Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 692 140 Emperor's Schrödinger

Chapter 692 140. The Emperor's Schrödinger
"Hades! Wake up! Wake up!"

...What a familiar voice.

Hades' consciousness gradually became clear, and he felt that he was falling in all directions at the same time. Then the part of him that was like a star god reminded him that he had fallen into a black hole.

Hades subconsciously wanted to destroy the black hole, but then he heard a sound in his ears.
"Oh! Don't! Don't do it!!!"

Ah, it’s the Figure King Tarasim.

Hades opened his eyes and was not surprised to see Trazyn's face. They seemed to be falling together, and a pure white silk thread was tied around Trazyn's waist.

"What—what's going on?"

Hades asked, and he immediately adapted to the gravity in the black hole and "stood up" by his own feeling.

"Time is of the essence, so I'll keep it short."

Trazyn immediately began to explain.
"In short, the Lord of Mankind made a bet with Tzeentch, and you have to fight again next - Slaanesh is not dead yet, and his shock before death stirred up time. You should have returned directly to the moment when Slaanesh revived, but Orekhan just made a move, and now you are in the process of warping."

"???? Orikan??? Astrologer?!"

"Yeah! Orikan!!"

Trazyn slapped his thigh.
"That bastard allied with the Lord of Mankind behind our back!"

"Look, a keepsake."

Trazyn stretched out his hand, and Hades saw the golden psychic energy that belonged only to Neos.


Hades extracted information from Trazyn's words. Although he was confused about how the Emperor persuaded Orikan to ally with him, what seemed more important now was the bet between the Lord of Mankind and Tzeentch.

When did they start gambling???

The last time Hades saw the Emperor, wasn't this guy paralyzed on a golden toilet? Neos plays him???
"Tell me in detail about the bet and its contents."

Hades immediately grasped the key point, and uneasy thoughts emerged in his mind. At this time, the Emperor came to strengthen him???

"It took me a long time to figure out how to explain it to you - you know the old quantum mechanics on ancient Terra?"

Hades nodded.

"In short, what you are about to do will make the timeline unstable and no longer single."


“What does instability bring?”


Trazyn said, stretching out a hand, the golden psionic energy disappeared, and a transparent cup made of light floated in the palm of the Necromancer, with a small ball at the bottom of the cup.

"I assume you have a basic history of human physics, Hades, so you must have heard of Schrödinger's cat."

"Schrödinger's cat, this theory itself was proposed by Schrödinger to refute Bohr's theory——

In the field of quantum microscopy, Bohr proposed quantum discontinuity. In Bohr's hypothesis, a particle can appear in different positions at the same time without being observed. It can be on the left or on the right.

The cup in Trazyn's hand began to shake, and two shadows appeared next to the Necromancer's hand. Time was also frozen. Hades saw the ball in one cup on the left and the ball in the other cup on the right.

“Both fates can happen at the same time.”

Trazyn continued, and then the cup turned into a small box, and in its other hand, it held a holographic cat.

"Schrödinger believed that this hypothesis was wrong, so he came up with Schrödinger's cat to refute this idea."

Trazyn stuffed the cat into the box, and the cat in its hand symbolically scratched the Necromancer a few times, not to be too realistic.

"Schrödinger [magnified] this phenomenon and put it into the macroscopic field. He reinterpreted Bohr's theory in the words of the macroscopic field, namely:
There is a mechanism in the box that will kill the cat. It may be triggered or it may not be triggered. If the box is completely sealed, then if Bohr's theory is true, then the cat is now in a superposition state of life and death. "

"Until a strong external observer observes the inside of the box, at which point the superposition of life and death collapses, resulting in a single, stable reality and outcome."


Hades was a little confused.

"What does this have to do with gambling?"

"Yes, this is related to the bet made by the Lord of Humanity."

Trazyn said quickly,
"Let's not discuss these backward theories and hypotheses of Ancient Terra for now. In fact, the Lord of Mankind and Tzeentch are doing the same thing as Schrödinger."

"Didn't Schrödinger magnify Bohr's theory at the micro level and try to refute it with macroscopic intuition?"

"Now the Lord of Mankind and Tzeentch have magnified this theory again, to the scale of the entire galaxy - they want to put the entire galaxy into a superposition state."


Hades was shocked.

"Because both of them just want to win big!!"

Trazyn cried, and opened his hand,
"I find this outrageous too! Are you humans such an adventurous race?!"

“There will be two timelines running parallel to each other. One is the present timeline, where the Emperor is betting that the Empire will be restored.
The other one is Tzeentch's, and in that timeline, Tzeentch wins the game."

"So??? What will happen to these two timelines in the end???"

Hades took a deep breath, this didn't sound credible!

Hades was so shocked that he didn't know what to say. So the big deal was hidden here?

The emperor is silent, he must be doing something strange!
"That is to say,"

Hades slowly concluded,
"There will only be two possible outcomes. The first is that all Chaos will die, and the second is that Tzeentch will become a god?"

Trazyn nodded, and Hades rarely saw sympathy in the eyes of a Necron.

"Why? Why??? Why did the Emperor participate in this game?! Neos - give me an explanation!!!!"

He is so idle?!
Hades's rage increased, and Trazyn spoke hastily—


"Why did you join this bureau?"

Or asked, holding his coffee cup and looking up at the ceiling that had been blasted by a psychic storm. His old friend came to see him and blew up his house.

Looks like it's time for him to move.

In front of him, the table that served as a chessboard had already exploded, as if a Type 13 grenade had exploded in the center of the wooden table. Some chess pieces fell through the blast hole to the next level, but they were still tied with thin threads.

"If we just clear the chaos step by step,"

Neos calmly blew on the steaming coffee in his hand. God knows how he made another cup.

"Tzeentch will never come out."

The Lord of Mankind said, the sea surface that was brewing a storm was rippling under his eyes,
"It's that simple - we can't bypass fate and kill Him in advance, but if we follow the steps and reach the last step...

Then Tzeentch will never give us a chance. He will hide, he will escape, but he will never fight."

"Because if we fight back then, Tzeentch will only have one ending - death, but He doesn't want to play dead games."

The Lord of Mankind took a sip of his coffee slowly.

"Nurgle's nature determines that he cannot go far. Khorne will choose to fight... but Tzeentch will only run away and hide - the warp will never be cleaned up, and the haze of chaos will always cover the sky above mankind."


Ole spread his hands.

"So I need to make a bet with Him in advance,"

The Lord of Mankind said,
"Before everything becomes clear, let Him think that things can still turn around and put Him on the gamble table."

It is true that Tzeentch does not participate in a deadly situation.

But according to the current trend, the empire with Pluto will have a guaranteed ending no matter what.

"But can you ensure that you win?"

The Lord of Mankind smiled, and it was a warm smile, but Or knew that it was an anti-human and anti-social smile.

Or thought that killing only one Chaos being left was not an unacceptable outcome - but this was killing only one Tzeentch being left!
Considering their past attempts to build great achievements, this outcome was already incredibly bright!
But Orpesson realized in despair that the Lord of Mankind would never accept this outcome - under the premise that he could take over all of Chaos.


The Lord of Mankind smiles with his neat white teeth,

"But I believe I can win - my great son Magnus played Tzeentch, so why can't I?"

Don't use your offspring to give you inexplicable confidence in this matter? ! ! !

Does Magnus know you think this?!

O'er felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and he almost coughed up blood.
"Why can't you accept a future with only Tzeentch left?"

He asked incredulously.

“Do you have to take the risk??”

“There is only one chance, when the first god falls, both the beginning and the end are special.

We could have eradicated the problem at its roots — instead of regretting later why we didn’t do that.”

Neos looked at Or calmly, just like his predecessor who had persuaded him thousands of times before, and the golden flame burned quietly between his pupils.

“And I have no doubt that we will win — He will not win.”

He knew Chaos all too well... especially Tzeentch.

But his friends would not support him, and the Lord of Mankind was well aware of this.

He always looks too far ahead, so no one can understand his madness at this moment.

It's like this every time, in everything.


"I don't want to say anything."

Hades spoke calmly, but he felt a faint sense of death rising in his chest.

Trazyn explained the Emperor's motives to Hades, and strangely, in some ways, Hades was able to completely understand the Master of Mankind.

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots.

As long as there is a chance, you will grind your mortal enemy into meat paste, burn them into ashes, mix the ashes with No. 52 concrete and sink them into the deep sea - you need to make sure they are completely dead to avoid any more trouble.

The Lord of Mankind is probably the same.

But he was even crazier.

Hades would never accept such an absurd gamble. The balance between benefits and risks is unpredictable.

In his place, he might have tried to believe that in the future, they would find a way to kill Tzeentch.

"……too crazy."

Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, and Hades finally decided to go and comfort the Emperor cordially after the battle. The Lord of Mankind was working as he said -

That's how it works, right?!

Hades felt like vomiting blood. He finally understood at this moment why Neos's immortal friends would stay away from him. Who wouldn't run away from such a bastard as a partner?!
There was no prior warning or discussion, and he went all in. Hey bastard, the credit and hard work of Hades was also included!!!

"I think... that strong observer is me?"

Trazyn nodded, and the Necromancer pulled the white string around his waist, and then a pure white ring the size of Hades' head appeared, with spikes protruding from the outside -

With just one glance, Hades could tell that this was an energy body with a very high concentration.

"You are a purely physical being, which ensures that Tzeentch will not play tricks with the warp. At the same time, you are heavy enough - this ensures that you are one of the best [strong] observers in this galaxy. Your observations are enough to collapse the superposition state throughout the galaxy."

"According to his plan, you cannot observe it yet. This is your blocker, which can temporarily block your observation. You will not be able to see it for the time being, and other special information will also be filtered out."

Trazyn said,

"The last and only observation point is when there is only one chair left, which is when you will have the final battle with Tzeentch."

"and many more,"

Hades suddenly asked,
"Where am I going now? Past?"

Trazyn nodded and gestured for silence.

"I can't tell you much, the observations include all the information."

“All I can tell you is that you’re going to kill Slaanesh next.

The moment before Mortarion's final blow, time leapt forward."

This is also a prophecy fulfilled. Before actively going to find Hades, Slaanesh saw the future shown to him by the Warp.

The greedy god saw himself devouring at will in Commorron, and saw himself touching again the carnival when the Eldar Empire was destroyed.

So the Prince of Darkness took the initiative to find Hades.

Trazyn stretched out his hand, and Hades took the strange eye mask. The hot energy emanating from it made Hades feel unusually warm.

The second stage of the boss, right?
Hades was quite speechless.

"According to what you mean, I have to type blindly next?"

Trazyn nodded firmly.

Hades was speechless. Hades was very speechless. Hades didn't know what to say. Neos asked him to blindly fight Slaanesh? Huh? He fought Slaanesh. Was that true?
“I don’t think I have a talent for blind typing.”

Hades said,

"The Emperor intends for me to go in blindfolded?"

"The Primarchs will help you. Some of them have already fallen on the battlefield."

Trazyn said that even the Necrons felt that the Lord of Mankind was a little too inhuman.

"I imagine the Emperor will be there—well, I guess."

The Endless added.

Hades opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. He was probably still confused. He was really stupid. Really, he only knew that the yellow-skinned man was a rip-off, but he didn't know he was so capable of cheating people.

Hades has already thought about how to elbow Neos after this. When he returns, the Lord of Mankind will not have any good juice to eat.

"Is Mortarion here?"

Hades asked. He did not see Mortarion, so he must have arrived at the battlefield first. If they really wanted to play blind fighting, Hades hoped that the comrade on the field would have a high tacit understanding with him.


Trazyn pointed to a direction.
"The rest of the Emperor's forces met him, but I imagine you will meet him on the same battlefield, as he is still a god of death."

"The time is almost up,"

Trazyn suddenly said, and Hades also saw the thin thread around the Infinite's waist suddenly pulled up,

"Do you have any other questions?"

Hades wanted to ask why the Emperor chose Trazyn and Orikan, what happened to the human supremacy? How did Neos choose to believe in the aliens?
But after a brief consideration,

Hades said, putting on the pure white shackles with a fearless look on his face.

He hated the Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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