Food Familiar

Chapter 366 Attention

Chapter 366 Attention
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the String Fish Arena!"

In the center of the arena, the passionate voice of the host reverberated throughout the venue through the PA equipment, causing tens of thousands of spectators in the auditorium to cheer.

After quickly introducing the eleven food recommenders and thirty senior judges in the field, the host waved his hand, and all the contestants appeared on the electronic screen.

"The three-monthly Xianyu Market Cooking Competition starts again. This time we welcome 39 contestants. Some of them are old friends we are familiar with, and some are new friends."

"In today's upcoming scoring competition, we will have a better understanding of these players, but again, after today's scoring competition, only eight players will be able to stay and advance to the next round!"

"And the theme of this round of scoring competition is—"


The host suddenly raised his voice, trying to warm up the atmosphere in the venue, but the method that was always invincible in the past lost its effect at this moment.

As the word "pasta" was said, the audience fell into a strange silence, and a sense of depression rushed towards the contestants for a while.

Can the pasta they prepare really be recognized?
A hint of helplessness flashed in the host's eyes, obviously anticipating such a situation, he took a deep breath, and then said in a louder voice, "Let's give the players applause and wish them the best performance! "

Suddenly awakened from sleep, the audience gradually began to reappear sparse applause, and then gradually warmed up.

Although dissatisfied with the theme of the scoring competition, everyone's blessings to the players are still from the bottom of their hearts.

The atmosphere eased, and the host breathed a sigh of relief, "The competition is about to start, and you can see that 39 competitive kitchens are rising behind me."

"There is a contestant's nameplate at the door of each competitive standard kitchen, and then the contestants will complete the prescribed cooking in the kitchen."

"At this time in the past, we will welcome the wonderful song and dance performances presented by the art troupe, but today—"

"The arrangement of the game will be adjusted to a certain extent!"

"Because there will be two contestants cooking in transparent mode today!"

As the host's voice fell, bursts of cheers erupted in the audience.

Anyone who knows something about state-level culinary competitions must be familiar with the transparent mode.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, because the host will briefly introduce what transparent mode is.

For a while, the cheers grew louder.

On the field, the contestants who were about to cook couldn't help looking at their competitors left and right, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

They were guessing which two players would carry out such an introverted mode.

Soon, the answer will be revealed.

Close-up shots of Shen Qian and Qin Lang appeared on the left and right sides of the large screen in the arena.

"Contestant Shen Qian from Yuehu City and contestant Qin Lang from Tianhua Prefecture, they will publicly show the entire cooking process!"

There were more and more cheers and screams in the arena, and many spectators even shouted the names of the two, as if they had become fans of the two in an instant.

On the competition field, the other 37 players who had determined their goals looked at the two with complicated eyes.

Is it you two who roll us? !


Seeing that the atmosphere in the arena was pushed to its peak, it seemed that the negative impact of announcing the theme of the scoring competition had completely disappeared. The host immediately proceeded to the next step, "Let us leave the next time to the players."

"All contestants, please enter your own competitive standard kitchen!"

The 39 contestants did not dare to neglect, and trotted to their own competitive standard kitchen.

"I announce that the first round of scoring competition of this string fish market cooking competition starts now!"

After an electric bell rang throughout the audience, a three-hour countdown animation appeared on the big screen.

The moment the electric bell rang in the 37 competitive standard kitchens, the walls turned from transparent to opaque. Only two kitchens remained transparent, and everything inside could be clearly seen from the outside.

On the big screen in the arena, it is divided into two to show the situation in two competitive standard kitchens with transparent mode turned on.

For a time, all eyes were on!

"Next, we'll be able to see our cooking from the outside."

Qin Lang glanced at the lively scene outside the wall.

Countless waving and cheering spectators in the auditorium had a panoramic view, but standing in the kitchen, he couldn't hear the slightest sound, as if he was watching a silent movie.

This is designed to avoid interference with the cooking process.

"let's start!"

He glanced at the two energetic little ones beside him, then picked up a bag of high-gluten flour, put it into the basin together with water, and began to knead the dough familiarly.




After the flour was completely kneaded into dough, and it could still maintain its shape when it was out of the basin, Qin Lang grabbed it directly, beat it hard on the noodle table, then kneaded it with both hands, beat it again, kneaded it again, and so on.

Under Qin Lang's precise control of the strength and countless times of kneading, the surface of the dough was so smooth that it reflected light slightly under the light, showing a rather uniform state.

And this is just the beginning.

Wrap the dough with plastic wrap, Qin Lang put it aside, and started to prepare the onion, ginger and other accessories.

The subsequent processing of the dough was handed over to La La.


"We can see that Qin Lang's dough kneading technique is very proficient, and it must have undergone a lot of practice to achieve the current effect!"

Outside, the host is explaining Qin Lang and Shen Qian's cooking at the same time, "There are two types of dough, dead dough and leavened dough. Contestant Shen Qian adds yeast during the dough mixing process, and the dough will eventually show a loose and soft feeling. "

"Contestant Qin Lang didn't add anything except water and flour during the kneading process, and the final dough will have a chewy texture. For this reason, contestant Qin Lang also chose high-gluten flour with the strongest gluten."

"Right now, contestant Qin Lang has completed the dough kneading process. He wrapped the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest. This step is called wake-up, and it's to make the flour and water blend together more evenly..."

"Contestant Qin Lang used his food skills! It's cooking speed!"

"With this food skill, the process of waking up can be greatly shortened, and the next step can be entered soon. I didn't expect contestant Qin Lang to have such a trump card!"

"Okay! It took only 1 minute. While contestant Qin Lang was cutting the onion and ginger ingredients, the wake-up noodles were finished! During this process, we also saw the eating skills of another food spirit of contestant Qin Lang, It's full of freshness!"

"These two cooking skills are the dream of Yuling Chef. I have to say that Qin Lang's luck is very good."

"Then now, he's on to the next step!"

"Wait... What is Qin Lang doing?!"

(End of this chapter)

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