Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 738 182 Amidst the laughter and joy,

Chapter 738 182. Amidst the laughter and joy, after the toasts

We are all here! To celebrate his worst failure!
Cheers, friends!
After a good night, see you again!

For the gods, ghosts, beasts and horses that survived in the subspace, this scene would be the one they were most reluctant to witness.

This will be their lifelong nightmare, second only to the mouth of Pluto in terms of horror.

Inside the restaurant that had long been twisted and winding, the empty frame looked out at the people's revelry. The darkness was pervasive and the world was full of abysses. Only this small space was lit with bright lights and laughter.

The paperwork covering the long table had long been removed, replaced by a silver dessert tower with identical smiling cakes smiling sweetly. On the other side, Magnus was yelling at Corax to get out of the way.

Vulkan made some remarks about whether Conrad's dinner could be served, and the bats taunted him. He was determined to let people taste his amazing work, but the Lord of the Night could not overcome the wide barrier of the Lord of Fire.

After some consideration, Guilliman also chose to enter the kitchen. The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds——

No, now it should be the Lord of the Empire who took out some cheese from the "refrigerator" and prepared to let you taste the flavor of Macragge.

Sanguinius was beside him, and the archangel pulled out a bottle of wine, the liquid as thick as blood, and shook it between the dark glass.

In the end, the Primarchs were unable to prevent Mortarion from entering the kitchen.

Seeing the archangel taking out the blood wine, the Pale Lord sneered, then took out Babarus' specialty - poisonous wine that had been filtered out from insect limbs.

Mortarion has already discussed with Hades that everyone present today must drink a full cup of Barbarus' poisoned wine, otherwise no one can leave.

Drinking the poisoned wine is the glory of the Pale Lord and them, and it is also Mortarion's oath. After drinking this cup of wine, the last drop of the Pale Lord's blood will also be their last drop of blood.

On the other side, Neos sat down in a daze, and next to him were Macador and Or Persson who were still mocking him. Hades stood beside the dining table with his back bent, reaching for the dessert tower's smiling cake.

"Now you can live a second spring, no, a Nth spring, Neos. I believe you will build Terra into a more beautiful place - at least better than Macragge."

Malcador said this while shaking his wine glass, but as he said this, the boy glared at Hades who was concentrating on stuffing the dessert into his mouth.

【This is not a very kind statement.】

Guilliman’s voice came from the kitchen. Malcador sneered. The silver-haired boy raised his hand and three Smile Cakes flew over, one for each of them.

Angron stood beside Hades, holding a bitten cake in his hand. From the cross-section, it could be seen that the cake tasted like strawberry, or maybe blood.

He was concentrating on watching Hades chewing his food. Angron looked confused because there was no particular change in Hades' expression, but he remembered that there were at least a few unacceptable flavors on each level.

That was beyond taste. Some tastes should actually be classified as pain. Angron knew that Hades was not sensitive to taste, but...

Hades, however, drank the cake like a cow drinking water, devouring it.

【How is the taste?】

Angron said, glancing towards the Lord of Mankind. He was sure that Neos's tasted like insect legs, Malcador's tasted like fermented corpse parts, and Or Persson's tasted more normal, like white rice.

"Pull it out and eat it."

Hades said incoherently, and then an angry yell was heard from the other side of the table.

"What's this?!"

Malcador shouted and threw the cake onto the table. The boy cursed and coughed. The bitten cake rolled around on the table and finally fell next to Malcador's plate, looking at him with a smile.


Malcador roared. He had originally been mocking the Lord of Mankind, but he had never expected that there was a secret hidden in the Lord of Red Sand's dessert. Beside him, Neos was nibbling the cake bite by bite in a daze, as if he was chewing a piece of tasteless food.

Angron smiled warmly at Malcador.
【Special flavor. 】

He says,

[I didn't expect your acceptance range to be so narrow. I will pay attention next time. But - maybe you can try a bite of the emperor's. ]

Malcador frowned, he looked towards the Emperor and held out his hand, and the Lord of Mankind handed Malcador the half-eaten Smile Cake, like a human-machine, and then mechanically slammed his head on the table, again and again.

Not many people paid attention to him.


This was the next sound Malcador made as he collapsed from the table.

Malcador, who had given all his psychic energy to Guilliman, did not seem to have the strength to resist Mortarion's curse.

Angron withdrew his gaze, keeping his fame to himself, and took the plate of food his brothers handed over.

【What's wrong? 】

Magnus asked, but Angron just shrugged. He helped the Red King put the grilled fish on the table and handed Magnus a sand-flavored one.

Yes, Angron enjoyed a few harmless jokes.

Magnus took the pastry and out of trust in his brothers, the Crimson Lord stuffed the pastry into his mouth without thinking, and then his expression twitched suddenly.

[…It has a very unique taste.]

Magnus said slowly, holding out his hand to refuse Angron's next pastry.
[No thanks - one is enough, and yes, it's delicious.]

【what a pity. 】

Angron said, before taking a bite of the chocolate between his fingers.


Can I have another drink?

Guilliman said carefully, a thoughtful gleam in his eyes. He sat down in the main seat, with Mortarion and Sanguinius standing on his left and right.

【Can't. 】

The Pale Lord replied calmly as he held his poisoned wine. White mist gushed out of the bottle. On the other side, the bottle in the Archangel's hand exuded a strong smell of blood.

[You are the hero today, you should try both. ]

The Archangel suggested gently, but his hand was pouring a glass of blood wine for Guilliman without hesitation. Mortarion made a dissatisfied sound, but he knew there would be another chance, so he turned around and poured wine for Corax.

Raven's eyebrows knitted together tightly. Before Mortarion finished pouring, Conrad beside Corax shouted, and the Lord of Night raised his empty cup high.

【I drink red! 】

Conrad shouted, choosing the less painful one between the two tortures. Mortarion sneered directly. He was tolerant of Guilliman because Guilliman did a good job, but that did not mean he was tolerant of everyone.


Mortarion said lightly, and the next moment, Hades, who was desperately trying to steal his pre-dinner dessert, slammed the table and stood up, and the wine glass next to Hades bounced.

【drink! 】

Hades swallowed the food in his mouth desperately, fulfilling his duty as a threat-man. Darkness twisted out from behind him.

【Give it all to him!!!】

【Despicable Mortarion!!!】

Konrad flinched, but no one could help him, so he watched as Mortarion took his cup away with a triumphant gesture, and then a cup of fizzing stuff returned. Konrad was curious why the cup had not been corroded directly.

On the other side, Guilliman, who was holding the Blood Brew in his hand, coughed awkwardly. As if to ease the embarrassment, the Lord of the Empire picked up the cup and took a sip -

Guilliman suddenly covered his mouth and coughed, his pupils trembling, and bright red liquid overflowed from his mouth. He looked at Sanguinius in disbelief. The archangel had already sat back down, shaking the red wine in his hand gracefully.
[How is the taste of anger and desire? 】

Before Guilliman could speak, Mortarion interrupted,
【It is far worse than forbearance and pain. 】

The Pale Lord retorted that with the help of Hades, all the Primarchs in this circle would get a taste of the flavor of Barbarus. Mortarion had already moved to Hades' side, and he calmly filled the largest cup.

Guilliman swallowed the blood wine silently. He looked at the two people who were somewhat at odds with each other. With Guilliman at the center, Mortarion sat at the far left end of the long table, and Sanguinius sat at the far right end of the long table. It seemed like a three-way confrontation.

In the dim light, the Pluto who had just sat down again was smiling and raising his glass to the Lord of Humanity.
But Guilliman knew who would be the one actually initiating most of the Imperial business by then.

It doesn’t matter, the desk and official business will be summoned as he wishes, and the real slave owner in human history has appeared. This is a manifestation of forced labor and represents supreme power.

【I will taste them all.】

Guilliman ended the dispute with one sentence, and the atmosphere became quiet again. Guilliman felt people's eyes on him.

This made Guilliman feel helpless and amused. When the Emperor bestowed the crown on him just now, not many Primarchs paid attention to him.

However, after he actually dragged the Lord of Mankind into the water, he, who had been described as "boring" by many Primarchs, was instead taken seriously.

Guilliman was not angry about this, he just found it a little funny.

His brothers all had a naive and childish feeling. Perhaps the only ones who really didn't care about these things were the Emperor or Pluto. No matter how the war tore at them, Guilliman coughed again and swallowed the fishy taste on his tongue.

He stood up and raised the wine glass in his hand high. The light shone down, making the king shine brightly like a group of burning candles.

[I thought I would talk a lot, about the empire, about the future, about... our father.]

But when I saw most of us finally sitting together,

Guilliman paused for a moment, his eyes gleaming and the sea rippling.

[I don't think I have much to say, the darkness remains.]

But we are back.

[For humanity, for the empire, cheers! ]


Neos is crying.

To be more precise, the Emperor was sitting and weeping amidst the scattered Primarchs lying on the ground.

Except for him and Hades, no one survived. Most of them were knocked out by Mortarion or Sanguinius's glass of wine, while Mortarion and Sanguinius were unfortunately defeated by Angron's secret dessert.

Never ask Angron what he put between the two cakes; it may be a mystery.

In addition, the psychic energy forcefully fed to these Primarchs also made them dizzy. After leaving the Black Space, the psychic energy that backfired instantly caught up with them, making them feel dizzy.

It's like enlarging their original souls thousands of times, and then asking them to try to stuff their souls back into their original bodies.

Amidst the chaos, Hades slowly stood up, taking one step at a time, stepping over Konrad who was lying face down, and passing Mortarion's twitching arm. It was obvious that the Pale Lord was trying hard to control his body.

He walked to Neos' side. The Lord of Mankind was now sitting on the ground, with his long black hair hanging down, half covering his face, and on his knees was Robert Guilliman sleeping peacefully.

"I hope you're not changing the contract."

Hades said, raising an eyebrow and sitting next to the Lord of Humanity, Neos looked rather frustrated.

"will not."

"he is very smart."

Neos's calm voice sounded, and he lowered his eyes to look at Guilliman, with tears dropping from his eyes perhaps because of his lost freedom.

"Building the contract on the most basic and largest foundation of the empire - I underestimated No. 13."

"After all, Malcador taught him a lesson."

Hades glanced at Malcador. The old man's cloak wrapped Malcador tightly like a shroud.

"I thought it would be Mortarion or Sanguinius."

There was no trace of sadness or joy in Neos' tone.

"But in the end it was him. Now I understand why it was him - because the decision made by No. 13 was the cruelest. Death or the angel itself was still escaping the fate of carrying an entire empire."

Hades shook his head, then nodded.
"Not all Primarchs are willing to become kings."

Having been cheated once, Sanguinius tends to withdraw from the world, while Mortarion is the last person to be exploited.

On the other hand... in terms of attitude towards work, perhaps Guilliman is really more resolute than all the other Primarchs.


The Emperor said calmly,
"I once imagined that they had not left Terra's fate, but unfortunately this was not the thread I was holding on to."

"You raise a Primarch?"

Hades coughed.
"Better...forget it."

Hades immediately changed the subject.
"You look like you've recovered now? I saw you didn't react at all when we were eating just now."

During the meal, the Primarchs were all laughing and joking, while Neos, like a down-and-out marginalized person, silently ate the food that Malcador casually threw into his plate.

Hades originally thought that Neos' reaction would be more intense. The King of Hell was always on guard against the Emperor's escape, so he was completely distracted during the dinner just now and ate whatever he could reach.

The Emperor also knew Pluto's intention, and he had to give up his escape as he was already weak.


Neos sighed.

"What really bothered me was not what they did to me - it was that they really beat me in one respect."

He paused, hesitated, and looked at Guilliman again. Beside Neos, a faint and soft golden light was still on, including all the Primarchs. The psychic energy guided the Primarchs back to the physical world.

"This will be a new beginning for the Warp above the Imperium of Man."

"I've been looking forward to this day - but I never expected it to end like this."

The Emperor said, as if Guilliman's actions had finally awakened him from his dream of finding Horus, and made his eyes finally fall on the other sons.

"So what are you going to do next?"

Hades asked, and he saw a cunning smile on the Emperor's lips.

"Recall the affection of the Primarchs for me."

He says,

"And then ask them to let me go."

This Lao Deng.

Hades knew why Malcador cursed the Emperor so harshly.

(End of this chapter)

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