Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 710 158 Sanguinius, Sanguinius!!!

Chapter 710 158. Sanguinius, Sanguinius!!!

Walking on the dividing line between haziness and clarity, strolling between the pool of blood and the fishy fog.


"Remember your mission,"

The tired-looking middle-aged man held his hand. Lupercal's pupils trembled. In his eyes, the Lord of Mankind had never been closer to a mortal as he was at that moment.

"Bring back Sanguinius' conscience. This is what you should do - I can't lose both of you."


The wolf shepherd god, dressed only in simple clothes, stumbled forward. The tall, rusty statues stood silently around him, then disappeared into the past again with his footsteps.

Panting, panting.

The spiritual pressure here was extremely great, and Horus could feel an indescribable rage, as if a beast had been trapped by its own thoughts for ten thousand years, snorting loudly and trying to break free.

A faint white light shone through the blood mist.


Horus immediately began to trek towards that direction, but as if they had sensed his whereabouts, the stone statues, along with the heaven and earth, pressed towards him. Countless bony arms stretched out from the bloodstains above their knees, grabbing him and trying to keep him.

+Why betray?! +
The ghost's cry suddenly exploded, accompanied by a psychic impact. Horus was startled, staggered, and fell face down.

[Good brother, don't fall here. ]

A broad, warm hand suddenly grabbed him, the calluses on it were thicker than steel.

The Righteous Power pulled up his brother who was forced to intrude into the Blood Angels' territory. Horus looked up in surprise and saw a weather-beaten but calm face. The golden eyes outlined in scarlet were staring at him, so familiar, yet so strange.

[Ang...Angron?! ]

Horus called out, he had never expected to meet Angron here -

As was his custom, the Lord of Mankind did not tell him what he might encounter on this journey. He simply held Horus' hand and told him that he trusted him.

[I didn’t think it would be you.]

Angron turned his head and stared into the distance, as if something was approaching there.

The battle axe in his hand was dripping with blood, and the Lord of Will and Strength seemed to have been soaked in blood countless times. Apart from the varying shades of red, there was no other color on his body.

Horus saw the curve of Angron's mouth. Angron seemed to want to say "Guilliman", but his words remained silent.

【Since it is you who came,】

Angron said to himself, without looking at Horus:
【Then it would be the command of the Lord of Mankind—Come, follow me, and I will take you to his resting place.】

The Lord of Red Sand sighed.

【Well, I can imagine that.】

Then Angron immediately turned around and began to walk in another direction. He signaled Horus to follow him, and the wolf god could only follow in embarrassment.

This scene might be a bit embarrassing for Horus, but since he was still in a situation where he hoped to die but was directly thrown to save the Archangel by the Lord of Mankind, Horus decided to ignore his own incompetence.

[You don't look surprised?! ]

Horus shouted, and Angron in front of him used his axe and arms like a god of war to smash the stone statues that rushed towards them.

[Aren't you worried that I will hurt you? ]

This sentence seemed stupid. It was stupid. Angron smiled helplessly and shouted,
[Only one person will forgive the betrayal of Horus Lupercal, and only one person can approach the fallen Sanguinius - although I really want to beat you up, but not now. ]

Horus does not reject the idea of ​​"betrayal".

A gleam of clarity flashed across Angron's eyes; he had made up his mind.

Horus came to prove that the Master of Mankind did not intend to destroy Sanguinius.

I spent thousands of years,

Angron turned around and swung his axe, smashing the hideous vampire statues, and blood spurted out from the exploded stone statues.

[I tried to resolve Sanguinius's worries, but it was in vain - the Archangel did not allow me to approach him, and his authority was only open to a few people.]

It is very easy to destroy Sanguinius, just send him over. He has the ability to ignore all rules.

Angron's eyelids twitched. It was so strange that he could no longer remember his comrade's name or what he looked like.

But he remembered him deeply because he had helped him a lot.

Did he return the favor? It seems not.

Angron recalled his request to treat Mortarion well.

Ah, he still remembered Mortarion, the guy with a mean and dank look, but unfortunately he didn't do that. Angron still remembered the flying kick with a great feel.

[…He will definitely keep a place for me.]

Horus behind Angron said painfully,

【nature. 】

Angron whistled, signaling the stone statues to move forward.

[Even though you betrayed me, even though we all thought you were dead - he still remembered you.]

Angron blinked.

[I think you also want to do something for him to repay this trust? ]

[I will take him back - in a faithful manner.]

Horus said this, and his throat started bleeding. A fishy and sweet taste surged up from his throat. Unlike his brothers who loved to eat blood, Horus hated blood.

【That’s right! 】

Angron shouted, and he suddenly turned sideways, grabbed Horus, and pushed Horus forward roughly.

Although he was very kind to Horus in words and appearance, his actions were extremely simple.

【Sanguinius! 】

Angron shouted, and for a moment the world beneath their feet seemed to have turned into a boiling sea of ​​blood, with countless sculptures rushing towards them with red eyes.


Angron shouted,

[Look who’s here! — It’s no longer your jailer Angron, someone’s here to visit the prison!!!]

Angron slapped Horus suddenly. In the corner of his eye, Horus saw that Angron was emitting a bright white light. For a moment, he seemed to have a connection with Angron's spiritual world.

For a moment, Horus felt himself nearly blinded by Angron's inner light.

But the next moment, Horus seemed to hear the doubt and anger deep in the earth.

The blood waves surged, and the nature that had been imprisoned for ten thousand years was roaring. They slapped the intruders, roared and vowed to sink them to the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, and suffocated them in anger.

[Shout! Shout Sanguinius! ! ]

Horus gritted his teeth, blood gushing out of his mouth. He saw it! He saw it! The angel torn apart on both sides!!!
【Sanguinius! 】

Horus shouted, he was still in a state of confusion, logic and reason had not yet caught up with him, but he was already in the midst of a wave of emotions, tears of blood flowed from his eyes.


The Wolf Shepherd God cried out heartbreakingly, he couldn’t figure it out, he couldn’t figure it out!!!
The archangel who betrayed him for the empire and loyalty ten thousand years ago, the archangel who stabbed him ten thousand years ago—

After abandoning him and taking the right path, after paying a heavy price, Sanguinius, why are you in such a mess?
Is it possible that not even one Primarch of such a huge empire could survive?
[It’s fine if I betrayed you——Why did you also——Why did you also——Sanguinius! Sanguinius!!!]

There was no need for Angron to push Horus forward now. Horus ran towards the depths of the blood sea. The stone sculpture squeezed him and stabbed at the bloody marks on his face with its bared fangs.

[I thought one of us would be on the right track - if not me, I hope it's you!!! But why - why? ! ! ! ]

Horus lunged forward, the pointed fangs already pressed against his throat, but he no longer had anything to fear or lose, so he rushed recklessly towards the last small bright spot in front of him.

A shadow from crimson to pitch black covered his vision, but then a cold and ruthless light followed. Horus opened his eyes and saw Sanguinius, who had his eyes closed and shed pure tears. Sanguinius held Horus's hands and pulled him up from the ground.

I’m sorry.

Sanguinius whispered, the white feathers behind him shining so pure, the sound of gurgling streams and birds singing behind him.

The archangel smiled faintly.

[I understand Conrad Curze now - prophecies always go as they say, but I am glad to see you now, Horus.]

[At least we can get together again before you and I disappear completely. ]

Sanguinius took Horus with him, and they walked into his Garden of Eden.


【call. 】

Angron exhaled, staring thoughtfully at the white light in front of him that suddenly grew larger and then disappeared.

The Lord of Will and Strength twisted his neck and listened to the creaking sound of his neck bones with satisfaction.

【Finally sent one away.】

Angron said to himself, relieved.

He was glad to see that the Lord of Mankind had no intention of abandoning Sanguinius, but he was also not too happy to see Horus - having said that, it was not something Angron could decide.

It was just like the Emperor didn't intend to remove his butcher's nails right away.

What could Angron do? Since he couldn't win and there was no greater loss, he had no choice but to accept it.

He felt a little relieved about it.

But now is not the time to relax.

Sanguinius' conscience accepted Horus, which meant they had a chance to bring Sanguinius back to the light side.

But this does not mean that its bloody side disappears.

Angron looked up and saw that the space created by the warp and spirit began to collapse, and cracks appeared like spider webs.

The remaining balance between light and darkness was broken.

There is still a tough battle to fight next.

But Angron knew that his reinforcements had arrived. Although he was sometimes puzzled by the outrageous behavior of the Lord of Mankind, the Lord of Mankind was not stupid.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

Mobilize your strength. Angron felt himself become lighter. The real world was calling him. The power of heaviness and exhaustion emerged at the same time. He slowly opened his eyes.

I saw a big, ferocious, pale face.


The scarlet outlined golden pupils collided with the turbid white mist amber pupils.
Both were speechless.


The poisonous mist from Mortarion's gas mask sprayed onto Angron's face.

Mortarion touched Angron with the insect-like hair on his forehead, then stood up from the chair where Angron sat in a thoughtful manner.

[It doesn't look alive.]

Mortarion spoke slowly and methodically, and then Angron heard a roar of heartbreak and despair,

[Angron? !!! Angron!!! 】

The blue storm rushed over suddenly, and directly knocked away the thin ghost figure in front of Angron.

Mortarion coughed a few times in dissatisfaction, but Guilliman, who was already in tears, ignored him. He rushed to Angron and grabbed Angron's arm with both hands with snot and tears.

【? ! 】

Angron met the surprised Guilliman's eyes.

Guilliman's mouth trembled, his eyes widened.
[He, he is dead?! ]

[Dead.] [I am still alive.]

Two voices sounded at the same time. Angron's mouth twitched. He didn't want to pay attention to Mortarion's inexplicable dry humor at this juncture.

He reached out and grasped Guilliman's arm, then slowly stood up.

Oh, that hurts.

Angron listened to the groaning of his own bones and dropped Guilliman's hand from his shoulder armor.

Guilliman simply stared at him blankly, his lips trembling, tears streaming, completely out of character.

Perhaps no one knows how deep the friendship between Guilliman and Angron was during the time when the three Primarchs were in power.

Although Angron's work efficiency was low in Guilliman's eyes, he was at least not as distant and inaccessible as Sanguinius.

At many moments, on many nights when the stars had dimmed, it was Angron who patiently listened to Guilliman's doubts and confusions, and comforted him.

It’s been so long.

It's become almost unrecognizable.

Angron smiled and looked at Guilliman, who was standing in front of him with a handsome figure and seemed to be proficient in psychic powers. Guilliman now seemed more suitable to be a king than Sanguinius did back then.

【Long time no see, Robert Guilliman. 】

Angron laughed and gave Guilliman a hug, patting him on the back with all his might.

What a shame, Angron thought. Guilliman's power was growing so fast? He couldn't shake him now?
Angron released Guilliman.

No, it was probably simply because he was too tired.

"I know you'll come back to me - you always will, and you'll always complete the urgent items on your schedule."

Guilliman's lip trembled. Angron still felt the same as before. He was still a reliable, mountain-like warrior.

But he is old, old enough.

[I said I would come back.]

Guilliman's voice trembled.
【Make up for the mistakes of the past. 】

【Then let us get to work first. 】

Angron said briskly, and then he turned and saw the others.

In front of the altar that was shaking violently and seemed about to break its seal, he saw Mortarion with a sour face, Valdor who looked like a sculpture, and -

Angron frowned in confusion.
[Do you look like this, Hardy?]

He couldn't say the full name, so Angron stopped at the second syllable.


Hades said, the silver sickle emerged from the black fog, why Mortarion had the leisure to joke with Angron and Guilliman just now - because Hades was in control here.

When some people are enjoying a peaceful life, there are always people who are carrying heavy burdens forward, such as Hades.

"I guess I could explain it, but not now."

Hades stared at the Iron Maiden on the altar. Countless scarlet spikes pierced into the Iron Maiden, and thick blood slowly flowed out.

The Iron Maiden was sculpted into an archangel with wings folded on his back. Considering the existence imprisoned inside, the scene was extremely strange.

"He's connected to the entire Faith Field of Baal, and something else - I think the Lord of Mankind gave most of the fallen Faith at the time to Sanguinius?"

"I think I can crush him to pieces. As for swallowing him whole... I can try."

(End of this chapter)

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