Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 729 173 Not Being a Human Being

Chapter 729 173. Not Being a Human Being
(At the request of book friends, "+" was changed to "''")
You realize what sin he is about to commit.

This makes you panic.


Magnus let out a short scream.

For a wizard who was used to gazing into the Warp for long periods of time, everything that had just happened was incomprehensible, even now.

The god has come, with extraordinary arrogance and arrogance, this golden god is almost boundlessly arrogant - He just came like this!

Magnus screamed.

Afterwards, perhaps a few seconds passed, or perhaps a few years passed, but in the midst of a dizzy feeling in his soul, the Red Fool finally regained a bit of clarity.

Then he faced Him.

That golden eternal day.

He is so bright that all filth will have no place to hide under Him. There is no dead corner of shadow. Light shines from all directions, piercing into the cells and into the depths of the soul. No matter which direction the original body looks -

This eternally cold and eternally hot golden sun will always hang right above his head, and people can only look up to it and worship it.

Did he really want to fight such a being?

Magnus felt a scream rising from his throat again, an instinctive reaction to something too difficult to comprehend.

He knew that the Lord of Mankind might have an extremely magnificent side, but he would never have imagined that the true form of the Lord of Mankind was so difficult to adapt to. Anyone facing Him would only have one emotion, and that was to kneel down tremblingly.

Magnus was ready to turn around and run. He was forced to come here by Malcador.

And the Primarch had no hesitation in assuming that other Primarchs, such as Guilliman and Corax, would also choose to avoid battle.

But just when the Red Primarch made up his mind to leave, some kind of existence called him.

That is...Him.

The pale blond man was looking at him from the next corner with his head tilted, his long hair like molten gold falling down like a waterfall, and he was blinking his inorganic eyes.

'Aren't you going to help your brothers?'


Magnus subconsciously took a few steps back, his tone weak. For a moment he was not even sure of the Lord of Mankind's attitude towards this matter. Shouldn't the Emperor oppose this farce?
'You can go and see them.'

The burning shadow spoke casually, he raised his head and looked in that direction. In the golden light that was so strong that it almost blinded him, he suddenly saw two discordant colors.

It was Mortarion and Sanguinius.

The Lord of Mankind did not stop speaking.

'I am grateful for the choice you made, Magnus. You have shown wisdom far beyond my plans, so I have decided to forgive you once - I should forgive you more.'

The last sentence is more like a soliloquy.

'But don't do it again, Magnus.'

The Lord of Mankind said calmly, and threw something towards Magnus, who caught it in a panic. The golden figure then disappeared.

'I have a surprise for each of you - you should come.'

The last words disappeared in Magnus' ears, but the giant suddenly couldn't stop shaking violently, and in his hand was a green-skinned scepter.

Magnus remembered this scepter... This was... This was the one he taught the green boy...

Is that greenskin dead?

Has the Lord of Mankind discovered it?
Magnus trembled, not knowing whether it was because of the death of the green-skinned wizard or because the evil deeds he had committed were discovered by the Lord of Mankind.

The Primarch stroked the scepter with trembling hands. Not surprisingly, he found some residual psychic energy among the gems inlaid on the top of the scepter. This was a fragment of memory that was deliberately preserved - the key was -

A green light lit up, it was the first glow spell that Magnus taught the greenskins.

"Hello, wise man,"

A familiar greenskin appeared before Magnus, only bigger and more ornately dressed.

"I think you will eventually receive this memory. This means that I died at the hands of your people. But you don't have to blame me. War and death are the truth of this galaxy."

"I leave this memory just to say goodbye to you properly,"

The Magboy lifted his wizard robe and bowed deeply.
"Thank you for teaching me. You really put into practice the principle of teaching everyone - but I suggest you don't be so generous next time. It will only hurt you. This cruel galaxy is not suitable for people like you."


Muggleboy said,
"Goodbye, teacher."

His memory disappeared, and Magnus felt his soul burning. He didn't know what to feel or how to react, but he just felt it was ridiculous.

The Red Giant even felt embarrassed for a moment. He had only done it as a pastime at first, but later on he began to look forward to the greenskins' amazing learning talent. He had indeed been interested in a few greenskins who spoke philosophical words, but that was just...


Magnus could not think any further, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and reality did not give him time to think. From a distance, Magnus noticed the people who raised the Blade of Rebellion.

The Crimson Primarch's body suddenly went limp, and everything in front of his eyes went dark, as if the scythe of death was passing by.

Mortarion has "evolved" again.

Deathly silent fog.


Human beings are always afraid of the unknown, the dark night where one cannot see far away, the fog where one cannot see one’s hand in front of one’s face… In the classics of various civilizations, there is always a poisonous land filled with white fog all year round.

Either in a swamp, in the mountains, or in a deep forest.

It is associated with poisonous gases, insect chirping and death.

The black-haired middle-aged man was humming his own ballad happily as he walked on a path covered with white ashes. The mist around him tried to grab the corners of his clothes, but always failed.

'Idleness is not a good thing.'

Neos said, waving the smoke with his hand. Compared with the rest of his brothers, Mortarion really didn't have much subjective initiative.

Fortunately, subsequent education helped him change this, and the Lord of Mankind was satisfied with this.

He continued walking until the mist thought it had lost him, and then the Emperor walked straight towards the very core of the mist, where a more essential existence was waiting for him.

'A backward village?'

The black-haired man said curiously, a small village appeared here in the depths of the fog. He remembered that it was still deserted when he first came here.

Neos still remembers the essence of Sanguinius, a violent place that was gushing with hot blood like magma.
But afterwards, Sanguinius, who loved art, reshaped the place into a corner of the Garden of Eden, where blood turned into clear springs, green trees covered the wasteland, and birds chirped.

Neos had also seen Rogal Dorn's golden son in his dreams.

Unlike the original barren stone land, Dorn built a defensive fortress with stones in his soul that seemed to have no end. The rigor of its defense and the completeness of its equipment even made the Lord of Humanity feel ashamed - it was a fortress that could never be breached.

Neos believed that even if Khorne himself came, he would not be able to break through the fortress - because its concept was "unbreakable".

The sound of insects brought Neos back to his senses.

Neos blinked and watched the child run past him.

It's unimaginable.

Amidst the dense poisonous fog, behind the realm of absolute death, Mortarion actually chose to build a village, where vitality and popularity suddenly appeared.

Even though the village was engulfed in an almost blinding white fog.

Neos narrowed his eyes. He saw farmlands in the distance. There were degraded plants planted on them, people were working in them, and there were even fertile wells among the fields.

These would probably not appear in Guilliman's farm fantasy. Neos thought at the right time that Guilliman would probably build a modern farm like a large farmer -

Rather than the village in front of him where the farming methods were quite primitive.

This is Mortarion.

The Lord of Mankind shook his head, as stubborn as ever. The synonym of tenacity is obstinacy. He finds it difficult to accept new things and hates change. A primitive village - this will indeed appear among the mist of the Pale Lord.

After a round of comments, Neos satisfied his desire to comment on his offspring, so he continued to walk inside. The villagers subconsciously avoided him, just like Mortarion himself.

Unexpectedly, there were quite a few children in this village, and the Lord of Humanity could hear the laughter of children playing around.

The child is a symbol of peace and prosperity in a region, and also represents the future prosperity of this civilization.

The Lord of Mankind walked through streets without any aesthetic value. The fog always accompanied him and became thicker and thicker...

Finally, he found his rebellious offspring under the largest tree in the center of the village.

Under the bone-white trunk, a hooded boy of average size leaned against the tree, a sickle in his hand, saying nothing, as if he was rooted there like the bone tree, like the patron saint of the village.

"Pretending to be an expert without saying anything?"

Neos raised his hand as a greeting and used words he thought were humorous.

He knew that Mortarion had little respect for him, so he didn't have to respect Mortarion either.

【Old man, die soon. 】

After a brief rant and extreme enjoyment, Mortarion said nothing more. The young man pretending to be a sculpture suddenly stood up, and the ground immediately shook violently.

'Then I shall disappoint you - you will live shorter than I do.'

' said Neos, leaping up to avoid the branches of the ancient tree that were snaking up from the ground - Malcador's socks, the roots of the ancient tree looked like a giant insect-like limb, no wonder Nurgle favored Mortarion.

[You even followed me here...]

A pale face suddenly appeared, and Neos, who was suspended in the air, immediately dodged it with a double jump in the air, and the long and curved bone sickle just brushed past his feet.

This is Mortarion's domain, so the Pale Lord has absolute authority here.

'Too slow.'

Neos performed a triple jump in the air, turning over 360 degrees. When he rolled 180 degrees, he reached out his hand and gently touched the head of Mortarion who was sliding under him.

This is a symbol of fatherly love, evoking a sense of filial piety that perhaps Mortarion does not even have.

The first fight ended, and the two returned to the ground again.

Neos was relieved to see that some color had finally returned to Mortarion's pale face.

Probably because he was angry.

'You still have a lot to learn.'

The Lord of Mankind said,

'Nothing to get excited about, after all, I am always happy when something new comes along.'

"My greatest pleasure right now would be to attend your funeral and spit on your coffin."

Mortarion growled like a wild beast. This time, the small village finally disappeared. The world turned upside down. Neos smelled a familiar feeling.

Oh? The Garden of Nurgle?

It came as a surprise to him, but the Pale Lord had indeed captured a section of Nurgle's gardens and claimed them as his own.

Mortarion actually has the ability to forcibly strip a domain from the Emperor, but that means the Lord of Mankind will have to play a game of "see who can last a few thousand years" with the Pale Lord.

Neos didn't have much patience when it came to accompanying his children, so he decided to make a quick decision today.

The territory plundered from Nurgle did indeed make Neos feel further weakened. The carefully cultivated plants in the Corrupted Sky had long been killed by Mortarion without hesitation. Standing among these dead vegetation, Neos felt a rare feeling of dizziness.

He was familiar with this feeling, it was...

The feeling of death.

As if he had discovered a new continent, the Lord of Mankind raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, stood on the vast land, and spread his arms.

'bring it on.'

Neos said,

'Let me see how far you have come. Are you qualified, or should you be eliminated? I think your friend definitely doesn't want you to be eliminated - otherwise I think he probably won't be interested in working for me after this.'

【dross. 】

There were whispers in the mist, mixed with a little singing. The witches of ancient times raised their magic tools, stood in front of the deceased and prayed for a peaceful rest in the afterlife.

[Threatening me... You are no different from an alien... Just as bastard, just as treacherous, and just as merciless. ]

Neos tilted his head in disapproval, feeling himself weaken further, and in response he flashed his light.

'Let me make one thing clear, my child. I am far more treacherous, cruel, and... a jerk than any being you have ever met.'

Well, this word was shouted by Machado when he scolded him.

The squeaking of rats and the buzzing of flies brought disease and death. Naked corpses were piled on top of each other. Monks in black robes covered with dried corpse fluid and vomit struggled to push a cart piled with corpses along the road.

The corpse opened its eyes in vain, staring at the white sky that was dark all day long due to the burning of the corpse.

[Shameless to the point of being outrageous...]

'My pleasure, son.'

Neos raised his voice proudly. He realized that his blood pressure was rising, his reactions were slowing, and he had already taken the first step towards death.

Mortarion's power transcends his golden flame?


The Lord of Mankind exerted his strength once more, but Mortarion's determination and anger had reached a new level of alertness. It seemed that his encouragement to Mortarion just now had worked.


The cries of relatives and friends surround the deceased. The boundary between life and death has always been so clear. The living are noisy, and the dead are silent and never speak.

But there are even more corpses for which no one sheds tears, some died of illness, some died in battle, some died of old age, some died from falling from heights, some died from exhaustion, some old men breathed their last when the candles ran out, and some newborns were strangled in the belly by the umbilical cord.

There are so many deaths, as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges, far more than the stars in the Milky Way. The world is so crowded, even death is so crowded that souls are jostling each other.

Except for the immortals, every human being will die. Death is the most common, yet the most scarce. Everyone can only die once, but because of the large number of humans, death becomes cheap. But even if they are cheap and small, one grain of sand piled on another will accumulate into a celestial body larger than a planet.

And death is everlasting.

The skeleton, the part of a person that is least likely to decompose after death, constitutes the stereotype of death. The bones are gently draped over life, relying on life, and transcending life. It is the end of life.

Neos could no longer see the light.

His pupils had dilated, and most of the cells in his body had slowly slowed down. Breathing and heartbeat were no longer necessary, and his brain became active. He seemed to "see" bizarre scenes, but there was no light in his eyes.

In a trance, Neos seemed to feel that wind again. The wind by the river in his childhood was so moist and warm. Unfortunately, he could no longer go back to those days when he knew nothing.

Beneath the scythe, the throne suddenly appeared - just like the moment when the power of the Eldar Death God was usurped, but this time it was accomplished entirely by Mortarion himself.

For a brief moment, Neos paused all his thinking, which made him feel very comfortable. It was a blessing not to have to think.

But the next moment——

An old man who was standing and dead suddenly began to twitch like a corpse, coughing up phlegm from his throat, and then called out loudly and without hesitation,


Everything collapsed suddenly - wasn't this much simpler than the psychic channel he had painstakingly built?
The next moment, Neos returned to the restaurant of the palace, and in front of him was the half-finished Grim Reaper.

Mortarion's eyes were already burning with anger.

'Congratulations, Mortarion!'

Neos shouted, and ducked down to avoid the Grim Reaper's scythe.

(End of this chapter)

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