use of psionics is a complex knowledge that requires a high degree of self-discipline and self-control. That is not what Mortarion said!

[Under the honey, there is only arsenic!Lies are often wrapped in the sweetest bait, and then reveal the sharpest blade to you, eroding your spiritual energy all the time, and cursing everything about you. 】

Mortarion looked at the empty seat in front of the podium, and he suddenly raised his voice,

[Since the establishment of the Death Guard, we have fought against countless aliens and psionic species, and we have never been defeated. However, the dangers of psionic species are always a warning to every Death Guard and citizen of the empire who fights against it!It's only when you fight to the death with a monster driven mad by psychic energy that you realize what a terrifying monster psychic energy can be! 】

[It turns good into evil, it makes wise people stupid, calm people crazy, loyal people betrayed, souls boiling, desires amplified, it is the root of all evil and tragedy! 】

Mortarion's high-pitched voice paused, and the Lord of Death took a deep, deep breath. The entire theater was silent, and everyone could hear the laborious neighing under the mask of the Lord of Death.

Mortarion suddenly became tired. He said softly, his amber eyes sparkling under the golden light of the stage, and the golden lava was rolling in them.

[I am well aware of the great achievements of the Thousand Sons Legion in the Great Crusade. My brother led his legion to regain one world after another - but I am deeply worried about him. The Thousand Sons' use of psychic powers has made me feel deeply. Deeply uneasy, they have used this ability too much, and an ominous cloud surrounds my brother. 】

Magnus felt that his stomach was tumbling together with his soul. He could hardly hold on any longer. Fine beads of sweat sprung from his forehead. He was almost there... No, no... The gleam in Magnus's eyes. It began to flicker and he could feel his psychic energy wishing to save him.

However, the witch hunter's words still sounded, as if aware of Magnus's embarrassment, Mortarion whispered in a voice so soft that it was sickening,

[I don’t want—I don’t want to find out that after the empire has conquered countless worlds, after we have crushed one regime after another of ignorant wizards and psychics, we will suddenly find our enemies among us. 】

Mortarion paused dramatically for a moment, then he shook his head slightly,

"This shouldn't happen," he said. "This shouldn't happen." 】

The response to him was deathly silence. Mortarion knew that he had won. He was always paying attention to the position of the Thousand Sons. The Lord of Death was keenly aware that Magnus was not in the right state - he seemed to realize that he has failed.

Under the mask, Mortarion raised the corners of his mouth. He looked at the empty space facing him with some disappointment. Unfortunately, Hades did not appreciate all this wonderfulness——

The Lord of Death caught a glimpse of light out of the corner of his eye.

Above the main seat, the main door was opened at a corner, and light shone out from the gap, revealing a black helmet and boots——


The deafening sound of opening the door sounded, and Hades turned around in surprise. He saw Angron, who had originally agreed to let him enter separately, standing beside him.

The hearty laughter of the Lord of Red Sand echoed throughout the theater, and everyone turned their heads suddenly.

[Sorry, everyone, it seems we are late! 】

Angron patted Hades's shoulder armor hard. He winked at Hades and motioned for Hades to follow him down. The World Eaters walked out of the door in tacit agreement and surrounded Hades.

Angron knew what he was doing, and he told everyone with practical actions that the World Eaters were Hades' strongest backer. If Hades didn't want to do it, then he would do it for Hades!

Whoever is an enemy of Hades is an enemy of the World Eaters!
Staring at Angron, Hades opened his mouth slightly. Thanks to Jin's black aura, people could not see his stupid expression now. Hades opened his eyes wide. He felt that everyone was looking at him. He slowly, Turning his head weakly and desperately——

He saw the bright stage directly in front of him, and Mortarion was staring at him in amazement.

Hades suddenly became aware that Angron's hand was still on his shoulder armor.

[I apply to adjourn the meeting. 】*2
Magnus and Mortarion's voices sounded at the same time.

At least on this matter, they reached a consensus.

 Maybe, wait for me to have a meal, don't wait any longer.

  Ask for a monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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