i'm really only human

Chapter 39 Porcupine

Chapter 39 Porcupine

Along the coast of Arakawa.

Porcupine Gulangi flew through the bushes and weeds, looking back and forth as he ran.

With long white burrs all over his head, and a black and smooth body, he looks like an Indian chief as a whole, and his movements are extremely agile and fast, and he was not even discovered by humans along the way.


Stopping under a railway bridge, Gulangi the porcupine only felt that the whole world was echoing with harsh humming, and the vague figure of Sora in his mind couldn't get rid of it.

where? !
Realizing that he was deliberately kicked out of the city, the porcupine Gurangi kept looking around angrily.

"come out!"


Xia Chuan sublimated to the green dragon form and stood above the railway bridge, looking down at the ground under the backlight of the sun, and jumped off amidst the roar of porcupines when the train left behind him.


Xia Chuan landed on the ground, and while turning a dead branch into a sublimation green dragon stick, he turned sideways to avoid a handful of white-haired needles thrown by the porcupine Gu Langji.

When it comes to killing methods, the mental torture of the porcupine Gurangi is undoubtedly the cruelest.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, the porcupine is the bottom of the Ge class.

The close combat ability is very low, and the combat mainly relies on the speed of disappearing, and is very good at long-distance sneak attacks.

This kind of opponent is much easier to deal with than the turtle-shaped Gu Langji.


Xia Chuan swung the Shenghua Qinglong stick, and after avoiding the white-haired needle attack again, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the porcupine.


The two afterimages moved around the coast of Arakawa at high speed synchronously, but only a few seconds later the porcupine screamed and flew upside down, the chest was sealed with a sealed text on the sublimated green dragon stick, and it exploded into a sea of ​​flames after only a few turns.


Xia Chuan walked out of the sea of ​​flames holding the sublimated green dragon stick, and the golden power converged and returned to normal form.

The explosion range was smaller than expected.

It is right to use the sublimation green dragon to deal with this guy.


The flames quickly dispersed with the wind, leaving only Xia Chuan standing alone in the cold wind on the river bank.

Looking at the slowly flowing river, Xia Chuan was slightly absent-minded.

"What happened to you?"

Golem flew down with a buzzing sound and hovered over Xia Chuan's head.

"not happy?"

"It's okay." Xia Chuan narrowed his eyes, turned around and grabbed Golem's hook, "Let's go back."

at the same time.

The funeral of a high school student in Mitakadai City was in progress. Many students at the school witnessed the transfer of the coffin, feeling numb, sad, terrified... with different expressions.

"Just now there was a message from the Kanto Hospital that it was Azhi..."

"How could this be? I don't want to die!"

"It's that guy, everyone will die..."

At the funeral scene, Fujiwara Daiichi led a team to lurk, and after waiting for a long time without finding anything unusual, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

Ignoring the out-of-control students, Fujiwara Daiichi called Takahashi Kazumi from the support team in a deep voice.

"What's going on? Didn't you say that the suspicious young man will appear at the victim's funeral?"

"Yes, that's right."

Takahashi Kazumi was a little nervous.

Although the senior always bullied her when he was around, most of the time he made her feel at ease.

Much better than being alone.

"According to the testimony of the student named Azhi, the mysterious young man contacted them at the funeral and threatened that they would die in four days. Now these students have been confirmed dead."

"Then what's going on now?"

Fujiwara Daiichi looked ugly.

Seeing the farewell ceremony was over, the students were preparing to leave one after another, but the mysterious young man was nowhere to be seen.

"Waste time, retreat!"

"Huh? Captain Fujiwara..."

Watching Fujiwara Daiichi lead the team away, Takahashi and Miliu stomped their feet, and could only hastily inform Hiroko Asami who was still investigating in the hospital.

"These people are so irresponsible!"

"You mean you haven't seen that mysterious young man?"

Hiroko Asami walked out of the dissecting room when she received a call from her partner. After understanding the situation, she was in a daze.

"Why didn't you go this time? Out of the 90 high school sophomores, more than a dozen are still alive. If it's really those guys, it shouldn't end so easily. That guy seems to enjoy the pain of the victim...

Is it because there is no need to be there, or... can't be there anymore? "

Hiroko Asami walked to the window of the hospital and looked down at the pedestrians and vehicles below.

"Can't be there? What do you mean?" Takahashi Kazumi asked confusedly, "Did you find Captain Fujiwara and the others?"


The traffic in the urban area is like weaving, and pedestrians come and go in a hurry, as if they can never stop.

Xia Chuan saw the funeral scene, and accidentally saw the figure of Rose Girl dressed as a beauty by a pedestrian bridge.

Still so radiant, it can be recognized from the crowd at a glance.

"You killed Gakira?"

Rose Girl looked at Xia Chuan across the road, her tongue opened slightly, and she still had a calm smile on her face.

"Is it okay? Dacuba will soon lead to extreme darkness, what will happen to you then?"

"Who knows?"

Xia Chuan clearly discerned Rose Girl's words in the noisy voice.

I have to say that this woman is really attractive, not at all like Gu Langji.

However, he is not Fujiwara's second, and he doesn't have much feeling for Rose Girl, so he won't be fooled by her appearance.

No matter how detached, the essence of Gurangi will not change.

The more advanced Gu Langji is, the less likely he is to be kind, otherwise he would have been eliminated long ago.

Rose Girl is also a biological weapon, but she is more rational than ordinary Gulangi and is better at controlling the killing instinct.


Xia Chuan's mind suddenly flashed the human figure of Da Cuba in white. He calmly glanced at Rose Girl, turned around and left a message.

"Let me meet the other Ge members next time, I don't want to wait one by one."

"Who is he?"

The middle-aged "General" in military uniform walked up to Rose Girl, and examined Xia Chuan's back.

"You seem to care about this human being?"

Rose Girl smiled again: "You will meet soon."


"General" narrowed his eyes slightly, but didn't pay much attention.

As the strongest Gu Langji of the Ge Group, he only has Da Cuba in his eyes.

Other than advancing to the final and beating Dacuba, few other things interested him.

"Interesting, I want to see what's special about this human being."

amusement park.

A staff member in a frog costume is surrounded by children handing out balloons.

Finally, when it was time for a break, the staff took off the head of the frog doll, revealing a slightly delicate young face with a black frog mark on its neck.

Looking at the children who took the balloons and ran to the lawn to play, the young man smiled and drank water, as if his soul had been healed.

"very nice……"

"What's so happy about it?"

The white-clothed figure of Daguaba appeared at the intersection of the amusement park, smiling at the young man, everything around him became much darker, and it seemed that Daguaba was the only one left in the whole world.

"Da, Da Cuba?!"

The water bottle slipped from the young man's hand, his fingers trembled unnaturally, and his face instantly turned pale.

The newspaper on the bench next to him was flipping, and it happened to be the news report of Dagua's massacre in Nagano.

"I just don't want to kill people, and I don't want to participate in the game. Isn't that all right?"

Da Cuba smiled and said nothing, his eyes were purely without any distracting thoughts, but the murderous intent spontaneously shrouded the main film area.

The young frog fell to the ground with a plop as if being crushed by a huge mountain, and could only watch Daguba approaching.


After walking a few steps, Daguba stopped suddenly, and the breath of death in the entire area receded like a tide.

"You came?"

As if meeting an old friend, Dacuba happily turned to another blurred figure walking out of the lawn.

"But, now is not the time to meet, let's leave our battle to the end."


Xia Chuan silently watched Da Cuba disappear, and then turned his gaze to the young frog.

And other grunge...

It just seems to be low grade.

(End of this chapter)

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