Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 415 129 A surprise for you

Chapter 415 1.29 A surprise for you



In the dim room, the bright lights were shining, the white light was dazzling, and a corner of the dark sculpture was cracked.

Footsteps sounded, one fast and one slow, and the sound of the dragging cloth robes sounded in the secret room.

The Emperor looked at the sculpture thoughtfully. He stretched out his hand and slid it along the direction of the crack in the sculpture.

Under the hood, the old man's voice sounded urgently, with rare anxiety.
"That's too late?"

The emperor pondered, and he looked at the statue whose face was covered by black robes, holding a sickle and looking down. A crack spread out from its back, spreading and cracking like a spider web.

Golden light lit up from the fingertips, the light shimmered faintly, and the interior of the sculpture seemed to also light up with flickering light.

The sound of crunching gravel sounded, and the crack began to tremble, but the bottomless darkness inside did not slow down at all.

After a long time, the emperor spoke slowly, his eyes shining with the light of the highest heaven.

"I underestimated how crazy they were."

The Lord of Mankind said solemnly,

"I thought they were cowards, and I hoped for a fight between them."

"Now it seems--"

The emperor's voice slowly lengthened, finally weakened, and disappeared into the dark silence.

Malcador's low and earnest voice sounded,

"We went too far, didn't we?"

The emperor waved his hand violently,

“I was crossing the line the whole time.”

The Lord of Mankind said calmly,

"And now, it seems they have chosen the most chaotic ending."

The emperor stared at the crack. In the center of the crack, it looked like the shape of an arrow. The ever-changing blue light, fine moss, dried blood, and sparkling liquid were gurgling from the arrow mark in the center of the sculpture. outflow.


Malcador opened his mouth. The old man felt thirsty. He felt a rare hint of anxiety and uneasiness. Obviously, no sacrifice was too big to bear.

"...really lost him?"

The Emperor fell silent. He seemed unable to answer the question.

"Maybe... there is still a chance."

"But to replace him, we need equally precious cards."

Malcador stood behind the emperor. The old man looked at the emperor's backlit figure. Malcador suddenly realized something.

The Imperial Regent pondered for a moment, and he thought enough at this moment——

Finally, he decided he could do it.

It's worth it.

"The minister is willing to go."

Malcador spoke, his hoarse voice old and firm.

The Emperor was silent. He listened to Malcador's voice behind him. Malcador saluted the Lord of Mankind, and then the old man moved forward, preparing to leave the room.

The sound of Makado's hurried footsteps sounded, and before passing by the sculpture, Makado gave a low, bitter smile.

"Makado, go to Macragge."

“It’s about to get busy out there.”

The emperor spoke suddenly, and he saw Malcador's figure stagnant, and then the old man left the secret room laughing, as if he was laughing at his own fate.

Terra must be guarded by someone, but at this moment, if all this has happened, then the Wolf King's team has lost the meaning of sending it——

Malcador needs new helpers.

The Emperor was silent, staring at the sculpture in front of him. The sculpture was now scarred and looked like it would completely collapse and disappear in the next moment.

A soft bitter smile sounded in the secret room.

For the Emperor, he now only hopes that the sacrifice will bring the rewards he deserves.

On the chessboard, the chess pieces began to move.

[Rigoletto] is preparing to leave [Terra] and go to [Macragge].

[Hungry Wolf] and [Think Tank] are missing.

[Pluto], unable to move.

The chessboard was shaking violently, as if it would crack in the next second. Some of the chess pieces on it felt the strange sound of the chessboard under their feet, and began to move on the hazy chessboard.

However, the move that determines the chess game is still in progress.



Everything here can no longer be described in words. Everything, the dust and the sky, everything is involved in the waves, changing and distorting every moment.

Concepts washed ashore, beliefs, theories, common sense, truth, everything collapsed. This place was more absurd than a dream and more real than reality.

This is Cardia.

The dragon's roar, which tore through reason and was filled with absolute rage, came from the sky-shattering waves. The metal wings that covered the sky fell sharply from the sky. The metal on countless corpses was melting. They were flowing rapidly against the current, gushing out. Enter the center of the battlefield.

The magma fell like a torrential rain. The sky at this moment was no longer a dragon's battlefield. The flames splashed with starlight on the flowing wings, and then disappeared in an instant.

Silver-white wings flapped, and Pluto raised his hand.

The twisted space gathered together with violent lightning from his hand, with a flash of light that penetrated the night. The arc of electricity thundered from his hand, twisting into the shape of a long and curved sickle.

He lowered his eyes, violent drops of magma splashed on his face, and in the rain of fire, he saw his enemy.

In the fierce firelight, the four figures became huge, hazy, and even more unreal. They looked like absolute malice stepping out of hell, but at this moment, the ferocious Pluto with the silver mask also looked more like They are evil spirits crawling out of hell.

A mysterious blue light lit up from under the two-headed bird, and Pluto heard the brief scream belonging to that body, but the next moment, a treacherous laugh sounded.

As if he couldn't wait, he laughed wildly with his sharp beak, and hit the scepter with a wave of his hand——

boom! ! !
The entire continent suddenly lights up!

The lightning that was enough to split a Titan fell from the Milky Way, with the power to split the entire planet. Almost instantly, it hit the figure standing in mid-air on the battlefield!

Pluto raised his hand, and the space around him became violently distorted, and his figure began to blur.
The light of flies lit up in the rotting grass, and the fat being grumbled and stroked the crucible in His arms. His long salty tongue, covered in mucus, licked the bones in His hands.

The distorted space suddenly stagnated, and the dragon's figure became clear again. On the silver-white armor with no gaps, a twisted and expanded blood vessel, and a breathing, decayed crack suddenly appeared on the breastplate——

That's where Kugas, the plague father, sprinkled the decoction!
There was no time to dodge again, and the liquid metal surged onto Pluto's head like a mountain. The next moment, a loud noise accompanied by a shock wave in the air came!

boom! ! !
boom! ! !
Huge silver flowers exploded from the sky, and every drop shone with ever-changing light.

The false god fell from mid-air, his body hit the ground, and his wings that covered the sky collapsed like a collapsed bridge.

Without a trace of hesitation, above the realm filled with blood and singing, the scarlet body and the bright purple shadow acted at the same time, and the ax and whip struck together towards the pit where the aftermath of the thunder and lightning had not disappeared——

At that moment, the gap in time, which was barely enough to be called time, was stretched extremely long.

During the fall, the silver-white mask cracked under the power of the lightning strike, and one corner was lifted, revealing the face under the Void Dragon mask, with dark tears streaking across the corners of his eyes.

The existence named [Hades] took control of this violent body at this moment.

Maybe that's good news, maybe not.

Because this means that his remaining strength is enough to be withstood by [Hades], but if it can be withstood by [Hades], then it means that he cannot win.

The good news is that Hades might be able to figure out how he died before he died.

Perhaps if it were Hades in his usual situation, he would start to curse that this is all because of the administrator's cheating, and he would also denounce his own unlucky fate.

By the way, I would like to leave my last words to the Emperor, Malcador, Mortarion, Vox, Garro, Angron... one by one.

By the way, he mourned his miserable life for a moment, and at least he had a clear conscience.

But now, Hades is not thinking about this.

Right now, he only has one thought in his mind -

If you can't win, then
"Take at least one."

The existence named [Hades] thinks so.

That's what it does.

Following his thoughts, a cluster of sharp spikes began to condense in Hades' hand, and space waves surged around him. In his peripheral vision, he saw the figure rushing towards him. It was not just an attack. Under the surface of the attack, someone A conceptual blood is flowing.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hades selected his target.

A violent, silent darkness began to gather.

A faint wave lit up from the side of the evil smile's field, and Lan Yu tilted slightly, as if a breeze was blowing.The Blue Bird laughed, but then, his laughter broke suddenly and turned into a sharp scream——

All this has not happened yet, but the body of Carlos has already begun to take action, and he rushes towards the pure land of the garden.

However, the next moment, a sickle burst out of the space in front of it!

Blood drops and metal splashed out from the cut-off space, along with the broken body. After having made up his mind, Hades gave up on defense and chose to attack directly!

The blue electric arc of the thunderbolt exploded violently, and the sickle that was enough to cut off the space screamed in the burst of light. The fragments exploded, splashing silvery white dots.

Under the green arc of electricity, four dots of silver splashed at the four corners.

But the greedy darkness had already arrived first, and the cracks collapsed, revealing the terrifying human form inside.

Time seems to have stood still, or perhaps, at this moment, time has no meaning for the two people facing each other.

They are not looking at each other in the long river of time.

Hades took hold of "Carlos"'s arm, and the materialized blue feather exploded between his fingers, and darkness flickered across it.

Once you catch it, you have already caught it, regardless of time, space, or concept.

As if thinking of something happy, the being who was staring at "Carlos" showed a bright smile.

Blood mixed with silver-white metal dripped from his head, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I have a surprise for you."

Hades smiled and said,
A sound that was so soft that the entire world would not hear it sounded, and the world dimly shrank to this area. The black domain surrounded this area, trapping a fragment of power named Tzeentch.

But even if this is a fragment, the Lord of Changes has invested enough capital, and it cannot be allowed to be eliminated.

Only its elimination would be even more unacceptable.

The Lord of all changes has His own considerations!

The plan has been accomplished! ! !
No need to stay long! ! !

Huge waves suddenly rose in the highest sky, with screams and bursts. The land called Cadia trembled, like a lonely boat flipping sideways into the huge waves.

The other three also roared violently, but the Ever-changing Monarch who controlled the land of Cadia had already begun to exert force. The space seemed to be squeezed, the distance of ten thousand feet suddenly shrank, and the domains of the four gods began to overlap.

The powers are inherently opposite, and different divine powers began to compete with each other, struggling to separate from each other——

At the same time, he did not choose to attack. At the moment he caught Carlos, Hades suddenly pierced the spikes in his hand into one of his hearts - Hades knew exactly how to put himself on the verge of death!

According to Tomotarion's description, Hades knew very early on what would happen after he was unconscious near death.

Hades also knew that at the last moment, the only chance for him to splash blood on the opponent's face was his death!

As if he knew his plan, the violent void dragon power around him dimmed at that moment, and the water of the Styx surged back. Even though the vast ocean on Cadia was suppressing Hades, but If he wants to die, he can still have the power of the black domain for a moment!

The bone-carving spikes pierced the flesh and blood coldly, breaking the bones, and the last blood flower bloomed from his chest——

People will never know where their limits are until they are close to death.

Hades' mouth burst into laughter, and the arc of Tzeentch lit up in front of his eyes. Hades even saw that there was no murderous intention in it——

But he knew it was over!

Hades' eyes suddenly went black, and then he fell completely into darkness, and the water of the Styx quietly enveloped him——

Darkness explodes! ! !

Above Cadia, thousands of acres of land are rolling with huge waves. In the meantime, the labyrinth spreads endlessly, the blood pool is as deep as the ocean, the gardens are vast and flat, and the palace blocks the sky and the sun.

This is the realm belonging to [Tzeentch], [Khorne], [Nurgle], and [Slaanesh] respectively.

At this moment, above Cadia, in a dimension that cannot be detected from the orbit of the planet with the naked eye, a small world suddenly lights up.

And this small world is only five steps long and wide.

Five steps is the distance that an Auxiliary can cover in one second, the distance that a Space Marine can cover in an instant, and a few percent of the span of a Titan.

Five steps and nothing can be done.

It can't bridge the gap between Hades and Herrera, it can't run away from a bombing from friendly forces, it can't save a friend who wants to rebel, it can't avoid a sneak attack from the Lord of the Night, it can't be with friends at the last moment. Say goodbye.

but now,
five steps,

Hades, Messiah of Ohm, Lord of the Silent Order, Executioner, Silencer, Commander of the Death Guard, Acting Commander of the World Eaters, Hades proved that—

In five steps, you can fucking crush four giant demons with the power of gods! ! !
Thanks to Tzeentch, the subspace problem of releasing four demons in five steps has been solved!

The absolute anger, the absolute unwillingness, the absolute will to fight, all of them melted away and merged into the silent and cold River Styx. The river water surged into the sky, surging in this small world.

Chaotic screams, curses, laughter, disordered colors, emotions, and shocks all disappeared in this world of black and white!
Black and white flash!Silence falls!The smoke of gunpowder rose, but not a whistling sound was heard!It’s miserable without a trace of color!
The vast ocean that washed over the entire planet suddenly receded, revealing a dry and barren river bed. The dry corpses stared blankly at the sky. The war burned quietly, and the flowing magma glowed a dull bright red.

The last survivor raised his head in confusion, chanting the honorable name of Pluto in his mouth. Among the mortals, only the one who called him Pluto survived on this battlefield.

But even if they survive, they are already blind, deaf and crazy.

Real mortals have no right to witness this.

Like instinct, the surviving people climbed frantically towards the crater in the center of the battlefield. Although they had no limbs, they still crawled and tried to reach the battlefield.

Click, click, click.

Calm footsteps sounded.

When I stepped on the scorched earth, my helmet and boots were stained with dust, just like that day.


The footsteps calmly crushed a mutilated man who was squirming to the side of Hades. Because he was completely deaf, blind and mute, the mortal only made a soft sound of his head exploding.

With blood dripping down, Luo Jia slowly walked on the vast land.

Tears dripped from his eyes, and the strange blood vessels extending from his neck to his face undulated, vaguely like dense prayers.

Beside him, Perturabo's lifeless figure followed suit, and the Lord of Steel's abdomen was stained with dark scars.

With every step, a big demon crawled out from behind Luojia, raising its weapon.

On the edge of the center of the battlefield, Vashtor's broken body stood up unsteadily, the fire was rekindled, and the cable looked at the loot in the center of the battlefield like a poisonous snake.

The outcome... is already obvious.

In the center of the battlefield, in the absolute silence, the faint sound of breathing was slowly thought.

With absolute willpower, absolute unwillingness, absolute difficulty in letting go, and——

Absolute tenacity.

The figure slowly stood up from among the ruins.

There is no silver metal, no arc, no black field, nothing.

The extremely damaged body could no longer bear this.

Liquid gold dripped down, revealing Hades' face.

On his chest, the spikes were rising and falling with the sound of his breathing.

"come over!!!"

Hades shouted hoarsely, his voice already broken and incomplete,

"Come here!!! Idiot playing wheel fighting!!! Fight with your uncle Hades!!!"

"I am—"

Hades shouted, he felt like he was burning and turned into one of the ashes of the world,

He set up his sickle and felt the blessing and strength given to him by his hometown from the beginning of the story.

"I am—"

"Death Guard!!!"

No. 14 Legion, the Death Guard, is known for its toughness.

 Sorry to disturb friends who are not watching the group. My mentality is indeed unstable and I panicked for a while. I will update more today and I will try to code as much as possible in the future to make up for it.

  Sorry too.

  Today is 4.8k words, yay!
  Push book:

  Book title: I’m really not a succubus,
  Ninth-level succubus: In addition to being handsome and lively, you are also a thief. You can not only steal other people's property, but also steal other people's energy, memory, thoughts, and even destiny.

  Eighth-level succubus: You are more handsome, and you are better at stealing. At the same time, you are also a swindler who makes trouble. Any lie that comes out of your mouth will become the truth.

  Seventh-level succubus: You become a robber. Regardless of whether others are willing to steal for you, you can forcefully take anything you want from them.

  Level [-] Succubus: You become a arsonist with a sweet heart. Your body fragrance can make any creature intoxicated. No matter men, women, old or young, birds or beasts, they will surrender under your legs.


  Third-grade succubus: You are a disaster, and the whole world is in ruins because of you - promotion ceremony, stealing the throne of a country.


  First-grade succubus: You have finally grown into a real succubus. The laws and authorities of the world are crazy about you. You fool all things and are above the fate of all time and space - promotion ceremony, charming all living beings and turning the world upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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