Chapter 56. 54. Arrogance
Endurance, dueling cage.

just now.
The always bustling duel hall was so quiet that you could barely hear it.

Haznir and Corina stood in the center of everyone's eyes, their half-opened blades swaying brightly under the pale light.

However, everyone's eyes seemed to be focused on the dueling cage, but they were actually focused on the tall figure in the audience.

The Primarch sitting on the seat was motionless, like a dead body, the white smoke from the censer floated up slowly, and the yellow-green poison gas in the gas mask overflowed with the Primarch's quiet breathing, covering his eyes.

After those words, Mortarion did nothing else.

The oppressive and gloomy atmosphere of the Primarch itself enveloped the entire hall.


The ear-piercing bell rang!

Haznir was the first to break the silence and rushed forward to attack, while Collina put on his classic defensive style, with his epee raised, waiting for the enemy to attack.

When Haznir approached and slashed the sickle, Corina quickly turned sideways to avoid the sickle, and at the same time pierced Haznir's chest with the big sword!

However, the scene between Corina and Joze just now did not repeat itself. Haznir withdrew his sickle extremely quickly and shifted his center of gravity to the right so that his vitals could avoid being cut by the big sword.


Haznir firmly held the sickle with both hands, and successfully caught Colina's slash within a stroke of his body!
The flames burst out, and Collina exerted strength with his hands, and the piercing sound of metal scraping sounded in the duel cage, but the sickle was firmly fixed in place, without moving at all.

Under Haznir's feet, the ground made of high-strength composite materials actually showed a slight depression!

Feeling the opponent's strength is great, and the stalemate may be at his own disadvantage, Collina took the lead in sliding to break the stalemate, retreated to adjust his posture, and prepared for the next attack and defense.

But he shouldn't back down.

On the daily battlefield, the sickle is an extremely rare long-handled weapon, which requires the operator to have superb skills to use.

Unlike ordinary long-handled weapons, such as spears, the attack range of the sickle is not straight. If you use the sickle in the same way as other long-handled weapons, you will expose yourself to the enemy's attack range.

To use a sickle, you need to overcome your instinctive subconscious impulse, you can't directly attack and defend, you need to go around for a while, these curved blades, the weapons of death, can be used by you.

And just now, Collina made a mistake.

The attack range of the sickle is obviously longer than that of the epee, and subconsciously retreating will only give the opponent a better chance to play. However, Collina's previous style of play has always been used to defensive attacks, and he mistakenly took the sickle for a spear. Just defend the front.

After all, if the opponent is holding a spear, you only need to block the front with your sword.

But the sickle is not.

Haznir resolutely seized Collina's mistake, protruded forward with the sickle, and Collina raised his sword to try to block it. Although the sickle was directly in front of him, the sickle was behind his weakly defended side!
Collina immediately turned around and drew back the sword, but just as the epee turned back, the sickle retracted strangely. The sickle blade with changing angles was like a blooming silver flower, and Haznir was about to fade away. The speed increased abruptly——

Haznir rushed to the front of Colina, and the tip of the sickle just hit the right side of Colina's neck.

Victory and defeat!

Arrogant guy!
Haznir shouted in his heart, these arrogant old guys don't even pay attention to the weapons preferred by the recruits, and they don't even bother to learn their techniques, and it is this arrogance that made you lose to me today!

After all, any novice who picks up a scythe knows that close combat is the most difficult situation for a scytheman, and an enemy who is retreating is the picture that the scytheman likes to see the most.

Are we arrogant?You are the ones who are arrogant!
Vigorous applause and applause erupted from Barbarus' side. Haznir raised his scythe over his head, white light hit him, and an exaggerated laugh burst out on his face.

He turned around and smiled at Mortarion's position. Although the Primarch still couldn't see his expression, the oppressive atmosphere around him subsided somewhat.

Compared to the arrogant Haznir, Collina had a sullen face, took a look at Haznir, and then walked off the stage silently, while the Terran veterans in the dark stepped aside tacitly and quickly The ground closed, allowing Corina to hide in the crowd.

Taking advantage of the cheers and cheers of the Barbarus people, several figures left the duel hall in the chaos.

Barbarus' cheers continued, and Mortarion held out a hand, pressing down.

Following the movement of the Primarch, the audience fell silent again.

Mortarion seemed very satisfied with the quiet hall, he withdrew his hand and continued to fold his arms.

By this time someone had read Mortarion's signal—

He is waiting for the next duel!
Some sane people have already begun to break out in a cold sweat. The narrow victory of Babarusian Haznir is already the best ending. It not only satisfies the competitiveness of the Babarusian people, but also allows the veterans of Terran origin to take the next step .

Even the discerning Terra veterans could tell that Haznir just took advantage of Corina's mistake to win in one fell swoop. If the duel really prolongs, Haznir's chances of winning are very small!

The next battle will be Haznir's defeat.

There was clearly a little commotion among the Terra veterans.

Finally, a bruised veteran rushed onto the stage. The people around him didn't hold him back, with surprised and puzzled expressions on their faces.

This guy is a tough guy from the Seventh Company, and he has already applied to Jia Luo for the next purple sand mission many times.

It should be noted that in the entire duel hall, the Seventh Company actually has the fewest Terra veterans. Although it is marked as a combat company, these veterans prefer to clean their weapons or meditate in their leisure time.

And the soldiers of the seventh company who like to come to the duel hall often are the group with the most stubborn and violent temper.

[I come! ]

The primarch continued to sit there like a statue, motionless.

Mortarion had just been learning how to deal with the Titans, paying attention to their etiquette, the timing and the right place for these big guys to appear
Since he came to this legion, there are always many things to learn, strange language, strange time, strange environment and those bugs who hide in the dark and want to see his jokes by taking advantage of his low status.


Those arrogant guys.

Mortarion had seen the portraits of his so-called brothers, nothing more than gold light, gold thread, jewel-carved jewelry, to show his status, sparkling gems.

They were all kings, princes, and lords, except Mortarion.

Of course he knew how those people mocked him inwardly.

Nothing like a Primarch of the Emperor's Children?
Dirty redneck from an agricultural planet with muddy hands?
Did they think Mortarion couldn't hear, did they think Mortarion couldn't see?
Rubbish bastards who get complacent about being early.

Of course he would shut them up.

During the first four months of Mortarion's first entry into the Legion, Mortarion slept only an hour a week, studying, studying, absorbing it all with great hunger.

Mortarion is growing rapidly, the sooner the better, the sooner the better, he is desperately squeezing his potential, it is very painful, but it is also very simple, that is what he did when he was under the hands of Nacre of.

He didn't want the Barbarus to be looked at that way, no, no, no pity, no contempt.

They were the liberators of their planet, warriors who overthrew tyrants with their own hands, not fools who were chosen simply by luck.

Mortarion only let himself leave the study state for a short time. Hades woke up. He had to go and see. After all, Hades had killed the last tyrant on Barbarus with him.

But after that, he threw himself into frantic study.

Today, however, Calastephon came over and offered to let Mortarion come out and see what his Barbarus warriors were doing in their free time.

It's true that he hasn't seen his people, his warriors, his arms for a long time.

Mortarion agreed.

 Happy reading (≧▽≦)
(End of this chapter)

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