Warhammer: I don't want to be a stinky can! ! !

Chapter 752 195 Rest Day, but only the Primarch

Chapter 752 195. Rest day, but only the Primarch

【. 】

[I didn't expect you to be here, but - hello, Mortarion.]

Corax said softly, his pale face hidden between shadows and black hair, he blinked, seeming a little surprised.

The Lord of Ravens stood on the deck of the Midnight Howl, the temporary mothership of the Midnight Lords. He quietly and silently passed by the Midnight Lords who were patrolling with guns and came to Conrad's secret room with ease.

[It is clear that the Lord of Death is very interested in our next trip, so he is willing to hold his nose and come here to taunt me. ]

A lazy voice that revealed sarcasm and arrogance came from behind the black satin sofa. Looking at the back of the sofa, Corax did not see Conrad. The bat was obviously lying on the sofa.

If that's how you explain my limited patience with you, Conrad, then I don't mind letting your face touch the deck again.

Another sarcastic voice sounded. Behind the small carved hollow bone coffee table covered with star maps, Mortarion, who was sitting on a single sofa chair, tapped the coffee table with his fingers.

The two Primarchs who were finally approved for war transfer immediately left their offices on Terra - and now appeared in front of Corax on the Midnight Howl.

Corax took a few breaths and chose a quiet corner to sit down. Conrad's secret room was not as dirty and crazy as he was. On the contrary, it was extremely clean and comfortable.

The time he spent working under Machado and in the Comoros may have taught Conrad the bad habit of enjoying life.

Because the Midnight Lords have a close relationship with the Assassin's Court, after many important figures were killed, the Midnight Lords would take away part of their wealth.

This is not a manifestation of the Night Lords' greed. In fact, these Space Marines with some weird thinking patterns will occasionally randomly take away some small items from the murder scene. Sometimes it would be just a piece of bone, and sometimes it would be a piece of jewelry. Then they would choose whether to hand over their spoils to their superiors based on their preferences.

At the same time, some bigwigs would use their wealth to bribe the Assassin's Court, which is a story for another category, but in any case, wealth was accumulated.

There were no gold-consuming wars or frontal battlefields. When Konrad returned to his descendants, they had already become Primarchs and accumulated considerable wealth for the Legion.

And they were clearly enjoying watching their primarch squander these golden things.

The deck carpet, woven with a history of sin, was thick and comfortable, and it rustled softly under Corax's feet, which made Corax feel relaxed for a moment.

For some reason, the Raven Lord always feels subconsciously nervous and cautious on Terra, perhaps because everyone is working.

When everyone around you is running, you'd better run too.

[…Anyway, I’m glad to see that you’re willing to cooperate, and I’m grateful.]

Corax said sincerely, and Mortarion looked away after a brief silence.

[It is not necessary... Regardless of the judgment of the others, the Death Guard will appear on the battlefield of the Tau. This is my personal decision.]

As for Konrad... Mortarion glanced at Konrad who was lying lazily on the sofa. The Primarch's long hair was scattered on the ground along the side of the sofa. Konrad was lying on his side, supporting his head with one hand and holding some kind of cigarette with strong hallucinogenic effect in the other hand.

【This is also my personal wish! 】

Conrad said happily, he chuckled and looked at Mortarion. If Mortarion was unwilling to help Corax, Conrad also had a way to drag the Pale Lord over. He had won the achievement of "first to strike" in the Emperor's Crusade.

I also got the achievement of "lowest damage, maximum damage resistance".

At that time, it was Conrad and Mortarion who looked at each other and decided to launch the attack first.

...Even Mortarion can't take the first step. No problem! The great Lord of Night will take action!

Conrad is their black glove, and how happy he is to do this!

While everyone is obsessed with reputation and face, Conrad has long abandoned this illusory existence.

Therefore, if you really want to look into it, Mortarion owes Konrad a favor, which may be why Mortarion has become a little more tolerant towards Konrad now.

Conrad's words made Corax smile. He felt a little absurd and a little touched that he could actually feel the worry or concern of his two weird and emotionally indifferent brothers.

In the past, Corax would not have believed that Mortarion would show such emotion, but it turned out that Mortarion did care about his normal brothers, even if it was in a way that was so subtle that it was almost imperceptible.

Perhaps this also provided them with an excuse to skip work, but regardless, they did come to help the Raven Guard.

[On the way here, I didn’t see Sevatar… Sevatar didn’t come, Conrad? ]

Corax spoke again, but he could not sense Sevatar's soul. Conrad covered his eyes and mouth sadly and exaggeratedly, making a gurgling sound.

Corax wondered if it was crying or laughing.

【He was captured by Guilliman and is responsible for my work. 】


Corax's eye twitched and now he was sure it was laughter.

【So did Callas.】

Mortarion spoke calmly, seemingly unashamed of the cold words that came out of his mouth.

In fact, Mortarion had reason to believe that staying away from Calas would be more conducive to Calastyphon's mental recovery.

The second-in-command of the Legion had his own way of relieving pressure. During the years docked on Terra, the Death Guard's dueling arena was almost full 24 hours a day.

Karas would occasionally appear among these depressed Death Guards. Karas, holding documents, passed by the Colosseum and then turned a corner and walked directly into the bustling arena.

A huge spiritual pressure exploded, and the Death Guard arena, which had been bustling with people just now, suddenly fell silent. People turned their heads and stared at the old soldier who dared to and often cursed the Primarch.

Karas likes to keep a low profile, but he only does that in front of strangers and idiots. Within the Death Guard, Karas Typhon has never been the epitome of low-key.

It's a synonym for irritability.

"The best fighter comes out."

Karas twisted his neck, and his neck, which had been bowed for a long time, made a creaking sound that made his teeth ache. He threw the documents in his hand into the air, and his psychic power lifted them up.

After a short silence, this group of lucky and unlucky Death Guards tacitly selected today's unlucky person. People opened their eyes awkwardly and watched Karas jump onto the arena, then beat the "new generation" in an almost crushing manner. This obviously did not satisfy Karas, and then Karas would randomly select a lucky person to fight him on the stage, or directly jump off the duel stage to beat everyone.

Only when Vorcus was near the arena would Karas spare the sons of Mortarion, and his fights with Vorcus often ended with both sides exhausted.

In addition, the second-in-commands of other legions would occasionally refresh in the Death Guard's arena - as for why they did not go to the World Eaters, it was because Angron's oppression might be too strong for these people.

Anyone who has worked on Terra for a period of time would have vaguely sensed that Angron was unusual. He was the only one among the Primarchs with the least workload - the Lord of Red Sand was obviously an extremely shrewd person.

At the same time, deep down in their hearts, these second-in-commands may not want the Lord of Red Sand to easily see their emotions. For these people, privacy is particularly important.

Sometimes, Karas with a gloomy face would appear in the Death Guard's arena with Dante with thick dark circles under his eyes, and fight with Dante in person. Karas' personal style was slow and heavy, while Dante's was brutal and fierce. The fight between the two was very entertaining. At this moment, the Death Guards who came to watch the fight almost filled every space in the arena.

At the same time, the Blood Angels would often bring a bottle of wine with a strong smell of blood - for Karas to drink while sighing after the duel.

Dante is quite silent, sometimes even silenter than the swearing Death Guard Karas. He would just fight with Karas in silence, and then have a drink with Karas with a melancholy expression.

Sometimes, Sevatar would appear in the Colosseum, leaping out from the shadows of the arena and pouncing on the platform of the arena. If Karas was not there, Vox would personally receive Sevatar.

Sevatar is a very capable fighter, with amazing explosive power and coordination, but his endurance, defense and injury resistance are far inferior to those of the Death Guard. If Sevatar does not gain a big advantage in the first two bursts, he will be dragged into the quagmire of a war of attrition by the Death Guard.

Usually after the fight, if it is Karas, then Sevatar will curse their Primarch together with Karas, but they often start attacking the other side's Primarch while cursing, and then Karas and Sevatar will start a second free fight outside the arena. At this time, Karas will no longer abide by the rules of the arena, and the Death Guards with sinister smiles will directly strike Sevatar with psychic lightning.

If it was Vox, Sevatar would have sneered and left.

In addition, the son of Pluto, Buz Bella, who always has a calm smile on his face, will also refresh here. He will greet the people opposite with a smile and use unimaginable tricks. This cow and horse in front of Pluto's desk rarely loses, unless he is facing Karas, Vox, or Sevatar.

Invincible! Cato Sicarius and the tired-looking Calgar will also appear here with a very low probability. As usual, Karas and Vox will personally entertain them. Unexpectedly, Cato Sicarius showed extremely strong fighting power.

The Grey Knight Ahriman would sometimes come here. He would only fight with two people here, one of whom was Karas Typhon. The Death Guard would set up a separate area for them, and then the two psionic masters could start to call the wind and rain, and cause thunder and lightning.

The Death Guards who were watching raised their heads and looked at the two psychic flying men in the air fighting each other or striking each other with lightning. The scene was extremely colorful and spectacular.

Another person who was allowed to fight Ahriman was the son of Hades, Buzz Bella. The rules of the arena, which previously did not allow the use of weapons, were changed. Buzz, smiling calmly, put on the anti-psychic equipment specifically designed for the son of Hades, and prepared to reason with the psychic with his fists and sickle.

In fact, because of the Primarchs, the second-in-commands of these legions more or less knew each other - or were already very familiar with each other.

While the primarchs were arguing, fighting, and swearing at each other, their deputies would stare at each other in the corner, their eyes filled with helplessness and a desire to resign.

Mortarion had reason to suspect that this group of people had secretly established their own "Primarch Victims Association" club in a mysterious corner on Terra, without telling their respective Primarchs. Otherwise, why did they act so familiar with each other?

Common suffering often brings people together, and after experiencing the oppression of the Emperor, the Primarchs should understand this.

My poor Sai.

Conrad said, finally lowering his hands from covering his face, but there was no tear in his eyes. Mortarion laughed mockingly, but he had no right to mock the Lord of Night in this matter.

Otherwise, why was he now sitting safely in Conrad's secret little room, reading the battle reports about Titanium in peace and comfort?
There are no papers, no jobs, no fucking Roboute Guilliman.

Mortarion was delighted.

[So how did you decide? ]

Konrad spoke lazily, his eyes half lowered, continuing to smoke his rare Dark Eldar cigarette. Corax also looked at Mortarion because of this - the Primarch thought that they were too harsh and oppressive to their second-in-command, but he couldn't point this out now.

Corax could only swear in his heart that he would not be so shameless to his offspring.

[Guilliman has granted us five months. Hades will arrive in about the fourth month, and the Empire's army must appear on the core planet of Tau by then.]

Conrad sighed, Mortarion, they still had a month to play.

[So what is the plan? ]

Corax asked with concern. Mortarion pointed to the map under his command, and pointed to the planets with his pale, sharp fingers.

【Hit directly.】

Death said calmly,

[The Empire does not need any tricks. The Legion will appear in front of the aliens and crush them step by step.]

The White Scars' previous battles with the Tau were small-scale pursuit battles and surprise attacks, while the Raven Guard's battles were stealth battles - all of which could be restrained by the Tau, and in small-scale battlefields, the Tau's performance was not bad.

Through high technology and the assistance of their allied races, the Tau, who are good at long-range warfare, will have a slight advantage when facing the White Scars and Dark Crows.

But on a large-scale battlefield, this blue-skinned race would expose its disadvantages - the Tau army was still too small.

However, the main Imperial army currently facing the Tau is composed of the Astra Militarum and the Mechanicum. Compared with the Tau elites, the numerical strength of these human troops is still slightly inferior. Therefore, the Tau can dismember the Imperial army bit by bit through tactics such as segmentation and guerrilla warfare.

This is why Hades is wary of this race - the future potential and development trend of titanium are terrifying. If this race is allowed to obtain enough resources, or if they awaken to ideas like "universal conscription", for the empire, titanium will instantly change from a useless thing to a threatening opponent.

Therefore, Hades issued an order to wipe out the entire race. For a race or an enemy, the greatest respect is extermination.

Hades clearly respected the Titanium enough - not to look down on them.

Therefore, as the agent of Hades' will this time, Mortarion decided to give the Tau a chance to fight against the real hammer of the Empire.

The god of death will fight them seriously and bring death to the aliens.

By the way, let the Titanium people know in advance what the true average level of moral quality in this universe is - it's time to do some popular science for them.

This world obviously treats everyone equally, and when a race develops to a certain level, it will show its malice to them.

[The Death Guard will be the main wing, forcing their main army to come out and fight us, and the Raven Guard and the Night Lords will be the flanks... I think you are good at fighting behind the enemy's rear to assist the main battlefield.]

Before Conrad smiled with satisfaction, Mortarion was already thinking about how to prepare poison gas bombs against the Tau.

(End of this chapter)

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