Chapter 666 114. Collection! Conclusion!



The missionary with the flamboyant smile was not here to preach.

On the contrary, they are merchants roaming around in various interstellar military corps, and the probability of them taking out erotic books from their arms is higher than the probability of them taking out books of the underworld.

Mead didn't want to talk. He and his comrades lay quietly in the space transfer station on Pluto, waiting for the transfer order from Terra.

Then the star gate on Pluto will open and send them to the next battlefield.

In the past, transit stations did not provide simple bedding, so he would squeeze together with his companions and fall asleep hastily.

But this time, the Mechanicus provided them with mattresses marked with numbers and barcodes. I heard that this was because the efficiency of material transfer was higher.

Terra is using a new system called Nirvana. Mead doesn't understand it, but if it can get bullets and supplies to the battlefield faster, he will gladly accept it.

"Praise Hades! My dear brothers in the Death Legion, take a look! I have the latest energy bars here - they are more filling than ordinary energy bars. Eat one and you can go without food for three days!"

The missionaries finally came to Mead. These Hades missionaries would sell supplies according to the characteristics of each Star Army.

The Dark Cult missionary certificate they obtained would allow them to move freely in various legions.

After all, the Underworld Cult is the most stringent organization in guarding against Chaos. The bigwigs are not worried about these rats roaming around in the legions spreading Chaos ideas, or it may simply be because these Underworld Cult members have already taken care of everything.

The merchant fleet and the Mechanicus sometimes resented these idle guys for stealing their business, but later their voices gradually disappeared.

Maybe they also got a piece of the pie, or maybe they were simply chased away.

The captain next to Mead stood up. They would buy something more or less. The missionaries of the Hades Cult would sometimes provide extremely useful war supplies. As the deputy of the team, Mead immediately stood up with the captain.

The red-haired woman smiled and snapped her fingers. The anti-gravity transport box behind her opened, revealing the supplies inside. Mead saw that many spaces inside were empty.

"What do you want, Pluto?"

The missionary asked naturally, when dealing with Krieger, don't expect the other party to speak first.

"...Pluto above."*2
This is a must-say sentence when doing business with the Hades Cult. They don't need you to praise Hades, but you must mention him. It's a weird custom.

"Energy bar, black stone necklace, No. 684 motor oil."

Ran, the leader of the Krieg team, said, looking down at the supply box.
"Five complete large animal hides and three skulls of medium-sized psychic species, in exchange."

As the captain spoke, Mead took out the spoils of the last war from their team's packs - Krieg would not have taken the initiative to store these things, but later they found out that the Hades Church would collect them.

The red-haired missionary whistled.

"Good stuff. There are some holes in the leather, but it's not a big deal."

"So, four boxes of energy bars, twelve bars in a box. No. 648 motor oil is gone. The Mechanicus thinks it is too blasphemous to the machine spirit. The one in circulation now is No. 713, but it has a wider range of applicability."

The missionary bent down and took out a small bottle of motor oil and threw it to the captain. Ran unscrewed the bottle and looked at it carefully for a while.

"Yes," he said, "and the Black Stone Necklace."


The Dark Cult missionary laughed.

"No need for those little gadgets, my friend. This time, each army will be equipped with a unified configuration, you see."

She raised her head and motioned them to look at the officers who were negotiating in the distance. The people in Krieg's command company and the political commissar were talking to a young bishop of the Hades who looked even more sloppy. Next to the young bishop was a greaseman in a red robe.

The woman smacked her lips.
"Krieg is a key designated target. The higher-ups plan to assign a permanent Soulless team to your two siege regiments. Don't be happy too soon, because all the Soulless are rookies."

Both Kriegs felt confused at the same time.

The Soulless are usually allocated first to the Death Guard and its sub-groups, then to the Cerberus Auxiliary Forces, and then to the various armies of the Cult of the Underworld, the Mechanicus, or fire-fighting commandos.


Ran said, this sentence made the woman laugh again, she made a gesture of scratching her neck,
"You have been selected to become the key assault team,"

She blinked slyly, and the face wearing a gas mask was reflected in her cloudy eyes.

"There are not enough Death Guard and Hellhounds,"

She lowered her voice and spoke quickly,

"Therefore, some Legions and Astra Militarum with strong will, loyalty and not easily corrupted were selected - equipped with anti-psychic equipment and instructors, and you will go to another world and another universe next."

"I heard that this was an army personally selected by the Pale Lord. You know, he is the only Primarch to return to the Empire."


The Dark Cult missionary looked at the Krieg soldier standing stupidly in front of her, seemingly not understanding what she was saying, but she didn't care about it, as it was always like this when communicating with Krieg.

She bent down, took out all the supplies her friend wanted, and stuffed them into Krieger's arms.

"As long as I can step onto the battlefield again, I can march towards death."

Captain Ran of Krieg said this, holding an arm full of supplies, he turned his head and motioned Mead to hand over the exchange supplies.

The woman whistled again.
"Good stuff, but I can't give you any more supplies, others are waiting for them - I don't think you need me to give you pornographic magazines or cigarettes?"

They both shook their heads.

"Well, Pluto, let me see what else I can give you. I don't want to be called a profiteer."

She dug out a gas mask.

"I got this from a sage apprentice. He is a little fellow under the command of the great sage Kirkland. I heard from him that this gas mask can repair itself automatically. I wonder if you are interested?"

Captain Ran was silent for a moment.

"let me try."

He said, taking off the mask, and the woman opposite him opened her eyes wide and saw a very handsome blond and blue-eyed young man - he looked like he might not even be an adult, with the youthfulness unique to young people.

"A waste of natural resources."

The woman said, she smiled and handed the mask to Krieger, watching Krieger try the mask on without distraction.

"Well, I'll give you another kiss."

The woman turned sideways and moved towards the Krieg soldier at an extremely agile speed.

"Old woman! Get away from my soldiers!!!"

Political Commissar Ilan rushed over angrily, waving his grenade launcher. The woman had no choice but to give up. She looked at the political commissar who was running over with a smile on her face and put one hand on the confused Krieg's shoulder.

"Put it down! Put it down!"

The political commissar shouted, and the woman had to reluctantly put down her hand on the Krieg's shoulder. The two Kriegs did not understand their behavior, but saluted the political commissar.

"Go back and sit down and rest! I'll pay for what you want to buy!"

Yilan took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one for himself, and threw one to the missionary of the Dark Cult.
The political commissars are the only non-Krieg people in the Krieg Corps. These unfortunate guys are assigned by the Military Affairs Department. For the political commissars, the Krieg Death Corps is not a good place to go.

The dark priest had one hand on his waist and the other hand smoking.
"What does our little political commissar want? Although I came to Krieg to sell things today, I still brought some recreational reading materials, as well as chocolate and candy, just to take care of you."

Yilan waved his hand roughly.
"News, I want news - and can you tattoo here?"

This bunch of petty thieves are also responsible for the transmission of messages, and the nodes of the Underworld Cult covering the entire territory of the empire make it even more convenient for these bastards. But the only good news is that if the Archbishop of the Underworld Cult speaks, or if it involves a war between the empire and alien races, then the news of the Underworld Cult will be free.

The woman frowned, took a deep puff of the cigarette, and said, "Tsk, what a low-quality product."

"Tattoo here?"

"Okay, get a tattoo here. Which one is most effective in protecting against pollution? How much is that in Terracoins?"


Sparks lit up from the cigarette at the lips of the Hades priest, the rolling paper burned to the shortest, and the long tobacco was exposed, as if it would fall off in the next second.


Political Commissar Yilan was a little bit unbelievable. He looked at Priest Ming, who smiled and took out a tattoo pen from the box.

"Of course, preaching to Lord Pluto is free. Otherwise, why would we make money?"

She raised her eyebrows and handed the tattoo drawing provided by the Dark Cult to the political commissar.

"Take off, take off your shirt for me."

The political commissar cursed these lazy Mingjiao trash in his heart while choosing the pattern he wanted. He got some rumors from other political commissars that the next war would be a life-and-death struggle.

Ever since he was assigned to the Krieg Legion, Elan had never thought about getting out alive, but - by the Emperor, by Pluto, by the White Lord - he didn't want to become a monster.

He heard from other veterans that the Dark Cult tattoos provided by the Dark Cult were somewhat useful. Although the effect was minimal, it was better than nothing.

Yilan gritted his teeth.

"I want this."

He pointed at a bust of Pluto on the crumpled paper. The black lines looked like flowing water, revealing a sticky demigod. One hand covered his face, with a scarlet left eye showing between his fingers. Below the bust was the cursive word "HADES".

The Dark Priest blew a whistle, and a bottle of alcohol was poured directly onto the political commissar's chest. Yilan shuddered. "Good choice."

The redhead pulled out a vial containing an ominous mixture of bone white and black powder, she carefully opened it and poured some into the tattoo pen.

She dragged the supply box over and sat on it as a chair, then rudely took the paper from the political commissar's hand and stuffed another one into his hand.


The Dark Priest said,

"When you are getting the tattoo, you have to keep reciting the prayer, but you can just say Pluto directly. My suggestion is that Pluto must appear once every three seconds."

After saying that, the Dark Priest immediately began to recite. Her face was expressionless. Yilan discovered that what she was reciting so quickly were the contents on these pieces of paper.

"Alright alright--"

The political commissar took a deep breath.
"Praise Hades--Aa ...

"Don't scream!"

"God forbid! This hurts more than a normal tattoo!"

"Your soul is weak! Hades is corroding your spirit body - this is His test for your soul! Hold on!"

"God of Hell!"

The political commissar felt like tears were about to come out of his eyes. It was not just the pain, but also the intense feeling of powerlessness.

"So what will the first time Hades gathers his army after he returns?"

"Zhengzhan, have you forgotten the Chaos Expedition that Pluto's best friend, the God of Death, took place thousands of years ago? Political Commissar! This is not a compulsory course for you!"

Yilan took a breath.
"Me? We're going to the Warp?"

"Almost the same, but I heard that the environment is better than there. I don't know the specific information. I have to wait for my colleague who went to Salamander to sell the raw materials for the craft to come back."

"Oh Pluto! How many legions will participate in this expedition?!"

"At least three large armies must be deployed."

The woman said, holding down the patch of skin where the political commissar was trembling with pain.

"Only Hades can mobilize these arrogant giants and countless war groups."

"Emperor - Hades, I feel like I'm about to see a legion I've never seen in my life - hiss -"

"Don't think that having more Space Marines means you're safe,"

The Dark Priest sneered.
"We have already started mobilizing retirees. The estimated loss rate of the Dark Cult is over 85 percent."

Yilan glanced at the red-haired woman in astonishment.

"You want to go too?"

"All the Hades priests you meet in the next three months will go with you - not fighting on the periphery, Hades wants us to go to the heart of the battlefield."

Elayne was horrified, increasingly aware that they were about to fight a rather formidable monster, but so far only the highest levels of command knew what they were up against.

"What on earth are we fighting for?!"

"You'll know in a few days,"

The woman laughed.
"Either Hades or the Pale Lord will mobilize the army. Keep your eyes peeled for the next few days - this may be the only time in your life that you will see such a big shot."

"So, then——what will the team I lead face?"

Yilan felt the tattoo pen pause for a moment.

"Your siege regiment is assigned to the Cult of the Underworld instead of the Ecclesiarchy. You will most likely appear on the battlefield in cooperation with the Death Guard. The priority for new equipment on the Mechanicus side is the 94th Siege Regiment of Krieg and the 37th Siege Regiment. Your priority is after them, so you may not appear in the center, and you may also cooperate with the Cult of the Underworld."


The Dark Priest said,

"Pluto is merciful. Don't worry that he will use you as filler soldiers. I know what you are thinking, Commissar. The outside world does have a lot of prejudice against the Death Legion, but Pluto is not one of them."


The woman patted the political commissar, and with her other hand, she skillfully stuffed a piece of candy into Yilan's mouth as he opened it to speak, thus bluntly shutting up the political commissar's doubts.

"Generally speaking, for ordinary people, praying to Pluto for more than three minutes can cause dizziness and hypoglycemia."

The red-haired woman put away her dick.

"You're going to ship out new equipment soon, look forward to it, those guys in the Mechanicus are going crazy."

“Will there be new engineer shovels?”

asked a guy among the Kriegers lying on both sides of the aisle. They looked like they were resting, but maybe they were not asleep at all, but were listening carefully to see who would be the next one to fight.


The Dark Priest laughed.

"New protective clothing, melee weapons that flash green, automatic repair, vehicles that don't require too many drivers... You don't know what the Mechanicus has come up with."

"I expect you to be polite to the Mechanicus, ma'am."

A metallic sound was heard, and the people who had just finished discussing in the distance dispersed. The sage walked over and took out an engineer shovel from under his robe. It was the model most commonly used by Krieg.


The sage said, feeling all the eyes of the crowded Kriegs around him, so he pressed the button.

Buzz—the energy was activated, and a fascinating green light covered the shovel blade.

This is a phase engineer shovel.

"His warriors!"

The sage shouted enthusiastically, holding up the green-glowing engineer shovel high up like a trophy.

On the other side, the dark priest with a look of contempt was pulled aside by the political commissar.
"and many more,"

Yilan asked quietly,

"Promoting the gods, isn't this the job of you, the missionaries of the Dark Religion?"

"The Dark Cult advocates keeping a low profile."

The corner of the dark priest's eye twitched, and he just watched the sage pretend.

"In the name of Hades! Great Om Messiah! Each of you will be guaranteed a beautiful engineer shovel like this! It can cut through everything! Soldiers! Before Hades returns, this weapon will be more valuable than all the people in your company!"

"But now! Each of you can have a shovel like this!"

Not only the technological iteration, but also the R&D and production privileges bestowed by Pluto, as well as the material integration brought about by the application of the Nirvana system, enable the Mechanicus to produce these weapons on a large scale.

Even though no one spoke, Elayne felt that all the Kriegs in the lounge were on fire.


"Your Majesty, the Emperor..."

The dark-skinned warrior stood in the flames, his eyes filled with pain as he watched the scene before him - countless young and mutilated Eldar corpses collapsed in the flames, turning into ashes as the flames spread.

"Blasphemy, so blasphemous."

The salamander shook his head.
"Why do they send children to the battlefield?"

Next to the Salamander Captain, a man wearing a full set of protective clothing with Hades prayers engraved on it walked over and looked at the charred corpses carefully.

This was obviously different from ordinary Eldar, at least ordinary Eldar did not grow scales, their tongues were long and sharp, their eyes were dark and strange, the bishop felt his eyes were burning, he saw the symbol of Slaanesh tattooed on the skin of the corpse.

And among tens of thousands of corpses, similar faces always flash by.

“These are all failures.”

The Underworld Bishop gritted his teeth and said,

"He is testing us, report it quickly! The Soulless troops we have now are not enough, and they need to be eliminated here - otherwise the subspace will soon be confused with the physical world!"


"The meeting decided,"

Buzz said calmly, but his voice was full of authority.

"The Pale Lord will serve as the Sun Lord and lead the Imperial Army to fight back against the Eldar's defeated army."

"Now, those who hold opposing views, raise your hands. This is the last time you can object."

At the long table, Mortarion, who had just returned from Barbarus, glanced at the others with a deadly look on his face. Malcador, who was sitting opposite him, said nothing with a cold look in his eyes. The other high lords, except for the few who advocated war, all looked at each other with their eyes and noses and their noses and hearts shrank like quails.

"Then let's adjourn."

(End of this chapter)

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