Chapter 679 127. River of Time
The joy of the past is gone, and the magnificent light shines through the glass windows of the towering dome, reflecting on the broken walls and ruins in the lobby.
The corpses were piled on top of each other, and the slaves, hoping for the last moment of tenderness, begged for the favor of their owners like ants.

"Take a bite, take another bite, its sweet juice has already flowed through your lips, why worry about the loss in the future? We are so happy now..."

The noble ivory white of the past was still faintly visible, but now it had been soaked in the blood and fluids of the slaves and turned into a ripe and rotten yellow orange. The glittering ornaments fell on the armor, making tinkling sounds.

"But why am I in so much pain? My serpent-tailed queen..."

The alien held the head of another fallen Eldar in his arms and gently placed it on the shining blue helmet, as if kissing it affectionately. Blood flowed out from the gap between the eyepiece and the helmet, drying and stinking.
The delicacies at the foot of its throne had long since rotted, and its bare feet were stepping on uneaten food and blood, and its long tongue stretched out from the broken lower half of its helmet.

It was so immersed that it seemed to ignore the rustling, like the sound of rodents outside the lobby.

"The outside of the sixth altar has been cleaned up. Team 08122 will continue to move forward."

Outside the lobby, Vorkes said so, with a bell hanging on his waist, and six Death Shrouds followed him silently. On the way they arrived, countless corpses of corrupted Eldar lay in a pool of blood, including Sona, Snake Demon... Among them were some fallen Eldar that only the Soulless could barely fight against on other battlefields.

Vox made a few gestures, and the death shrouds separated. Vox and another person stood at the main entrance, while the others stood in front of the explosive wall and placed explosives.
The countdown begins, tick, tick, tick...

Count down to seven.

The Fallen Eldar, immersed in the kiss, suddenly looked towards the blown-up wall on the right. The main door facing it was suddenly kicked open, and Vox raised his hand and fired a volley of bullets!

The earth trembled violently,

In just a moment! Vox, who was just at the main entrance, reached the target at an astonishing speed. His shadow seemed to be still in the lobby, and his broken scythe stretched forward.

The Eldar who had just been as soft as mud held down the spear in his hand to block Vox's attack!
At the same time, the Death Shrouds also poured ammunition towards the Fallen Eldar, but some kind of energy shield intercepted it all.

“…The blessed one.”

There was a slight sound from the helmet, but Vox ignored it, pulled back his front legs and pushed the ground, then turned his arms and struck again!
It was far from his usual slow movements, but the sound of metal hitting metal did not sound again.

In an instant, the Eldar quickly dodged and left their original position, slashing down with their scythes. In a flash, the tip of the scythe touched the ground, and all that was left in front of Vorx was the split throne.

"Are you also sober and depraved, alien visitors?"

Vorx looked back and saw a tall Fallen Eldar standing behind the three Death Shrouds with his arms outstretched, ash slowly flowing out of the holes that had been pierced through the Death Shrouds' abdomens.

Vorx gripped the sickle even harder, pursed his lips, and attacked the Eldar again -

As expected, Vox turned his wrist quickly, and the back of his sickle scraped against the wall, producing sharp sparks. He looked back again and saw that his other comrades were also knocked down.

A tough nut to crack.

Vox stared at the Eldar who seemed to be doing nothing, wearing a bone-white helmet and a blue helmet. Judging from the pattern of the armor, this Eldar was a branch of the Shining Spear of the Eldar before his fall.

The Shining Spear... is a branch of Aida that prides itself on its integrity.

And this reaction ability and fighting ability, the bishop? No... He had killed the bishop before, and it was rare for such an outstanding person among the fallen Aida bishops. Could it be...

Vox searched his mind for the word that had almost been lost in the course of history.

Phoenix Lord?!
Among the Ark Eldar, the first and most outstanding battle-masters would create a faction warrior shrine in their personal style for subsequent Eldar to emulate. After the death of the Phoenix Lord himself, his soul would reside in the armor, waiting for the right warrior to wear it and revive again.

The fighting capabilities of the Phoenix Lords vary in levels, and I wonder how powerful the souls blessed by Slaanesh are?
Vox remained calm, holding a sickle in one hand and reaching for the shepherd's bell at his waist with the other. The elves were wandering around the hall, but they were not in a hurry to fight with Vox. Instead, they bent down, held the corpse of a fallen elf, and danced with it in a comical way.

"Is it painful?"

The Fallen Eldar asked, as if asking Vorkes, as if it saw through Vorkes' soul and realized that it was no longer an isolated individual, but was connected to some even more bizarre existence.

"It's as sweet as sugar."

Vox said slowly, raised the hand bell and began to shake it.

The sound of the bell was not crisp, but dull and sticky, and mist floated along with the ringing of the bell.

He remembered the orders before the battle, Mortarion allowed them to compromise and give in - the Primarch wanted the fastest speed, not personal bravery.

Vox has never been one to stand out.

? !
Vox suddenly raised his arm to block the sudden attack of the spear. The trembling spear tip was only one centimeter away from the helmet. The force transmitted from the spear was so great that even Vox felt exhausted.

The force coming from my arm was slightly misplaced——

Vorx suddenly stepped back, and the shadows of the spears fell like a rainstorm. The Death Guard protected their vital parts and let the armor take the rest of the attack.

"Youngest Queen! I will bring you a joyful death, grant me bliss, and give me the fruit of desire!"

The Eldar responded with a rising white mist, which gathered in the corners and emerged from the fallen death shrouds. Within a short time, the lobby was filled with thick fog like a swamp in the early morning.

The distant sound of bells made the white mist even quieter.

"Answer me! Prince of Desire!"

Without the blessing, the Eldar suddenly became even more crazy. The fallen Phoenix Lord knocked Vorx down with a heavy blow, and then threw down his spear without caring about his image, pounced on Vorx, and tried to pierce his long tongue into Vorx's breathing hose.

Vorx kicked at the Eldar, shielding his body with his arms, but the creature favored by Slaanesh was more formidable than it looked.

This was an inevitable situation in the battle against the Slaanesh army. Karas was responsible for giving the Death Guards pre-war psychological training, but Vorkes didn't listen. Fortunately, Vorkes had already learned not to swear.

The faint sound of insect wings flapping came from the fog, and the strange creature in the fog stretched out its tentacles, and the long and sharp tentacles gently rested on the shoulders of the Eldar -


The elf suddenly turned around and saw an extremely terrifying face with gray hair hanging down and eyes wide open as if they had no eyelids, staring at it intently.


Swish! The screams echoed in the hall. Mortarion slowly retracted his scythe and pulled the prey hooked on the scythe closer.
[…Phoenix Lord?]

The Primarch asked quietly, but his anger was not diminished at all.

On the other side, Vox stood up by himself, raised his sickle to be alert, and wiped his armor, trying to wipe off the slightly sticky liquid on it.

Vorx had never been so grateful to have handed over his soul to the Primarch, which avoided a more embarrassing scene.

Hearing Mortarion's words, the Eldar seemed to shrink for a moment, but struggled even harder the next moment, breaking free of the primarch's scythe at the cost of a broken arm.
After rolling on the ground for a week, he picked up the spear in an instant, even faster than Vorcus who reacted first. The Eldar immediately launched a counterattack, but they were obviously no match for the powerful Primarch.

Hunk! Hunk! Ding—

The spear was knocked out of his hand by the huge force, and Mortarion spun his scythe, and the scythe rushed forward, knocking the Eldar to the ground.

A cold light flashed in the Primarch's eyes, and Mortarion kicked the Eldar in the abdomen, his heel almost between the armor and the rotten flesh, passing through the Eldar's body and making close contact with the ground.

Mortarion aimed the back end of his scythe at the Eldar's head and held it in mid-air.

[The last Phoenix Lord I saw was the Howling Banshee. Is it also under the command of Slaanesh now, you dirty guy? ]

“Cough cough cough—hehehehahahahahaha!”

The Eldar suddenly laughed out loud, as if they had recovered a bit of clarity from the frenzy of desire.

It shouted loudly,

"I am already the most sober among them - some of their souls have been torn apart and reassembled, while others have been completely devoured by Him!"

"Kill me! Take my soul - do with it as you please! Just don't let it fall into the hands of Slaanesh!"

The Eldar shouted,

"I can't stand it! The whole race is degenerate! When did those who indulge in depravity become the mainstream?! God has given up on us - this is the sorrow of the entire race! Kill me! Kill me!!!"

"Ho-ho-ho-ho! Kill me!!!"

The Eldar struggled violently, reaching out to grab the Primarch, but Mortarion ignored him with a cold eye, and smashed down heavily with his hovering scythe, splashing bright red mixed with purple like a watermelon. Mortarion said nothing, raised his scythe again, and continued to smash it down on the twitching corpse.

The muffled sounds continued, and Vorcus watched the Primarch's actions in silence until Mortarion stopped and stretched out his right hand.

The mist enveloped the corpse, and faint fluorescent lights gathered in the lantern hanging at the end of the sickle, with a slight hint of purple.

[Next, you inform the Dark Cult that this main hall needs to be purified after the war.]

Mortarion looked at Vorcus, and he waved his hand again. The shadowy figures of small Death Guards appeared next to the corpses of the Death Shrouds that collapsed on the ground. Then the ashes turned over, and the Death Shrouds stood up silently again.

"Roger that, my Lord."

Vorx said, looking at the Primarch who was looking away.

[Slaanesh is getting stronger... there is a power that does not belong to it... a last gasp? Or is it from the Eldar death god that is being nurtured? Or is it given to him by the Eldar gods? ]

Mortarion spoke quietly, nodding to Vorcus, signaling that the mission should continue, and then the mist enveloped the Primarch again, and Vorcus heard the sound of bells in the distance - others were calling for the Primarch.

Vorx wiped the slime from his armor again, and then his silent brothers gathered around him and they began to move again.


"My Malcador facial analysis model tells me that you are happy now, my lord. Why?"

Kirkland in the scarlet robe said, and he shook off the slime and blood on the Axe of the Mechanical God neatly. The old man in front of the Mechanical Sage stood up gloomily, as if he was extremely displeased with Kirkland's words.

"Watch your mouth, sage."

"You are now showing 57% anger and 43% murderous intent."

Kirkran said cheerfully, leaning over to look at the Eldar corpse that Malcador had just examined.

The detector captured every detail precisely.
What surprised the sage a little was that, despite being severely eroded by Slaanesh, after peeling off the corrupted flesh and scales, the corpse of the Eldar that died tragically still had some of the characteristics of the Eldar in the past.

On the ruler of time, the genes of organisms are constantly changing, and generally a hundred years can result in subtle differences between the new generation and the old generation.

Kirkland was not sure which generation of the Eldar this trait was, so he applied to access the knowledge base of the Academy of Athens, and a paper from Sage No. 8 of Huangquan answered his confusion.

Kirkland and Malcador walked among the corpses, the slight changes in the corners of their eyes, and the sharpness of the shape of their ears...

This is the trait of the Eldar during the Eldar Empire era.

Kirkland was surprised. He didn't know what this meant, but he would report this discovery faithfully later.


Mortarion silently retracted his scythe, the corpses of the dead demons scattered across the room, and the smoke of gunpowder on the planet temporarily stopped.

【You can go find Hades. 】

Mortarion spoke slowly, looking towards Trazyn who was trying to remove a ceramic jar in the shadows of the room.

Trazyn paused for a moment, then continued to pick up the unmanned supplies as if no one was around.
"He is now working like a slave for the Lord of Mankind,"

Trazyn said,

"It's not easy for me to go over now. I don't know what the emperor's attitude towards me is."

Mortarion was speechless. Weapons flashing green light appeared everywhere on the battlefield, but Trazyn thought that the Lord of Mankind was unaware of its involvement?
[He would know this.]

"I understand. What I mean is—"

Trazyn winked at Mortarion.

"Look, if I don't go over, maybe he can turn a blind eye. But if I go over and get exposed, then won't the current deal fail?"

This is a low-level political art. Mortarion believes that the benefits brought by Trazyn are enough for him to spit in the face of the Emperor, and the Emperor can ignore it with a thick face.

【So what do you want from me? 】

Mortarion asked patiently. Trazyn became serious at this time. The Necromancer looked at the Primarch.

"Well, you know Hades told me that I didn't have to take part in this battle."

Hades did so. He hoped that Trazyn would concentrate on the plan of digging graves and protecting cultural relics.


Trazyn said that Necrons can also grin,
"The time alarm in my museum went off, and I thought I needed to give you a heads-up."

【I don’t understand. 】

"Well, that is to say,"

Trazyn said,

"You know, the things in my museum are all old items for collection. That guy is actually very insensitive - let's put it this way, the last time the alarm sounded was the birth of Slaanesh."

"The Necrontyr will send someone to monitor the fluctuations of the timeline. I'm not sure if other Necrontyr have noticed this place... If you make enough noise, other dynasties may come over."

Trazyn said as if he had a toothache.
"I hope you won't reveal your relationship with me."

Mortarion originally wanted to ask why there was a huge time fluctuation when Slaanesh was born, but he thought about it and felt that this question seemed to be nonsense, so he changed the subject.
[…Can you block the detection of other Necrontyr? ]

"I can't - but there is a Necrontyr who can, the best astrologer among the Necrontyr."

Trazyn spread his hands.
"Although I didn't have a good relationship with it, I still went to look for it, but I found it was missing."


Tarasim's eyes flashed green,

"I suspect it has already intervened in this battle. Be careful, human."

What can it do?

"Reversing time - on a small scale, but sometimes it can be larger, especially with the turbulence of the timeline right now."

Trazyn continued,

"There are usually many ways to interfere with time, but there are only two principles. One is to use the major ideological outbreaks in the subspace to calibrate and then trace back. The other is to use the bifurcation point of the galaxy in the physical world to calibrate and then trace back."

"Generally, the birth of a false god will profoundly affect both the subspace and the physical world, so generally the time rewinding points of the subspace and the physical world overlap."

"Our technology is completely different from the warp tracing technology. It relies purely on the physical world. Only the technology of the ancient saints can achieve simultaneous tracing of the physical world and the warp.

Mortarion, Orikan the Scryer has the power to interfere with Hades - as long as the steps it takes are consistent with the physical world, it can do so, do you understand?"

Mortarion narrowed his eyes.

[You mean... there is a possibility that some beings can go back to an earlier time... and erase some traces? ]

"absolutely okay."

Trazyn hastened to add,
"Changing time is not uncommon. The Necrontyr, humans, and the Eldar... have all dabbled in this area."

"But the premise is that the fate he changed is small enough. You can easily change the flow of a canal, but you can't stop the flow of the sea. This is unimaginable. I just remind you not to let Orikan trip you up here, and pay attention to the movements of other Necrontyr. Don't worry about the rest."

"If the time had been altered too much, your Emperor would surely have noticed it in advance—and done something about it."

(End of this chapter)

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